"Riconcizzo" by Tommasina Guidi is a fascinating historical drama that transports readers to medieval Italy. The main character, Maria, faces the complex challe...
"The Three Valleys of Sicily" is a fascinating journey into the world of rural life on an Italian island, written by the Italian writer Gaetano Sangiorgio. In t...
"A novel about a lady from a status family" is an exciting book written in creamy Ukrainian literary language. Author Anna Vertue Gentile enchants her readers w...
"Builder Solness" is a play by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, which tells the story of the ambitious architect Haller Solness. The main character has bi...
In Ukrainian, the title of the book will sound like "Philosophical project of complete reformation of the cult and political and moral education of the Jewish p...
"Racconti popolari" is a collection of Italian folk tales, collected and uniquely compiled into a book by the Ukrainian linguist and folklorist Pietro Tuar. In ...
"The Chosen One: A Novel" by Luciano Zuccoli is a fascinating book that tells the story of a mysterious and mysterious protagonist who has undergone a choice. I...
"The Ruin of an Ancient Civilization" is an outstanding work of the Italian historian Gugliermo Ferrero, which reveals the causes and consequences of the declin...
"Comedies - Astrologer" is a collection of comedies by the Italian playwright Giambattista della Porta. In this book, the author collects funny and life stories...
"Angiola Maria: A Family Story" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Giulio Carcano, which reveals the unusual fate of the main character, a young girl na...
"Crisis: a comedy in three acts" is a play by the Italian author Marco Praga. In this comedy, he successfully combines sharp satirical humor with the realities ...
"Relic - Crystal Masses" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Edoardo Calandra. In this book, the world of ancient shrines meets modern times, where the m...