John Ruskin (1819-1900) - an outstanding art critic of the 19th century, an intellectual by vocation, a public figure who dealt with issues of social injustice ...
Alexander Секацкий is a philosopher, rendering very noticeable influence on the intellectual atmosphere of today's Petersburg. His texts of неожиданны, paradoxical, ...
History of our civilization we conditionally name biblical. The religion expounded in Bible is saving for humanity.The author of this book tries to explain п...
Richard Докинз is known to the world not only as a prominent evolutional biologist but also as one of the brightest thinkers of contemporaneity. With his active position on in...
Tantra is an extremely powerful tool for self-development. A source of unlimited power, health, beauty, strength, youth and well-being. Practicing Tantra...
What judicial mind? It is the experience of "mind" standing after our personal processes and processes in large groups based on sense of earth. Maybe, проц...
In a film "Matrix" one of his heroes (Нео) reads the book of the French philosopher Jean Бодрийяра. By means of this book Нео tries to understand where reality, and гд...
The mini-article presented here is devoted to the vision of the phenomenon of Time by one of the “pillars” of the philosophy of the 20th century – Martin Heidegger, presented by.
The book of the famous Swedish theosophist and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) is one of the most striking works of world visionary literature. It contains...
"Dream of Чжуан-цзы", in that him it seemed to that he is a butterfly, and awakening with a question "Who who dreams? Butterfly of Чжуан-цзы or Чжуан-цзы to the butterfly"? -.
A "main book" is a book on magic, witchcraft, викке and шаманизму. A book is addressed and those, who cognizes the great art of magic only, and those, who finished off already...