"Lantern" is an exciting story about adventure and discovery, which makes you think about the meaning of life and the search for light in the dark. The main cha...
"Rivers of Ice" is an exciting adventure written by the outstanding writer R. M. Ballantyne. This book depicts the brutal and beautiful environment of the Engli...
"Fame and wealth; or, The Way of Richard Hunter" - a fascinating book from the famous author Horatio Alger, Jr. This book tells the story of a young man, Richar...
"Jacob the Faithful" is an old-time adventure novel written by Frederick Merriett. The main character, Yakiv, loses his parents at an early age and is left alon...
"Joe's Happy Fate; or, Always Cheery" is an exciting book by the famous American writer Goreysho Alger Jr. The main character, Joe, is forced to go through a se...
"Children of the New Forest" is a unique novel by Frederick Merriett, an English writer of the 19th century, who is known for his adventure works. This book tel...
"A Little Queen of Hearts: An International Story" is a fascinating book by the famous author Ruth Ogden. This book tells about the adventures of the little que...
"Richard Vandermark: A Novel" by Miriam Coles Harris is a story about a successful businessman, Richard Vandermark, who seemingly has everything you could want:...
Lady Jane is a gripping historical novel from acclaimed author C.W. Jamieson (Cecilia Witts). This book tells the story of a young aristocrat who goes against t...
"The Real Tilda" is a very interesting novel by the famous writer Arthur Quiler-Coach, which explores the theme of faith, friendship and self-discovery. The mai...
The book "A Little Norwegian; or, Father's Linen Hair" by Hamlin Garland is a fascinating story about crossing cultures and generations. The main character, lat...
"Torn Tom; or, The Story of a Street Boy" is a classic work by the American writer Goreysho Alger, Jr., in which the author tells about the life and adventures ...