"Anna of Avonlea" is the second novel in a series of books about the cheerful and unique girl Anna Shirley, written by the outstanding Canadian author Lucy Maud...
"Anna from the Island" is a classic book in the genre of children's literature, written by the Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery. The plot revolves around th...
"The Golden Lady, or the story of the girl of the Good Book" is a philosophical tale-parable that conveys moral values and the importance of positive character ...
"Tommy and Co" is an exciting comedy book from the famous English writer Jerome K. Jerome. In this literary work, the author tells with sharp irony about the ad...
John Halifax, Gentleman is a classic historical novel written by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik. This book tells the story of a boy who grew up in a poor family, but ...
"Sir Gibby" is a famous novel by the great Scottish writer George MacDonald. The main character, Gibby, is an orphan with a simple but noble heart. He lives in ...
"Mary Gasta" is an exciting and emotional book by the famous American writer Joseph Crosby Lincoln. In this novel, you will find the story of a young girl, Mary...
The book "Children of the Valley" was written by Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford, an American writer of the 19th century, known for her social novels. In th...
"In the Family" is a classic French literary extravaganza from the famous writer Hector Malo. This book tells the story of a little boy, Remy, who lost his pare...
"Byula" is a novel by the American writer Augusta Jane Evans, which tells the story of a young man named Artefus, who is trying to get out of a difficult situat...
"Martin Rattler" is an exciting adventure book written by the Scottish writer R. M. Ballantine. In this exciting novel, the pages are filled with incredible jou...
"Alice from Old Vincennes" is a historical novel by the American writer Maurice Thompson, which takes readers back to the distant 18th century. The main charact...