"English journalist Philip Sinclair, searching for answers to the mysterious disappearance of his sister in the Caribbean Sea, follows the clues to a mysterious...
"Merrily Polly's Diary" is an exciting sea novel by the acclaimed American writer Richard Harding Davis. In this book, readers will immerse themselves in the wo...
"The Lost House" by Richard Harding Davis is an exciting detective novel that tells the story of the mysterious disappearance of the owners of an ancient mansio...
"Cuba in times of war" is an exciting book from the famous writer Richard Harding Davis. Set in the realities of the Spanish-American War, this book tells the s...
"Records of a War Correspondent" by Richard Harding Davis is a unique book that tells about the life and adventures of a correspondent during the war. The autho...
"Real mercenaries" is a book written by Richard Harding Davis, an American journalist who himself witnessed many exciting adventures. In his work, he talks abou...
"Stough Flour and Coffee, or the Unknown History of Army Life" is a book in which the author John Davis Billings reveals the realities of the life of army soldi...
"The Man of Last Hope; or, The Clients of Randolph Mason" is a fascinating book written by the famous American writer Melville Davison Post. In this collection ...
The book "The School Teacher from the Mountains" was written by the American writer Melville Davison Post and belongs to the genre of detective literature. In t...
The book "The Strange Plans of Randolph Mason" is written by Melville Davison Post and tells about the fascinating criminal stories of the lawyer Randolph Mason...
The book "The Golden Chair" by the author Melville Davison Post is an exciting historical novel that tells about the adventures of the main character in the bea...
"Medieval Europe" is a landmark work by the famous historian Henry William Carles Davies, which offers the reader a deep dive into a complex and interesting per...