"The life of Italians during the French Revolution and the Empire: Vincenzo Monti (1754-1828)" is a work that traces the complex events of the period of the Fre...
"La Republica de Naples: Italian Life during the French Revolution and Empire" is a study of the complex events that transformed the lives of the people of Napl...
"Napoleon: Italian Life during the French Revolution and Empire" is a fascinating book by the famous Italian writer Antonio Giulio Barrili, which tells about th...
"Sicilian-Tuscan poets of the 13th century. The first series - residents of Pistoia, Lucca and Pisa" is an anthology of poetry presenting the works of famous po...
"La plebe, part III" is an exciting novel by the Italian writer Vittorio Bercezio, which is the third part in the exciting series "La plebe". In this book, read...
"The Plebeians, Part IV" is the fourth part of an exciting series of novels by the Italian writer Vittorio Berzezio. In this book, he continues the story about ...
"La Plebe, Part I" is the first book in the cycle of stories by the Italian writer Vittorio Bercezio. In this work, the author reproduces colorful images of ord...
"La plebe, part II" is an exciting continuation of the novel by the Italian writer Vittorio Berzezzio. In this book, readers once again find themselves in a his...
"The conferences held in Florence in 1896 reveal in detail the lives of Italians during the French Revolution and the Empire. The authors, collecting their obse...
"The Italian writer Ferdinando Petrucelli della Gattina presents his book "Vacation at the New York Consilium". This is an exciting story about the adventures o...
"Villa Glory - Memories and anecdotes from the autumn of 1867" is a fascinating book written by famous Italian authors - Giovanni Cairoli and Pio Vittorio Ferra...
"No: Romanzo" is a literary masterpiece by the famous Italian writer Alfredo Oriani. In this book, the author tells a story about life and death, about love and...