"Pelicans" is a spacious family saga in which the author E. M. Delafield reveals the complex relationships and fates of members of a wealthy family. In this boo...
"Deep Dreams; or, The Story of the Life of Gilda Thorne" is an impressive book by the legendary writer Emilie Le Ferve that gathers all fans of the genre. The m...
"The Wiped Closet" is an exciting book from the popular writer Amy Le Ferve. The main character, young Lucy, finds an old worn-out wardrobe in her grandparents'...
"Wrecked on Spider Island; or, How Ned Rogers Found the Treasure" is an exciting adventure book by the famous writer James Otis. The main character, Ned Rogers,...
"Cheerful Little Girl" is a wonderful children's book from the famous author Evelyn Raymond. This fabulous story tells about the adventures of a little girl, Po...
"Mark, the candlestick boy; or, ward of Richard Hunter" is an exciting story about the adventures of a young boy named Mark, who works as a candlestick on the s...
"Three Lovers" by Frank Swinnerton is a fascinating and emotional story about the eternal theme of love and devotion. In this book, the author talks about the c...
"David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens is a classic story about the life of a boy who grew up with many trials and failures, but thanks to inner strength and fa...
Wonderful Palace: A Story for Girls is an exciting teen novel written by LT Mead. The book tells the story of a young heroine who gets into unexpected adventure...
"Oliver Twist" is a classic work of the great English writer Charles Dickens, which has been adapted to the screen several times and has become a must-read for ...
The book "Someone's Girl" by Martha Young is an impressive story about a girl named Sarah, who grew up in a family where no one loves and understands her. She i...
"The Young Salesman" is an exciting work from the author Horatio Alger, Jr. This book tells the story of a young man who is forced to go through a difficult pat...