"Knight Bertrand" is an exciting historical adventure that tells the story of the brave knight Bertrand, who goes in search of a faithful friend who was kidnapp...
"Magic hours" is a fairy-tale book that tells about the exciting adventures of the main character, who has temporal magical properties. Obsessed with the desire...
"Ghost Bride" is an exciting novel that combines elements of a mystical thriller and a nightmarish drama. The main character, young and pretty Eliza, becomes th...
A wealthy Oxford student, John Maltravers, a passionate lover of music, one day discovers, to his horror (not without a touch of curiosity, however), that an...
The English penchant for a good ghost story is well known. “As soon as five or six native English speakers gather round the fireplace on Christmas Eve, they ...
This anthology contains translations of stories that are practically unknown to the general public and skillfully involve the reader in an atmosphere of fear...
Written in 1935 at the height of Czech Surrealism but not published until 1945, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders is a bizarre erotic fantasy of a young gir...
In an ancient collection of superstitions it is written: “...Evil spirits and other evil spirits, which gain special power on Geyvon’s Eve, will respond if y...
The family of a rural priest moved to a village near the Brickett Bottom valley, in which there was a red brick house surrounded by a charming old garden. On...
"Triumph of Darkness" is an exciting fantasy novel by the American writer Stephen King. In this book, the author paints a terrifying picture of a city struck by...
The young heir to the primordial mansion returned to his hometown. Disgusting the family property, he moved into the house of a distant relative. The young m...