"Judy" by Temple Bailey is a fascinating book that tells the story of a girl named Judy. She lives in a small town and dreams of adventures and great discoverie...
Trombone Swan is a magical tale for children and adults by author Temple Bailey that tells the story of Louie, an unusual swan. Louis was born with a rare defec...
"The Tale of the Shower Badger" is a magical tale about the adventures of Grim the badger, who was always the meanest in the whole forest. However, one day he d...
"The Tale of Master Honey Mouse" is a wonderful children's book by the famous American writer Arthur Scott Bailey. In this fairy tale, the author tells about th...
"Historie d'un baiser" is an insightful and emotional book by the famous French writer Cim, Albert. In this book, he tells a story of love, loss and hope throug...
"Lustra" is a collection of poems by the great American poet Ezra Pound, which was first published in 1916. This book collects works written during a certain pe...
"Khalil Kramar: A Tale of Istanbul of the Past" is a fascinating story by the famous Hungarian writer Mor Jokay. In this book, readers will get to know the brav...
"The Vitalized School" is a publication of the famous educator Francis B. Pearson, which is devoted to the important topic of school modernization. In the book,...
"Practical Essays" by Alexander Bain is a collection of philosophical and pedagogical essays written by a prominent Scottish philosopher. In this book, the auth...
"Le Disyati Brumer" is a historical book by the outstanding French historian Jacques Benville, dedicated to the events of the Merchant Revolution in France in 1...
"Jacobina von Bayern, Countess of Hennegau, Holland, Friesland and Zeeland. Motherland is a history of the 15th century" - a fascinating book by the author Gott...
"Holy Earth" by Liberty Hyde Bailey is a classic work of environmental philosophy, which is marked by a deep emotion before nature and causes the reader to thin...