Psychological complexes - it that we made in the childhood. Parents wanted good to us, but, not wishing that, taught us to feel helplessness, sheat-fish...
Advices of Карнеги, as correct to communicate, changed to the best life of millions of people in America, Europe and Russia. This number would increase certainly, if читател...
The method of non-violent commonunication (ННО) improves life of thousands of people really. He is applicable both in a matrimonial bedroom and in a class room, and at the.
The name Дейла Карнеги is known to each. His advices, how to communicate, to like to the people and try to get desired, strike the clearness and effectiveness.But, carried...
Гештальт-терапия became one of the most popular approaches of psychotherapy in the world. She is widely practiced in individual, group therapy and therapy in орг...
Book on love, written with the original language of financial psychology. Useful to all, who is in socially-financial relations. Contains as in theory...
It is possible easily to express essence of book is a slender theory and rep practice. Yes, a book, literally, is filled with concrete examples. you can name 35 personal ...
In a book the most different types of conflicts are affected: working, domestic and even socio-political. Victor Пономаренко gives advices, how to avoid them, as пом...
You build a career, engage in саморазвитием, lead family, seat trees. And suddenly in your life an inadequate man breaks in a whirlwind and РАЗРУША begins...
A book "Crash of illusions" is a final book of thriller of narrating on difficult life Ukrainian orphan Ruslan Мирова, he Ригас Уолполл, becoming same God...
Нунчи is the Korean phenomenon that does not have analogues in a western culture. To possess нунчи - means able instantly to read the mood of people, предугады...
Success of decision of professional tasks very often depends on the qualitatively conducted negotiations. To grasp this art, the special preparation of даж is required...