Administrative activity of any company comes true by means of documents, that simultaneously are both an information generator for the acceptance of administrative decisions and result and instrument of administrative activity.The inculcated system of circulation of documents allows структурировать all volume of documentation, regulate the single rules of processing of documents and serves as a criterion and by an index to efficiency of work of company. A company wishing to provide success with a long-term prospect simply is under an obligation to line up the system of circulation of documents, and in current realities - yet and to automatize a maximum of functions of management of this system.The system of automation of BAS :Документооборот 8", about that speech goes in this book, does not have a branch specific and can be effectively used both in a budgetary sector and on commercial enterprises, be that the up-diffused holding structure with plenty of users or small enterprise. Being universal, the program easily can be adjusted and adapted under the specific of concrete organization.The system allows to put in order work of employees with documents, to eliminate possibility of loss of versions or crossing of fragments during simultaneous work| to shorten time of search necessary to information and total time of collective treatment of documents| to improve quality the prepared material (projects, documentations, etc.) due to the decision of plenty of the vexed questions and arrangement of work of users.To the book answers are driven for the systems most often set by users questions. Information in a book is grouped on thematic heads.Primary objective of book - to render a practical help in organizations of the system of electronic circulation of documents with the use of " BAS: Circulation" of documents and to teach users to use program possibilities more effectively.A book does not replace the regular documentation to the software product, included in a delivery set, and does not put an aim to teach to work with a software product "from the ground up".After a purchase additional possibility to get a book in the format of is given."
Незамінна книга для впровадження системи документообігу!
Книга "BAS :Документооборот. 250 питань і відповідей" є надзвичайно корисним джерелом інформації для тих, хто цікавиться управлінням документами та хоче покращити ефективність роботи компанії. Автор докладно розглядає важливі аспекти системи документообігу, пояснює, як впровадити та автоматизувати процеси управління документами за допомогою програми BAS :Документооборот 8". Книга допомагає упорядкувати роботу з документами, зберегти час та підвищити якість готового матеріалу. Інформація в книзі структурована логічно та доступно, що дозволяє швидко засвоїти матеріал і застосувати його на практиці. Рекомендую цю книгу як обов'язкову для всіх, хто цікавиться оптимізацією роботи з документами та впровадженням сучасних технологій у свою діяльність!
Administrative activity of any company comes true by means of documents that simultaneously are as by an information generator for the acceptance of управлен...