"Invasion from Ganymede" is a science fiction novel written by Olga Slutskaya. This book tells the story of the first contact of humans with alien civilizations...
Having decided to move to New Orleans, where there is an unusually sexy, exciting atmosphere, where they are not afraid to break the rules and do as their he...
What girl doesn't dream of a handsome prince on a white horse? Or at least Ivan Tsarevich. As a last resort - Emelya and his sorceress Pike... I got a charac...
Having returned home from a business trip to another “hot spot,” Dr. James Wolf discovers a beautiful golden-haired stranger in his bed. Who is she and how d...
In the closed city where the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Good is located, a chain of mysterious incidents occurs: someone attacks people, plunging ...
Before you is one of the most significant and largest space epics of our time. Before you is “The Coming of Night” by Peter F. Hamilton...The middle of the t...
As a child, Beatrice was a sickly child, now she is an adult, but her brother, the Duke of Kendal, still protects her from the wind, balls and outings, marri...
I never dreamed of becoming a dragon's wife, but the mark of the chosen one, which appeared on the day I came of age, left no hope for a happy future. You ca...
Tamara Myshkina has always lived up to her name: quiet, not brave, never saying a word against anyone. And now, after three years of a stable and tender rela...
Slogan: Oh, this wedding! Rita and Andrey have been friends since childhood, they understand each other perfectly. As often happens, everyone predicted the f...
This collection of conversations and research works by members of the scientific group of the Islamic Committee under the leadership of Heydar Jemal is dedic...
I was so happy and loved my family. Only everything I believed in turned out to be fake. My husband basely deceived me, and he will not get away with betraya...