Something ominous overtakes nothing, on the face of it, unconnected inter se people: someone or something throws up to them on a threshold dead bodies.Loop of monstrous history.
In a rainy canicular day the respected family of doctor Аосава was arranged in the house by a large triumph with by a great number guests. But a holiday was finished terrible.
Early fall of 1901. The young daughter of a Duma deputy disappears without a trace. But the police cannot officially declare the girl wanted. After all, in this case, the wrong.
"Black water-lilys" of Michel Бюсси are the keen best seller from French master of detectives about a disappearing masterpiece Claude Моне. This history begins one уби...
In the end the XIX century mansion of merchant Клюквина was considered one of the richest houses of Petersburg. The special pride of owner was presented by the Venetian mirror of.
At the end of the nineteenth - beginning of the twentieth century in Saint Petersburg of tendons and a remarkable sculptor Caesar Бианки created. After October revolution, inlay...
In Oslo, several women were killed with particular cruelty. The killer is a non-human, he, like a leopard, sneaks up on the victim and deals a fatal blow. The police have no...
"If during forty eight hours you will find out why I stole this woman, she will survive, if it is not - will die". With this report извраще is begun...
In Moscow girls disappear under strange circumstances. Not stars, not models, not daughters of bankers - and saleswomen and cleaners, unattractive, are plumpish...
An Audiobook "Secret of the Dutch tiles", writtenin in a studio "Ардис", is the third in the detective series of Darya Дезомбре, telling about the pair of capital detectives, - ...
Violoncellist with the world name Ксения Аверинцева buys an apartment with a kind on the channel of Грибоедова. Knowing about it, her grandmother dies from a cardiac attack. On.
A strange theft happens in a mansion in Tsar's mud Flow under Saint Petersburg - the unknown takes away 20 tiles of flemish work, incorporated by one that, only...