In immortalizing the name of writer treatise "Sovereign" the Italian diplomat Никколо Макиавелли (1469-1527) describes character properties, abilities and methods in detail ...
Konrad Lorenz is an outstanding zoologist and zoopsychologist, philosopher and psychologist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, author of time-tested...
"Aphorisms" is a collection written by the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus (ancient Greek Έπίκτητος, 50-138). ***
These are Epictetus' reflections on life, morality...
Research is sanctified to the post-modern as epoch in that we live now, - related to the modern, growing from him, but having the features, specific,...
A book describes philosophical conception under the name "arctic agnosticism". On the essence this world view system is combination of conception of прин...
A book of the known worldwide Austrian psychologist, creator of logotherapy Victor Франкля is collection of lectures in that in accessible and увлекатель...
Going out only time in 1914 gs, after the visit of Ф. Т. Маринетти to Moscow, book of the translator, critic, author of philosophical reasons Генр, known in those times...
A book "Moral of the XXI century" explains how the observance of norms of moral conduces a man to veritable success and harmony. Many think in our days, that to be honest - невы...
Lately most people were so stuck in the decision of domestic problems, that was forgotten about the simple questions of Life. Who is I? Why did come in this world? Ч...
Reading is above all skill for success with life. A student that reads badly has very small chances on success. Alas, at school so not thought of no 100.
One of the known works of Зигмунда Freud, written in development of ideas, outspoken Гюставом Лебоном in a book "Psychology of people and the masses".Psychology of crowd....