The ordinary world turns into a nightmare... In an artists' colony on a small island, rooms disappear from houses, and mysterious messages appear on the wall...
"Meat" is a study of the extreme phenomenon of pornography, normal life and violence, which are reflected in us. The form of dialogue with you, in particular, b...
Another non-original story. Just think, a certain magician needed a yard dog. Some bad guys spanked the old one. But this is a magician, and not one of the l...
The new novel by the writer A. Chakovsky “Victory” links together two great historical milestones - the summer of 1945, when the political battle to ensure l...
Nari's life changed forever when she accidentally summoned Dara, a mysterious genie. Snatched from her home in Cairo, she finds herself at the dazzling royal...
...A transatlantic airliner with dead passengers lands at the New York airport. Subsequently, the passengers come to life, only they are no longer people, bu...
The story begins with an urgent phone call from the remote rain forests of the Congo. Drs. Stephen Pearse and Peter Maryk are summoned to a mining camp wh...
Нари disbelieves in magic. Thus she have unusual talents - knowledge of languages and ability to speak illnesses. It, as well as other tricks, helps to live her, з...
Ray Shane, a former vice detective, spent four and a half years in federal prison. And for six months now he has been making a living by guarding the strip c...