"Rehti-Jaakko" is an exciting adventure story that tells the story of the courageous sailor Jaakko, who sets out on a journey through unexplored territory. He f...
A History of Iron by Samuel, Elizabeth Ida is a fascinating study of the development and use of iron over the centuries. The authors tell in detail about the di...
“Try again; or, The Trials and Triumphs of Harry West. A story for younger readers" is an exciting adventure where the fate of young Harry throws him the trials...
"Reserved forests, hidden among mountains and valleys, became witnesses of an extraordinary adventure in the novel "Forest Dibrova" by the famous writer Hezba S...
"The Mysterious Tomb" by Maurice LeBlanc is an exciting detective story that mesmerizes readers with its unpredictability and tense plot. The main character, th...
"Jane Eyre" is a masterpiece of world literature, created by the outstanding English writer Charlotte Brontë. The novel tells the story of a young girl named Ja...
"Heidi osaa ochka oppiansa: Kertomus Alpeilta" is a classic children's book written by the Swiss writer Johanna Spiri. This well-known fairy tale tells the stor...
"Christmas in Austria; or, Friends of Fritzl" is an exciting story about a young boy named Fritzl who lives in the magical country of Austria. In this fairy-tal...
The book "Sam's Chance and how he improved it" tells the story of a boy named Sam, who lives in modest conditions, but dreams of a better future. When it seems ...
The book "The Young Runaway; or, Lost in the Streets" by Horeitio Alger, Jr. tells the story of a young man who runs away from home and tries to survive on the ...
"Anne Hereford" is a novel by the famous English writer Mrs. Wood Henry, who is a great master at highlighting complex psychological issues and relationships be...
"My New Home" is a book by the famous writer Mrs. Molesworth, which tells about the exciting adventures of the main character, who settles down to live in a new...