"The Mine of Flaws" is an exciting novel by the famous writer Francis William Bain. The book tells the story of a young staff captain who finds himself in the m...
"A Drop of Moonlight: A Hindi Love Story" is an exciting romantic story about the love between the main character from India and an English officer. Author Fran...
"Amazing Tales from the Northern Seas" by Jonas Lee is a collection of fascinating and magical stories that transport the reader to the world of Scandinavian le...
**Home and World** is a portrait novel written by the eminent Bengali writer Rabindranath Tagore. In this book, the author combined an exquisite poetic style wi...
"Bath in Baden: A small novel about the adventures of a gallant and moral character" is the work of the outstanding French writer René Boylevin. In this book, t...
The book "Our New Neighbors in Ponkapogue" is written by Thomas Bailey Eldrich. This is a work that reveals to us the atmosphere of the small town of Ponkapog, ...
"Père Antoine's Date-Palm" is a book by the famous American writer Thomas Bailey Aldrich, which recreates the amazing adventures of the main character in a medi...
The book "Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriskie" is a fascinating historical novel by the famous American writer Thomas Bailey Aldrich. The novel takes place in the 18t...
"A Midnight Fantasy" is a famous work of poetry by the American writer Thomas Bailey Aldrich. In this book, the author offers us to look at the world and its se...
"The Little Fiddler" by Thomas Bailey Aldrich is a warm and touching story about a little boy who dreams of becoming a famous violinist. The main character, lea...
"The Struggle for Life" is an exciting romantic novel by the famous American writer Thomas Bailey Aldrich. In the center of the plot is the story of three frien...
"Son of Mrs. Mehetabel" is a novel by the famous American writer Thomas Bailey Aldrich, where he depicts the life story of the main character, the son of the co...