At the heart of this book is the idea of unconditional acceptance of life and an all-encompassing "reverence for life." It draws on a theology that grows out of life...
In this solid work, the eminent German theologian returns to his main ideas, which he expressed in The Theology of Hope (1964), which became a theologian ...
What is a person? Today there are a huge number of answers to this question from the field of sociology, psychology and various worldviews. Theology also...
The Mahabharata is one of the most famous and probably the most important scriptures of ancient India, this epic includes the Bhagavad Gita, in a condensed f...
Today, few people know about the secret power of prayer. Prayer is not a mechanical repetition of memorized phrases. You can be anywhere, do whatever you want...
At one time, Lester Levenson was a successful engineer, scientist, and businessman. However, having become a millionaire, he did not find the most important thing in all this -.
The icon of the Mother of God "Kozelshchanskaya" has a special grace - numerous cases of deliverance of people from incurable diseases and arrangement of family life, especially.
In traditional China, achieving healthy longevity is the highest value of human life. At the same time, health is understood as a balanced internal state ...
For one and a half thousand years, the book of the great ascetic of the VI century, St. John of the Ladder, has been a textbook of spiritual life and moral perfection...
Commenting on the Bible book by book, the author draws attention to the main doctrines contained in the text and their relationship to all of Scripture. In a comment...