"David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens is a classic English romantic story that tells about the main character's life from childhood to adulthood. David undergo...
"Heidi (Gift Edition)" is a classic fairy tale by Johanna Spiri about the girl Heidi, who spends happy days among mountain meadows in Switzerland. This wonderfu...
"The Hermit in the World" is a classic French literary masterpiece created by the outstanding writer Hector Malo. This moving story tells about the fate of a bo...
"Dorothy's Party" by Evelyn Raymond is a fascinating story about life in the aristocratic society of London at the beginning of the 20th century. The main chara...
"Penny Nichols and the Mystery of the Lost Key" is an exciting detective novel by the famous author Joan Clarke. In this book, the main character, young and res...
"Fanny, the Flower Girl; or, The Reward of Sincere Kindness" is a wonderful fairy tale book written by Selina Bunbury. This book presents the story of a kind an...
"Arthur Brown, the young captain" is an exciting adventure novel by the famous author Elijah Kellogg. The book tells the story of a young man named Arthur Brown...
"Countess Vera; or, The Vow of Vengeance" is an exciting novel in the genre of gothic detective, written by the joint work of the authors Miller, Alex and McVei...
"Real People" is a famous novel by the American writer Adeline Dutton Train Whitney, known under the pseudonym A. D. T. In this book, the author tells the story...
"Anne of the Island" is the third book in the series about the adventures of Anna Shirley, written by the outstanding Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery. In t...
"The Old Stone House" is an exciting novel by the American writer Constance Fenimore Woolson. The book tells the story of a young girl with a confused destinies...
"Bébée; Or, Two Wooden Shoes" is Ouida's heart-touching novel that tells the story of a little French girl who loses her parents and finds herself in the harsh ...