Young May Helen Bird continues her dangerous journey across the vast expanses of the country Forever. This time, she is closer than ever to her goal of retur...
"Unknown Adventures: An Anthology of Dungeons and Dragons" is an exciting collection of stories written by various master authors. Each story will tell you abou...
What is the book “Child Psychology from 0 to 2: How communication stimulates development” Every baby is destined by nature to grow and develop, and he himsel...
The second part of the “Space Pirates” trilogy. Like all respectable citizens of the Federation of Inhabited Planets, Dr. Lunzi Mespil heard about the so-cal...
The Event Group is the most secret organization in the United States. Her task is to find out what really lies behind the myths and legends of world history....
The Event Group is the most secret organization in the United States. Her task is to find out what is actually hidden behind the myths and legends of world h...
The winds of history are blowing more and more, the “winter” of the USSR is approaching. And Dr. Panov continues to treat and save people. Cover by Vasily.
Men whom Hallie Lawrence Pierpont once did not marry... Perhaps, now that her marriage has collapsed, it is not too late to try to go in the second circle? B...
"House Rules" is an exciting psychological thriller from the famous writer Jodi Picoult. This book tells the story of a family that lives under one roof, but ea...
New York Times bestselling author Sandy Lynn comes with an all-new standalone novel. The only thing I wanted in life was to have my own family. I often dream...
The Shroud of Turin - the burial cover of Jesus Christ, on which, as millions of believers believe, the image of the Savior was miraculously imprinted - is t...
Delia, the daughter of widower Andrew Hopkins, grew up in a small town in New Hampshire and is absolutely happy with her daughter, fiancé and faithful childh...