Megan is a psychic teenager who can't find anyone to help her understand her one alive can.Description of the Misunderstanding.“The Misunderstanding is a short story about a young girl's growing realization that she is capable of making sense of things that no one in her family can. Some of her schoolmates say they also have such abilities.The girl's name is Megan, she is twelve years old in this first book.Megan has two problems that seem difficult to cope with. The first is that the mother is afraid of her daughter's latent abilities, so she constantly opposes her.The second is that it is difficult to find a teacher who can help her develop her supernatural psychic powers. .She tries to talk to her mother about this but she is dismissed every time so she almost gives up trying to make her understand.She thinks it is best not to tell something to her father about this as her mother is not on her side in this.Megan feels that there is a pronounced bond between her and her mother, perhaps the bond that exists between all mothers and daughters, but perhaps this very thing between them is much deeper, but who can say anything about this when Megan hardly knows herself. What she does know is that her mother doesn't seem to care, Megan is a soon-to-be teenage girl with her worries and questions. She thinks she must give her mother more time to get over her fear of the paranormal.She can wait, and she can endure the terrible abuse she is being subjected to in secret without her father knowing anything. preferably about this.''The Misunderstanding'' is the first of so far twenty-three short stories in this series in the hope of finding someone who understands how she can best continue with her supernatural, spiritual and psychic development. She needs to be taught how to use this in the right way and for the right purpose.Megan is a kind and good girl and it seems that she can use her powers correctly but it is difficult to always do it right.These stories will appeal to anyone with an interest in psychic powers, the supernatural and psychic powers and between ten and a hundred years old.
Унікальна та захоплююча книга про надприродні здібності та внутр
"Непорозуміння" - це історія про Меган, яка виявляє у собі надзвичайні здібності, але не може знайти підтримки серед своєї родини та вчителів. Автор вдало передає внутрішні конфлікти та пошуки головної героїні, розкриваючи її сильні та слабкі сторони. Читачі переживають разом з Меган її турботи та пошуки розуміння, а загадковий сюжет захоплює з перших сторінок. Книга допомагає задуматися про важливість підтримки та віри в себе, а також про те, як важливо вміти використовувати свої здібності з метою добра. Рекомендую "Непорозуміння" всім, хто цікавиться темами надприродного та духовного розвитку, а також шукає відповіді на складні питання самопізнання та взаєморозуміння.