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Histories of success and biography
$8.15 -10% Off $7.34Toyota. The true reasons for the prosperity of the Japanese auto giant.Toyota began the story of its ascent at a time when Japan was recovering from the defeat in ...
$1.27 -10% Off $1.14Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) - one of the founding fathers of the United States, politician, diplomat, scientist, writer, journalist, publisher. He was the one who held...
$2.35 -10% Off $2.11This text is an abridged version of the book “Now I eat whatever I want! David Yan's Nutrition System". Having become interested in the idea of proper nutrition, David Yan, the.
$2.45 -10% Off $2.20This text is an abridged version of the book It's Not About the Coffee. The corporate culture of Starbucks. Despite the fact that Howard Schultz is considered the head of.
$2.76 -10% Off $2.48Sometimes one man can distribute so much evil and cause so much pain, that round him all dies. Love, friendship, faith in itself, happiness, dies, rads...
$2.37 -10% Off $2.14This text is a brief version of book "Force of good : Dalai lama about that, how to do the life and world better".In the book of the American psychologist Daniel Гоулмана изл...
$2.37 -10% Off $2.14This text is a brief version of book "My years in GE".Jack Уэлч occupied the post of director general of company General Electric 20. For this time cost ...
$2.42 -10% Off $2.18This text is a brief version of book "Principle of pyramid of Минто".It is necessary to build a story so that a reader forgot about all other and concentrated вн...
$2.48 -10% Off $2.23This text is a brief version of book "Reflections of genius"".Acquire in youth that at the years will recover to you the damage caused by old age".Леонардо and Винч...
$2.40 -10% Off $2.16This text is a brief version of book "Patagonia is business in style surfing".Opening a company Patagonia almost 50 back, Ивон Шуинар and did not think about large...
$2.40 -10% Off $2.16This text is a brief version of book "Treatises about the art of management".The famous Arabic philosopher of Абу-Наср Аль-Фараби was a desirable guest at a court any...
$2.35 -10% Off $2.11This text is a brief version of book "Revelations of advertisement agent".History of advertisement knows quite a bit examples of interesting and successful advertisement.