The new anthology is entirely dedicated to the valiant warriors of the Adeptus Astartes. Space Marines are the embodiment of the warrior spirit of the Warham...
Having escaped into the vastness of deep space, earthlings are settling into new worlds. Interstellar trade flourishes in the space developed by humanity. Th...
In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, humanity is attacked from all sides by aliens, heretical cults and the vile servants of the Ruinous Powers. Only...
After graduating from school, Igor Moskalev decides to join the Federation army to become a hero and defend the Earth. However, relatives believe that servic...
The near future, in which people explore near space. Society is gradually abandoning the remnants of the past, which include love. Detective Lanzug, the reco...
In the darkness of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, in a galaxy at war, humanity is threatened by countless enemies. The only reliable defense against them are...
France. Early 15th century. Confrontation between the Burgundians and the Armagnacs. The reign of Charles VI the Mad. The girl Marion comes to Paris and ente...
Marina is an incredible klutz and a real magnet for adventure. He can’t even die like all normal people! Finding herself at the junction of two worlds, she m...
Translation of the book "Creation Myths" (1972, revised edition 1995). The text is compiled from lectures given at the Jung Institute during the winter semes...
Marie-Louise von Franz has earned worldwide recognition for her psychological interpretation of fairy tales, myths and dreams. In this book, she discusses th...