"History of the War of Independence of the United States of America, Volume 4" is a masterpiece study by the famous Italian historian Carlo Botta, which tells a...
"Centered on the plot and filled with real historical events, the book "Town's Vendetta" was written by the Italian writer Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi. In this...
"The History of the War of Independence of the United States of America, Volume 1" is an epic essay by the famous Italian historian Carlo Botta, which details t...
Matilda Serrao's "Little Romance" is a work that transports the reader to the atmosphere of Naples at the end of the 19th century. In this book, the author reve...
"The History of the War of Independence of the United States of America, Volume 2" is the second part of the outstanding work of the Italian historian Carlo Bot...
"The Book of Sidrac: an unpublished text of the 14th century, published by Adolfo Bartoli" - this is how you can freely translate the title of this book into Uk...
"Ottavia" is a fascinating historical drama from the Italian writer Vittorio Alfieri. The book tells about the life of Ottavia, a powerful and influential Roman...
"Three stories: The blind dog - The unknown genius - Galatea" is a collection of works by the Italian writer Vittorio Bercezio, which fascinates with its fantas...
"The Italian writer Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi in his book 'The Dying Century, Volume IV' depicts the complex realities of Italian society at the end of the 1...
"The Dying Century, Volume I" is a historical novel by Italian author Francesco Domenico Gerrazzi. In addition to the story about the processes of the revolutio...
"The Dying Century, Volume II" is the second part of a fascinating historical novel by Italian author Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi. In this book, he continues t...
"Il Passaggio: A Novel" is an impressive and emotional work by the famous Italian writer Sibila Aleramo. The book paves the way through the complex labyrinth of...