"Bowlegged and puckery, look like the stump of cork oak, he knows nothing that done in the world. As telegraph posts along the dried-up river-bed of р...
Charles Буковски is the cult American writer of the XX century, whose European popularity always outstripped American (in one Germany прижизненный drawing him to...
A "mother was sick.She did not get used to be ill, therefore frightened and thought that would never get up now already. The hair of her, unbrushed, lay on a pillow, смотре...
The name Александра Володина is firmly related to the theatre and cinema. His plays a few decades with success go to the best stage grounds, films on ...
Strange, frightful and infinitely attractive book.History of well-bred boys suddenly appearing on the uninhabited island.Philosophical parable about that...
What is a difference of character of reality "in from character of art? In that character of reality can not exist in itself, and only in connection with all окр...
"At the foot of volcano" - in a great deal autobiographic novel about a man creating for itself earthly hell and in him fire-damaged. An action is opened out in little мекс...
History of little sleepy small town on the south of America, told by a little girl.History of her brother Jim, friend Дилла and her father - honest, fundamental hell...
"When the wave of public motion, so highly rising the last years, slept, public attention was eaten up by the phenomenon of completely another порядк...
"Messages of young doctor" are unique collection of stories of Mikhail Булгакова, that exposes important, but not all the known side of life of author - young doctor...
Венедикт Ерофеев is the phenomenon in Russian literature bright and ambiguous. His famous poem "Moscow is Cockerels", written as early as 1970, the family филос...
Old "man and sea". A story is sanctified to "tragic stoicism": before cruelty of the world a man, even losing, must save a courage and достоинство.Автобио...