All knew Набиля as an exemplary son from traditional moslem family. From little up he knew Koran by heart, observed the rituals of islam and loved all heart роди...
Read out in childhood by Alexander Дюма and Жюлем by Verne? Love the French cinema and music? Do you adore the French kitchen and wine? you dream though with of увидет half an.
A professor James Маккол invites us in the world of maxillufacial surgery, telling impressive histories of people a serious help was required that. He опис...
Джастин!? The same popular ютуб-блогер? Yes, you did not seem to, it he. The author of book arrived to us from Canada (in earnest?), to continue the study of русског...
Who can a woman work as, if her last name means a "danger"? No, by a not policeman and not спецагентом. She is a midwife.Лиа Хэзард not immediately was determined with choice...
"All written in this book - indeed. But is a true far not all", - the author of this collection of medical prose asserts. He hid after a pseudonym, supposing,...
Post-war America. A grandmother and grand-dad of Вэнса move on a north from the district of Аппалачей in Kentucky in a hope on the best life. They succeed to force one's way.
Feminism a long ago released unmarried women from an infamous label "old maid". But however the great number of girls is not considered the life valuable, if in her н...
"Deeper" is a book of watching the modern surrounding world - his inhabitants, heroes, moral - through a prism caustic, sarcasm, at times hard, but неи...
In the book of professor of medicine and domestic psychotherapist Valentina Москаленко "For me the scenario" many know itself. As, exactly in family of закладываютс...
How interestingly to give a glance you on medicine under other corner to know, what is felt by doctors, when does rescue lives of people? Joanna Кэннон, author of book and.