Israel special services - one of the most secret organizations on earth, that is provided by the difficult system of laws and instructions, strict military censorship, after...
In the book of the known writer-painter of sea-scapes, laureate of the All-russian literary bonus the name of Alexander Невского Nikolay Черкашина the most characteristic are.
on September, 1, 1939 the German troops encroached on territory of Poland. By an occasion for the beginning of the war overgrown afterwards in world, became organized by наци...
About it historical официоз is quiet. It denies Kremlin propaganda. These uncomfortable facts "party of power" tries to forbid.But the home truth about Great one ...
After two stormy enough in a military relation last centuries the last name of "Клаузевиц" a long ago already migrated in the digit of the names nearly denominative, and it, нав...
This book on the glorious matters of soviet cavalrymen under the command of general П.А.Белова. A corps from the first days of war persistently battled with fascists. In the first.
In the memoirs of Гейнц Гудериан, standing at the sources of creation of tank troops and belonging to the elite of top military management of nazi Germany, расска...
Attention of readers gets the last book of lieutenant-general А.И. Деникина is "Way of the Russian officer". Immediate death did not give an opportunity of генер...
""Дроздовцы afire" - not remembrances and not history are a living book on living, battle true about what it was been afire, what must be and unavoidable there will be р...