"Captain Ricardo: A Novel" is an exciting story about the adventures of seafarers in search of adventure and treasure. Author Nicola Misasi has successfully com...
"Women of the Caesars" is a fascinating book by the Italian historian Guglielmo Ferrero, which reveals the portraits of influential women who surrounded and sup...
"His Excellency's Wife" is a fascinating historical novel by the Italian writer Gerolamo Rovetta. In this book, readers have a unique opportunity to be transpor...
"A novel about death" by Bruno Sperani is a fascinating and impressive work, where the author guides the reader through the labyrinths of life and death. The ma...
"Illusion: A Novel" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Lucio D'Ambra. This book transports the reader to a magical world of dreams and reality, where my...
"The Devil's Palace, Volume 2/2: The Legend of Mantovan" is an exciting continuation of the story created in the sophisticated style of Ulysses Barbieri. In thi...
"The Devil's Palace, Volume 1/2: The Legend of Mantua" is a fascinating book written by the famous Italian writer Ulisse Barbieri. In this novel, reality and fa...
"Lincendiary; an account of the futuristic victory in Trieste" is the work of the Italian writer Aldo Palazzoschi, who brought to the attention of readers a fas...
"Ivanhoe; or, The Return of the Crusader" is a historical novel by Walter Scott that takes us to medieval England at the time of Richard the Lionheart. The main...
"Hazel and ivy. Signs. Myths. Legends" is a book by the famous Italian writer Antonio Giulio Barrili. In this book, the author explores the relationship between...
"The Constitution of the Italian Republic and the Constitutional Statutes of the Kingdom of Italy" is a collection of basic rules and laws that regulate the Ita...
"And demagogues, or Secrets of Livorno" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Cesare Monteverde, which fills every page with an atmosphere of mystery and i...