Judith Батлер (1956) is the leading American theorist of power, гендера, to the sex appeal and identity. In the USA she is named "one of the most prominent philosophers...
We know that глютен is dangerous. We are sure that inoculations are not needed. We do not doubt that our children are taught wrong. We know better, in fact we - real эксп...
We know that глютен is dangerous. We are sure that inoculations are not needed. We do not doubt that our children are taught wrong. We know better, in fact we - real эксп...
In the modern world ability to operate in a command is one of the most highly sought personal and professional internalss. In a book "Creation of command" ...
In a new book Paul Румянцев continues to acquaint readers with the psyche of man. For this time he examines the features of such enigmatic phenomenon, as wives...
You did it never seem to that you with your partner spoke on different languages - he never understands in fact, that you try him to prove?Barbara de Andes...
Authors of the famous best sellers are "Language of телодвижений" and "Language of mutual relations" the general drawing of that exceeded 35 million copies, in the new book of.
They nearer, than you think. They are worried only by own interests. They know perfectly, how to use your weak parties for turning to the account and pleasure....
Ланди Бэнкрофт the last seventeen years devoted to specialization in the field of domestic cruelty and behavior of cruel men. He is an author of books "When Dad Hurts Mom" ("К...
Most known "pyramid" of Abraham Maslow, or the "hierarchy of necessities", worked out 75 back, carries a simple parcel: we are unable to realize with...
Why some people can not become thin even on a diet, we take apart with a psychologist by Yulia Зотовой in a subcaste "Skills of life" of Radio the "Komsomol true"