The evening-party of "gold young people" made off large trouble.The titled foreigner commits crime by chance - and tries to go away from an answer.Daughter of millionaire, with...
"Trip of pilgrim in the Celestial country" - one of the most influential christian works some time written in English language. Translated into many the language...
This novel of Оноре de Бальзака (1799-1850) from the cycle of the "Stage of provincial life" is legally considered the top of work of the famous French writer. Name ...
The "letters to the son", written with Chesterfield for the young travelling son, till today remain applicable to our life. Little cunnings of commonunication and ...
By the "Saturday evening, if to give a glance from a ground for golf, window of out-of-town club in thickening twilights will show oneself yellow distances above absolute-black.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton was a talented historian and publicist, a brilliant orator and a major political figure - first a liberal, then a conservative ...
Nausea is essence of life of people seize-up "in commotion of day". People - abandoned on the favour of alien, pitiless, cheerless reality.Nausea - this невозмож...
A "seed of desire" (1962) is antiutopia in that Anthony Берджесс describes the near future, where the world suffers from global overpopulation. Here encouraged odes...
A treatise "So talked Заратустра" name nietzschean Bible.The favourite idea of Nietzsche - idea of Superman that is for the author of н is set forth in him...
"Emile, or On Education" is a work by the famous French philosopher and prose writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French Jean-Jacque Rousseau, 1712-1778). ***
This majestic...