A book about how to recognize lies, misinformation, fake news and not fall for the bait of beautiful graphs, convincing statistics and scientific terms.In contrast to outright lies, nonsense sounds very plausible. This is information about which it cannot be unequivocally said that it is false, but it definitely represents reality in a distorted form. Nonsense can be malicious (such as fake news) but is often simply the result of error or inattention. Unfortunately, in the era of social networks, nonsense tends to spread quickly, which can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. Nonsense uses the language of science and statistics, giving the impression of complexity and accuracy at the same time. Being scientific weakens our attention, and very few people are ready to really understand what is reflected in a complex diagram or graph on a respected site.In this book you will learn:- how misinformation spreads , misinformation and fake news on social media, why people believe them and what are the three basic approaches to protect against misinformation online|- how to critically assess causality, identify false correlations and notice nonsense, in which one concept is replaced by another|- is it always worth believing in numbers and why you need to beware of "zombie statistics" (numbers that are stubbornly quoted out of context, are hopelessly outdated or were originally invented, but they are quoted so often that they will never rest in peace)|- how sampling error can be a major source of confusion and misunderstanding when analyzing information.After reading this book, you will understand that it is not necessary to be an expert in statistics, econometrics, you don’t need to be able to analyze data and you don’t have to spend a lot of effort and dig deep into sources to bring the deceiver to clean water - sometimes critical thinking and ordinary logic are enough.For whom this book is For those who want to protect themselves from false information and substitution of concepts.For everyone who would like to develop critical thinking, learn to see the truth and distinguish it from lies.Published in Russian for the first time.
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Автор вдало поєднав у цій книзі пізнавальність та цікавість, розкриваючи тему розпізнавання брехні, дезінформації та фейкових новин у світі великих даних. За допомогою живих прикладів та легкої мови він розкриває перед читачем важливі аспекти, які допоможуть уникнути пасток красивих графіків та переконливої статистики. Книга надає чіткі інструкції та поради, як розпізнати неправдиву інформацію та захистити себе від маніпуляцій. Читаючи цю книгу, ви розвинете критичне мислення, навчитесь розрізняти правду від брехні та станете більш обізнаними в цифровому світі. Рекомендую цю книгу всім, хто цікавиться темою інформаційної безпеки, а також тим, хто бажає покращити свої навички аналізу даних та критичного мислення!