The first novel in the series in the spirit of the novels by Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Contemporary fantasy detective story. Bestseller - over two m...
"Brotherhood of Fear" is an exciting espionage thriller written by author Aaron Elkin. This book tells the story of a group of American special agents who go on...
"Old Bones" is an exciting detective novel written by the author duo Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. In this book, the main characters - archaeologists Nora ...
"Good Blood" is an exciting book written by a talented writer. In this novel, the author tells the story of two families whose destinies are intertwined through...
Martin Chorley, aka the Faceless Man, wanted for multiple counts of murder, fraud and crimes against humanity, has been unmasked and is on the run.Peter G...
Memoirs of the philosopher and public figure Aaron Zakharovich Steinberg (1891–1975) “Literary Archipelago” recreate the spiritual quest in Soviet Russia in ...
What do we know about magic? They say that it cannot exist in our world, but is this really so? What do we know about power? Some people know everything perf...
What do we know about magic? They say it doesn’t exist in our world, but is that true? What do we know about power? Some people know everything perfectly, or...
"On the edge of our city" is a fascinating book written by a famous Ukrainian writer. This novel tells the story of a small town that hides many secrets and the...