Erich von Daniken, who devoted his life to studying the past of the Earth, defends a theory that is not recognized by academic science. In his opinion, we ow...
“The Glass Key” by D. Hammett, “The Chicago Version” by F. Nibel and C. Bailey, “A Case of Necessity” by M. Crichton represent a real collection of foreign d...
The life of Nicholas Cunningham, a successful businessman, is overshadowed by the ghosts of the past. All his life he carries the burden of secrecy. Will mee...
When writing novels, the author's imagination knew no barriers. The plot of the novel “Eaters of the Dead” (“The Thirteenth Warrior”, 1976, film - 1999) was ...
The book published in Russian for the first time by the outstanding English statesman W. S. Churchill (1874–1965) represents the second part of his work “The...
Otfried Preusler is one of the most popular children's writers. His fame far crossed the borders of Germany. Our readers know him from the books “Little Baba...
Otfried Preusler is one of the most popular children's writers. His fame far crossed the borders of Germany. Our readers know him from the books “Little Baba...
Otfried Preusler is one of the most popular children's writers. His fame far crossed the borders of Germany. Our readers know him from the books “Little Baba...
Why do we deliberately choose something that is consistent with our momentary desires, but puts an end to far-reaching goals? Why do we willingly give in to ...
Newlyweds Gillian and Ted, having said “Yes!” to each other, had no idea what trials fate had in store for them... Long days of separation, omissions, misund...
An ordinary deal for the purchase and sale of a club with a bad reputation turns into a massacre. One of those present suddenly opens fire - and only the for...