"The Girl Who Raced Fairyland All the Way Home" is an exciting adventure filled with magic and fantasy. In this book, the main character, a girl named September...
The final, fifth volume of the author’s complete works includes the story “So Bored in Utopia”, the stories “The One Who Came Out of the Big Water”, “Stains ...
An extensive collection of “terrible” French prose provides a fairly broad panorama of Gothic literature. It opens with the repeatedly translated and publish...
The mysterious and mystical narratives of European, American and Australian writers of the 19th - early 20th centuries collected in this book are united by t...
In a 1916 story by Heinz von Lichberg, a man falls in love with his landlady’s daughter—and her name is Lolita.In 1955 the writer Vladimir Nabokov became ...
The book offered to the reader by the famous Soviet statesman A. Lozovsky is devoted to issues of tactics and strategy of the strike movement. The purpose of...
In the novel “The Secret” by Wilkie Collins, the intrigue surrounding the fraudulent adoption of the child of her maid by an aristocrat is revealed. The asso...
In December 2009, the St. Petersburg Mint of Goznak celebrates its 285th anniversary. The release of a book is dedicated to this event, which tells in a popu...
From the author of the famous works “The Moonstone” and “The Woman in White”, another exciting novel of the Victorian era is “The Haunted Hotel: The Mystery ...
William Godwin (1756-1836), an outstanding English philosopher, writer and public figure, who worked during the period when the Enlightenment was replaced by...
Five Point Someone: What not to do at IIT!is a 2004 novel written by Chetan Bhagat, an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and Indian Institu...
Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space S...