In the Easter days saving testifying to Вос кресении Dominical fills the soul, sounds in the poetics of divine service, in the coming back to life after winter death wild. ...
History of the Jewish state is in his people. Wisdom of them goes from an eternal search. Search of truth, justice, knowledge, understanding and house. Exactly about this гово...
Saying and histories collected in this book was created during more than thousands of years. They present by itself the result of practical wisdom, but not отвлеченны...
A "flower-garden spiritual" is an ana of saint fathers and wise people about a faith and christian life. This book legally can be named one of same we read...
Millionth quoting, thousands of mentions, surprizing depth of senses, simplicity and clarity of idea. Finally in one book the known is collected and popular...
Sir Winston Черчилль, personality in truth is a cult, is adopted by compatriots by the most prominent British in history of country. In the 90-years-old life he studied...
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, on the basis of whose works this book has been compiled, himself went through all the stages of the ascetic experience of struggle with passions. He.
Шанель accomplished the main opening of ХХ of century. She opened Woman. Her fate is unique. Her expressions - wicked, clever, exact is a motto each, who names ...
26 publishing houses gave up "Cabin". a 27th publishing house took chance and for 1th sold 5 000 000 copies. A book was named the "phenomenon in history of книгоиздател...
In spite of obtrusive soviet propaganda, Lenin the least the known political leader of the XX century. In this book authentic quotations are collected from vast leninist...