"Hester's Counterpart: The Story of Life in a Boarding School" is an exciting novel from the famous writer Jean K. Byrd, which tells a unique story about school...
Wonderful Stories: The Best Myths for Boys and Girls by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey is an engaging collection of ancient myths for the younger reader. The book conta...
"Tell Me Another Story: A Book of Storytelling Programs" is an indispensable guide for parents, educators, and anyone who loves to tell magical tales to childre...
Bee Syrup is a fascinating book written by the outstanding author Francis William Bain. In this work, he combined elements of magic, adventure and philosophy. T...
"Sea Kings of Crete" is a fascinating book written by James Beikie, which reveals the secrets of the ancient civilization of Crete. The author tells in detail a...
For the Storyteller: The Art of Storytelling and Stories to Tell is an excellent book by acclaimed storyteller Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. In her book, she shares h...
"The Daughter Pays" (in Ukrainian "Донка палити") is an emotional and dizzying story by the famous English writer Mrs. Baillie (Reynolds, Baillie). In this poig...
"Montessori: Children" by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey is an essential book for anyone interested in the Montessori method of education. The author talks about the ma...
"Painting the Indian Character: A Brief Survey of the Main Character Traits Exhibited by the North American Indians; An Illustration of the Socialist Aphorism T...
"Kiss in Greece" is a fascinating book by the famous French writer Raoul Vese. The main thematic aspect of the work is the magic and mystery of the beauty of th...
"Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk Tales" is an unparalleled collection of Ukrainian fairy tales that reflect the color and spirit of the Cossack era. The authentici...
The book "The Tale of Dickie the Deer Mouse" is the work of the American writer Arthur Scott Bailey, a pioneering popularizer of nature and wildlife for childre...