"I am a complete old maid, - diagnosed to itself Саша. it is Miss of Марпл". But as yet to explain that she undertook to help a colleague to Boris, getting in a hospital ...
One of the most unusual novels by Alexandra Marinina. In preparation for writing it, the author organized focus groups consisting of young people who never...
He knows that doomed. Women love heroes, lucky, strong, brave, and he. Homeless, thrown out from life man. Who does he need? And why did he write to her?...
Since 2016 Мишель Бюсси unreservedly leads among the detective authors of France, confidently pressing the recent favourites of reader public. New de...
One of the most unusual novels by Alexandra Marinina. In preparation for writing it, the author organized focus groups consisting of young people who never...
Who may need brutally kill twenty-year beautiful women? That moves to those, who steals a young girl, a few days holds her in incarceration, torments and maims,...
In a version about suicide doubted only some. The version of murder was seriously perceived by nobody. But the events of remoteness of ninety-years compel British to...
In family de Люс happened tragedy. Showing English stoicism in truth, sisters de Люс eat heart out. Gloomy Флавия conjures the methods of receipt up the memory ...
Till Berkhoff's son Max disappears without a trace. All the evidence indicates that the boy was the victim of the maniac Guido Tramnitz. The perpetrator was arrested by the.
"District Ford" is a triumphal return of Гришэма on American South, where the action of legendary novel was opened out "It is time to kill", with that побе was begun...
New real detective of Elena МихалковойАсе Катунцевой it is possible only to envy: won not simply a supper with the idol of entire country, and yet and in the circle of stars.
Unknown opponents - step by step - slowly take a from a mind former banker Ann Рыженкову, picking hundreds of depositors and already three years resident in земн...