History of man, that found the new going near treatment of the illness and helped not only to itself but also other.At medical school of David Файгенбаума nicknamed "Beast" - he was a sportsman and in addition famous exceptional intellectual endurance. And then all sharply changed: him an inexplicable tiredness began to torment, through считаные weeks organs began to refuse. Doctors were puzzled and could not diagnose in any way. Coming in consciousness, David prayed about that, to get the second chance : it was look like a dramatic fight for an overtime in football.A miracle happened. David survived - but only in order that again and again to experience relapses and stand on the threshold of death. As turned out, he had one of varieties of extremely grave and rare illness of Кастлемана is something AV between a cancer and autoimmune disease. When, in spite of setting only medicine developed on a that moment from this illness, a next relapse happened for David, he understood that by such rates medicine hardly will have time to save life to him. For this reason he converted a hotshot hope on healing in concrete actions. In an interval between hospitalizations he analysed the hospital chart and standards of blood, to find the new going near treatment. By means of native, friends and tutors he contacted with other doctors and patients, running into illness of Кастлемана, and in the total worked out an ambitious plan - together to make a list of the most perspective scientific problems and attract the researchers of world level for their decision. Instead of that to wait, while stars will meet in science, he decided to line up stars independently.More than five years passed since. Doctor Файгенбаум married a girl loved that with student years, and saw the garden-stuffs of the hard work. The found treatment helps to remain him in a state of remission, and his innovative going near organization of scientific search became a standard in area of research of rare diseases. Now doctor Файгенбаум and his laboratory distribute the approach on other illnesses, including COVID19.This unbelievable history shows that can happen, when resolution, love, family, faith and happy chance meet together.One of the best нон-фикшен-книг 2019 year on the version of Next Big Ideas Club.In Russian language published first.
У гонитві за життям - це книга, яка залишає незабутнє враження т
Ця захоплююча історія про доктора, який вирішив не піддаватися хворобі, але замість цього взявся за вирішення проблеми з усією відданістю та рішучістю, захоплює з перших рядків. Драматичні події, чергові рецидиви хвороби, відчайдушна боротьба за життя - все це створює напружену атмосферу, яка тримає читача в напрузі до останньої сторінки. Доктор Файгенбаум - справжній герой, який не лише врятував себе, але й відкрив нові можливості для лікування рідкісних захворювань. Його наполеглива праця, віра у себе та підтримка близьких стали визначальними факторами у перемозі над неможливим. Ця книга - не лише історія успіху, але й надзвичайно важливий посібник для тих, хто стикається з важкими життєвими випробуваннями. Рекомендую кожному прочитати цю книгу, щоб відчути силу духу та незламну волю до перемоги!
History of man, that found the new going near treatment of the illness and helped not only to itself but also other."Зве nicknamed at medical school of David Файгенбаума...