First - evidently and colourfully about the main operating bodies of Second world war from the leading European specialists on military history. From economic фунд...
In a book the largest wars during that Rome grew into the greatest world power of the Ancient world are examined in detail. Large attention an author spares ...
A book is sanctified to униформе and signs of distinction of different party and state organizations of nazi Germany. In her approach of the systems is first applied to oh...
In the book of the American historian John Бэррона told about one of the most successful operations of the American special services. A secret agent of FBI Morris Чайлдс (is.
A book "The Military technique" will allow to trace all history of development of technique for war. This book will be useful to all, who is interested in science, technique and.
In a book the events related to the navigation accident of soviet submarine boat of С- 363 in October 1981 in the district of main base of ВМС of Sweden are described in detail -.
Visible American political scientist-scientist and psychologist, leading specialist on a psywar, secret service agent and writer Paul Лайнбарджер in it fundamental т...
In the protracted and appearing rock for Soviet Union war in Afghanistan air force was used very widely. Bombardment and low-flying air attack of positions and stake...
The general of army Philip Denisovich Бобков 20 over headed Fifth Management KGB of the USSR. These throughout the year a fight did not cease with т...
"Stories of liberator" are a first-ever book of Victor Суворова, going out in light in 1981 in English language under the name "The Liberators" ("Liberators"...
Any of us - whatever experience and judicious man he itself did not count by - at any moment can appear an object and victim of propaganda. MASS-MEDIA of манипулир...