I can write the piece of the article, and then to intermit. I have a very chaotic process. Why? I listen to itself. If I feel that does not go - set aside and went to engage in something other", - Maxim Ильяхов talks. "For example, today I need отсмотреть ten reasons in a "Тинькофф-журнале, and me проперло to write the article in a blog. And I go to write the article. Am I with dogs searched: Where Ильяхов? Go, subtract the articles us! And I answer nobody, pulls me to do the article". "My favourite button on Mac - to "turn off it notifications. And well yet to put a telephone on soundless. That nobody distracted, did not pull. If me проперло to write, then I become disconnected wholly". In a SUBCASTE: -Как to build the personal brand by means of blog? How did Maxim begin in 2009 from that sucked out posts from a finger, and as came to one of the most popular blogs about редактуре? -Как to manage the process of birth of инсайтов and that to do, if in a head nothing does come and it is desirable simply тупить? -Как quickly and cheap to produce content in different channels: Twitter, Телеграм, Facebook and during two years to do for two articles in a week? -Как did he create and moved forward the first book "Write abbreviate" and how many he got her? All references, to the utility and complete text subcaste you will find here: BONUS to LISTENERS SUBCASTE If you often work with texts (you write or order to other), here to you video from Maxim Ильяхова LEAVE REVIEW If pleased you subcastes, leave, please, review on him here here It will heave up our the subcastes higher in rating and will give an opportunity to listen to his greater amount of people. WILL WE CONTINUE COMMONUNICATION? If you need open communication c businessmen, answers for your questions from practical workers and colleagues - we call you in group of If you begin business only, and you need warm support of like-minded persons in the closed group, help of experts and select content on development and advancement of business - we invite you in a club - - club If you want to get advising about new subcastes, with the compendium of producing, mechanics and gifts from guests, subscribe to our distribution of people that talk : As to me all the time to feel super? That was a permanent orgasm, ecstasy, euphoria, smile happy? That can I answer? Friends, permanent smile, are a diagnosis. If you smile constantly, so, you either dead or in Кащенко sit, - Philip Гузенюк talks. Flights-falling, anger, malice, offense, pain, gladness, feeling, that here a correct step did is life. For me there is happiness - it about that, to be a present. About that no emotions, including offense, malice, fear, anger, not to block. To be with them, follow after them and see destruction that they create and to see good, that they create. To be all the time connected with itself. How to attain it? There is a simple technique. Right now stop and think: Here that I do, it "aha" or this "нет-нет-нет". you now one, you nobody sees, and you will not be able to tell lie itself. So that if it nevertheless rather now "нет-нет-нет", you will not be able to say to itself, that it "" aha"". That to do, if "" нет-нет-нет"", Philip tells in a subcaste. BONUS to LISTENERS SUBCASTE: And we prepared for you the whole program of positive psychology from Philip Гузенюка. you will find there 187 ideas and advices about happiness, state of stream, search of sense and list of books that is recommended by Philip - gde - vzyat - sily - chtoby - idti - k - svoim - tselyam - dazhe - esli - vse - dostalo - i - hochetsya - na - vse - mahnut - rukoj - rasskazyvaet - filipp - guzenyuk/ In a SUBCASTE: is -Зачем needed trainer to Michael to Jordan? does -Как Philip help to double sales or do a jerk from a 80 place to 50th? -Как to drive itself in a drive and кайф, even if all badly. -Чему you can a man that caused to you much pain and that you hate really teach? -Как to pump up muscles for 7 minutes in a day? All references, to the utility and complete text subcaste you will find here: - gde - vzyat - sily - chtoby - idti - k - svoim - tselyam - dazhe - esli - vse - dostalo - i - hochetsya - na - vse - mahnut - rukoj - rasskazyvaet - filipp - guzenyuk/ LEAVE REVIEW If pleased you subcastes, leave, please, review on him here here It will heave up our the subcastes higher in rating and will give an opportunity to listen to his greater amount of people. WILL WE CONTINUE COMMONUNICATION? If you need open communication c businessmen, answers for your questions from practical workers and colleagues - we call you in the group of If you begin business only, and you need warm support of like-minded persons in the closed group, help of experts and select content on development and advancement of business - we invite you in a club - - club If you want to get advising about new subcastes, with the compendium of producing, mechanics and gifts from guests, subscribe to our distribution For Apple devices, a computer with iTunes installed is required to play the file correctly.
Вражаюча книга для тих, хто хоче покращити свої навички письма!
"Максим Ильяхов: 4 лайфхака, щоб писати круті тексти" - це справжній скарб для тих, хто хоче вдосконалити свої навички письма. Автор пропонує чотири прості, але дуже ефективні поради, які допоможуть вам створювати цікаві та привабливі тексти. Кожен лайфхак підкріплений прикладами та власним досвідом Максима, що робить їх ще більш цікавими та корисними. Читання цієї книги - це справжнє задоволення, а використання порад допоможе вам стати справжнім майстром слова!
Юлія 06/04/2023
Джерело натхнення та корисних порад!
"Максим Ильяхов: 4 лайфхака, щоб писати круті тексти" - це не просто книга, це справжнє джерело натхнення та корисних порад для тих, хто хоче покращити свої навички у письмі. Автор поділяється цінними вказівками та прийомами, які допоможуть вам створювати цікаві та запам'ятовувані тексти. Читання цієї книги заохочує експериментувати зі словами та вдосконалювати своє мистецтво письма. Рекомендую цю книгу всім, хто цікавиться творчим письмом та бажає розвивати свої здібності!
Андрій 04/05/2023
Не вражає
"Максим Ильяхов: 4 лайфхака, щоб писати круті тексти" - книга, яка, на жаль, не вражає своєю оригінальністю та глибиною порад. Хоча автор пропонує деякі корисні лайфхаки, але загальний зміст книги може здатися стандартним та передбачуваним для досвідчених письменників. Деякі поради можуть бути знайомі тим, хто вже має досвід у написанні текстів. Тим не менш, для початківців ця книга може бути корисною та мотивуючою. Шукачам нових ідей та підходів рекомендую звернутися до інших джерел.
I can write the piece of the article, and then to intermit. I have a very chaotic process. Why? I listen to itself. If I feel that does not go - set aside an...