There is a war against humanity. When the small town of Rainbow Falls, Montana, comes under siege, the surviving residents decide to gather their last streng...
Having prevented a global man-made disaster, Michael Gabriel disappears into the jaws of an alien monster. His twin sons, born a month after this event, are ...
The ancient wall between the human world and the Fairy world is destroyed, the fabric of the Universe is damaged. Our land is on the verge of extinction. Sal...
The ancient Dark Mirror changed the life of the charming Jessie in an instant. In it she saw the reflection of a man who embodied all the passion and attract...
Under the cover of night, the war between vampires and their blood enemies, people without souls - lessers, does not stop in the city. A secret six selected ...
The book by a remarkable French medievalist, also endowed with literary talent, examines the highest creations of the medieval West, the world of complex and...
In his next book, Erich von Däniken, relying on the sacred texts of different religions, comes to the conclusion that our ancestors mistook for gods represen...
Chapters from the book “It's All Over” by the Englishman Robert Graves (1895–1985); translation by Elena Ivanova, introduction by Larisa Vasilyeva. An absolu...
The alien race of Anprins has been observing people for 500 years, and from time to time delivers a single random person to their laboratories to study his t...
Orphaned at an early age, Esmeralda Fine devoted her life to her younger brother. Suddenly, the young man runs away from his home, and soon Esmeralda learns ...
The Worlds of Alfred Bester volume 3 / Trans. from English - Riga: Polaris, 1995. - 496 pp. “Golem 100” is an experimental novel even for such a master of py...
You are no longer young, but you are still good-looking. What about the prospects? None. Old acquaintances, boring work, lonely evenings... And then fate thr...