"Beloved" is the most famous novel of Тони Morrison, awarded with Пулитцеровской (1988), and then and to the Nobel prize (1993). It is surprizing history blackly...
In the first day of the existence Eva meets in the Paradisial garden a strange creature and does opening, that it is a man. A whole week leaves on that with н...
A scene is Paris on the eve of Second world war.A hero is a surgeon rescuing human lives, refugee, from Germany, without documents, hiding and from фра...
A novel that has withstood an incredible number of film adaptations and theatrical productions and formed the basis of the cult modernized version with Gwyneth Paltrow and.
John Фаулз is prominent British post-modernism, modern classic and author of the known worldwide best sellers "Collector", "Magus", "Mistress of французског...
It would seem, the best days of Douglas Граймса a long ago behind. Former pilot, now night портье is in a cheap hotel, he barely makes both end meet. But here судьб...
The second novel of the classic of world literature, which was released only eleven years after the scandalous "Sister Carrie". Jenny Gerhardt, naive and dreamy...
Ханс Фаллада (pseudonym of Rudolf Дитцена, 1893-1947) is included in the cohort of the European classics of ХХ of century. His novels are an exact diagnosis of the state of н...
A "fair of vanity" was and remains one of the most popular works of world literature. Roman without a hero tells history of ingenious Becky Sharpe, го...
The largest representative of the "lost generation" Thomas Вулф (1900-1938) is included in the pleiad of writers forming American prose in 20-30th of XX table...
The "Italian folk tales" offered to the reader no less enthralling, what fairy-tales Russians. Dynamic plot, rich vocabulary and simple style, and also мно...
A young writer Джеффри Темпест, vegetating in poverty and obscurity, sells the soul to Satan and gets from Prince of Darkness everything, about what dreamed only. more precisely,.