FBI Special Agent Jack Miller, pulled into a high-profile case to mentor a new agent, finds himself in a clash with the toughest opponent of his career. T...
"Deadly Bug" is an exciting science fiction book that tells the story of a future world where there is an incredible technology capable of creating virtual worl...
"Geko" is a very exciting book for children and teenagers, written by the Norwegian writer Ingard Yurkevich. The main character of this book is a boy named Mart...
"Nightwitch: The Legend of Marusa Borodina" is an exciting historical romantic drama that tells about the incredible adventures and exploits of the young Ukrain...
"The Circumcised Man" is an exciting book written by the famous American writer Stephen King. This shocking novel tells the story of a man with a mysterious pas...
"Scorpion" is an exciting thriller from a popular American writer, under the pseudonym Don Winslow. In this book, he tells the story of a clever drug courier wh...
From the likes of Robert Randisi, Peter Crowther, and Max Rittenberg, these 30 stories of bizarre and impossible crimes will fascinate and intrigue the re...
"The Sword of Rome" is a fascinating historical epic that tells about the life and exploits of a great warrior in the Roman Empire. The author penetrates into t...
"The Slaughter of Rome" is a fascinating historical book that tells about the period of greatness and the fall of the Roman Empire. The author reveals to the re...
"Claudius" is a historical novel by the Norwegian writer Robert Gedeon Barrett, which tells about the life of the Roman emperor Claudius - a man who was conside...
"Defender of Rome" is a fascinating historical novel, written with great detail and attention to historical facts. The book tells about a difficult period in th...
In 2009, Harper’s Magazine sent war-crimes expert Lawrence Douglas to Munich to cover the last chapter of the lengthiest case ever to arise from the Holoc...