Women and cats, men and cats
after payment (24/7)
(for all gadgets)
(including for Apple and Android)
What are manuals? This is a user manual. Let's say you bought a computer and want to figure out which buttons to press to make it work. And Martha Ketro wrote unique manuals for those who want to successfully use men and women, including themselves and their loved ones. Not to mention cats and cats. Yes, a little utilitarian, but honest and very fun. The book is intended for advanced users who have read the Kama Sutra, and Eric Berne, and even the Veterinarian's Handbook, but are still interested. Unexpected solutions, subtle system settings and buttons that you didn’t even know existed! And as visual aids there are funny and touching pictures. With men, women and cats!
Data sheet
- Name of the Author
- Марта Кетро
- Language
- Ukrainian
- Release date
- 2007