"The Hero of Rome" is an exciting historical romantic book that transports the reader to the distant past of the rivalry of the Roman Empire. The main character...
"Wild Cherry Orchard" is an exciting book that tells about the adventures of a young girl who decides to leave the hustle and bustle of the city and go on vacat...
The long-awaited sequel to 2006’s best-selling Miami Noir highlights an outstanding tradition of legendary writers exploring the dark side of paradise.
Darkness and danger enter Brydie MacKay’s life in the form of an unforeseen inheritance.Ignorant of her turbulent birthright, and unaware that she is mark...
Some choose to fight the darkness; others become it.Darkness and danger enter Brydie MacKay’s life in the form of an unforeseen inheritance.Ignorant of he...
"Dead Copy" is an exciting thriller written by TD Rawson. In this book, the main character, journalist Anastasia Tate, finds herself in the center of a mysterio...
"Give it up. The demise of the myth of own apartment" is a book that examines the problem of home ownership in the modern world. The author examines the history...
January 1944. Out in the wastes of the Indian Ocean, British ships are sinking. The cause: a German armed raider, disguised to deceive unwary merchantmen....
In 1941, when she was turned into an armed merchant cruiser, the S.S. Benbencula was already old. Yet even she was needed to protect the vital Atlantic se...
In 25 years of continuous service, the eight destroyers had seen every kind of action at sea. Now they were going to be used on raids that would open the ...
Indo-China 1941.Cruising somewhere off Saigon is the world's largest and most dangerous submarine — the French Soufrière. A rich prize for the enemy, the ...
The Battlecruiser — in their time this class of ships was considered one of the great triumphs of the Royal Navy, as swift as a destroyer but packing a de...