"Fairy Tales of the Magic Stone" is a collection of exciting adventures written by the famous American writer Thornton W. Burgess. Adventure, wisdom and kindnes...
The book "Those Other Animals" by the famous English writer George Alfred Henty is an exciting adventure novel about friendship and loyalty. The main characters...
"The Funny Story of Farmer Bumkin's Lawsuit" by Richard Harris is an exciting adventure that tells about unusual and comical events in the life of a simple vill...
The book "Old, Strange and Famous Wills" by Virgil M. Harris is a fascinating journey into the world of the most interesting and mysterious wills that have ever...
Co-Citizens: How to Join Forces for Change, written by Harris and Corra, is an essential guide for those who want to change the world for the better. Turning to...
"Balaam and his master, and other essays and stories" is a collection of works by the famous American writer Joel Chandler Harris. In these stories, the author ...
"Open Curtains: A Novel" is a gun-toting romantic story about stormy love and complex relationships, written by Clara Louise Burnham. The book tells about the m...
"Littlebourne Lock" is an exciting detective book from the talented writer Harrison F. Bayford. In this novel, with sculptural precision, the author reveals the...
"Navy Day" is a science fiction novel by the famous American writer Harry Harrison. In this book, he develops the theme of interplanetary space warfare and inte...
"Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrash and Kabbalah" is a book that reveals to the reader the richness of Jewish literature, presenting sele...
"The Adventures of Grandfather Frog" is a fun and interesting book for children about the adventures of Grandfather Frog, authored by Thornton Burgess. In the f...
"The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse" is a magical tale about a small rodent, Danny Meadow Mouse, which was written by the outstanding American author Thornton...