Collection of reasons of philosopher and theorist of modern art Boris Гройса is made by it from works entering his books of Art Power (MIT Press, 2008) and Goin...
In a book the problems of the composition thinking, his dependence, are considered on social processes and индивидуальнопсихологических features of personality, connection with ...
Always interested in an art, but there was not time of him thoroughly to study? All around only and it is talked about a modern art, but you herein nothing not ...
An art is interlaced from riddles, beauty and millennial knowledge. A map to these treasures right now lies in your hands.Book "To Fall in love with art: from Рембр...
This edition for the first time combines two books by M. S. Kazinik, which have gone through several reprints.M. Kazinik is an art critic, musician, poet, writer, filmmaker...
Present that your psychotherapist Woody Allen, George Данелия, will become personally or. Stephen Кинг! Before you the real psychological guide-book on the world and...
This book is an answer those, who counts a modern art not that by nonsense of snobs, not then by frank deception. What sense is celled in the "Black square" of Малевича? Ч...
"What freer abstract element of form, the cleaner and besides more primitive his sounding" - these words of Кандинского fully would become the motto of all work ...
Even most inveterate киноманы mostly look the cinema in the wide value of word - estimate history, watch after personages, enjoy general beauty of изображе...
Work of the great British artist Фрэнсиса Бэкона is often named difficult, incomprehensible, intimidating. Modern artist, counsel and historian of arts Кири...
If you want to learn to understand an art is this book for you. She will help to understand you, how an art develops, as it is arranged, and to begin to speak on яз...
"Characters of Italy" are a not guide-book.This staggering narration that is read better than any historical novel.It is reflections erudite and тонк...