(Dr.) (William Herbert) Lowe
1877 Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Committee Appointed to Investigate the Railroad Riots in July
2nd. Altitude Indoctrination Unit United States. Army Air Forces. Air Force
5th Great Britain. Army. Highland Light Infantry. Battalion
A British officer
A Californian
à Kempis Thomas
A lady
A-No. 1
A. (Ada) Goodrich-Freer
A. (Adolph) Eichhorn
A. (Adrien) Guilmin
A. (Agathon) Meurman
A. (Albert) Calmette
A. (Albert) Dastre
A. (Albert) Schäffle
A. (Aleksandr) Bogdanov
A. (Aleksandr) Sukhovo-Kobylin
A. (Alexander) Mackenzie
A. (Alexander) Wilhelmi
A. (Alexandre) Privat d'Anglemont
A. (Alfred) Arkell-Hardwick
A. (Alfred) Bégis
A. (Alfred) Hildebrandt
A. (Alfred) Schalck de la Faverie
A. (Allen) Mawer
A. (Alonzo) Cooper
A. (Alphonse) Fortia de Piles
A. (Alphonse) Loisette
A. (Alvan) McAllister
A. (Ambrose) Cooper
A. (André) Le Glay
A. (Angelo) Mosso
A. (Angus) Hamilton
A. (Antoine) Antoine
A. (Antoine) Marmontel
A. (Anton) Lungwitz
A. (Anton) Springer
A. (Arnold) Safroni-Middleton
Á. (Árpád) Berczik
A. (Arthur) Clutton-Brock
A. (August) Kappler
A. (Auguste) Debay
A. (Auguste) Vimar
A. (Augustin) Thompson
A. A. (Abraham Alexander) Wolff
A. A. (Agnes Amy) Brooke
A. A. (Alan Alexander) Milne
A. A. (Albert Angus) Turbayne
A. A. (Aleksandra Andreevna) Tolstaia
A. A. (Alexander A.) Stewart
A. A. (Amos Andrew) Parker
A. A. (Andrew Archibald) Paton
A. A. (Angelo Antonio) Frari
A. A. (Anton Albert) Beekman
A. A. (Arthur Alger) Crozier
A. A. (Arthur Aston) Luce
A. A. (August Adriaan) Pulle
A. A. O. Gilmour
A. A. Soares de (Antonio Augusto Soares) Passos
A. A. St. M. (Arthur Albert St. M.) Mouritz
A. A. Willys
A. Adossidès
A. Alpheus
A. Anderson
A. Armando
A. Augusto de Miranda
A. B. (Albert B.) Simpson
A. B. (Alexander Brydie) Dyer
A. B. (Alfred Benjamin) Meacham
A. B. (Alfred Burdon) Ellis
A. B. (Alonzo Beecher) Brooks
A. B. (Anders Björn) Drachmann
A. B. (Andrew Barton) Paterson
A. B. (Antoine B.) Beauvilliers
A. B. (Artemas Bowers) Muzzey
A. B. (Arthur Burdett) Frost
A. B. (Augustus Bozzi) Granville
A. B. Clifton
A. B. Courtney
A. B. de (Amédée Baillot de) Guerville
A. B. Mickalitis
A. B. S. (Alfred Browning Stanley) Tennyson
A. B. Whitney
A. Blok
A. C. (Abraham Chittenden) Baldwin
A. C. (Albert Charles) Seward
A. C. (Albert Christopher) Addison
A. C. (Alfred Carlton) Gilbert
A. C. (Andrew Carpenter) Wheeler
A. C. (Andrew Cecil) Bradley
A. C. (Arthur Charles) Saunders
A. C. (Augustus Charles) Thompson
A. C. (Austin Craig) Apgar
A. C. C. de Vletter
A. C. Hobbs
A. C. Kuiper
A. C. Whitford
A. C. Wootton
A. Campbell
A. Christen
A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland) Coxe
A. Cominelli
A. D. (Alexander Dunlop) Lindsay
A. D. (Alfred Daniel) Smith
A. D. (Alfred Denis) Godley
A. D. (Amory Dwight) Mayo
A. D. (Arthur D.) Hall
A. D. (August D.) Luckhoff
A. D. (Augustine David) Crake
A. D. Bayne
A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster) Hamlin
A. D. Nelson
A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train) Whitney
A. de (Alcide) Beauchesne
A. de (Armand de) Quatrefages
A. de (Auguste) Gérando
A. de (Aureliano) Beruete y Moret
A. de (Ausone) Chancel
A. de Mathuisieulx
A. de Ville D'Avray
A. E. (Adolf Eduard) Zucker
A. E. (Adolphus Edwards) Richards
A. E. (Albert Edward) Seaton
A. E. (Alfred Edgar) Coppard
A. E. (Alfred Edward) Housman
A. E. (Alfred Edward) Reveirs-Hopkins
A. E. (Alfred Edward) Taylor
A. E. (Alfred Edwin) Johnson
A. E. (Alfred Elton) Van Vogt
A. E. (Alfred Emil) Ingman
A. E. (Amelia E.) Johnson
A. E. (Amos Emerson) Dolbear
A. E. (Antwerp Edgar) Pratt
A. E. (Arthur Everett) Shipley
A. E. Blanco
A. E. H. (Alfred Edwin Howard) Tutton
A. E. J. (Alfred Edward John) Rawlinson
A. E. Richmond
A. E. Stevenson
A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley) Mason
A. Earley
A. Edward (Alfred Edward) Newton
A. Eric Bayly
A. Ethelwyn Wetherald
A. F. (Adolphus Frederick) Schauffler
A. F. (Adolphus Frederick) Warburton
A. F. (Albert Frank) Kendrick
A. F. (Albert Frederick) Hochwalt
A. F. (Albert Frederick) Pollard
A. F. (Ashbel Fairchild) Hill
A. F. (Augustus Ferryman) Mockler-Ferryman
A. F. Marx de Sori
A. F. Morris Hands
A. F. R. (Alexander Frederick Richmond) Wollaston
A. F. W. (Andreas Franz Wilhelm) Schimper
A. Ferreira de Freitas
A. Frances (Abby Frances) Friebe
A. Frank Pinkerton
A. Fraser Robertson
A. Frederick (Archie Frederick) Collins
A. Freeman Smith
A. G. (Albert Gallatin) Riddle
A. G. (Alfred Gabriel) Nathorst
A. G. (Alfred George) Gardiner
A. G. (Alfred Greenwood) Hales
A. G. (Allan Gibson) Steel
A. G. (Andrew George) Little
A. G. (Arthur Gay) Payne
A. G. (Arthur Granville) Bradley
A. G. Bagot
A. G. Feather
A. G. H. Thatcher
A. G. K. (Alfred Guy Kingan) L'Estrange
A. Garland Mears
A. H. (Albert Henry) Munsell
A. H. (Alexander Hamilton) Laidlaw
A. H. (Alexander Hepburn) Macklin
A. H. (Alexander Herritage) Newton
A. H. (Almon Harris) Thompson
A. H. (Archibald Henry) Sayce
A. H. (Arthur Hamilton) Smith
A. H. (Arthur Henry) Johnson
A. H. (Arthur Henry) Vesey
A. H. (Augustus Henry) Beesly
A. H. (Augustus Henry) Keane
A. H. Ames
A. H. Bergholm
A. H. Geuting
A. H. J. (Abel Hendy Jones) Greenidge
A. H. L. (Arnold Hermann Ludwig) Heeren
A. H. Noe
A. H. Phelps
A. H. U. (Arthur Hugh Urquhart) Colquhoun
A. Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton) Thompson
A. Hamilton (Arthur Hamilton) Gibbs
A. Harold Castonguay
A. Heaton (Alfred Heaton) Cooper
A. Herbert (Arthur Herbert) Gray
A. Hilliard (Andrew Hilliard) Atteridge
A. Hingston (Alison Hingston) Quiggin
A. Hoatson
A. Horsley (Alfred Horsley) Hinton
A. Hugh (Alfred Hugh) Fisher
A. Hume-Griffith
A. Hyatt (Alpheus Hyatt) Verrill
A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich) Kuprin
A. I. (Anne Isabel) Douglas
A. J. (Aaron Joshua) Rosanoff
A. J. (Abraham John) Muste
A. J. (Adoniram Judson) Gordon
A. J. (Ahmed John) Kenealy
A. J. (Alec John) Dawson
A. J. (Alexander James) Duffield
A. J. (Alexander James) Murray
A. J. (Alexander Johnstone) Wilson
A. J. (Alexander Joseph) Finberg
A. J. (Alfred James) Hill
A. J. (Alfred John) Evans
A. J. (Antoni Józef) Gliński
A. J. (Arthur James) Vogan
A. J. (Arthur John) Sargent
A. J. (Augustine J.) O'Reilly
A. J. A. Vermeer
A. J. Bueltmann
A. J. C. (Anthony J. C.) Snijders
A. J. Foster
A. J. L. (Alan John Lance) Scott
A. J. Pons
A. J. Sarlin
A. K. Browne
A. K. Ruh
A. K. Seklemian
A. Kempkey
A. Kloos
A. Koorevaar
A. L. (Alfred Louis) Kroeber
A. L. (Alfred Lys) Baldry
A. L. (Andrew L.) Byers
A. L. (Arthur Lincoln) Haydon
A. L. A. (Abraham Lincoln Artman) Himmelwright
A. L. G. (Anna Louisa Geertruida) Bosboom-Toussaint
A. L. Haley
A. L. O. E.
A. L. Small
A. Lawrence (Abbott Lawrence) Lowell
A. Leah (Ann Leah) Underhill
A. M. (Abbie M.) Brooks
A. M. (Albert Moore) Reese
A. M. (Alexander Martin) Sullivan
A. M. (Alice Muriel) Williamson
A. M. (Archibald Montgomery) Low
A. M. (Arthur Mason) Worthington
A. M. (Arthur Murray) Chisholm
A. M. Beatson
A. M. Donelan
A. M. Mauriceau
A. M. T. (Arthur Mason Tippetts) Jackson
A. M. van der Velden
A. Marsh
A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances) Robinson
A. Mason Clarke
A. Maude (Agnes Maude) Royden
A. Maynard (Anna Maynard) Barbour
A. McCulloch
A. Metcalf
A. Mitra
A. Mueller
A. Murray Smith
A. N. (Aleksandr Nikolaevich) Afanas'ev
A. N. (Alekseĭ Nikolaevich) Kuropatkin
A. N. (Austin Norman) Palmer
A. Neely (Albert Neely) Hall
A. Neil (Albert Neil) Lyons
A. Nuiver
A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) Exquemelin
A. P. (Addison Peale) Russell
A. P. (Alan Patrick) Herbert
A. P. (Alonzo P.) Connolly
A. P. (Andrew Price) Morgan
A. P. (Arthur Philemon) Coleman
A. P. (Avetoon Pesak) Hacobian
A. P. Doyle
A. P. I. (Samuels S.
A. P. Mukerji
A. Paul Gardiner
A. Phillips
A. Piron
A. R. (Albert Rowe) Barlow
A. R. (Alec Rowley) Hilliard
A. R. (Alfred Richard) Orage
A. R. (Alfred Rochefort) Calhoun
A. R. (Aniceto Reis) Gonçalves Viana
A. R. (Arthur Richard) Whitham
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding
A. R. D. (Alfred Robert Davidson) Mackenzie
A. R. de Lens
A. R. Hope (Ascott Robert Hope) Moncrieff
A. R. Narayanan
A. R. Stuart
A. Rivier
A. Russell (Alexander Russell) Bond
A. S. (Alexander Septimus) Alexander
A. S. (Alfred Stevens) Burbank
A. S. (Alpheus Spring) Packard
A. S. (Alta Sharon) Walker
A. S. (Andrew Sloan) Draper
A. S. (Angelo Solomon) Rappoport
A. S. (Annie S.) Fenn
A. S. (Archibald Stevenson) Forrest
A. S. (Azel Stevens) Roe
A. S. M. (Arthur Stuart-Menteth) Hutchinson
A. S. W. (Abraham Simon Wolf) Rosenbach
A. Stanley Blicq
A. Stewart (Alexander Stewart) Walsh
A. Stone
A. T. (Albert Ten Eyck) Olmstead
A. T. (Alfred Thayer) Mahan
A. T. (Andrew Taylor) Still
A. T. (Augustus Theodore) Bartholomew
A. T. Robertson
A. T. Thomson
A. Taylor (Alexander Taylor) Innes
A. Teunisse
A. Th. (Albert Theodor) Böök
A. U. (Albert Ulrik) Bååth
A. V. (Albert Venn) Dicey
A. V. (Andrew Valentine) Kirwan
A. V. (August Vilhelm) Ervasti
A. V. Sutton
A. van der (Alida) Flier
A. von Schmidt auf Altenstadt
A. W. (Adolphus Washington) Greely
A. W. (Aiden Wilson) Tozer
A. W. (Albert Watson) Fulton
A. W. (Andrew Woods) Williamson
A. W. (Anthony Weston) Dimock
A. W. (Arvill Wayne) Bitting
A. W. Duncan
A. W. Weston
A. W. Wiston-Glynn
A. Walsh
A. Walter
A. Woodward
A. [Pseudonym.] Bertrand
A.-J. (Alphonse-Jules) Wauters
A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste) Defauconpret
A.-V. (Antoine-Vincent) Arnault
Aapo Selja
Aarne Mustasalo
Aarne Sihvo
Aarni Kouta
Aaro A. (Aaro August) Nuutinen
Aaro Hellaakoski
Aaro J. (Aaro Juho) Vallinmäki
Aaron A. Warford
Aaron Bernstein
Aaron Burr
Aaron David Bernstein
Aaron Hill
Aaron L. Kolom
Aaron W. (Aaron Whitney) Leland
Aatami Kahra
Aatto Suppanen
Aatu Koskelainen
abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg
Abbe Carter Goodloe
abbé de Choisy
abbé de Vertot
abbé Prévost
Abbie Farwell Brown
Abbie Johnston Grosvenor
Abbie Phillips Walker
Abbot of Eynsham Aelfric
Abbot of Nogent-sous-Coucy Guibert
Abbott Lawrence Rotch
Abby Langdon Alger
Abby Morton Diaz
Abd Salam Shabeeny
Abdullah Browne
Abel Boyer
Abel C. (Abel Charles) Thomas
Abel Chapman
Abel D. Streight
Abel Hermant
Abel J. (Abel John) Jones
Abertine D. Mandall
Abigail Adams
Abigail Stanley Hanna
Abijah Long
Abílio Manuel Guerra Junqueiro
Abm. (Abraham) Des Amorie van der Hoeven
Abner Bayley
Abner Cheney Goodell
Abner Cosens
Abner Doubleday
Abner Stocking
Abraam Abraamovich Gul'bat
Abraham Anthony Fokker
Abraham Cahan
Abraham Conant
Abraham Cowley
Abraham Dreyfus
Abraham Epstein
Abraham H. Hummel
Abraham Kuyper
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Merritt
Abraham Mitrie Rihbany
Abraham Myerson
Abraham Poppius
Abraham Tomlinson
Abram Herbert Lewis
Abram J. (Abram Jesse) Dittenhoefer
Abram Joseph Ryan
Absalom Martin
Abu al-Ala al-Maarri
Abu Zayd Hasan ibn Yazid Sirafi
Academy of Political Science in the City of New York
Achille Bizzoni
Achille Giovanni Cagna
Achille Loria
Achilles Daunt
Achilles Rose
Achilles Tatius
Achmed Abdullah
active 11th century Wenying
active 1200 Layamon
active 12th century Sriharsa
active 13th century Sidrac
active 14th century Hafiz
active 1573 Wugenzi
active 17th century Donglugukuangsheng
active 17th century Gaudapurnanandacakravarti
active 17th century Juqizi
active 17th century Qingxidaoren
active 17th century-18th century Yuanhuyanshuisanren
active 17th century-18th century Yunyangchichidaoren
active 180 Celsus (Platonic philosopher)
active 1813 Common sense (Writer)
active 18th century Su'anzhuren
active 18th century Yanxiazhuren
active 18th century Yulinglaoren
active 18th century-19th century Langhuanshanqiao
active 19th century Hanshangmengren
active 19th century Lady
active 19th century Lady of distinction
active 19th century Novice
active 19th century Uncle George
active 1st century Longinus
active 4th century B.C. Guiguzi
active 4th century B.C. Liezi
active 4th century Eutropius
active 6th century B.C. Sunzi
active 6th century Jordanes
active 796 Nennius
active 7th century Dandin
active 9th century Sulayman al-Tajir
active ? S. W.
active approximately 150-175 Pausanias
active Blind Hary
active Wenkang
active Zuiyueshanren
Acúrcio Correia da Silva
Ada Barnett
Ada Cambridge
Ada Christen
Ada Langworthy Collier
Ada Leverson
Ada M. (Ada Maria) Skinner
Ada M. Marzials
Ada Negri
Ada Wentworth Fitzwilliam
Ada Woodruff Anderson
Adah Louise Sutton
Adalbert Stifter
Adam Asnyk
Adam Charles Gustave Desmazures
Adam Ferguson
Adam Gowens Whyte
Adam Gurowski
Adam Lindsay Gordon
Adam Mickiewicz
Adam Oehlenschläger
Adam S. (Adam Samuel) Bennion
Adam Seaborn
Adam Smith
Adam Storey Farrar
Adam Yule
Adan E. (Adan Eduardo) Treganza
Adán Quiroga
Adda Ravnkilde
Addie Chisholm
Addie W. Hunton
Addison B. Poland
Addison Darre Crabtre
Addison Mizner
Addison Van Name
Addison Webster Moore
Adela E. (Adela Elizabeth Richards) Orpen
Adelaide Anne Procter
Adelaide Cadogan
Adelaide Crapsey
Adélaïde de Montgolfier
Adelaide Hoodless
Adelaide L. (Adelaide Lisetta) Fries
Adelaide M. G. Campbell
Adélaïde-Marie-Emilie Filleul Souza-Botelho
Adelbert Cammerer
Adelbert Farrington Caldwell
Adelbert von Chamisso
Adele E. Thompson
Adele Garrison
Adèle Hommaire de Hell
Adele Schopenhauer
Adelheid Wette
Adelia B. (Adelia Belle) Beard
Adelia B. Cox Sidwell
Adelin Balch Coit
Adeline Adams
Adeline Knapp
Adeline M. (Adeline Margaret) Teskey
Adeline Sergeant
Adeline Trafton
Adene Williams
Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing) Stevenson
Adlard Welby
Adolf Bernhard Meyer
Adolf Friedrich von Schack
Adolf Hausrath
Adolf Heilborn
Adolf Hepner
Adolf Knoblauch
Adolf Lazarus
Adolf Lippold
Adolf Paul
Adolf Schwayer
Adolf Stern
Adolf Streckfuss
Adolf von Harnack
Adolf Waldemar Jahnsson
Adolf Wolff
Adolfo Albertazzi
Adolfo Coelho
Adolfo de Castro
Adolfo Ferreira Caminha
Adolfo Rossi
Adolfo Venturi
Adolph Bayersdorfer
Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier
Adolph Isaacsen
Adolph Ivar Arwidsson
Adolph Keitel
Adolph Murie
Adolphe Adam
Adolphe Belot
Adolphe d' Ennery
Adolphe Danziger
Adolphe Dreyspring
Adolphe Retté
Adolphe Thiers
Adolphus Charles Troughton
Adolphus William Ward
Adoniram Judson Ladd
Adriaan David van der Gon Netscher
Adriaan van der Willigen
Adrian C. (Adrian Constantine) Anson
Adrien Coblentz
Adrien Decourcelle
Adrien Le Corbeau
Adrien Leblond
Adrien Paul
Adrien Sylvain
Adrien-Jean-Baptiste-François Bourgogne
Aegineta Paulus
Affonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo Affonso Celso
Agatha Christie
Agatha Deken
Agathon-Jean-François Fain
Agénor Gasparin
Agna de Valldaura
Agnes Baden-Powell
Agnes Bierman
Agnes Blake Poor
Agnes C. Laut
Agnes Castle
Agnes Deans Cameron
Agnes E. Ryan
Agnes Ethel Conway
Agnes Giberne
Agnes Grainger Stewart
Agnes Günther
Agnes H. Morton
Agnes Herbert
Agnes M. (Agnes Mary) Clerke
Agnes M. Goodall
Agnes Maule Machar
Agnes Osterloh
Agnes Repplier
Agnes Robertson Arber
Agnes Rothery
Agnes Rush Burr
Agnes S. Underwood
Agnes Sapper
Agnes Strickland
Agnes Warner
Agness Greene Foster
Agostinho Manuel de Vasconcelos
Agostinho Marques Perdigão Malheiro
Agostino Ricchi
Agustín Alvarez
Agustín Aragón
Ahad Ha'am
Ahmad Muhammad Hasanayn
Ahmad Urabi
Ahmed Hussain
Aileen Cleveland Higgins
Aimé Bonpland
Aimé Humbert
Aimé Vingtrinier
Aimée Crocker Gouraud
Aimée de Coigny
Aimery de Comminges
Ain'Elisabet Pennanen
Aino Kallas
Aino Malmberg
Ainsworth Rand Spofford
Ákos Horváth
Akseli Järnefelt Rauanheimo
Akseli Salokannel
Al Landau
Al Reynolds
Al Sevcik
Al. G. (Alfred Griffith) Field
Alabama Museum of Natural History
Aladár Schöpflin
Alaeddine Haïdar
Alain Gerbault
Alain René Le Sage
Alajos Degré
Alan Arkin
Alan Bott
Alan Cogan
Alan Dale
Alan Douglas
Alan Edward Nourse
Alan Gray
Alan J. Ramm
Alan L. Strang
Alan Leo
Alan Mattox
Alan Seeger
Alan St. Aubyn
Alan St. H. (Alan St. Hill) Brock
Alan Sullivan
Alanson M. Randol
Alban Butler
Albartus Telting
Albert A. (Albert Abraham) Michelson
Albert A. (Albert Amedeé) Méras
Albert A. Lings
Albert Augustus Trever
Albert Barnes
Albert Barrère
Albert Bigelow Paine
Albert Bordeaux
Albert Burton Farnham
Albert Bushnell Hart
Albert C. L. G. (Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf) Günther
Albert C. Manucy
Albert Callet
Albert Cim
Albert Cornelius Crawford
Albert Coste
Albert d' Anethan
Albert D. (Albert Deane) Richardson
Albert D. (Albert Dresden) Vandam
Albert Daiber
Albert Delpit
Albert dePina
Albert Dillahunty
Albert Du Casse
Albert E. (Albert Edward) McKinley
Albert E. (Albert Edward) Winship
Albert Edwards
Albert Ehrenstein
Albert Einstein
Albert Engström
Albert Ernest Jenks
Albert F. (Albert Franklin) Blaisdell
Albert Farges
Albert Ferland
Albert Francis Zahm
Albert Frederick Calvert
Albert Frederick Siepert
Albert G. (Albert Gardner) Robinson
Albert Gallatin
Albert Gallatin Mackey
Albert H. (Albert Henry) Buck
Albert H. Benson
Albert H. Schroeder
Albert Hale Plumb
Albert Hämäläinen
Albert Hart Sanford
Albert Hartshorne
Albert Hastings Markham
Albert Heintze
Albert Henry Smyth
Albert Hernhuter
Albert Heumann
Albert Howe Lybyer
Albert J. (Albert Jeremiah) Beveridge
Albert James Pickett
Albert Jay Nock
Albert John Cook
Albert John Nunnamaker
Albert Keim
Albert Kukkonen
Albert L. Latter
Albert Le Roy
Albert Leffingwell
Albert Lidgett
Albert Lindsay Rowland
Albert M. Goodrich
Albert M. Treynor
Albert Martin Kales
Albert Mathiez
Albert Matthews
Albert Maxfield
Albert Moll
Albert Mordell
Albert N. (Albert Nathaniel) Williams
Albert Pákh
Albert Pálffy
Albert Parker Fitch
Albert Payson Terhune
Albert Pfister
Albert Pike
Albert Plummer
Albert Réville
Albert Rhys Williams
Albert Robida
Albert Roderich
Albert Ross
Albert S. (Albert Samuel) Gatschet
Albert Savine
Albert Schwegler
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Shaw
Albert Sidney Bolles
Albert Smith
Albert Stoessel
Albert T. (Albert Theodore) Poffenberger
Albert Taylor Bledsoe
Albert Teichmann
Albert Teichner
Albert Theodor Gnudtzmann
Albert Tissandier
Albert Tobias Clay
Albert V. Harmon
Albert Vandal
Albert Verwey
Albert W. (Albert Wadsworth) Harris
Albert W. Aiken
Albert W. Hicks
Albert Walter Tolman
Albert Webster
Albert William Parry
Alberta M. (Alberta Moorhouse) Goudiss
Alberta Powell Graham
Alberta von Brochowska
Alberto B. Martínez
Alberto Boccardi
Alberto Dias Guimarães
Alberto Feliciano Marques Pereira
Alberto Fortis
Alberto Leal Barradas Monteiro Braga
Alberto Mario
Alberto P. Guglielmotti
Alberto Pimentel
Alberto Santos-Dumont
Albertus Alidus Steenbergen
Albertus T. (Albertus True) Dudley
Albin Järvinen
Albino Forjaz de Sampaio
Albion Fellows Bacon
Albion Walter Hewlett
Albion Winegar Tourgée
Albrecht Dürer
Albrecht Jensen
Albrecht Schaeffer
Albrecht Thoma
Alcanoan O. Grigsby
Alcide Dessalines d' Orbigny
Alcinous B. (Alcinous Burton) Jamison
Alden Arthur Knipe
Alden Charles Noble
Alden Eugene Bartlett
Alden F. Bradshaw
Aldo Giunta
Aldo Palazzeschi
Aldous Huxley
Aldred Scott Warthin
Alec Waugh
Aleister Crowley
Alejandro Bizzarri
Alejandro Calvo
Alejandro Lipschütz
Aleksander Lindqvist
Aleksander Świętochowski
Aleksandr Amfiteatrov
Aleksandr Borisovich Golʹdenveĭzer
Aleksandr Herzen
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Ostrovsky
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
Aleksandr Sergeyevich Griboyedov
Aleksanteri Rahkonen
Aleksei Remizov
Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy
Aleksis Kivi
Aleph Bey
Aleš Hrdlička
Alessandro de Stefani
Alessandro Manzoni
Alessandro Varaldo
Alessandro Volta
Alethea Wiel
Aletta E. Marty
Aletta H. (Aletta Henriette) Jacobs
Alex Apostolides
Alex Hill
Alex James
Alex Philip
Alex Schwalbach
Alex. B. W. (Alexander Blackie William) Kennedy
Alex. McVeigh Miller
Alex. St. Clair (Alexander St. Clair) Abrams
Alexander (Instructor in feather dyeing) Paul
Alexander Aaronsohn
Alexander Agassiz
Alexander Bain
Alexander Balázs
Alexander Berkman
Alexander Black
Alexander Blade
Alexander Boecker
Alexander Brady
Alexander Burnes
Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell Fraser
Alexander Carl Friedrich von Arentschildt
Alexander Chodzko
Alexander Clarence Flick
Alexander Clark Bullitt
Alexander Corkey
Alexander Craig Gibson
Alexander Crombie
Alexander Crummell
Alexander Darroch
Alexander Dick
Alexander Engel
Alexander F. (Alexander Ferrier) Mitchell
Alexander Falconbridge
Alexander Falconer Murison
Alexander Findlay
Alexander Forbes
Alexander Forrow
Alexander Francis Chamberlain
Alexander Fraser
Alexander Fraser Tytler Woodhouselee
Alexander Gillespie
Alexander Goodman More
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton) McGuffey
Alexander H. (Alexander Hay) Japp
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton Institute (U.S.)
Alexander Hewatt
Alexander Hill Everett
Alexander Hislop
Alexander Hosie
Alexander Hughes Bennett
Alexander Hume
Alexander Irvine
Alexander J. (Alexander James) McIvor-Tyndall
Alexander Jardine
Alexander L. Peterman
Alexander Lange Kielland
Alexander Leighton
Alexander M. (Alexander Mattock) Thompson
Alexander M. (Alexander Moore) Phillips
Alexander MacDonald
Alexander Mackenzie
Alexander Mackie
Alexander Maclaren
Alexander Majors
Alexander McAdie
Alexander McAllan
Alexander McCaul
Alexander McClintock
Alexander McDonnell
Alexander Meyrick Broadley
Alexander Michie
Alexander Miles
Alexander Miller Harvey
Alexander Monro
Alexander Morris
Alexander Morrison Stewart
Alexander Moszkowski
Alexander Patterson
Alexander Petrunkevitch
Alexander Philip Wilson Philip
Alexander Pope
Alexander Roberts
Alexander Robertson
Alexander Schmemann
Alexander Scott Withers
Alexander Shields
Alexander Smith
Alexander Somerville
Alexander Stewart
Alexander Sutherland
Alexander Sutherland Neill
Alexander Sweeney
Alexander Teetgen
Alexander Teixeira de Mattos
Alexander Turnbull
Alexander Van Millingen
Alexander von Humboldt
Alexander Walker
Alexander Warsberg
Alexander Watt
Alexander Wetmore
Alexander Wheelock Thayer
Alexander Whyte
Alexander William Kinglake
Alexander Wilmot
Alexander Ziegler
Alexandr Batěk
Alexandra Agusta Guttman Lockwine
Alexandra Gripenberg
Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa Pinto
Alexandre Bisson
Alexandre Corréard
Alexandre da Costa
Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre François Augustin Liautard
Alexandre Herculano
Alexandre Rodolphe Vinet
Alexandros Moraitides
Alexandros Papadiamantes
Alexei Panshin
Alexis Bouvier
Alexis de Châteauneuf
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis Espanet
Alexis Machuron
Alexis Soyer
Alexis Thomson
Alf Trolle
Alfhild Agrell
Alfonso Josephs Sheafe
Alfonso Maria de' Liguori
Alfred A. (Alfred Augustus) Grace
Alfred Ainger
Alfred Assollant
Alfred Austin
Alfred Ayres
Alfred B. (Alfred Broadhead) Searle
Alfred B. Chambers
Alfred Bate Richards
Alfred Bester
Alfred Biese
Alfred Billings Street
Alfred Binet
Alfred Bishop Mason
Alfred Brittain
Alfred Bruce Douglas
Alfred Brust
Alfred Burnett
Alfred Byron Cruikshank
Alfred C. (Alfred Cort) Haddon
Alfred C. B. (Alfred Charles Benson) Fletcher
Alfred C. Lyall
Alfred Carmichael
Alfred Castner King
Alfred Charles Michaud
Alfred Clark Chapin
Alfred Coppel
Alfred Crowquill
Alfred D. (Alfred Duclos) DeCelles
Alfred de Musset
Alfred de Vigny
Alfred Delvau
Alfred Denny
Alfred Döblin
Alfred Dreyfus
Alfred E. (Alfred Edward) Pease
Alfred E. Maxwell
Alfred Edmund Brehm
Alfred Elwes
Alfred Ernest Rice
Alfred F. Hess
Alfred Farthing Robbins
Alfred Festen
Alfred Fouillée
Alfred Francis Blakeney Carpenter
Alfred Franklin
Alfred G. (Alfred Gilmeiden) Arvold
Alfred Gatty
Alfred Gurney
Alfred H. (Alfred Henry) Lloyd
Alfred H. (Alfred Henry) Miles
Alfred H. Barley
Alfred H. Engelbach
Alfred Hagen
Alfred Hamilton Cruickshank
Alfred Henry Lewis
Alfred Henschke
Alfred Hoche
Alfred Holland
Alfred Hopkinson
Alfred J. (Alfred James) Hipkins
Alfred J. Vaughan
Alfred Jarry
Alfred John Church
Alfred Joseph Sewell
Alfred Kingston
Alfred Kirchhoff
Alfred Köppen
Alfred Korzybski
Alfred Kreymborg
Alfred Lambourne
Alfred Leach
Alfred Lichtenstein
Alfred Listal
Alfred M. (Alfred Marston) Tozzer
Alfred M. (Alfred Mason) Williams
Alfred M. Green
Alfred Marks
Alfred Milner Milner
Alfred Monbrun
Alfred Moquin-Tandon
Alfred Naquet
Alfred Neighbor
Alfred Noble
Alfred North Whitehead
Alfred Noyes
Alfred Ollivant
Alfred Oscar Coffin
Alfred Perceval Graves
Alfred Percival Maudslay
Alfred Pink
Alfred Plummer
Alfred Powell Morgan
Alfred Pretor
Alfred R. Lee
Alfred Raymond
Alfred Remy
Alfred Rimmer
Alfred Rowland
Alfred Russel Wallace
Alfred S. (Alfred Seelye) Roe
Alfred Saukkonen
Alfred Seymour
Alfred Sidgwick
Alfred Sirven
Alfred St. Johnston
Alfred Stowell Jones
Alfred Sutro
Alfred Tennyson Tennyson
Alfred Trübner Nutt
Alfred Trumble
Alfred Tucker
Alfred Tylor
Alfred Vail
Alfred von Hedenström
Alfred von Reumont
Alfred W. (Alfred Wilks) Drayson
Alfred W. (Alfred William) Lawson
Alfred W. (Alfred William) Pollard
Alfred Watkins
Alfred Wegener
Alfred Wellesley Rees
Alfred Wesley Wishart
Alfred Wiedemann
Alfred William Benn
Alfred Williams
Alfred Wintle Johnston
Alfred Wolfenstein
Alfred Yockney
Alfred Zimmern
Alfredo Augusto Freire de Andrade
Alfredo Campos
Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay Taunay
Alfredo Oriani
Alfredo Panzini
Alfredo Pedro de Meneses Guisado
Alfredo Pimenta
Alfredo Untersteiner
Algernon Bastard
Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Redesdale
Algernon Blackwood
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Algis Budrys
Algot Lange
Ali Bey
Ali Haydar Mithat
Alice (Fiction writer) Morgan
Alice A. Ball
Alice A. Methley
Alice Ames Winter
Alice Askew
Alice B. (Alice Boucher) Van Doren
Alice B. (Alice Bradley) Haven
Alice B. (Alice Bunker) Stockham
Alice B. Emerson
Alice Bertha Gomme
Alice Birkhead
Alice Bradley
Alice Brown
Alice C. (Alice Cunningham) Fletcher
Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice
Alice Calhoun Haines
Alice Campbell
Alice Christie Dillon
Alice Clark
Alice Corkran
Alice Crary Sutcliffe
Alice D. (Alice Dixon) Le Plongeon
Alice Dale Hardy
Alice Dracott
Alice Duer Miller
Alice E. (Alice Elinor) Bartlett
Alice Eleanor Jones
Alice Eliza Ball
Alice Emily Drummond-Hay
Alice Freeman Palmer
Alice Gardner
Alice Gerstenberg
Alice Hale Burnett
Alice Hall Walter
Alice Harriman
Alice Henry
Alice Hubbard
Alice Ilgenfritz Jones
Alice Isabel Hazeltine
Alice J. Knight
Alice Kemp-Welch
Alice L. (Alice Lightner) Hopf
Alice L. De Vine
Alice Leighton Cleather
Alice Lewis Richards
Alice M. (Alice Mangold) Diehl
Alice M. (Alice Maud) Winlow
Alice M. Hayes
Alice Mabel Bacon
Alice MacGowan
Alice Mary Doane
Alice Maude Kellogg
Alice Meynell
Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson
Alice Morse Earle
Alice Perrin
Alice Prescott Smith
Alice Pujo
Alice S. (Alice Squires) Cheyney
Alice Somerton
Alice Stopford Green
Alice Turner Curtis
Alice Vansittart Strettel Carr
Alice Wellington Rollins
Alice Werner
Alice Zimmern
Alicia Catherine Mant
Aline Havard
Alix de Lamartine
Allan Arnold
Allan Chase
Allan Cunningham
Allan Danzig
Allan Eric
Allan F. (Allan Ferguson) Westcott
Allan Fea
Allan H. Dougall
Allan Hoben
Allan Howard
Allan L. (Allan Louis) Benson
Allan McAulay
Allan Melvill Pope
Allan Menzies
Allan Monkhouse
Allan Nevins
Allan Octavian Hume
Allan Pinkerton
Allan Ramsay
Allan Sutherland
Allan Wilson Cook
Allen Chaffee
Allen Chapman
Allen Christian Smith
Allen French
Allen Glasser
Allen Howard Godbey
Allen Johnson
Allen Kelly
Allen Kim Lang
Allen Norton
Allen Pringle
Allen Putnam
Allen Raine
Allen Ripley Foote
Allen Upward
Allen W. (Allen William) Seaby
Allen Wilson Porterfield
Allerton S. (Allerton Seward) Cushman
Alleyne Ireland
Alli Nissinen
Allyn Donnelson
Alma Lutz
Alma M. Karlin
Alma Söderhjelm
Alma Strettell
Alma Webster Hall Powell
Alma White
Almachio Diniz
Almira Louisa Corey Frink
Almira Morey
Almira Stillwell Cole
Almroth Wright
Alois Leopold Seibold
Alois Senefelder
Alonso de Castillo Solórzano
Alonso de Villegas
Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda
Alonzo A. White
Alonzo Reed
Alonzo Rothschild
Aloys Blumauer
Aloysius Bertrand
Alpha Banta Benson
Alpheus Henry Snow
Alphonse Allais
Alphonse Chabot
Alphonse Courlander
Alphonse Daudet
Alphonse de Candolle
Alphonse de Lamartine
Alphonse Esquiros
Alphonse Gratry
Alphonse Jean René Fleuriot de Langle
Alphonse Karr
Alphonse Leon Grimaldi
Alphonse Viollet
Alpo Noponen
Alta Tabor
Alton D. Adams
Alva Agee
Alvan F. (Alvan Francis) Sanborn
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Alvarado M. (Alvarado Mortimer) Fuller
Alvaro de Campos
Alvaro do Carvalhal
Alvaro Retana
Alvilde Prydz
Alvin Addison
Alvin Davison
Alvin Garfield Swank
Alvin Heiner
Alvin T. Thoits
Alys Eyre Macklin
Amabel Williams-Ellis
Amalia Guglielminetti
Amalie Schoppe
Amalie Winter
Amanda Alcenia Strickland Washington
Amanda K. (Amanda Kathryn) Beck
Amanda M. Douglas
Amanda McKittrick Ros
Amber Reeves Blanco White
Ambrogio Bazzero
Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Blacklock
Ambrose Coleman
Ambrose Elliott Gonzalez
Ambrose Newcomb
Ambrose Pratt
Ambrose Shepherd
Ambrosio Cramer
Amédée Achard
Amédée Bouis
Amédée Delorme
Amédée Guillemin
Amédée Roux
Amédée Thierry
Ameen Fares Rihani
Amelia B. Edwards
Amelia E. Barr
Amelia Gere Mason
Amelia Opie
Amelia Simmons
Amelia Stratton Comfield
Amelia Young
Amélie Rives
American Academy of Political and Social Science
American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society
American Anti-Slavery Society
American Art Association
American Book Company
American Can Company. Home Economics Department
American Chemical Society
American Colonization Society
American Consolidated Mines Company
American Dairy Association
American Face Brick Association
American Institute of Child Life
American Jewish Committee
American lady
American Molasses Company
American National Insurance Company
American National Red Cross
American Oil Company
American Public Health Association. Laboratory Section
American Railway Association
American School of Correspondence
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Sunday-School Union
American Thread Company
American Tract Society
Amerigo Vespucci
Amir Khusraw Dihlavi
Ammianus Marcellinus
Ammon B. Critchfield
Amor Fenn
Amory H. (Amory Howe) Bradford
Amos A. (Amos Alfred) Fries
Amos Bronson Alcott
Amos Lawrence
Amos R. (Amos Russel) Wells
Amy Bell Marlowe
Amy Blanche Bramwell
Amy Brooks
Amy Carmichael
Amy D. V. Chalmers
Amy E. Zwemer
Amy Ella Blanchard
Amy Fay
Amy Harlow (Lane) Waterman
Amy L. (Amy Littlefield) Handy
Amy Le Feuvre
Amy Levy
Amy Lowell
Amy Neally
Amy Prentice
Amy Redpath Roddick
Amy Steedman
Amy Walton
Amy Wentworth Stone
An Collins
An Liu
An M. D.
An Old Hand
An Old Inhabitant
An tAthair Pádraig Ó Duinnín
Ana de Castro Osório
Anatole Cerfberr
Anatole France
Anatole Le Braz
Anders Eje
Anders Ramsay
Anderson Horne
Andor Gábor
Andor Kapos
András Fáy
André Beaunier
André Breton
André Chénier
André Chéradame
André Corthis
André Dacier
André Gide
André Gill
André Godefroy Lionel Hanguillart
André Gouirand
André Grellet-Dumazeau
André Hallays
André Hellé
André Jean Tudesq
André João Antonil
André Laffargue
André Laurie
André Lemoyne
André Léo
André Lequeux
André Lichtenberger
André Maurois
Andre Norton
André Pirro
André Pons de l'Hérault
André Suarès
André Theuriet
André Tridon
André-Daniel Laffon de Ladébat
Andréa de Nerciat
Andrea H. Fogowitz
Andrea Pozzo
Andreas Andreadis
Andreas Kalvos
Andreas Karkavitsas
Andreas Latzko
Andreas Lauritz Clemmensen
Andreas Streicher
Andreas Wilhelm Cramer
Andrée Hope
Andrejs Pumpurs
Andrés Pascual
Andres Piquer
Andrés Portillo
Andress Floyd
Andrew A. (Andrew Alexander) Bonar
Andrew A. Anderson
Andrew Adderup
Andrew B. (Andreas Bernardus) Smolnikar
Andrew Battell
Andrew Brown
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Cassels Brown
Andrew Combe
Andrew Dearborn
Andrew Dickson White
Andrew Duncan
Andrew Erskine
Andrew Everett Durham
Andrew F. Crosse
Andrew Fetler
Andrew Forrester
Andrew Frederick Hunter
Andrew Gray
Andrew H. (Andrew Hull) Foote
Andrew H. Walpole
Andrew Haggard
Andrew Harper
Andrew Home
Andrew J. Blackbird
Andrew J. Offutt
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson Howell
Andrew James Symington
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd
Andrew Kippis
Andrew Lang
Andrew Learmont Spedon
Andrew Lee
Andrew Macgeorge
Andrew McFarland Davis
Andrew Mearns
Andrew Murray
Andrew Oliver
Andrew P. (Andrew Preston) Peabody
Andrew Percival
Andrew Robertson
Andrew Ross
Andrew S. (Andrew Samuel) Fuller
Andrew Snape
Andrew Steinmetz
Andrew Stephenson
Andrew Thomson
Andrew W. (Andrew White) Young
Andrew White Tuer
Andrew Wynter
Andrew Y. Wood
Andrey Bely
Andrzej Towianski
Andy Adams
Ang Wang
Ange Galdemar
Angel Day
Angel De los Reyes
Angel de Saavedra Rivas
Angela Ashford
Angela Brazil
Angela Döhring
Angela Langer
Angela M. (Angela Mary) Keyes
Angélica Palma
Angelina Emily Grimké
Angelina Vidal
Angelina Weld Grimké
Angelo De Gubernatis
Angelo Hall
Angelo Mariani
Ângelo Vaz Pinto Azevedo Coutinho de Lima
Angelos Vlachos
Angelus Silesius
Angiolo Silvio Novaro
Anglicus Bartholomaeus
Angus B. (Angus Bethune) Reach
Angus Buchanan
Angus D. Webster
Angus Mackay
Angus Sinclair
Angus W. Hall
Anita Loos
Ann Fanshawe
Ann Fraser Tytler
Ann Gladys Lloyd
Ann Griffiths
Ann Macbeth
Ann Nolan Clark
Ann S. (Ann Sophia) Stephens
Ann Taylor
Ann Ward Radcliffe
Ann Warren Griffith
Ann Wilson
Anna A. Gill
Anna Adolph
Anna Aleksandrovna Vyrubova
Anna Alice Chapin
Anna B. (Anna Bolles) Williams
Anna B. Badlam
Anna Baadsgaard
Anna Balmer Myers
Anna Bartlett Warner
Anna Benneson McMahan
Anna Bird Stewart
Anna Bonus Kingsford
Anna Borgh
Anna Bowman Dodd
Anna Bronson Alcott Pratt
Anna Bustill Smith
Anna C. (Anna Callender) Brackett
Anna C. (Anna Cummings) Johnson
Anna Chapin Ray
Anna Christina Helena Hubert van Beusekom
Anna Cogswell Tyler
Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie
Anna Croissant-Rust
Anna De Koven
Anna de Noailles
Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth) Dickinson
Anna E. (Anna Estelle) Arnold
Anna E. Tower
Anna Fuller
Anna Garlin Spencer
Anna Goldmark Gross
Anna Graetz
Anna Green Winslow
Anna H. (Anna Harriet) Drury
Anna Hanson Dorsey
Anna Harriette Leonowens
Anna Howard Shaw
Anna J. (Anna Jane) Granniss
Anna J. (Anna Julia) Cooper
Anna K. (Anna Kelsey) Howard
Anna Kaari
Anna Katharina Emmerich
Anna Katharine Green
Anna L. Colcord
Anna Lenah Elgström
Anna M. (Anna Maria) Cooley
Anna M. (Anna Mariska) Fitch
Anna M. (Anna Mary) Galbraith
Anna M. (Anna Morris) Holstein
Anna Magdalena Johannsen
Anna Maria Elizabeth Cust
Anna Maria Mozzoni
Anna Maria Porter
Anna Marie Miles
Anna May Wilson
Anna McClure Sholl
Anna Miller Costantini
Anna Phillips See
Anna Potter Wright
Anna R. Sheldon
Anna Robertson Brown Lindsay
Anna Schaeder
Anna Schieber
Anna Seé
Anna Seward
Anna Sewell
Anna Steese Richardson
Anna Strunsky Walling
Anna T. (Anna Theresa) Sadlier
Anna V. (Anna Vostrovský) Čapek
Anna Vertua Gentile
Anna W. Ford Piper
Anna-Maria Tallgren
Annabel Sharp
Anne (Anne Burrows) Gilchrist
Anne Austin
Anne Beale
Anne Blunt
Anne Bowman
Anne Boykin
Anne Brontë
Anne C. E. (Anne Crosby Emery) Allinson
Anne C. Goater
Anne C. Lynch (Anne Charlotte Lynch) Botta
Anne Cary Maudslay
Anne Charlotte Leffler
Anne Cobbett
Anne Douglas Sedgwick
Anne E. Keeling
Anne Hamilton
Anne Hervey Strong
Anne Hollingsworth Wharton
Anne Hoyt
Anne K. Long
Anne Killigrew
Anne Knox Arthur
Anne Longman
Anne MacVicar Grant
Anne Manning
Anne Marie Beaufort d'Hautpoul
Anne McQueen
Anne Parrish
Anne Pence Davis
Anne Reeve Aldrich
Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Anne Topham
Anne Walker
Anne Warner
Anne-Jean-Marie-René Savary
Annette Fiske
Annette Hullah
Annette Kolb
Annette M. B. Meakin
Annette Marie Maillard
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
Anni Kaste
Anni Kepplerus
Anni Swan
Annie Besant
Annie Brassey
Annie Cooper Burton
Annie E. Armstrong
Annie E. Bosworth
Annie E. Ridley
Annie Edwards
Annie Eliot Trumbull
Annie F. (Annie Fellows) Johnston
Annie Fields
Annie Fisler
Annie Foore
Annie Frances Perram
Annie G. (Annie Gregg) Savigny
Annie H. Ryder
Annie H. Small
Annie Hamilton Donnell
Annie Heloise Abel
Annie Keary
Annie L. Burton
Annie Lash Jester
Annie Longfellow Thorp
Annie Maria Barnes
Annie Martin
Annie Matheson
Annie Nathan Meyer
Annie Oakes Huntington
Annie Payson Call
Annie Proulx
Annie Roe Carr
Annie Russell Marble
Annie S. (Annie Smith) Peck
Annie S. Swan
Annie Salomons
Annie Sillevis
Annie T. Colcock
Annie Trumbull Slosson
Annie Vivanti
Annie Wittenmyer
Annikki Virvatuli
Ansel D. Nickerson
Ansel F. (Ansel Franklin) Hall
Anselmo de Moraes
Anson Mills
Antero de Quental
Antero Kanerva
Antero Warelius
Anthon Bernhard Elias Nilsen
Anthon L. (Anthon Lornsen) Skanchy
Anthony Benezet
Anthony Berkeley
Anthony Boucher
Anthony Boucherie
Anthony Collins
Anthony Euwer
Anthony Fitzherbert
Anthony Gilmore
Anthony Hamilton
Anthony Hope
Anthony Kotula
Anthony M. (Anthony Mario) Ludovici
Anthony Norris Groves
Anthony Panizzi
Anthony Pelcher
Anthony Pryde
Anthony R. (Anthony Reubens) Montalba
Anthony Trollope
Anti-slavery Convention of American Women
Antipope Hippolytus
Antoine Albalat
Antoine Charles Reuther
Antoine de La Sale
Antoine Duval
Antoine Fabre d'Olivet
Antoine Furetière
Antoine Guillois
Antoine Jules Dumesnil
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Antoine Poissonnier-Desperrières
Antoine Quartier
Antoine Simon Maillard
Antoinette Abernethy Lamoreaux
Antoine Mativet
Anton Fendrich
Anton Giulio Barrili
Anton Holtz
Anton Ivanovich Denikin
Anton Ohorn
Anton Pannekoek
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Anton Prokesch von Osten
Anton Schindler
Anton Stuxberg
Anton von Perfall
Anton Wilhelm Lindgren
Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Antonia Isola
Antonino M.
Antonio Alvarez de Abreu
Antonio Arthur Baldaque da Silva
António Augusto Teixeira de Vasconcelos
António Aurélio da Costa Ferreira
Antonio Batres Jáuregui
Antonio Beltramelli
Antonio Caccianiga
António Cândido
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma
Antonio Coppi
António Corrêa
Antonio da Costa de Souza de Macedo
Antônio da Silva Leite
Antonio da Silva Pinto
António de Almeida
Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent
António de Lemos
Antonio de Morga
Antonio de Solís
Antonio de Trueba
António Duarte Gomes Leal
Antonio Feliciano de Castilho
Antonio Fiacchi
António Florêncio Ferreira
Antonio Fogazzaro
António Francisco Barata
António Francisco Ferreira da Silva Porto
Antonio García Cubas
Antonio García Gutiérrez
Antonio Ghislanzoni
António Joaquim de Carvalho
António Joaquim de Castro Feijó
Antonio José Coelho Louzada
António José da Costa Couto Sá de Albergaria
Antonio Labriola
Antônio Luiz von Hoonholtz Teffé
Antonio Machado
António Maria José de Melo César e Meneses Sabugosa
Antonio Negri
António Nunes Ribeiro Sanches
António Patrício
António Pereira Nobre
Antonio Pereira Rebouças
Antonio Pigafetta
Antonio Ranieri
Antonio Sánchez Moguel
Antonio Serra
António Tomás Boto
Antonio Villarragut y Aquiriano
Antonio Vismara
Antonios Martelaos
Antonius Nielsen
Antony Bluett
Antony Sargent
Antoon Frans Thiry
Antoon Jozef Witteryck
Antti Fredrik Hassell
Antti Mäkinen
Antti Rytkönen
Antti Saarela
Antti Törneroos
Anzia Yezierska
Apeles Mestres
Aphra Behn
Apolinario Mabini
Apolonia Helena Massalska
Appleton Morgan
approximately 5th century Sunzi
April Smith
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Aquinas Thomas
Ara Marcus Daniels
Arabella B. (Arabella Burton) Buckley
Arabella Kenealy
Arabella M. Willson
Arch Alfred McKillen
Arch McKay
Archduke of Austria Ludwig Salvator
Archer Butler Hulbert
Archer Taylor
Archer Wallace
Archibald Alexander
Archibald Alison
Archibald B. D. (Archibald Browning Drysdale) Alexander
Archibald Bower
Archibald Campbell
Archibald Clavering Gunter
Archibald Forbes
Archibald Geikie
Archibald Gracie
Archibald Henderson
Archibald Henry Grimké
Archibald Hurd
Archibald K. Murray
Archibald Lampman
Archibald Lee Fletcher
Archibald Little
Archibald MacMechan
Archibald Makellar
Archibald Marshall
Archibald Murray Howe
Archibald Philip Primrose Rosebery
Archibald Scott
Archibald Smith
Archibald Williams
Archie Fell
Archie P. McKishnie
Archie Seldon Milton
Ardelia Maria Cotton Barton
Arend Fokke Simonsz
Aretas Wilbur Nolan
Argentina. Ministerio de Agricultura
Argyris Eftaliotis
Ari Pitkänen
Aristide Briand
Aristide Filiatreault
Aristoteles Valaorites
Arlo Bates
Armand Dayot
Armand Gasté
Armand Jacques Gerson
Armand Pontmartin
Armand Silvestre
Armando César Cortes-Rodrigues
Armando Palacio Valdés
Armas E. Turunen
Armen Garo
Armgaard Karl Graves
Armin Hajman Koller
Armin Stein
Armin T. Wegner
Ármin Vámbéry
Arminta Neal
Armstrong Cork Company
Armstrong Livingston
Army War College (U.S.)
Arnaldo Bonaventura
Arnaldo Forte
Arnauld d' Abbadie
Arne Garborg
Árni Magnússon
Arno Clemens Gaebelein
Arno Donner
Arno Erdman Schmidt
Arno Holz
Arnold Aletrino
Arnold Bennett
Arnold Castle
Arnold Haultain
Arnold Henry Savage Landor
Arnold Ipolyi
Arnold Lorand
Arnold Lunn
Arnold Marmor
Arnold Reimann
Arnold Sommerfeld
Arnold Steffens
Arnold Toynbee
Arnold von der Passer
Arnold Wolfensberger
Arnold Wynne
Arnold Zweig
Arnould Galopin
Aron Fernando
Árpád Abonyi
Árpád Tóth
Arrigo Boito
Arsène Bessette
Arsène Houssaye
Arsinoe Papadopoulou
Art Lewis
Art Young
Artemus Ward
Arthur A. Perera
Arthur Acheson
Arthur Achleitner
Arthur Ainslie
Arthur Alfonso Schomburg
Arthur Anthony Macdonell
Arthur Applin
Arthur Astor Carey
Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) Reeve
Arthur B. (Arthur Bensley) Chamberlain
Arthur B. Moss
Arthur B. Waltermire
Arthur Barsazou Strickland
Arthur Bartlett Maurice
Arthur Benton Sanford
Arthur Berry
Arthur Bingham Walkley
Arthur Bird
Arthur Bowie Chrisman
Arthur Brisbane
Arthur Brown
Arthur C. (Arthur Caswell) Parker
Arthur Chapman
Arthur Charles Fox-Davies
Arthur Cheney Train
Arthur Christopher Benson
Arthur Cleveland Bent
Arthur Clinton Boggess
Arthur Colton
Arthur Compton-Rickett
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Corbett-Smith
Arthur Corbin Gould
Arthur Cosslett Smith
Arthur Crump
Arthur D. (Arthur Davis) Dean
Arthur D. (Arthur Donald) Innes
Arthur D. Howden (Arthur Douglas Howden) Smith
Arthur Davison Ficke
Arthur de Marsy
Arthur Dekker Savage
Arthur Dimock
Arthur Douglas Lumb
Arthur Dourliac
Arthur Drews
Arthur Drey
Arthur E. (Arthur Edward) Copping
Arthur E. (Arthur Edward) Henderson
Arthur E. (Arthur Edwin) Gregory
Arthur E. (Arthur Elmore) Bostwick
Arthur E. Knights
Arthur E. P. Brome (Arthur Edward Pearse Brome) Weigall
Arthur E. R. (Arthur Edward Romilly) Boak
Arthur Edgar Wroth
Arthur Edward Burgett
Arthur Edward Mainwaring
Arthur Edward Waite
Arthur Ellis
Arthur Elson
Arthur Evans
Arthur F. (Arthur Foley) Winnington Ingram
Arthur F. J. Remy
Arthur Feldman
Arthur Frederick Wallis
Arthur G. (Arthur George) Doughty
Arthur G. Hill
Arthur G. Stangland
Arthur George Crandall
Arthur Gilman
Arthur Gleason
Arthur Glyn Leonard
Arthur Gobineau
Arthur Gordon Burgoyne
Arthur Gray
Arthur Greenwood
Arthur Griffiths
Arthur Guy Empey
Arthur H. (Arthur Hamilton) Norway
Arthur H. (Arthur Henry) Beavan
Arthur H. (Arthur Henry) Senner
Arthur H. (Arthur Henry) Sharp
Arthur H. Clark
Arthur H. Smith
Arthur Halbert
Arthur Harden
Arthur Hayden
Arthur Helps
Arthur Heming
Arthur Henry Chamberlain
Arthur Herbert Leahy
Arthur Herbert Savory
Arthur Hervey
Arthur Hoeber
Arthur Holitscher
Arthur Hornblow
Arthur Hugh Clough
Arthur Isaac Fonda
Arthur J. (Arthur Jerome) Burdick
Arthur J. (Arthur John) Rees
Arthur J. (Arthur Joseph) Hoskin
Arthur J. Burks
Arthur J. Hayes
Arthur James Balfour
Arthur James Johnes
Arthur James Lyon Fremantle
Arthur James Weise
Arthur Jerome Eddy
Arthur John Booth
Arthur John Butler
Arthur Johnston
Arthur Johnstone
Arthur Joseph Hungerford Pollen
Arthur Judson Brown
Arthur K. (Arthur Keysall) Yapp
Arthur K. Barnes
Arthur Keith
Arthur Kinloch
Arthur Kitson
Arthur L. (Arthur Lawton) Beeley
Arthur L. (Arthur Leslie) Salmon
Arthur L. (Arthur Livermore) Meserve
Arthur L. (Arthur Lockwood) Wagner
Arthur L. Fowler
Arthur Latham Perry
Arthur Lee Humphreys
Arthur Lee Knight
Arthur Leeds
Arthur Leo Zagat
Arthur Lévy
Arthur Lillie
Arthur Louis Keyser
Arthur Low Bailey
Arthur M. (Arthur Morrow) Lewis
Arthur M. Forrester
Arthur M. Mann
Arthur MacDonald
Arthur Machen
Arthur Macy
Arthur Mangin
Arthur Marshall
Arthur Martine
Arthur Mason
Arthur May Mowry
Arthur Maynwaring
Arthur Mee
Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Moore
Arthur Morrison
Arthur Murphy
Arthur Newcomb
Arthur Newsholme
Arthur O. (Arthur Olney) Friel
Arthur O. (Arthur Owens) Cooke
Arthur O. Norton
Arthur Ogle
Arthur Owen Vaughan
Arthur P. (Arthur Perceval) Purey-Cust
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
Arthur Percival Heywood
Arthur Phillip
Arthur Ponsonby Ponsonby
Arthur Porges
Arthur Poyser
Arthur Preston Hankins
Arthur Quiller-Couch
Arthur R. (Arthur Ripley) Thompson
Arthur Ransome
Arthur Reade
Arthur Rimbaud
Arthur Ruhl
Arthur Russell Taylor
Arthur S. C. Wurtele
Arthur Schnitzler
Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Scott Bailey
Arthur Seligo
Arthur Selwyn-Brown
Arthur Seymour Jennings
Arthur Shearly Cripps
Arthur Sherburne Hardy
Arthur Shirley
Arthur Sidgwick
Arthur Smith
Arthur Somers Roche
Arthur St. John Adcock
Arthur Stanley Eddington
Arthur Stanley Riggs
Arthur Stanley Turberville
Arthur Stanwood Pier
Arthur Stringer
Arthur Sullivan
Arthur Sweetser
Arthur Symons
Arthur T. (Arthur Tappan) Pierson
Arthur Thomas Malkin
Arthur van Schendel
Arthur W. (Arthur Wesley) Dow
Arthur W. Kallom
Arthur W. Marchmont
Arthur W. Orton
Arthur Waley
Arthur Warren
Arthur Waugh
Arthur Weir
Arthur Wellesley Wellington
Arthur Whitten Brown
Arthur William Clayden
Arthur William Dunn
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
Arthur William Knapp
Arthur William Robinson
Arthur Wing Pinero
Arthur Young
Artie L. Metcalf
Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society
Artturi H. (Artturi Heikki) Virkkunen
Artturi Järviluoma
Artúr Elek
Artur Fürst
Artur Oppman
Arturo Bianchi
Arturo Cancela
Arturo Graf
Arturo Reyes
Arundel Cotter
Arvède Barine
Arveds Bergs
Arvi A. Seppälä
Arvi Järventaus
Arvi Karisto
Arvid Genetz
Arvid Järnefelt
Arvid Mörne
Arvid Paulson
Arvo E. Korhonen
Asa A. (Asa Arthur) Schaeffer
Asa Gray
Asa Mahan
Asataro Miyamori
Asbury Harpending
Asenath Carver Coolidge
Ashbel Woodward
Ashley Horace Thorndike
Ashley Montagu
Ashley Perry Abraham
Ashton Hilliers
Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (U.S.)
Association of the Miraculous Medal
Astolphe Custine
Astra Cielo
Astrid Väring
Atha Westbury
Athanase Coquerel
Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Atlas Portland Cement Company
Atticus G. (Atticus Greene) Haygood
Attila József
Aubertine Woodward Moore
Aubrey Beardsley
Aubrey De Vere
Aubrey F. G. (Aubrey Fitz Gerald) Bell
Aubrey Herbert
Aubrey Le Blond
Audrey B. Davis
August Ahlqvist
August Bebel
August Bernhard Mäkelä
August Blanche
August Büttner
August Derleth
August Gruber
August Heinrich Christian Gelpke
August Hoch
August Kitzberg
August Klingsey
August Mau
August Niemann
August Oetker
August P. van Groeningen
August Peters
August Prell
August Ramsay
August Riechers
August Ritter von Kleemann
August Schauman
August Schrader
August Strindberg
August Tischner
August Vermeylen
August von Goeben
August von Kotzebue
August Weismann
August Weymann
August Wilhelm Iffland
August Wilhelm von Schlegel
Augusta de Grasse Stevens
Augusta de Wit
Augusta Huiell Seaman
Augusta J. (Augusta Jane) Evans
Augusta Joyce Crocheron
Augusta Louise Stolberg-Stolberg
Augusta Macgregor Holmes
Augusta Stevenson
Augusta Theodosia Drane
Augusta von Goldstein
Auguste Angellier
Auguste Bernard
Auguste Broca
Auguste Brougnes
Auguste Callet
Auguste Coeuret
Auguste Comte
Auguste Dozon
Auguste Forel
Auguste François Louis Scipion de Grimoard Beauvoir Du Roure
Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont
Auguste Gilbert de Voisins
Auguste Groner
Auguste Hauschner
Auguste Hélie
Auguste Levasseur
Auguste Louis Charles La Garde-Chambonas
Auguste Maquet
Auguste Nicaise
Auguste Renouard
Auguste Rodin
Auguste Sabatier
Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
Augustin Calmet
Augustin Fabre
Augustin Filon
Augustin McHugh
Augustin Thierry
Augustine Birrell
Augusto Casimiro
Augusto de Lacerda
Augusto de Oliveira Cardoso Fonseca
Augusto Filipe Simões
Augusto Fuschini
Augusto Gil
Augusto Joaquim Alves dos Santos
Augusto Malheiro Dias
Augustus Allen Hayes
Augustus Bridle
Augustus C. (Augustus Choate) Hamlin
Augustus C. Buell
Augustus Charles Gregory
Augustus Charles Hobart-Hampden
Augustus De Morgan
Augustus E. (Augustus Ely) Silliman
Augustus Earle
Augustus F. (Augustus Foster) Rose
Augustus F. Lindley
Augustus Harris
Augustus Henry Irby
Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers
Augustus Hopkins Strong
Augustus J. C. (Augustus John Cuthbert) Hare
Augustus J. Thébaud
Augustus Jessopp
Augustus Le Plongeon
Augustus Mayhew
Augustus Meyers
Augustus Post
Augustus Thomas
Augustus Toplady
Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
Aukusti Edvard Korhonen
Aukusti Högman
Aukusti Robert Niemi
Aulus Cornelius Celsus
Aulus Gellius
Aunt Fanny
Aunt Friendly
Aurél Kárpáti
Aurel Stein
Aurelio Tolentino
Aurora Mardiganian
Austen Henry Layard
Austin Bidwell
Austin Bierbower
Austin Bishop
Austin Brereton
Austin Craig
Austin Dobson
Austin Hall
Austin Holyoake
Austin Loomer Rand
Austin O'Malley
Austin Potter
Austin Steward
Austin Thomas Anderson
Australia. Department of External Affairs
Australia. Queensland. Department of Ports and Harbours
Avancinio Avancini
Avery Hopwood
Avis A. Burnham Stanwood
Axel Gabriel Ingelius
Axel Lundegård
Axel Munthe
Aylmer Maude
Aylward Edward Dingle
Aymer Vallance
Ayn Rand
Azel Ames
B. W. (Berkeley William) Randolph
B. (Baptiste) Méras
B. (Benjamin) Barker
B. (Benjamin) Richings
B. (Bertha) Johnston
B. A. (Benjamin Adams) Hathaway
B. A. Rack
B. B. (Benjamin Bartis) Comegys
B. B. (Benjamin Bussey) Thatcher
B. B. (Bernard Bolingbroke) Woodward
B. B. (Buckley B.) Paddock
B. Chantre
B. D. H. (Bernard Dominicus Hubertus) Tellegen
B. de (Berthe de) Buxy
B. de Jandin
B. E. (Bernhard Eduard) Fernow
B. E. Tyler
B. E. van (Bertha Elisabeth) Osselen-van Delden
B. F. (Benjamin Franklin) Cocker
B. F. (Benjamin Franklin) Craig
B. F. (Benjamin Franklin) DeCosta
B. F. (Benjamin Franklin) Riley
B. F. (Benjamin Franklin) Scribner
B. F. (Benjamin Franklin) Wade
B. F. (Benjamin Franklyn) Kaupp
B. F. (Bernard F.) Blakeslee
B. F. (Bernhard Fredrik) Godenhjelm
B. Franklin (Benjamin Franklin) Edmands
B. G. (Benjamin Gottlieb) Kohlmeister
B. G. (Benjamin Grant) Jefferis
B. G. (Bennett George) Johns
B. G. (Bruce Gordon) Seton
B. Granville (Bernard Granville) Baker
B. H. (Baden Henry) Baden-Powell
B. H. (Brigham Henry) Roberts
B. Heller & Co.
B. J. (Benedict Joseph) Murdoch
B. J. (Bert Joseph) Griswold
B. J. Rogers
B. J. Wilks
B. K. (Blackwood Ketcham) Benson
B. L. (Benjamin L.) Hill
B. L. (Benjamin Leopold) Farjeon
B. L. (Bertram Lenox) Putnam Weale
B. L. Hutchins
B. Lindsay
B. Lowsley
B. M. (Beale Melanchthon) Schmucker
B. M. (Bithia Mary) Croker
B. M. Bower
B. Mursaloglu
B. N. Michelson
B. R. (Bhimrao Ramji) Ambedkar
B. R. Corwin
B. S. (Benjamin Shroder) Schneck
B. S. (Beverly S.) Randolph
B. Traven
B. W. (Benjamin Wheeler) Dyer
B. W. (Bertram Waldrom) Matz
B. W. Jones
B.G. Teubner (Firm)
Baba Premananda Bharati
Babcock & Wilcox Company
Badger Clark
Bahá'í International Community
Baha'i World Centre
Bai Li
Baillie Reynolds
Balázs Orbán
Balbino B. Nanong
Balbulus Notker
Baldassarre Castiglione
Baldwin Locomotive Works
Balfour Stewart
Baltasar Gracián y Morales
Bampes Anninos
Bampton Hunt
Bangqing Han
Bankimacandra Cattopadhyaya
Bannister Merwin
Bao Gan
Barack Obama
Barbara Abel
Barbara Bradby Hammond
Barbara Constant
Barbara Juliane Krüdener
Barbara Kay
Barbara McLaren
Barbara Yechton
Barber Asphalt Paving Co.
Barclay V. (Barclay Vincent) Head
Barkham Burroughs
Barlow Cumberland
Barnabas Downs
Barnette Miller
Barney Stone
baron (Eugène-Napoléon) Beyens
baron de Janzé
Baron de Langsdorff
Barr Ferree
Barrett H. (Barrett Harper) Clark
Barrett Willoughby
Barry Cornwall
Barry Pain
Barry Parker
Bart Haley
Bart Nagel
Barthinius L. (Barthinius Larson) Wick
Barthold Georg Niebuhr
Bartholomäus Sastrow
Bartholomäus von Werner
Bartholomew Griffin
Bartlett Burleigh James
Bartolomé de las Casas
Bartolomé Leonardo de Argensola
Bartolomé Mitre
Bartolomeu Varela
Bartolommeo Capasso
Barton Wood Currie
Bascom Asbury Cecil Stephens
Bascom Jones
Basil A. Bouroff
Basil De Selincourt
Basil Edward Hammond
Basil Hall
Basil Hall Chamberlain
Basil King
Basil L. (Basil Lanneau) Gildersleeve
Basil Lubbock
Basil Mathews
Basil Montagu
Basil Thomson
Basil Tozer
Basil Wells
Basil Wilberforce
Basil Wilson Duke
Basil Woon
Basilio Villarino
Basilius Valentinus
Bathild Bouniol
Battista Guarini
Baxter Perry Smith
Bayard Henderson Christy
Bayard Taylor
Bayard Tuckerman
Bayard Veiller
Beatrice Bradshaw Brown
Beatrice C. Baskerville
Beatrice E. (Beatrice Elizabeth) Clay
Beatrice Egerton
Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale
Beatrice Fortescue
Beatrice Grimshaw
Beatrice Harraden
Beatrice Home
Beatrice Larned Massey
Beatrice Webb
Beatrix Farrand
Beatrix Jungman
Beatrix Potter
Beatrix Wickens Davey Gatacre
Beaumont Sandfield Cornell
Beckles Willson
Bede Jarrett
Beirt Fhear
Béla Balázs
Béla Révész
Bella Duffy
Bellamy Partridge
Belle K. (Belle Kendrick) Abbott
Belle Kanaris Maniates
Belle M. Wagner
Belle Moses
Belle Wiley
Belle Willey Gue
Ben (Benedict) Hogan
Ben Ames Williams
Ben Bova
Ben Casseday
Ben Davies
Ben F. Kennedy
Ben Goodkind
Ben Hecht
Ben J. (Ben Johannis) Viljoen
Ben Jonson
Ben Macomber
Ben S. Grosscup
Ben Shan
Ben Smith
Ben. E. (Benjamin Erastus) Rich
Bence Jones
Benedetto Castelli
Benedetto Croce
Bénédict-Henry Révoil
Benedictus de Spinoza
Benedikte Naubert
Benito Jerónimo Feijoo
Benito Mussolini
Benito Pérez Galdós
Benj. N. (Benjamin Nicholas) Martin
Benjamin Brewster
Benjamin C. (Benjamin Chew) Howard
Benjamin Constant
Benjamin Copeland
Benjamin De Casseres
Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Drake
Benjamin Drew
Benjamin Ellis Martin
Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin) Taylor
Benjamin F. (Benjamin Freeman) Comfort
Benjamin F. Hasson
Benjamin F. Powelson
Benjamin Ferris
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin Bourne
Benjamin Franklin Bowen
Benjamin Franklin Cresson
Benjamin Franklin Schappelle
Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh
Benjamin Franklin Wilson
Benjamin Garno
Benjamin Griffith Brawley
Benjamin H. Atwell
Benjamin Harris
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrow
Benjamin Homer Hall
Benjamin Ide Wheeler
Benjamin L. (Benjamin Leonard) D'Ooge
Benjamin La Trobe
Benjamin Louis Eulalie de Bonneville
Benjamin Lumley
Benjamin M. (Benjamin McAlester) Anderson
Benjamín Marcos
Benjamin Moore Norman
Benjamin N. (Benjamin Nathan) Cardozo
Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue
Benjamin Offen
Benjamin P. (Benjamin Peter) Hunt
Benjamin Parsons
Benjamin Perley Poore
Benjamin Rhodes
Benjamin Rotch
Benjamin Rumford
Benjamin Rush
Benjamin Rush Davenport
Benjamin Rush Field
Benjamin Taylor
Benjamin Ward Richardson
Benjamin Waterhouse
Benjamin Waugh
Benjamin Webster
Benjamin West Ball
Benjamin Wisner Bacon
Benjamin Witwer
Benjamin Wood
Bennet Burleigh
Bennet Copplestone
Benoît Mure
Benôit Valuy
Benson Baker
Benson John Lossing
Bento de Oliveira Cardoso Villa-Moura
Bento Moreno
Bento Morganti
Bento Serrano
Benvenuto Cellini
Berkeley Hill
Berkeley Livingston
Bern Keating
Bernadine Bailey
Bernal Díaz del Castillo
Bernard Adams
Bernard Beckerman
Bernard Berenson
Bernard Bosanquet
Bernard C. (Bernard Christian) Steiner
Bernard C. Nalty
Bernard C. Stubbs
Bernard Capes
Bernard Carra de Vaux
Bernard D. Bolas
Bernard Darwin
Bernard Drachman
Bernard Fantus
Bernard Fresenborg
Bernard G. Richards
Bernard Gay Marshall
Bernard Gilbert
Bernard Glueck
Bernard Henri Gausseron
Bernard Henry Becker
Bernard Keisch
Bernard London
Bernard Mandeville
Bernard Moore
Bernard Muddiman
Bernard Nabonne
Bernard Pares
Bernard Rackham
Bernard Shaw
Bernard Simon Talmey
Bernard Wall
Bernard Ward
Bernard Wolfe
Bernardim Ribeiro
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Bernardino Nozaleda
Bernardino Ramazzini
Bernardo Dovizi
Bernardo Morales San Martín
Bernardo Villa Ramírez
Bernardus Gewin
Bernarr Macfadden
Bernhard Hausmann
Bernhard Huldermann
Bernhard Kellermann
Bernhard Marks
Bernhard Severin Ingemann
Bernice Brilmayer
Bernice Kohn Hunt
Bernie Babcock
Bernt Fredgren
Bernt Lie
Béroalde de Verville
Bert Leston Taylor
Berta Edelfelt
Berta Ruck
Bertha B. (Bertha Browning) Cobb
Bertha Carr-Harris
Bertha Eckstein-Diener
Bertha Evangeline Bush
Bertha F. Herrick
Bertha H. Smith
Bertha Haffner-Ginger
Bertha Lindsay
Bertha M. Clay
Bertha May Clark
Bertha Runkle
Bertha Thomas
Bertha Thompson
Bertha Upton
Bertha von Jurie
Bertha von Suttner
Berthold Auerbach
Berthold Rein
Berthold Viertel
Berton L. Maxfield
Bertram Benedict
Bertram Coghill Alan Windle
Bertram Gayton
Bertram Henry Majendie Hewett
Bertram Lebhar
Bertram Mitford
Bertram O. Stull
Bertram W. H. (Bertram William Henry) Poole
Bertrand Bareilles
Bertrand de Salignac
Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Shurtleff
Bertrand W. Sinclair
Bertrando Spaventa
Bess Moyer
Bessie Hatton
Bessie Louise Pierce
Bessie Marchant
Beta McGavin
Beth Bradford Gilchrist
Beth Ellis
Bethnal Green Museum
Betsey Riddle Hutten zum Stolzenberg
Betsy Curtis
Betsy de Heer
Betsy van der Poel
Bettina von Arnim
Bettina Von Hutten
Betty Crocker
Betty Elfving
Betty Newton
Beulah Marie Dix
Beulah Mary Crocker
Beverley B. (Beverley Bland) Munford
Beverley Baxter
Bhikshu Sangharakshita
Bianca Bobertag
Bill Clinton
Bill Clothier
Bill Garson
Bill Gleasner
Bill Nye
Bill o'th' Hoylus End
Bill Venable
Bill Wesley
Billy Dixon
Billy Sunday
Bingham Thoburn Wilson
Binru Shao
Birger Sandzén
Birger Schöldström
Birney C. (Birney Clark) Batcheller
Bjarne Kirchhoff
Bjarne P. (Bjarne Peter) Holmsen
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Blackie & Son
Blair Jaekel
Blaise de Vigenère
Blaise Pascal
Blanchard Jerrold
Blanche Devereux
Blanche Lucile Macdonnell
Blanche McManus
Blanche Proctor Fisher
Blanche Upright
Blanche Willis Howard
Bliss Carman
Bliss Perry
Bloomfield H. Moore
Blythe Harding
Boardman Robinson
Bob Brown
Bob Farnham
Bob Hines
Bob Olsen
Bob Webster
Bodley Head (Firm)
Bohun Lynch
Bohuslav Kokoschka
Bolesław Leśmian
Bolesław Prus
Bolling Branham
Bolton Hall
Bolton King
Bonamy Dobrée
Bonaventure Des Périers
Bonaventure Hammer
Bonnie E. Snow
Booker T. Washington
Boone and Crockett Club
Booth Tarkington
Boris Pilniak
Boris Reinstein
Boris Sidis
Boston (Mass.). School Committee
Boston Philatelic Society
Boston Public Library
Boy Scouts of America
Boyd Cable
Boyd Ellanby
Boyd Henry Bode
Boyd Laynard
Boyd Winchester
Boyuan Li
Bozidar Karadordevic
Bracebridge Hemyng
Bradford Ripley Wood
Bradford Torrey
Bradley A. (Bradley Allen) Fiske
Bradley Fertilizer Company
Brainard Gardner Smith
Brainerd Kellogg
Bram Stoker
Bramwell Booth
Brand Whitlock
Brander Matthews
Brandon Fleming
Brandon Head
Branislav Nušić
Brantz Mayer
Brayton Howard Ransom
Brayton Norton
Brendan P. Kehoe
Bret Harte
Brett Page
Brian Flynn
Brian Hooker
Brian O'Higgins
Brinsley MacNamara
British Association for the Advancement of Science
British Museum
British Museum (Natural History)
British Museum (Natural History). Department of Mineralogy
British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals
British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities
British Museum. Department of Manuscripts
Brito Camacho
Brittain B. (Brittain Bragunier) Robinson
Broadus Mitchell
Bronislaw Malinowski
Bronson Howard
Brooks Adams
Brooks Henderley
Brother Jabez
Brother Potamian
Broughton Brandenburg
Brown Longman
Bruce Bairnsfather
Bruce C. Heezen
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Fink
Bruce Jay Friedman
Bruce McAllister
Bruce S. (Bruce Simpson) Wright
Bruce Sterling
Bruce Weston Munro
Brunetto Latini
Bruno Berlet
Bruno Corra
Bruno Hans Bürgel
Bruno Lessing
Bruno Nurmi
Bruno Schulz
Bruno Seabra
Bruno Sperani
Bruno Wille
Bryce Walton
Bryham Kirkby
Buckingham Smith
Budgett Meakin
Buffalo Bill
Bulstrode Whitelocke
Burbank L. Todd
Burchard Jessen
Burford Delannoy
Burke Jenkins
Burlington Fine Arts Club
Burr Bassell
Burrell L. Wood
Burren Laughlin
Burt L. Standish
Burt M. (Burt Morton) McConnell
Burtis McGie Little
Burton Egbert Stevenson
Burton Harrison
Burton Jesse Hendrick
Burton N. (Burton Noble) Gates
Burton Willis Potter
Bury Palliser
Byron A. (Byron Archibald) Dunn
Byron J. (Byron Johnson) Rees
Byron Tustin
C. (Carl Heinrich) Apstein
C. (Carl) Deite
C. (Carl) Semper
C. (Catherine) Lee
C. (Cecile) Goekoop-de Jong van Beek en Donk
C. (Charles) Andrews
C. (Charles) Hammond
C. (Charles) MacLaurin
C. (Charlotte) Despard
C. (Chettur) Sankaran Nair
C. (Christiaan) Snouck Hurgronje
C. (Christian) Hostrup
C. (Christopher) Oscanyan
C. (Cornelius) Beringer
C. A. (Carl Axel) Gottlund
C. A. (Caroline Augusta) Frazer
C. A. (Catharine Amy) Dawson Scott
C. A. (Celestia Angenette) Bloss
C. A. (Charles A.) Higgins
C. A. (Charles Adolphus) Row
C. A. (Charles Alexander) Johns
C. A. (Charles Asbury) Stephens
C. A. (Charles Athanase) Walckenaer
C. A. (Charles Aubrey) Ealand
C. A. (Charles Augustus) Kincaid
C. A. (Cyrus Augustus) Bartol
C. A. Bampfylde
C. A. Bogardus
C. A. Butz
C. A. Campbell
C. A. E. (Charlotte Anne Elizabeth) Moberly
C. A. M. (Charles Austin Mendell) Taber
C. A. Mercer
C. A. Rose
C. A. Toledano
C. A. W. (Charles Arthur Whitmore) Monckton
C. Afonso dos Santos
C. Ainsworth (Charles Ainsworth) Mitchell
C. Alphonso (Charles Alphonso) Smith
C. Andrews
C. Aston (Charles Aston) Key
C. August (Carl August) Cederborg
C. B. (Charles Burleigh) Galbreath
C. B. (Cyril Bertram) Webster
C. B. Black
C. Boden (Cecil Boden) Kloss
C. Bryson Taylor
C. C. (Charles Canniff) James
C. C. (Charles Carey) Waddell
C. C. (Charles Carroll) Goodwin
C. C. (Charles Clarence) Beck
C. C. (Charles Cole) Hine
C. C. (Charlotte Carmichael) Stopes
C. C. (Christopher Columbus) Andrews
C. C. Long
C. C. MacApp
C. Campbell (Colin Campbell) Brown
C. Creighton Mandell
C. D. (Charles Dudley) Arnold
C. De Hurst
C. Drury E. (Charles Drury Edward) Fortnum
C. Dwight (Charles Dwight) Marsh
C. E. (Charles Edward) Callwell
C. E. (Charles Edward) Lawrence
C. E. (Charles Edward) Montague
C. E. (Charles Edward) Wurtzburg
C. E. (Charlotte Elisabeth) Aïssé
C. E. (Charlotte Elizabeth) Bowen
C. E. P. (Charles Ernest Pelham) Brooks
C. E. Seth-Smith
C. E. Smith
C. E. W. (Charles Edwin Woodrow) Bean
C. Edgar Bolen
C. Edmund (Charles Edmund) Maurice
C. F. (Charles Fayette) McGlashan
C. F. (Charles Finch) Dowsett
C. F. (Charles Ford) Langworthy
C. F. (Charles Francis) Keary
C. F. (Charles Francis) Routledge
C. F. (Charles Franklin) Wimberly
C. F. (Charles Frederic) Hayes
C. F. (Charles Frederick) Cross
C. F. Abdy (Charles Francis Abdy) Williams
C. F. Argyll Saxby
C. F. Dixon-Johnson
C. F. Fraser
C. F. G. Clark
C. F. H. (Charles Francis Hitchcock) Allen
C. F. L'Homond
C. F. van der (Carl Franz) Velde
C. Fox (Cicely Fox) Smith
C. Fred (Charles Frederick) Kenyon
C. G. (Carl Georg) Schillings
C. G. (Carl Gustav) Jung
C. G. (Charles G.) Stewart
C. G. (Charles Gilbert) Hine
C. G. (Charles Greenstreet) Addison
C. G. (Curtis Gates) Lloyd
C. G. Bruce
C. Gasquoine (Catherine Gasquoine) Hartley
C. Georg (Carl Georg) Starbäck
C. H. (Cecil Herbert) Prodgers
C. H. (Charles Haddon) Spurgeon
C. H. (Charles Hall) Grandgent
C. H. (Charles Harding) Firth
C. H. (Charles Harold) Herford
C. H. (Charles Henry) Pearson
C. H. (Charles Henry) Robinson
C. H. (Charles Herbert) Reilly
C. H. (Charles Humble) Dudley Ward
C. H. (Chauncy Hugh) Stigand
C. H. (Clarence Herbert) Woolston
C. H. B. (Charles Henry Bourne) Quennell
C. H. C. (Charles Henry Conrad) Wright
C. H. Fay
C. H. Forbes-Lindsay
C. H. T. (Charles Haukes Todd) Crosthwaite
C. H. Thomas
C. H. W. (Claude Hermann Walter) Johns
C. Haddon (Charles Haddon) Chambers
C. Harry (Cyrus Harry) Brooks
C. Hélène Barker
C. Henrik (Carl Henrik) Scharling
C. Hossfeld
C. Houston (Charles Houston) Goudiss
C. J. (Casper James) Coffman
C. J. (Charles James) Ball
C. J. (Charles James) Richardson
C. J. (Charles James) Wills
C. J. (Charles John) Cornish
C. J. (Charles John) Ellicott
C. J. (Charles John) Vaughan
C. J. (Charles Johnson) Maynard
C. J. (Clarence James) Dennis
C. J. (Clarence John) Blanchard
C. J. (Cornelis Johan) Koning
C. J. L. (Carl Jonas Love) Almqvist
C. J. Newby
C. J. S. (Charles John Samuel) Thompson
C. J. Wedlake
C. Jackson (Claude Jackson) Craven
C. K. (Charles Kenneth) Leith
C. K. Shepherd
C. Kegan Paul & Co.
C. Kernahan
C. King Eley
C. L. (Catherine Lucile) Moore
C. L. (Cecilia Lucy) Brightwell
C. L. (Charles L.) Mitchell
C. L. (Charles Landon) Goodrich
C. L. Hunter
C. L. Marlatt
C. L. Morris
C. Lewis (Charles Lewis) Hind
C. Little
C. Lloyd (Conwy Lloyd) Morgan
C. Louis (Christiaan Louis) Leipoldt
C. M. (Charles McClellan) Stevens
C. M. (Charles Molloy) Westmacott
C. M. (Clement Mansfield) Ingleby
C. M. (Cyril M.) Kornbluth
C. M. Livingston
C. M. Shumsky-Solomonov
C. Malcolm Watkins
C. Morley (Charles Lewis William Morley) Knight
C. N. (Charles Norris) Williamson
C. N. (Charles Nourse) Wodehouse
C. P. (Charles Penrhyn) Gasquoine
C. Perry (Caleb Perry) Patterson
C. R. (Chandler Robbins) Clifford
C. R. (Charles Raymond) Macauley
C. R. (Charles Robert) Cockerell
C. R. (Claude Reignier) Conder
C. R. (Claude Russell) Moss
C. R. M. F. (Charles Robert Mowbray Fraser) Cruttwell
C. R. N. (Charles Richard Newdigate) Burne
C. Raymond (Charles Raymond) Beazley
C. Reginald (Charles Reginald) Enock
C. Remigius Fresenius
C. Rochfort (Charles Rochfort) Scott
C. S. (Caroline Snowden) Guild
C. S. (Cecil Scott) Forester
C. S. (Charles Samuel) Stewart
C. S. (Charles Seddon) Evans
C. S. (Charles Sherwill) Dawe
C. S. (Clive Staples) Lewis
C. S. (Constantine Samuel) Rafinesque
C. S. Peel
C. S. Sleight
C. S. Ward
C. Schweigger
C. Shook
C. Silvester (Charles Silvester) Horne
C. Staniland (Charles Staniland) Wake
C. Stansfeld Hicks
C. T. (Charles Taze) Russell
C. T. (Charles Thomas) Paske
C. T. (Charles Thomas) Studd
C. T. (Charles Todd) Quintard
C. T. (Clinton Thomas) Dent
C. T. Dawkins
C. Tadulinga Mudaliyar
C. Th. (Carel Theodorus) Scharten
C. Tuells
C. V. (Carel Victor) Gerritsen
C. V. (Catherine Van Valkenburg) Waite
C. V. (Cecilia Viets) Jamison
C. V. (Charles Vernon) Boys
C. V. L. (Carl Vilhelm Ludwig) Charlier
C. van Dockum
C. Vincent Patrick
C. W. (Caleb Williams) Saleeby
C. W. (Charles Webster) Leadbeater
C. W. (Charles Willard) Hayes
C. W. (Charles William) Doyle
C. W. (Charles William) Hobley
C. W. Bryde
C. W. Burrows
C. W. H. (Christiaan Willem Hendrik) Van der Post
C. W. Wolf
C. Z. (Charles Zachary) Barnett
C.-F. (Constantin-François) Volney
Cadwallader Colden
Caetano Alberto da Silva
Cal Stewart
Calamity Jane
Cale Young Rice
Caleb Cushing
Caleb Whitefoord
California State Automobile Association
California. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition commission
California. Infantry. First Regiment. Company B
California. State Board of Charities and Corrections
Calista McCabe Courtenay
Calleja (pseudonym)
Calvin B. (Calvin Blackman) Bridges
Calvin Colton
Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Cutter
Calvin Elliott
Calvin Olin Davis
Calvin Thomas
Cambrensis Giraldus
Camden Pelham
Camilla Kenyon
Camille Buffin
Camille Debans
Camille Flammarion
Camille Jullian
Camille Lemonnier
Camille Mauclair
Camille Meillac
Camille Pitollet
Camille Saint-Saëns
Camillo Agrippa
Camillo Antona-Traversi
Camillo De Carlo
Camilo Almeida Pessanha
Camilo Castelo Branco
Camilo Fabra
Campbell Dauncey
Campbell Dodgson
Campbell Praed
Campbell Soup Company
Can Lu
Canada. Department of the Interior
Canada. National Parks Branch
Canada. Post Office Department
Canadian Kodak Company
Canadian War Records Office
Candace Wheeler
Candide Chalippe
Cândido de Figueiredo
Canniff Haight
Captain Jutsum
Captain Louis Sorcho Great Deep Sea Diving Co.
Capwell Wyckoff
Caradoc Evans
Carel Steven Adama van Scheltema
Carel van Nievelt
Carel Vosmaer
Carey & Hart
Carey Rockwell
Carine Cadby
Caris Brooke
Carit Etlar
Carl Avery Werner
Carl Berendt Lorck
Carl Bernhard Wadström
Carl Brandt
Carl Brown Riddle
Carl Chun
Carl Dare
Carl E. (Carl Edin) Nordberg
Carl E. (Carl Edward) Gardner
Carl E. (Carl Emil) Seashore
Carl E. (Carl Eugen) Guthe
Carl E. Jepson
Carl E. Koppenhaver
Carl Ehrenstein
Carl Engel
Carl Ethan Akeley
Carl Ewald
Carl Ferdinand Nordlund
Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim
Carl Gustaf Estlander
Carl Heinrich Becker
Carl Henry Grabo
Carl Holliday
Carl Ignaz Geiger
Carl J. Mittler
Carl Jacobi
Carl Johan Holm
Carl Kelsey
Carl Küchler
Carl L. (Carl Lotus) Becker
Carl Larsson
Carl Looft
Carl Ludwig Schleich
Carl Lumholtz
Carl Maria Weber
Carl Meissner
Carl Michael Bellman
Carl Moon
Carl Nägeli
Carl Niebuhr
Carl Nissen
Carl Oscar Levine
Carl Parcher Russell
Carl Ploetz
Carl R. Maag
Carl Russell Fish
Carl S. (Carl Safford) Patton
Carl Sandburg
Carl Saxon
Carl Schneider
Carl Schroeder
Carl Schurz
Carl Selwyn
Carl Spindler
Carl Sternheim
Carl Sørensen
Carl Van Doren
Carl Van Vechten
Carl Vilhelm Behagen Castenschiold
Carl von Clausewitz
Carl von Linné
Carl W. (Carl William) Ackerman
Carl Weiss
Carl Weschcke
Carl Wiese
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Carla Serena
Carles Soldevila
Carleton B. (Carleton Britton) Case
Carleton Eldredge Noyes
Carleton J. Phillips
Carleton Washburne
Carley Dawson
Carlo Alberto Gonin
Carlo Belgiojoso
Carlo Besana
Carlo Bianco
Carlo Bini
Carlo Botta
Carlo Collodi
Carlo de Fornaro
Carlo Dossi
Carlo Giuseppe Quadrupani
Carlo Goldoni
Carlo Gozzi
Carlo Redaelli
Carlo Troya
Carlo Verri
Carlos Alberto Leumann
Carlos Arniches y Barrera
Carlos Barroso
Carlos De Zafra
Carlos María de Pena
Carlos María Ocantos
Carlos O. (Carlos Octavio) Bunge
Carlos Parreira
Carlos Prince
Carlos Reyles
Carlos Rodriguez
Carlos Testa
Carlos Villarragut y Estevan
Carlotta C. (Carlotta Cherryholmes) Greer
Carlton J. H. (Carlton Joseph Huntley) Hayes
Carlton McCarthy
Carlton Studio
Carmen Dolores
Carmen Sylva
Carnation Milk Products Company
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Carol Norton
Carolina Invernizio
Caroline A. Burgin
Caroline A. White
Caroline Abbot Stanley
Caroline Atwater Mason
Caroline Austin
Caroline B. (Caroline Bigelow) Le Row
Caroline Bancroft
Caroline C. Leighton
Caroline Clifford Newton
Caroline Cowles Richards
Caroline Dale Snedeker
Caroline E. (Caroline Elizabeth) Merrick
Caroline Elizabeth Whitcomb
Caroline Elliott Hoogs Jacobs
Caroline Emelia Stephen
Caroline Emilia Jacobs
Caroline F. E. (Caroline Frances Eleanor) Spurgeon
Caroline Frances Cornwallis
Caroline French Benton
Caroline Fuller
Caroline H. Woods
Caroline Hadley
Caroline L. Smith
Caroline Lamb
Caroline Lee Hentz
Caroline Lockhart
Caroline Louisa Hunt
Caroline Louise Marshall
Caroline Pridham
Caroline Reinhold
Caroline Stearns Griffin
Caroline Stewart
Caroline Sturgis Tappan
Caroline Taylor Stewart
Caroline Wells Healey Dall
Carolyn Conant Van Blarcom
Carolyn Judson Burnett
Carolyn M. Osborne
Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Carolyn Thomas Foreman
Carolyn Verhoeff
Carolyn Wells
Carrie De Voe
Carrie Hunter Willis
Carrie V. Shuman
Carroll Dana Winslow
Carroll Watson Rankin
Carry Amelia Nation
Carry Brachvogel
Carry van Bruggen
Carter Godwin Woodson
Carter H. (Carter Henry) Harrison
Carton Moore-Park
Carveth Read
Casper S. (Casper Salathiel) Yost
Cassell & Company
Cassius Dio Cocceianus
Catalani Jordanus
Catalina de Erauso
Caterina Percoto
Catharine Esther Beecher
Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Catharine Parr Strickland Traill
Catharine Shaw
Catharine Trotter
Catherina Cool
Catherine A. (Catherine Ann) Warfield
Catherine Albertson
Catherine Ann Turner Dorset
Catherine Ann White
Catherine Cooper Hopley
Catherine Cotton
Catherine Crowe
Catherine Fredonnoit Des Roches
Catherine H. Birney
Catherine Helen Spence
Catherine Henrietta Milnes Gaskell
Catherine Louisa Pirkis
Catherine Martin
Catherine Mumford Booth
Catherine Owen
Catherine Radziwill
Catherine Sinclair
Catherine T. (Catherine Turner) Bryce
Catholic Church. Commission for Catholic Missions among the Colored People and the Indians
Catholic Colonization Bureau
Catulle Mendès
Cavendish Morton
Cayetano Coll y Toste
Cecil B. Hartley
Cecil Chesterton
Cecil Chisholm
Cecil Clementi
Cecil Francis Romer
Cecil Goodrich Julius Dolmage
Cecil Headlam
Cecil Henry Bompas
Cecil Henry Bullivant
Cecil J. (Cecil James) Sharp
Cecil J. C. (Cecil John Charles) Street
Cecil S. King
Cecil Smith
Cecil Starr Johns
Cecil Torr
Cecil von Bonde
Cecil Walter Charles Hallett
Cecil Warburton
Cécile Tormay
Cecilia Pauline Cleveland
Cecilia Selby Lowndes
Cecylia Niewiadomska
Celâl Esad Arseven
Céleste Vénard de Chabrillan
Celia Fiennes
Central Flyway Council
Cerinda W. Evans
Çerkesseyhizade Halil Halit
César Lecat Bazancourt
César Malan
Cesare Balbo
Cesare Cantù
Cesare Lombroso
Cesare Lucchesini
Cesare Monteverde
Cesare Pascarella
Cesare Sarfatti
Cesáreo Fernández Duro
Cesário Verde
Ch. (Charles) Flor O'Squarr
Ch. (Charles) Letourneau
Ch. (Charlotte) Führer
Ch. Dugas
Ch. Gailly de Taurines
Ch. Papantoniou
Ch. Wilhelm
Chalkley J. Hambleton
Champion Ingraham Hitchcock
Chandler Davis
Channing Pollock
Chao Zhang
Chapman and Hall
Chapman Cohen
Charles (Abolitionist) Stearns
Charles A. (Charles Abram) Ellwood
Charles A. (Charles Ackerman) Starr
Charles A. (Charles Albert) Curtis
Charles A. (Charles Albert) King
Charles A. (Charles Albert) Murdock
Charles A. (Charles Alexander) McMurry
Charles A. (Charles Alexander) Oliver
Charles A. (Charles Ammi) Cutter
Charles A. (Charles Anderson) Dana
Charles A. (Charles Anthony) Shriner
Charles A. (Charles Arthur) Conant
Charles A. (Charles Augustus) Leale
Charles A. (Charles Augustus) Lindbergh
Charles A. (Charles Austin) Beard
Charles A. Baker
Charles A. Bramble
Charles A. Eastman
Charles A. Fuller
Charles A. Gunnison
Charles A. H. Tuthill
Charles A. Lee
Charles A. Long
Charles A. Siringo
Charles A. Stearns
Charles Acland
Charles Alan Fyffe
Charles Alan Long
Charles Albert Jones
Charles Alden Seltzer
Charles Alexander Cameron
Charles Alexander Gordon
Charles Alexander Stewart
Charles Alfred Downer
Charles Allan Madison
Charles Allen McConnell
Charles Almanzo Babcock
Charles Amory Beach
Charles Ancillon
Charles Andrew Coey
Charles Anglada
Charles Annesley
Charles Augustin Coulomb
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve
Charles Augustus Murray
Charles Augustus Scott
Charles B. (Charles Barney) Cory
Charles B. (Charles Benjamin) Tayler
Charles B. (Charles Bert) Reed
Charles B. (Charles Billings) Stilson
Charles B. (Charles Bingham) Penrose
Charles B. (Charles Bradford) Hudson
Charles B. (Charles Brian) Hayward
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Co.
Charles B. Michener
Charles Babbage
Charles Ball
Charles Bancroft
Charles Barbara
Charles Barker Bradford
Charles Barnes Towns
Charles Baron Clarke
Charles Bastide
Charles Battell Loomis
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudouin
Charles Beadle
Charles Bean Amory
Charles Beard
Charles Beaumont
Charles Berchon
Charles Boardman Hawes
Charles Boissevain
Charles Boothby
Charles Bordes
Charles Boswell Norman
Charles Boutell
Charles Bradfield Morrey
Charles Bradlaugh
Charles Bright
Charles Brockden Brown
Charles Bruce
Charles Bryce
Charles Bucke
Charles Buet
Charles Bullard Fairbanks
Charles Burdett
Charles Burke
Charles Burlureaux
Charles Butler
Charles C. (Charles Carroll) Bombaugh
Charles C. (Charles Carroll) Soule
Charles C. (Charles Christopher) Adams
Charles C. (Charles Coffin) Jewett
Charles C. (Charles Conrad) Abbott
Charles C. Cook
Charles C. Jones
Charles C. Nott
Charles C. P. (Charles Codrington Pressick) Hobkirk
Charles C. Royce
Charles Cabry Dix
Charles Caldwell Dobie
Charles Campbell
Charles Carleton Coffin
Charles Carroll Everett
Charles Chipiez
Charles Christopher Jenkins
Charles Churchill
Charles Clacy
Charles Clark Munn
Charles Clemon Deam
Charles Clinton Nourse
Charles Conrad Miller
Charles Conrad Sleffel
Charles Cooper King
Charles Coppens
Charles Cottrell
Charles Creighton
Charles D. (Charles David) Stewart
Charles D. (Charles Debrille) Poston
Charles D. Cunningham
Charles D. Hornig
Charles D. Melson
Charles Dack
Charles Dana Gibson
Charles Darwin
Charles David Musgrove
Charles Davison
Charles Dawbarn
Charles de Batz-Trenquelléon
Charles de Bernard
Charles de Coster
Charles De Lano Hine
Charles de Mertens
Charles de Rémusat
Charles de Secondat Montesquieu
Charles DeGuise
Charles Dejob
Charles Demuth
Charles Derennes
Charles Deslys
Charles Desmaze
Charles Deulin
Charles Dexter Allen
Charles Dickens
Charles Diehl
Charles Dixon
Charles Donagh Maginnis
Charles Douglas
Charles Du Hays
Charles Du Verger de Saint-Thomas
Charles Dubreuil
Charles Ducroquet
Charles Dudley Warner
Charles Duguid
Charles Duke Yonge
Charles Durand
Charles Dwight Willard
Charles Dye
Charles E. (Charles Edward) Bolton
Charles E. (Charles Edward) Carryl
Charles E. (Charles Edward) Chapman
Charles E. (Charles Edward) Trevelyan
Charles E. (Charles Edward) Young
Charles E. (Charles Edwin) Bennett
Charles E. (Charles Emmett) Van Loan
Charles E. (Charles Ernest) Chadsey
Charles E. (Charles Eugene) Flandrau
Charles E. (Charles Eugene) Morris
Charles E. Fritch
Charles E. Hatch
Charles E. Putney Memorial Association
Charles E. White
Charles Ebert Orr
Charles Edmonds Walk
Charles Edward Davis
Charles Edward de la Poer Beresford
Charles Edward Jefferson
Charles Edward Mallet
Charles Edward Pearce
Charles Edward Rich
Charles Edward Ryan
Charles Edward Walker
Charles Edwards
Charles Edwin Mayo
Charles Edwyn Vaughan
Charles Egbert Craddock
Charles Einstein
Charles Elias Hunn
Charles Eliot
Charles Ellms
Charles Elmé Francatelli
Charles Emelius Lauriat
Charles Emerson Sanborn
Charles Eugene Ozanne
Charles Eustace Merriman
Charles Eustis Hubbard
Charles Evans
Charles Expilly
Charles F. A. Hinrichs
Charles F. G. (Charles Frederick Gurney) Masterman
Charles F. Pfeiffer
Charles Felix
Charles Felton Pidgin
Charles Fenno Hoffman
Charles Fergus Binns
Charles Fish Howell
Charles Fitch
Charles Fitzhugh Talman
Charles Fletcher Lummis
Charles Fort
Charles Foster Kent
Charles Francis Adams
Charles Francis Saunders
Charles Francis Stocking
Charles Franklin Carter
Charles Franklin Thwing
Charles Franklin Warner
Charles Frederic Goss
Charles Frederick Holder
Charles Frederick Kroeh
Charles Frederick Ward
Charles G. (Charles Gardner) Wheeler
Charles G. (Charles George) Harper
Charles G. (Charles Gideon) Davis
Charles G. (Charles Gilman) Norris
Charles G. (Charles Griffith) Ross
Charles G. D. Roberts
Charles Gardner
Charles Garvice
Charles Gavan Duffy
Charles George Gordon
Charles Germain de Saint-Aubin
Charles Gerrard King
Charles Gide
Charles Gilson
Charles Goddard
Charles Godfrey Leland
Charles Goff Thomson
Charles Gordon Cumming
Charles Gore
Charles Gould
Charles Gounod
Charles Grafton Page
Charles Green
Charles Greville
Charles Grolleau
Charles Gustavus Mutzenberg
Charles H. (Charles Hallan) McCarthy
Charles H. (Charles Halston) Williams
Charles H. (Charles Hazelius) Sternberg
Charles H. (Charles Henry) Bennett
Charles H. (Charles Henry) Caffin
Charles H. (Charles Henry) Eden
Charles H. (Charles Henry) Ham
Charles H. (Charles Henry) Ross
Charles H. (Charles Henry) Smith
Charles H. (Charles Henry) Snow
Charles H. (Charles Herron) Fairbanks
Charles H. Brown
Charles H. Clarke
Charles H. Curtis
Charles H. Davis
Charles H. L. (Charles Haven Ladd) Johnston
Charles H. Olmstead
Charles H. Schnapps
Charles Hamilton Bromby
Charles Hamilton Musgrove
Charles Hamilton Sorley
Charles Hannan
Charles Hanson Towne
Charles Hardwick
Charles Hardy
Charles Harrison
Charles Haskins Townsend
Charles Heavysege
Charles Heber Clark
Charles Hemstreet
Charles Henri Gleichen
Charles Henry Ashdown
Charles Henry Brent
Charles Henry Cunningham
Charles Henry Fowler
Charles Henry Hanson
Charles Henry Hart
Charles Henry Lane
Charles Henry Lerrigo
Charles Henry Mackintosh
Charles Herbert
Charles Herbert Moore
Charles Herbert Otis
Charles Herbert Sylvester
Charles Hersey
Charles Hiatt
Charles Hindley
Charles Hippolyte Paravey
Charles Hitchcock Sherrill
Charles Hodge
Charles Holroyd
Charles Homer Haskins
Charles Hooton
Charles Horton Cooley
Charles Hose
Charles Howard Hinton
Charles Howard-Bury
Charles Hubbard Judd
Charles Hunt Marshall
Charles Hutton Gregory
Charles Inman Barnard
Charles Ira Coombs
Charles Isaac Elton
Charles Ives
Charles J. (Charles Jacobs) Peterson
Charles J. (Charles Jerome) Callan
Charles J. (Charles John) Abbey
Charles J. (Charles Joseph) Barnes
Charles J. (Charles Joseph) Murphy
Charles J. (Charles Judson) Dutton
Charles J. Archard
Charles J. Cole
Charles J. Gillis
Charles J. Herr
Charles J. Stees
Charles James Fox
Charles James Korinek
Charles James Lever
Charles Jean Jacques Joseph Ardant du Picq
Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne
Charles John Ffoulkes
Charles John Griffiths
Charles John Tibbitts
Charles Johnson
Charles Johnson Post
Charles Johnston
Charles Joseph Finger
Charles K. (Charles Keller) Reed
Charles K. (Charles Kellogg) Field
Charles K. (Charles Kellogg) Ober
Charles K. (Charles Keyser) Edmunds
Charles K. (Charles Knapp) Dillaway
Charles K. Cadwell
Charles Kendall Adams
Charles Kent
Charles King
Charles Kingsley
Charles Kingston
Charles Kingston O'Mahony
Charles Klein
Charles Knight
Charles Knowles
Charles Knowlton
Charles L. (Charles Larcom) Graves
Charles L. (Charles Latimer) Marson
Charles L. (Charles Lawrence) Young
Charles L. (Charles Lewis) Wrenn
Charles L. Douglas
Charles L. Fontenay
Charles L. Harness
Charles L. Jordan
Charles Lahee
Charles Lamb
Charles Lanman
Charles Lathrop Pack
Charles Latimer
Charles Lawrence Peirson
Charles Le Beau
Charles Le Goffic
Charles Lee Lewis
Charles Lee Sleight
Charles Lincoln Phifer
Charles Lock Eastlake
Charles Loring Brace
Charles Louandre
Charles Louis Flint
Charles Louis L'Héritier de Brutelle
Charles Lowe
Charles Lyell
Charles M. (Charles Marcus) Horton
Charles M. (Charles Mark) Turton
Charles M. (Charles Mattathias) Jacobs
Charles M. (Charles Matthews) Manly
Charles M. (Charles Maus) Taylor
Charles M. (Charles Melville) Pepper
Charles M. (Charles Montgomery) Skinner
Charles M. Sheldon
Charles M. Snyder
Charles MacFarlane
Charles Mackay
Charles Mackie
Charles Macklin
Charles Macomb Flandrau
Charles Madison Curry
Charles Mair
Charles Major
Charles Marie Joseph Turgeon
Charles Marjoribanks
Charles Martin Scanlan
Charles Martyn
Charles Maumené
Charles Maurice Davies
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Charles Maurice Stebbins
Charles Mayer
Charles Mayer Wetherill
Charles McIlvaine
Charles McLean Andrews
Charles McRae
Charles Mérouvel
Charles Meymott Tidy
Charles Michael Baggs
Charles Mills
Charles Mills Gayley
Charles Miner Thompson
Charles Minor Blackford
Charles Monselet
Charles Montblanc
Charles Moreton
Charles Morgan
Charles Morice
Charles Morris
Charles Morton Aikman
Charles Munde
Charles Murray
Charles N. (Charles Newell) Fowler
Charles N. (Charles Newman) Crewdson
Charles Napier
Charles Neufeld
Charles Nevers Holmes
Charles Neville Buck
Charles Nodier
Charles Nordhoff
Charles Nordmann
Charles Norris Cochrane
Charles O'Neil
Charles O. (Charles Orrin) Solberg
Charles Octavius Boothe
Charles Oman
Charles Oscar Paullin
Charles Otis Gill
Charles Otto Dhonau
Charles Owen
Charles P. (Charles Palfray) Bosson
Charles P. (Charles Patrick) Daly
Charles P. (Charles Pickering) Bowditch
Charles P. Stone
Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy
Charles Péguy
Charles Perrault
Charles Phelps Cushing
Charles Pickert
Charles Pierce Burton
Charles Plummer
Charles Poindexter Wertenbaker
Charles Prelini
Charles Prestwood Lucas
Charles Pye
Charles R. (Charles Richard) Kenyon
Charles R. (Charles Robert) Darling
Charles R. (Charles Robert) Drysdale
Charles R. (Charles Robert) Gibson
Charles R. (Charles Robert) Morrison
Charles R. (Charles Roger) Daoust
Charles R. (Charles Rumford) Walker
Charles R. (Charles Russell) Richards
Charles R. Barnes
Charles R. Poinsatte
Charles R. Tanner
Charles Rabot
Charles Rabou
Charles Ramsdell Lingley
Charles Rann Kennedy
Charles Rau
Charles Raymond Barrett
Charles Reade
Charles Reginald Haines
Charles Rendell Mabey
Charles Reynolds Brown
Charles Richardson
Charles Richet
Charles Rist
Charles Rivière Dufresny
Charles Robert Maturin
Charles Robert Newman
Charles Rock
Charles Roger
Charles Rollin
Charles Romyn Dake
Charles Rosenbury Erdman
Charles Ross Jackson
Charles Roundell
Charles Rowcroft
Charles Rowed
Charles Royle
Charles S. (Charles Sanders) Peirce
Charles S. (Charles Snodgrass) Ryan
Charles S. (Charles Stephen) Brooks
Charles S. (Charles Sumner) Boyer
Charles S. (Charles Sumner) Olcott
Charles S. Bentley
Charles Sainte-Foi
Charles Sangster
Charles Saphro
Charles Sarolea
Charles Schafhauser
Charles Seabridge
Charles Sealsfield
Charles Sears Baldwin
Charles Secrétan
Charles Seignobos
Charles Sellers
Charles Seymour
Charles Shattuck Hill
Charles Sheldon French
Charles Sherman
Charles Sherwood Robinson
Charles Silvestre
Charles Singer
Charles Smedley
Charles Somerville
Charles Sotheran
Charles Southwell
Charles Speckman
Charles Sprague
Charles Squire
Charles Stewart Given
Charles Stokes Wayne
Charles Stuart Boswell
Charles Stuart Calverley
Charles Stuart Moody
Charles Sturt
Charles Sumner
Charles Sumner Seeley
Charles T. (Charles Turner) Gorham
Charles Taylor Vorhies
Charles Theodore Murray
Charles Thom
Charles Thomas Cruttwell
Charles Thomas-Stanford
Charles Thompson
Charles Tomlinson
Charles Tubbs
Charles Turley
Charles Turner Dazey
Charles V. (Charles Valentine) Riley
Charles V. De Vet
Charles Victor Langlois
Charles Virmaître
Charles W. (Charles Waddell) Chesnutt
Charles W. (Charles Walton) Sanders
Charles W. (Charles Watts) Whistler
Charles W. (Charles Wendell) David
Charles W. (Charles Wheeler) Pierson
Charles W. (Charles Wilkins) Webber
Charles W. (Charles William) Colby
Charles W. (Charles William) Dahlinger
Charles W. (Charles William) Darling
Charles W. (Charles William) Domville-Fife
Charles W. (Charles William) Penrose
Charles W. (Charles William) Wood
Charles W. Bodemer
Charles W. Livermore
Charles W. Lyons
Charles W. Porter
Charles W. Raymond
Charles W. Smith
Charles W. Snell
Charles W. Whittemore
Charles Wagner
Charles Wareing Endell Bardsley
Charles Warren Stoddard
Charles Waterton
Charles Weathers Bump
Charles Welch
Charles Wells Reeder
Charles Wentworth Dilke
Charles Wentworth Upham
Charles Wesley Alexander
Charles Wesley Emerson
Charles Wesley Naylor
Charles West
Charles Whibley
Charles Whitehead
Charles Whiting Baker
Charles Whymper
Charles Wilder Glass
Charles Wilkes
Charles Willard Diffin
Charles William Burkett
Charles William Collinson
Charles William De la Poer Beresford Beresford
Charles William Eliot
Charles William Heckethorn
Charles William Russell
Charles William Sleeman
Charles William Stubbs
Charles William Super
Charles William Wallace
Charles Willing Beale
Charles Winslow Hall
Charles Wyllys Elliott
Charles-François Tiphaigne de La Roche
Charles-Louis Philippe
Charles-Marie de La Condamine
Charles-Théophile Féret
Charles-Tristan Montholon
Charleston (S.C.)
Charlie Chaplin
Charlotta Falkman
Charlotte (Charlotte Endymion) Porter
Charlotte A. (Charlotte Anne) Eaton
Charlotte B. (Charlotte Bronte) Herr
Charlotte Biggs
Charlotte Brontë
Charlotte Campbell Bury
Charlotte Dacre
Charlotte E. (Charlotte Elizabeth) Chittenden
Charlotte Eaton
Charlotte Elizabeth
Charlotte Everett Hopkins
Charlotte Hapai
Charlotte Kellogg
Charlotte Lennox
Charlotte M. (Charlotte Maria) Mason
Charlotte M. (Charlotte Marion) Vaile
Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary) Yonge
Charlotte M. Brame
Charlotte M. Higgins
Charlotte M. Martin
Charlotte Mary Mew
Charlotte Niese
Charlotte O'Conor Eccles
Charlotte Oelschlager
Charlotte Ouisconsin Clark Van Cleve
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Charlotte Rosalys Jones
Charlotte Selina Bompas
Charlotte Skinner
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte St. J. (Charlotte St. Julien) Ravenel
Charlotte Taylor Blow Charless
Charlotte von Ahlefeld
Charlotte-Adelaïde Dard
Charlotte-Elisabeth Orléans
Charlton M. (Charlton Miner) Lewis
Chas. A. (Charles Alfred) Tyrrell
Chas. A. Stopher
Chas. M. (Charles Michael) Higgins
Chatto & Windus (Firm)
Chauncey Brewster Tinker
Chauncey Jerome
Chauncey M. (Chauncey Mitchell) Depew
Chautauqua Institution
Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle
Chelsea Curtis Fraser
Chen Chen
Cheng'en Wu
Chengda Fan
Chengquan Wu
Cherágh Ali
Cheshire Lowton Boone
Chester A. (Chester Albert) Reed
Chester Alan Arthur
Chester Arthur Phillips
Chester Cohen
Chester Field
Chester K. Steele
Chester L. Lucas
Chester Milton Sanford
Chester S. Geier
Chester Sanders Lord
Chester Whitehorn
chevalier de La Coudraye
Chevalier Jackson
Chicago (Ill.). Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Dispensary Department
Chicago American Bureau of Engineering
Chicago Commission on Race Relations
Chitta Ranjan Das
Choderlos de Laclos
Chonán Maol
Chong Wang
Chongzuo Zhao
Chr. (Christian) Broch
Chr. K. F. (Christian Knud Frederik) Molbech
Chris Dulabone
Christabel R. (Christabel Rose) Coleridge
Christfrid Ganander
Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Rudolf De Wet
Christiaan van Abkoude
Christian A. (Christian Abraham) Fleetwood
Christian Brothers
Christian Carstairs
Christian D. (Christian David) Ginsburg
Christian Flor
Christian Fürchtegott Gellert
Christian Garve
Christian Gotthilf Salzmann
Christian Gottlob Barth
Christian Gottlob Wild
Christian Keferstein
Christian Mallet
Christian Miller Prutsman
Christian Morgenstern
Christian Reid
Christian Reuter
Christian Rosencreutz
Christian Sparre
Christian Tobias Ephraim Reinhard
Christian Winther
Christina Blackie
Christina Georgina Rossetti
Christina Gowans Whyte
Christina Krysto
Christine Beals
Christine Chaundler
Christine Jope-Slade
Christine M. Keck
Christine Terhune Herrick
Christmas Evans
Christoph August Tiedge
Christoph Martin Wieland
Christoph Vetter
Christoph von Schmid
Christophe-Michel Roguet
Christopher Anvil
Christopher Berry
Christopher Birdwood Thomson
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Dresser
Christopher Evans
Christopher Hare
Christopher Langman
Christopher Leadem
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Merret
Christopher Morley
Christopher Parkinson Brooks
Christopher Pearse Cranch
Christopher Whall
Christopher Wilson
Christos Christovasilis
Christóvam Ayres de Magalhães Sepúlveda
Christy Mathewson
Chuck Connors
Chuhou Wu
Chuhui Zheng
Chung Ling Soo
Chuo Zhuang
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Church of Scotland. General Assembly
Churchill Babington
Cicco Simonetta
Cicely Hamilton
Cicely Kent
Cirilo Villaverde
Cirilo Volkmar Machado
City of London (England). Commissioners of Sewers. Sanitary Committee
City of London (England). Court of Aldermen
City of London (England). Lord Mayor
Civiale Remedial Agency
Clair A. (Clair Alan) Brown
Clair Blank
Clair Elmore Anderson
Clair Price
Clair W. (Clair Wallace) Hayes
Claire de Durfort Duras
Claire Goll
Claire Martha Coburn
Claire von Glümer
Clara A. Merrill
Clara A. Urann
Clara Augusta
Clara Barrus
Clara Barton
Clara Berg
Clara Butt
Clara de Chatelain
Clara Dillingham Pierson
Clara Doty Bates
Clara E. (Clara Elizabeth) Collet
Clara E. (Clara Elizabeth) Laughlin
Clara Engelen
Clara Erskine Clement Waters
Clara F. (Clara Florida) Guernsey
Clara Frances McKee Beede
Clara H. Holmes
Clara Helen Whitmore
Clara Ingram Judson
Clara Kern Bayliss
Clara Louise Burnham
Clara Louise Kellogg
Clara M. S. Lowe
Clara Morris
Clara Mulholland
Clara Rayleigh
Clara Reeve
Clara Schachne
Clara Sudermann
Clara Tschudi
Clara Viebig
Clara Vostrovsky Winlow
Clara Wood Mingins
Clare Howard
Clare Sheridan
Clare Winger Harris
Clarence B. (Clarence Bloomfield) Moore
Clarence Bagley
Clarence Budington Kelland
Clarence Cook
Clarence Darrow
Clarence Day
Clarence E. (Clarence Edgar) Edwords
Clarence E. (Clarence Edward) Dutton
Clarence Edgar Johnson
Clarence Edward Mulford
Clarence Edwin Carter
Clarence H. Webb
Clarence Hamilton Poe
Clarence Hawkes
Clarence Henry Haring
Clarence J. (Clarence Jay) West
Clarence James Murray
Clarence King
Clarence Leroy Andrews
Clarence Louis Cullen
Clarence Moores Weed
Clarence Reidenbach
Clarence Squareman
Clarence Stratton
Clarence Victor Stahl
Clarence W. (Clarence Walker) Barron
Clarence Ward
Clarence Winthrop Bowen
Clarence Young
Clarice E. Richards
Clarissa A. (Clarissa Abia) Kneeland
Clarisse Bader
Clark Ashton Smith
Clark Field
Clark R. (Clark Raymond) Mollenhoff
Clark S. (Clark Smith) Beardslee
Clark South
Clark Wissler
Clarkson P. Bearse
Claud Field
Claude A. LaBelle
Claude Anet
Claude Askew
Claude B. Aniol
Claude Bernard
Claude Bourgelat
Claude C. (Claude Carlos) Washburn
Claude Farrère
Claude Fayette Bragdon
Claude Ferval
Claude Fournier
Claude G. (Claude Gernade) Bowers
Claude Glennon Bryan
Claude Godard d'Aucour
Claude Grahame-White
Claude H. Wetmore
Claude Harris Miller
Claude Mancey
Claude McKay
Claude Moore Fuess
Claude P. (Claude Powell) Fordyce
Claude Phillips
Claude Tillier
Claude-François Méneval
Claude-François-Xavier Mercier de Compiègne
Claude-Louis Berthollet
Claude-Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon
Claudi Planas i Font
Claudia Brush Kidwell
Cláudio José Nunes
Claudius Claudianus
Claudius Ferrand
Clay MacCauley
Clayton Edwards
Clayton H. (Clayton Holt) Ernst
Clayton Knight
Clayton Mackenzie Legge
Clayton Meeker Hamilton
Clayton Sedgwick Cooper
Clee Garson
Cleland Boyd McAfee
Clemence Dane
Clemence Housman
Clemens Brandenburger
Clemens Brentano
Clemens Lamping
Clemens Wenzel Lothar Metternich
Clement A. (Clement Antrobus) Harris
Clement A. Miles
Clement Bailhache
Clement Clarke Moore
Clément Juglar
Clement King Shorter
Clement Reid
Clement Wood
Clemente Ferreira França
Clementine Helm
Clements R. (Clements Robert) Markham
Clenton E. Owensby
Cleo F. Garis
Cleto R. Ignacio
Cletto Arrighi
Cleveland Moffett
Clifford Bax
Clifford D. Simak
Clifford Halifax
Clifford Herschel Moore
Clifford R. (Clifford Rose) Adams
Clifford Smyth
Clifford Whittingham Beers
Clifton A. (Clifton Armstrong) Howes
Clifton Bingham
Clifton Johnson
Clifton R. (Clifton Rodman) Wooldridge
Clifton Wintringham
Clinton G. Gilroy
Clinton Scollard
Clinton W. (Clinton Wallace) Gilbert
Clive Bell
Clive Day
Clive Holland
Clive Phillipps-Wolley
Cloice R. Howd
Clough Williams-Ellis
Clovis Gillham Chappell
Clutha N. (Clutha Nantes) Mackenzie
Cluthe Rupture Institute
Clyde Beck
Clyde Brown
Clyde Fitch
Clyde Furst
Clyde P. Fickes
Coalition for Networked Information
Coinneach Odhar
Cole Younger
Colin Clements
Colin Munro
Colin Ross
College of Pharmacy of the City of New York
Colley Cibber
Collodi Nipote
Colorado Forestry and Horticultural Association
Colored Methodist Episcopal Church
Colored National League
Committee on Railway Mail Pay
Commune de Amiens/Nancy
Compton MacKenzie
comte d' Haussonville
comte de Lautréamont
comte de Premio-Real
Con Blomberg
Con Pederson
Con Price
Conan T. Troy
Concepción Arenal de García Carrasco
Concha Espina
Congo resident
Coningsby Dawson
Conn. Anti-slavery Society of Meriden
Conrad Aiken
Conrad Busken Huet
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
Conrad H. (Conrad Harvey) Sayce
Conrad Hermann
Conrad Hjalmar Nordby
Conrad Kilian
Conrad Malte-Brun
Conrad Mitchell
Conrad von Bolanden
Conrad William Cooke
Conrado O. Benitez
Consolation Club
Constable (Firm)
Constance D'Arcy Mackay
Constance Fenimore Woolson
Constance Holme
Constance Lindsay Skinner
Constance Louisa Adams
Constance Lytton
Constance Stoney
Constancia Serjeant
Constantijn Huygens
Consul Willshire Butterfield
Consumer and Food Economics Institute (U.S.)
Consumers' League of New York City
Conway Evans
Cooper Willyams
Cora C. Bass
Cora C. Klein
Cora Gordon
Cora Lenore Williams
Cora Marsland
Cora May Williams
Cora Mitchel
Cora Moore
Cora Wilson Stewart
Corbyn Morris
Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
Cornelia A. P. (Cornelia Atwood Pratt) Comer
Cornelia Baker
Cornelia L. (Cornelia Louisa) Tuthill
Cornelia Levetzow
Cornelia Mee
Cornelia Meigs
Cornelia Phillips Spencer
Cornelia Sorabji
Cornelia Stratton Parker
Cornélis De Witt Willcox
Cornelis Hille Ris Lambers
Cornelis Janszoon Coen
Cornelis Johannes Kieviet
Cornelis Lely
Cornelis Veth
Cornelius Mathews
Cornelius Neale Dalton
Cornelius Shea
Cornelius Tacitus
Cornelius Weygandt
Corra Harris
Corrado Barbagallo
Cortelle Hutchins
Cory Doctorow
Cosme Blasco
Cosmo Hamilton
Cosmos Mindeleff
Cotton Mather
Cotton Noe
Coulson Kernahan
Council of the Twelve Apostles (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Council of Women for Home Missions
Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry (American Medical Association)
count of Foix Gaston III Phoebus
Countee Cullen
Countess (Hélène) Barcynska
Courtney Ryley Cooper
Coventry (England). Public Libraries Committee
Coventry Patmore
CPC International. Best Foods Division
Crawford Howell Toy
Crawford Jackson
Credo Fitch Harris
Cristina Belgioioso
Cristóbal de Castro
Crittenden Marriott
Crocket McElroy
Cromer Ladies' Bible Association
Crona Temple
Crosbie Garstin
Crosby Lockwood and Son
Curtis C. (Curtis Clark) Bushnell
Curtis Companies
Curtis D. Tunnell
Curtis Dunham
Curtis Dwight Wilbur
Curtis Guild
Cusack P. Roney
Cuthbert Bede
Cy Warman
Cydnor Bailey Tompkins
Cynthia Irwin-Williams
Cynthia Stockley
Cyprian Bridge
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrenus Cole
Cyriel Buysse
Cyril Bailey
Cyril Bennett
Cyril Burleigh
Cyril Crossland
Cyril Davenport
Cyril F. Austin
Cyril Falls
Cyril Field
Cyril G. (Cyril George) Hopkins
Cyril Ionides
Cyril J. O'Brien
Cyril Lyttleton Mainwaring
Cyril Tourneur
Cyrus Adler
Cyrus G. (Cyrus Guernsey) Pringle
Cyrus Leroy Baldridge
Cyrus M. Hussey
Cyrus MacMillan
Cyrus Thomas
Cyrus Townsend Brady
D'Arcy Power
d'Arras Jean
d'Auvergne Martial
d'Evreux Yves
d'Orléans Charles
d'Orléans Laurent
D. (Davison) Dalziel
D. (Dietrich) Lange
D. A. (Daniël Adrianus) Poldermans
D. A. (David Alva) Clippinger
D. A. (David Augustus) Dickert
D. A. Compton
D. A. Gomes Pércheiro
D. Allen Morrissey
D. B. (David Binning) Monro
D. B. (David Blyth) Hanna
D. B. Blair
D. B. McLachlan
D. C. (David Churchill) Somervell
D. C. (Dexter C.) Bloomer
D. C. Cloud
D. Chatzopoulos
D. Clint Prescott
D. Cussons
D. D. (Daniel Desmond) Sheehan
D. D. (David Dickinson) Mann
D. D. Cottrell's Subscription Agency
D. Douglas Ogilvie
D. E. (Dennis E.) Peterson
D. E. C. Stirke
D. E. D. (David Emanuel Daniel) Europaeus
D. E. van Velden
D. F. E. Sykes
D. G. (David George) Hogarth
D. G. (David Gervan) McMillan
D. Gusjev-Orenburgski
D. H. (David Henry) Montgomery
D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence
D. H. (Dirk Hendrik) Kolff
D. H. Fletcher
D. H. Parry
D. I. (Denis Ivanovich) Fonvizin
D. J. (Dudley Julius) Medley
D. J. (David J.) Cook
D. K. (Demetrios Konstantinou) Vyzantios
D. K. (Dorothy Kathleen) Broster
D. L. (Daniel Lewis) James
D. L. (Daniel Love) Wilson
D. L. (David Leslie) Murray
D. M. (David Macbeth) Moir
D. M. (Dawsonne Melanchthon) Strong
D. M. (Donald Mundell) Crooks
D. M. (Duncan M.) Matheson
D. M. M. Crichton Somerville
D. Macleod (Donald Macleod) Malloch
D. McCall
D. Mortimore
D. N. (Dmitrii Narkisovich) Mamin-Siberiak
D. O. (David Oyer) Van Slyke
D. P. Plaatsman
D. Ph. van Vloten Elderinck
D. Quélus
D. R. (David Robert) Mace
D. R. (David Russell) McAnally
D. R. King
D. Rhagfyr Jones
D. S. (Daniel Stephen) Halacy
D. S. (Douglas S.) Andrews
D. Starke
D. Thomas (Daniel Thomas) Curtin
D. Torbett
D. Van Nostrand Company
D. W. (Daniel Webster) Fisher
D. W. (David W.) Bartlett
D. W. (David W.) Belisle
D. W. Barefoot
D. Worthington
D.C.) Gridiron Club (Washington
D.C.) International Meridian Conference (1884 : Washington
da Parma Giovanni
da Parma Salimbene
da Todi Jacopone
da Vinci Leonardo
Da Yu
Dacheng Ruan
Dafu Yu
Dai Zhang
Dairoku Kikuchi
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Daisy Ashford
Dale Carnegie
Dale Clark
Dalip Singh Saund
Dallas Lore Sharp
Dalrymple J. Belgrave
Dama Margaret Smith
Damaris Masham
Dame Shirley
Damon Knight
Damu Xiong
Dan Andersson
Dan B. (Dan Brearley) Brummitt
Dan De Quille
Dan McKenzie
Dan Michel
Dan Smoot
Dan T. Moore
Dana Brackenridge Casteel
Dana Gatlin
Dane Coolidge
Daniel A. (Daniel Alfred) Poling
Daniel A. (Daniel Ayres) Goodsell
Daniel Alexander Payne
Daniel Anton Sundén
Daniel Avery Langworthy
Daniel B. Woods
Daniel Berg
Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Blumenthal
Daniel Bruun
Daniel Burleigh Parkhurst
Daniel C. (Daniel Clarke) Eddy
Daniel Cady Eaton
Daniel Callahan
Daniel Carter Beard
Daniel Clark
Daniel Collins
Daniel Davenport
Daniel Defoe
Daniel Doane Bidwell
Daniel Drayton
Daniel Dulany Addison
Daniel E. Hungerford
Daniel Errico
Daniel F. Galouye
Daniel François Malherbe
Daniel Frohman
Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison) Brinton
Daniel Giraud Elliot
Daniel Gregory Mason
Daniel Hack Tuke
Daniel Halévy
Daniel Harvey Hill
Daniel Henderson
Daniel Henry MacKinnon
Daniel J. MacDonald
Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jerome Macgowan
Daniel Joseph Kirwan
Daniel Kirkwood
Daniel Knower
Daniel Leonard
Daniel Lescallier
Daniel Lesueur
Daniel MacPherson
Daniel Moore
Daniel Morison
Daniel O'Connor
Daniel Oakey
Daniel P. (Daniel Parish) Kidder
Daniel P. (Daniel Pierce) Thompson
Daniel R. Gilgannon
Daniel Rock
Daniel Santiagoe
Daniel Scott
Daniel Stern
Daniel Sutton
Daniel Thaly
Daniel Turner Holmes
Daniel W. (Daniel Webster) Jones
Daniel W. (Daniel Wheelwright) Gooch
Daniel W. Baker
Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster Comstock
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wise
Daniel Woolf
Daniel Wright Kittredge
Danske Dandridge
Dante Alighieri
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Dao Shen
Darrell Figgis
Daughters of the American Revolution. Nebraska
Daughters of the American Revolution. Oregon Society
Dave Dryfoos
Dave Ranney
David A. Curtis
David Alec Wilson
David Allan Low
David Allen Anderson
David Ames Wells
Dávid Angyal
David Badham
David Baron
David Belasco
David Brainerd
David Brewster
David Brossard
David Burr
David C. (David Clark) Taylor
David C. Hulse
David C. Knight
David C. Parris
David Castelli
David Christie Murray
David Christy
David Collins
David Cory
David Cox
David Cusick
David Daggett
David De Forest Burrell
David Drummond Bone
David Dudley Field
David Duncan
David Dwight Wells
David E. (David Ernest) Lantz
David E. Fisher
David Edguard
David Ely
David Eugene Smith
David Evans
David Ewen
David F. Dorr
David Fairchild
David Fallon
David Franklin Powell
David G. (David George) Ritchie
David Garnett
David Garrick
David Graham Phillips
David Gray
David Grayson
David Grew
David H. (David Henry) Keller
David H. Rothman
David H. Stam
David Hannay
David Hay Fleming
David Hoüard
David Howarth
David Hume
David Hunter Miller
David I. (David Ives) Bushnell
David J. Deane
David James Burrell
David Kalakaua
David Keller Caldwell
David Ker
David L. Hieb
David Lathrop
David Lavender
David Lawrence Belding
David Lester Richardson
David Lindsay
David Lindsay Crawford
David Livingstone
David Lloyd George
David Low Dodge
David M. (David Moore) Robinson
David M. Mitchell
David Macdill
David MacGibbon
David MacRitchie
David Marshall Brooks
David Mason
David Masson
David Masters
David Maxwell
David Miller
David Miller DeWitt
David Mitrany
David Moore Lindsay
David Morton
David Murray
David Nichol Smith
David Nunes Carvalho
David O'Hara
David O. (David Oman) McKay
David Osborne
David Oswald Hunter Blair
David P. (David Peck) Todd
David P. Barrows
David Park Barnitz
David Pinski
David Pryde
David Quinn
David R. Bunch
David R. Cooper
David R. Patton
David R. Sparks
David Ricardo
David Rorie
David Ross Locke
David Rowlands
David Samwell
David Slowinski
David Solis Cohen
David Starr Jordan
David Steele
David Stevenson
David Sutherland
David Urquhart
David V. (David Van) Bush
David Vance
David W. (David William) Bone
David W. (David William) Edwards
David W. Rosburg
David W. Stafford
David Walker
David Wendel Yandell
David Whitelaw
David Wright
David Wright Judd
David Wright O'Brien
David Wynford Carnegie
David Z. Smith
David-Léon Cahun
Davis Brinton
Davy (An Englishman)
Davy Crockett
Dawson Turner
Day Keene
Day Kellogg Lee
Dazhi Wu
de (Vinchelés Payen-Payne) V. Payen-Payne
de Boron Robert
de Brakelond Jocelin
de Cambray Fouquart
de Cancarnaux Platt
de Cessolis Jacobus
de France Marie
De Lacy O'Leary
de Lisieux Thérèse
de Lorris Guillaume
De Lysle F. Cass
de Maricourt Pierre
de Meun Jean
de Montreuil Gerbert
de Pisan Christine
de Sales Francis
de Troyes Chrétien
de Tudèle Guillaume
de Voragine Jacobus
De Witt C. (De Witt Clinton) Peters
De Witt Clinton Croissant
De Witt H. (De Witt Henry) Parker
Dean C. (Dean Conant) Worcester
Dean Evans
Dean Ing
Dean L. Heffernan
Dean Rivers
Deborah Alcock
Deborah Takiff Smith
Décio Carneiro
Dee Day
Defendente Sacchi
DeLancey M. Ellis
Delavan S. Miller
Delco-Remy Corporation
Delfim de Brito Guimarães
Delia Austrian
Delia Salter Bacon
Dell H. Munger
Della R. Prescott
Delmer Eugene Croft
Delphian Society
Delphine de Sabran Custine
Delphine Menant
Delton Thomas Howard
Demetra Vaka
Demetrios Ainian
Demetrios Vikelas
Demetrius Charles Boulger
Deming Jarves
Denis Diderot
Denis Florence MacCarthy
Denis Papin
Denison Olmsted
Dennis Collins
Dennis G. Rainey
Dennis J. Downing
Dennison Woodcock
Denton Jaques Snider
Denton Loring Geyer
Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company
Derek J. de Solla (Derek John de Solla) Price
Deristhe L. (Deristhe Levinte) Hoyt
Dermot Robert Wyndham Bourke Mayo
Derrick Norman Lehmer
des lois et des coutumes de la guerre Belgium. Commission d'enquête sur la violation des règles du droit des gens
Des Niau
Desiderius Erasmus
Desiderius George Dery
Désiré Charnay
Désiré Joseph Joulin
Desmond Byrne
Desmond Coke
Desmond Winter Hall
Detlev von Liliencron
Detroit news
Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches Komitee
Dezső Kosztolányi
Dezső Szomory
Dhan Gopal Mukerji
Di Mo
Diana Agabeg Apcar
Diana C. Gleasner
Dick & Fitzgerald
Dick Donovan
Dick Hank
Dick Hetschel
Dick Purcell
Diedrich Speckmann
Diedrich Westermann
Diego Aduarte
Diego Collado
Diego de Landa
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza
Diego San José
Dietlof Van Warmelo
Digital Equipment Corporation
Dikken Zwilgmeyer
Dillon Wallace
Dillwyn Parrish
Dina Mollinger-Hooyer
Dinabandhu Mitra
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Ding Xuan
Dinsmore Ely
Dio Lewis
Diogenes Laertius
Diogenes [pseudonym]
Diogo de Carvalho e Sampaio
Diogo de Macedo
Diogo Rosa Machado
Dion Boucicault
Dion Clayton Calthrop
Dion Williams
Dionysios Solomos
Dionysius Lardner
Dirk Abraham Sloos
Dirk Wylie
Dixon Denham
Dixon Scott
Djuna Barnes
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev
Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky
Doane Robinson
Docteur Jaf
Dolent Fortuné
Dolf Wyllarde
Dolly Sumner Lunt
Dolly Williams Kirk
Dolores Marbourg
Dolores McKenna
Dolores Monserdá de Maciá
Domenico Comparetti
Domenico Merlini
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin
Domingos Paes
Don Berry
Don Carlos Janes
Don G. Wyckoff
Don Marquis
Don Palmer
Don Peterson
Don Thompson
Don Watson
Don Whitehead
Don Wilcox
Donald A. (Donald Alexander) Mackenzie
Donald A. Wollheim
Donald Colvin
Donald Culross Peattie
Donald E. (Donald Edward) Keyhoe
Donald E. Trimble
Donald E. Westlake
Donald Evans
Donald F. Daley
Donald Ferguson
Donald Frederick Hoffmeister
Donald G. French
Donald Grant Mitchell
Donald Grayson
Donald H. Berkebile
Donald Hankey
Donald J. Coxwell
Donald Keith
Donald Lemen Clark
Donald M. Levy
Donald Mackenzie Wallace
Donald Maxwell
Donald McGibeny
Donald Monro
Donald Ogden Stewart
Donald Trump
Donald W. Bernier
Donald W. Janes
Donald Walker
Donald Wandrei
Donald William Stewart
Donat Henchy O'Brien
Donn Byrne
Donna P. Bessken
Dora C. C. L. (Dora Cathrine Cristine Liebel) Roper
Dora Melegari
Dora Russell
Dora Sigerson Shorter
Dorin Teodor Moisa
Doris Hayman
Doris Stevens
Doris von Scheliha
Dornford Yates
Dorothea Auguste Gunhilde Schrage
Dorothea Beale
Dorothea Conyers
Dorothea Lynde Dix
Dorothea Mackellar
Dorothea Moore
Dorothea Ponsonby
Dorothea Townshend
Dorothée Chellier
Dorothée Dino
Dorothy C. (Dorothy Charlotte) Paine
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Dorothy Crain
Dorothy De Courcy
Dorothy Gage Samuels
Dorothy Jordan
Dorothy Josephine Collier
Dorothy Kilner
Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh) Sayers
Dorothy Levitt
Dorothy M. (Dorothy Miller) Richardson
Dorothy Margaret Torpey
Dorothy Menpes
Dorothy Mills
Dorothy Nevill
Dorothy Osborne
Dorothy Parker
Dorothy Porter Wesley
Dorothy Quick
Dorothy Quigley
Dorothy Richardson
Dorothy Scarborough
Dorothy Speare
Dorothy Stimson
Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
Dorothy Watson
Dorothy Wayne
Dorothy Whitehill
Dorothy Woollard
Dorothy Wordsworth
Dougal Graham
Dougan Clark
Douglas Argyll Robertson
Douglas Blackburn
Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen
Douglas Cockerell
Douglas Dewar
Douglas Durkin
Douglas English
Douglas Fairbanks
Douglas Frazar
Douglas Goldring
Douglas Houghton Campbell
Douglas Hyde
Douglas Malloch
Douglas Mawson
Douglas Morey Ford
Douglas Pulleyne
Douglas Rushkoff
Douglas Wells
Douglas William Freshfield
Douglas William Jerrold
Douglas Wilson Johnson
Douglass H. Hubbard
Douglass Sherley
Douwe Kalma
Dr. (Benjamin Tilghman) Woodward
Dr. (John) Doran
Dr. (William) Dickson
Dr. Dioscorides
Dr. Willard
Dragutin J. Ilić
Drew Middleton
Dru Drury
Duarte Galvão
DuBose Heyward
Dudley A. Bragdon
Dudley Buck
Dudley Landon Vaill
Dudley M. Campbell
Dudley Wright
Duffield Osborne
Duffus Hardy
Dugald Butler
Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach Bernhard
Duke of York's Royal Military School
Dunbar Rowland
Duncan Black MacDonald
Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell Scott
Duncan E. McKinlay
Duncan McGregor
Dunstan Gale
Durant Drake
Dutton Cook
Dutton Payne
Dwight D. (Dwight David) Eisenhower
Dwight L. (Dwight Lathrop) Elmendorf
Dwight Lyman Moody
Dwight R. (Dwight Raymond) Crandell
Dwight R. Platt
Dwight Sanderson
Dwight V. Swain
Dwight Weldon
E Liu
E Su
E. & F. N. Spon
E. (Edgar) Spiegel
E. (Edith) Nesbit
E. (Edmond) Mandat-Grancey
E. (Edmond) Teinturier
E. (Edmund) Backhouse
E. (Eduard) Gerdes
E. (Eduard) Granstrem
E. (Edward) Anwyl
E. (Edward) Donovan
E. (Edward) Hulme
E. (Edward) Kirkpatrick
E. (Edward) Klauber
E. (Edward) Marston
E. (Elias) D'Oliveira
E. (Eliza) Fenwick
E. (Elizabeth) Prentiss
E. (Elme-Marie) Caro
É. (Élodie) Lamarque
E. (Elphège) Vacandard
E. (Emanuel) Haldeman-Julius
E. (Emile) Amélineau
E. (Emily) Gerard
E. (Enneus) Rijpma
E. (Erasmus) Manford
E. (Ernest) Deharme
E. (Ernest) Stenhouse
E. (Ernst) Reventlow
E. (Eugène) Feindel
E. (Eugenie) Marlitt
E. A. (Edward Alexander) Sutherland
E. A. (Elias Avery) Lowe
E. A. (Elizabeth Amy) Dillwyn
E. A. (Emanuel Anthony) Posselt
E. A. (Ernest Adna) Back
E. A. (Ernest Alexander) Cruikshank
E. A. (Eugene Amos) Hollowell
E. A. B. Shackleford
E. A. Gillie
E. A. Grosser
E. A. Henry
E. A. Prasse
E. A. R. Ball
E. A. Taylor
E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis) Budge
E. Alexander (Edward Alexander) Powell
E. Allison (Edgar Allison) Peers
E. Azalia (Emma Azalia) Hackley
E. B. (Edith Belle) Lowry
E. B. (Edward Blair) Michell
E. B. (Enoch Barton) Garey
E. B. (Ernest Binfield) Havell
E. B. (Ethel Brigham) Leatherbee
E. B. Brenton
E. B. Kennedy
E. B. Temple
E. Beresford (Edwin Beresford) Chancellor
E. Berkley
E. Blantyre (Evelyn Blantyre) Simpson
E. Boyd (Elmer Boyd) Smith
E. Bruce Holmes
E. Buckle
E. Burd (Edward Burd) Grubb
E. Burke Collins
E. C. (Edith C.) Kenyon
E. C. (Edith Caroline) Phillips
E. C. (Edmund Clerihew) Bentley
E. C. (Edward C.) Downs
E. C. (Eleanor Constance) Laurence
E. C. (Elijah Coleman) Bridgman
E. C. (Ernest Charles) Buley
E. C. (Ernest Clark) Hartwell
E. C. (Eugene Clarence) Gardner
E. Curtis Green
E. Cutler (Ephraim Cutler) Shedd
E. D. (Edmund Dene) Morel
E. D. (Edward David) Ashe
E. D. (Edward Drinker) Cope
E. D. (Edward William Dirom) Cuming
E. D. (Ernest Dunlop) Swinton
E. D. Hardy
E. de (Eugène) Roberty
E. de Pressensé
E. Denison (Edward Denison) Ross
E. Dixon
E. Donald (Edmund Donald) Carr
E. Douglas (Edward Douglas) Fawcett
E. E. (Edith Elise) Cowper
E. E. (Edmund Edward) Fournier d'Albe
E. E. (Edward Elmer) Smith
E. E. (Edward Estlin) Cummings
E. E. (Ella Ervilla) Kellogg
E. E. (Emma Elizabeth) Brown
E. E. (Enoch Edwin) Byrum
E. E. (Ernest Edward) Holmes
E. E. (Ezra Eastman) Adams
E. E. Boyd
E. E. Nuuttila
E. Edouard Tavernier
E. Ernest Bilbrough
E. Everett (Edward Everett) Evans
E. F. (Edward Francis) Harkins
E. F. (Edward Frederic) Benson
E. F. (Edward Frederick) Knight
E. F. (Elizabeth Fries) Ellet
E. F. (Elsie Finnimore) Buckley
E. F. (Enoch Fitch) Burr
E. F. E. Douwes Dekker
E. F. M. (Edward Felix Mendelssohn) Benecke
E. Frances (Eleanor Frances) Poynter
E. Franklin Tregaskis
E. G. (Earl Gregg) Swem
E. G. (Edmund Gill) Swain
E. G. (Edwin George) Hastings
E. G. (Elihu Goodwin) Holland
E. G. (Elizabeth Gifford) Peckham
E. G. (Emily Georgiana) Kemp
E. G. Odell
E. G. P. (Edward Gerald Penfold) Wyatt
E. G. Von Wald
E. Gallienne Robin
E. Gordon (Edgar Gordon) Browne
E. Gordon (Edward Gordon) Duff
E. Gould (Edward Gould) Buffum
E. H. (Edward H.) Rauch
E. H. (Edward Hatch) Hoare
E. H. (Edward Henry) Clement
E. H. (Edward Henry) Nolan
E. H. (Edwin Hubbell) Chapin
E. H. (Elias Henry) Jones
E. H. (Emily Hilda) Young
E. Hamilton (Edward Hamilton) Currey
E. Hoffmann Price
E. Hugh Sherwood
E. Hughes
E. Huhtinen
E. J. (E. Jocelyn) Wortley
E. J. (Edith Janice) Craine
E. J. (Edmund James) Banfield
E. J. (Edward John) Bevan
E. J. (Edward John) Hardy
E. J. (Edwin James) Brady
E. J. (Edwin John) Pratt
E. J. (Ellet Joseph) Waggoner
E. J. (Erik Johan) Blom
E. J. (Etienne Jean) Delécluze
E. J. (Eusebius Joseph) Molera
E. J. (Everhardus Johannes) Potgieter
E. J. Liston
E. J. Rath
E. Juncker
E. K. (Edmund Kerchever) Chambers
E. K. (Eldred Kurtz) Means
E. K. (Evgenii Konstantinovich) Nozhin
E. K. Cressey
E. K. Nostwell
E. Katherine (Emily Katherine) Bates
E. Keble (Edward Keble) Chatterton
E. L. (Edward Lloyd) Lomax
E. L. (Eli Lundy) Huggins
E. L. (Elizabeth Louisa) Hoskyn
E. L. (Ellsworth Leonardson) Kolb
E. L. (Ethel Lillian) Voynich
E. Lee (Emily Lee) Ryan
E. Lendell Cockrum
E. Louise (Emma Louise) Smythe
E. Lynn (Elizabeth Lynn) Linton
E. M.
E. M. (Edith Maude) Hull
E. M. (Edmund McKenzie) Sneyd-Kynnersley
E. M. (Edward Manuel) Newman
E. M. (Edward Morgan) Forster
E. M. (Ethel Mary) Wilmot-Buxton
E. M. Berens
E. M. Delafield
E. M. Leonard
E. M. Smith-Dampier
E. M. Valk-Heijnsdijk
E. M. Waterworth
E. Mittleman
E. Molt
E. N. (Eldred Nathaniel) Woodcock
E. N. (Elisha Noel) Fales
E. Newton (Edmund Newton) Harvey
E. Oe. (Edith Oenone) Somerville
E. Overduijn-Heyligers
E. P. (Edward Payson) Evans
E. P. (Elijah Porter) Barrows
E. P. Miller
E. P. S. Allen
E. P. W. (Elizabeth Parsons Ware) Packard
E. Palmer Conner
E. Parmalee (Ezra Parmalee) Prentice
E. Pauline Johnson
E. Phillips
E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
E. R. (Elsie Riach) Murray
E. R. (Ernest Robertson) Punshon
E. R. Billings
E. R. Burden
E. Ray (Edwin Ray) Lankester
E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) Hall
E. S. (Edward Skelton) Bellasis
E. S. (Edward Spencer) Keene
E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
E. S. (Elizabeth Susan) MacLeod
E. S. (Ernest Stuart) Bates
E. S. (Ethel Smith) Dorrance
E. S. Lang Buckland
E. S. McGee
E. Schmidt-Schwedt
E. Sylvia (Estelle Sylvia) Pankhurst
E. T. (Edward Tyson) Allen
E. T. (Ernest Thomas) Cook
E. T. A. (Ernst Theodor Amadeus) Hoffmann
E. T. C. (Edward Theodore Chalmers) Werner
E. T. Raymond
E. Tegla (Edward Tegla) Davies
E. Temple (Ernest Temple) Thurston
E. Uhlrich
E. V. (Edward Verrall) Lucas
E. V. (Edwin Vincent) Odle
E. V. (Ernst Viktor) Zenker
E. V. B. (Eleanor Vere Boyle)
E. Veale
E. von (Eginhard) Barfus
E. W. (Edgar Watson) Howe
E. W. (Edmund William) Forrest
E. W. (Edward Walter) Smithson
E. W. (Edward William) Berger
E. W. (Edward William) Cole
E. W. (Edward William) Watkin
E. W. (Emma Watts) Phillips
E. W. (Ernest Watson) Burgess
E. W. (Ernest William) Hornung
E. W. (Ethel Winifred) Savi
E. W. (Ethelbert William) Bullinger
E. W. (Everett Williams) Jameson
E. W. Seabrook Hull
E. Walter (Edward Walter) Maunder
E. Walter Walters
E. Way (Ernest Way) Elkington
E. Werner
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
E.P. Dutton (Firm)
E. (Emily) Coungeau
E. (Eugène) Daumas
Eadweard Muybridge
Eando Binder
Earl Barnes
Earl Derr Biggers
Earl Fenner
Earl Goodale
Earl H. (Earl Howell) Reed
Earl Peirce
Earl Stanley Harrison
Earl W. Phelan
Earl Wayland Bowman
Earle Ashley Walcott
Easley S. (Easley Stephen) Jones
Eastman Kodak Company
Eatmor Cranberries
Eaton Stannard Barrett
Eben E. (Eben Eugene) Rexford
Ebenezer Arnold
Ebenezer Cobham Brewer
Ebenezer Cooke
Ebenezer Davies
Ebenezer Howard
Ebenezer Pearse
Ebenezer Prout
Ebenezer Wheelwright
Eberhard Dennert
Eberhard Schnetzler
Eça de Queirós
Ed Earl Repp
Ed Howdershelt
Ed Krol
Ed M. Clinton
Ed. James
Ede Tassy
Eden Coybee
Eden Phillpotts
Eden Warwick
Edfrid A. Bingham
Edgar A. (Edgar Albert) Guest
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar B. P. Darlington
Edgar Barclay
Edgar Beecher Bronson
Edgar Chambless
Edgar Charles Middleton
Edgar Fahs Smith
Edgar Fawcett
Edgar Franklin
Edgar Fritz Randolph
Edgar George Thomssen
Edgar Holmes McNeal
Edgar Jepson
Edgar Lee Masters
Edgar M. (Edgar Meck) Dilley
Edgar M. Howell
Edgar MacCulloch
Edgar Pangborn
Edgar Quinet
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Saltus
Edgar Schuster
Edgar Thomas Ainger Wigram
Edgar Thurston
Edgar Vine Hall
Edgar Wallace
Edgcumbe Staley
Edison Marshall
Edith A. (Edith Augusta) Sawyer
Edith A. Browne
Edith A. How
Edith Allen
Edith Allonby
Edith B. (Edith Bertha) Ordway
Edith B. Cohen
Edith B. Davidson
Edith Ballinger Price
Edith Bancroft
Edith Barnard Delano
Edith Birkhead
Edith Brown Kirkwood
Edith C. (Edith Charlotte) Hubback
Edith Carrington
Edith Dunham
Edith E. Cuthell
Edith E. Wiggin
Edith Elmer Wood
Edith Eudora Kohl
Edith Ferguson Black
Edith Forssman
Edith Francis Foster
Edith Gilman Brewster
Edith H. (Edith Hedden) Allen
Edith Horton
Edith Howes
Edith J. Broomhall
Edith K. (Edith Kellogg) Dunton
Edith Keeley Stokely
Edith King Hall
Edith Lavell
Edith Lynwood Winn
Edith M. (Edith Marion) Patch
Edith M. Nicholl
Edith Matilda Thomas
Edith Metcalfe
Edith O'Shaughnessy
Edith Ogden Harrison
Edith Rickert
Edith Ronald Mirrielees
Edith S. (Edith Schwartz) Clements
Edith Serrell
Edith Sitwell
Edith Summers Kelley
Edith Wharton
Edith Wilhelmina Lawson
Edith Wyatt
Edme Vielliard
Edmond About
Edmond Biré
Edmond Cotteau
Edmond de Goncourt
Edmond De La Coste
Edmond Dupouy
Edmond Dutemple
Edmond Hamilton
Edmond Haraucourt
Edmond Holmes
Edmond Jaloux
Edmond Kelly
Edmond Lepelletier
Edmond Malone
Edmond Perrier
Edmond Plauchut
Edmond Pottier
Edmond Privat
Edmond Rostand
Edmond Texier
Edmondo De Amicis
Edmund (Military historian) Dane
Edmund B. (Edmund Basil) D'Auvergne
Edmund B. (Edmund Beecher) Wilson
Edmund B. (Edmund Bostwick) Tuttle
Edmund Bartell
Edmund Blunden
Edmund Burke
Edmund Callis Berkeley
Edmund Campion
Edmund Candler
Edmund Chishull
Edmund Christopherson
Edmund Clarence Stedman
Edmund Dawson Rogers
Edmund Day
Edmund Deane
Edmund Dresser Cressman
Edmund Dulac
Edmund F. (Edmund Farwell) Slafter
Edmund Flagg
Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson) Ross
Edmund G. Gardner
Edmund Gillingwater
Edmund Goldsmid
Edmund Gosse
Edmund Harry Leftwich
Edmund J. (Edmund John) Myer
Edmund J. (Edmund Joseph) Sawyer
Edmund John Kennedy
Edmund K. Goldsborough
Edmund Leamy
Edmund Lee
Edmund Lester Pearson
Edmund Luce
Edmund Michael
Edmund Mitchell
Edmund Morris
Edmund Ollier
Edmund P. (Edmund Pearson) Dole
Edmund Roberts
Edmund S. (Edmund Simon) Lorenz
Edmund Selous
Edmund Sharpe
Edmund Spenser
Edmund Vance Cooke
Edmund Venables
Edmund Verney Wyatt Edgell
Edmund W. Noyes
Edmund Waller
Edmund Yates
Edna A. Brown
Edna Brush Perkins
Edna Clapper
Edna Ferber
Edna Fern
Edna Groff Deihl
Edna Henry Lee Turpin
Edna I. MacKenzie
Edna Kingsley Wallace
Edna Lyall
Edna Payson Brett
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Edna Worthley Underwood
Edoardo Calandra
Edoardo Scarfoglio
Édouard Charton
Edouard Corbière
Édouard Corroyer
Édouard Cuyer
Édouard de Perrodil
Édouard Delpit
Édouard Dubus
Edouard Dujardin
Edouard Fournier
Édouard Laboulaye
Edouard Le Roy
Édouard Martin
Edouard Pailleron
Édouard Pilastre
Édouard Rod
Édouard Vandal
Edric Glenfield
Edric Holmes
Edric Vredenburg
Edson Leone Whitney
Edson McCann
Eduard Bernstein
Eduard Devrient
Eduard Farber
Eduard Hanslick
Eduard Heuchler
Eduard Jacobson
Eduard Mörike
Eduard Neuhauser
Eduard Philibert Assmuss
Eduard Strasburger
Eduard Trautner
Eduard Vilde
Eduard von Hartmann
Eduardo Augusto Vidal
Eduardo Burnay
Eduardo C. N. (Eduardo Clemente Nunes) Pereira
Eduardo de Hinojosa
Eduardo de Sousa
Eduardo Guimarães
Eduardo Henrique Vieira Coelho de Sequeira
Eduardo Martín de la Cámara
Eduardo Shwalbach Lucci
Eduardo Zamacois
Edv. (Edvard) Hjelt
Edv. A. (Edvard August) Vainio
Edvard Bäckström
Edvin Calamnius
Edward (Edward A.) Foord
Edward A. (Edward Alfred) Martin
Edward A. (Edward Antonio) Paulton
Edward A. (Edward Augustus) Freeman
Edward A. (Edward Augustus) Rand
Edward A. (Edward Austin) Johnson
Edward Abbott Parry
Edward Abram
Edward Adams
Edward Adolph Hermann
Edward Albert
Edward Alden Jewell
Edward Alexander Moore
Edward Alfred Steiner
Edward Algernon Baughan
Edward Allen Bell
Edward Almack
Edward Alsworth Ross
Edward Alva Trueblood
Edward Armitage
Edward Augustus Brackett
Edward Avery McIlhenny
Edward Axtell
Edward B. (Edward Brooks) Hall
Edward B. (Edward Burcham) Lent
Edward B. (Edward Burnett) Tylor
Edward B. Aveling
Edward B. Jelks
Edward B. Pollard
Edward Bagnall Poulton
Edward Ballard
Edward Bannerman Ramsay
Edward Barron
Edward Bartrum
Edward Bascome
Edward Baxter Perry
Edward Beecher
Edward Bellamy
Edward Bellasis
Edward Bennett
Edward Berdoe
Edward Berens
Edward Bevan
Edward Bindon Marten
Edward Bradford Titchener
Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton
Edward Burbidge
Edward Burrough Brownlow
Edward Bysshe
Edward C. (Edward Carlisle) Boynton
Edward C. (Edward Charles) Pickering
Edward C. Kendall
Edward C. Strutt
Edward C. Taylor
Edward Caldwell Moore
Edward Carbery
Edward Carpenter
Edward Channing
Edward Chappell
Edward Charles Booth
Edward Clarence Farnsworth
Edward Clodd
Edward Corbett
Edward Corning
Edward Costello
Edward Cotton
Edward D. McDonald
Edward Dalziel
Edward Delafield
Edward Denny Bacon
Edward Dicey
Edward Dickinson
Edward Dillon
Edward Dowden
Edward Doyle
Edward Duffy
Edward Duke
Edward Dyson
Edward E. (Edward Eyre) Hunt
Edward E. Kleinschmidt
Edward Edwards
Edward Edwin Foot
Edward Eggleston
Edward Eldridge
Edward Eli Seelye
Edward Ellis Morris
Edward Ellsberg
Edward Everett
Edward Everett Hale
Edward F. (Edward Fitch) Underhill
Edward F. (Edward Francis) Adams
Edward F. Colborn
Edward Fairbrother Strange
Edward Farr
Edward Feild
Edward Fenton Elwin
Edward FitzGerald
Edward Forbes
Edward Fordham Spence
Edward Francis Wilson
Edward Fraser
Edward G. (Edward George) Hemmerde
Edward G. (Edward Gheen) Cheyney
Edward G. D. (Edward George Downing) Liveing
Edward G. Flight
Edward G. Robles
Edward Garnett
Edward George Britton Moss
Edward Gibbon
Edward Gilliat
Edward Gleichen
Edward Godfrey
Edward Goodbird
Edward Goodman
Edward Greey
Edward Grey Grey of Fallodon
Edward H. (Edward Hammond) Clarke
Edward H. R. (Edward Henry Ralph) Tatham
Edward Hagaman Hall
Edward Hall Alderson
Edward Hamilton Aitken
Edward Harper Parker
Edward Harrison Barker
Edward Harrison Keiser
Edward Harrison Taylor
Edward Hart
Edward Hayes
Edward Hazen
Edward Henry Jacob
Edward Henry Palmer
Edward Herbert Cameron
Edward Hitchcock
Edward Hoare
Edward Hooker Dewey
Edward Howard
Edward Howard Griggs
Edward Howe Forbush
Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen Brabourne
Edward Hull
Edward Hungerford
Edward Huntington
Edward Huntington Williams
Edward Hutton
Edward Ingle
Edward J. (Edward Jackson) Lowell
Edward J. (Edward James) Nankivell
Edward J. (Edward James) Wickson
Edward J. (Edward John) Russell
Edward J. (Edward Joseph) Dent
Edward J. (Edward Joseph) O'Brien
Edward J. Quigley
Edward J. Ruppelt
Edward James Phipps
Edward Jenkins
Edward Jenner
Edward Jesse
Edward John Eyre
Edward John Lupson
Edward John Schneider
Edward John Thompson
Edward John Trelawny
Edward John Waring
Edward Jorden
Edward Judson
Edward Kennard Rand
Edward King
Edward L. (Edward Latimer) Beach
Edward L. (Edward Lawton) Moss
Edward L. (Edward Lee) Thorndike
Edward L. (Edward Lowell) Anderson
Edward L. (Edward Lytton) Wheeler
Edward L. Bernays
Edward Lambert
Edward Lamplough
Edward Lankow
Edward Lasker
Edward Law Ellenborough
Edward Le Glay
Edward Lear
Edward Ledwich Mitford
Edward Legge
Edward Lewes Cutts
Edward Livingston Campbell
Edward Lucas White
Edward Luther Stevenson
Edward Lyell Fox
Edward M. (Edward Marwick) Plummer
Edward M. (Edward McKendree) Bounds
Edward M. Boykin
Edward M. Estabrooke
Edward M. Riley
Edward MacDowell
Edward Maitland
Edward Mandell House
Edward Manning Ruttenber
Edward Marshall
Edward Mayhew
Edward Mead Earle
Edward Meyrick Goulburn
Edward Money
Edward Moore
Edward Morlae
Edward Morse Shepard
Edward Morton
Edward Morton Daniel
Edward Mott Robbins
Edward N. Hoare
Edward Neville Vose
Edward Newman
Edward Nicholas Clopper
Edward Nicholson
Edward Noyes Westcott
Edward O. (Edward Opotiki) Mousley
Edward Ormondroyd
Edward Osler
Edward P. Cogger
Edward P. Hendrick
Edward P. Lowry
Edward Palmer
Edward Parrott
Edward Payson Roe
Edward Payson Vining
Edward Peattie
Edward Peple
Edward Perry Vollum
Edward Phillips Statham
Edward Potts Cheyney
Edward Prime-Stevenson
Edward R. (Edward Reynolds) Pease
Edward R. (Edward Richard) Shaw
Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans Mountevans
Edward Raymond Turner
Edward Rigby
Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton Lytton
Edward Robins
Edward Robson Whitwell
Edward Roper
Edward S. (Edward Sims) Van Zile
Edward S. (Edward Singleton) Holden
Edward S. (Edward Sydney) Woods
Edward S. Curtis
Edward S. Mogg
Edward S. Staub
Edward Samuel Corwin
Edward Sapir
Edward Saunders
Edward Sell
Edward Sellon
Edward Shanks
Edward Shepherd Creasy
Edward Simmons
Edward Slater
Edward Smith
Edward Smyth Jones
Edward Somerset Worcester
Edward Spencer
Edward Spencer Beesly
Edward Stack
Edward Stanley
Edward Step
Edward Stevenson
Edward Stratemeyer
Edward Streeter
Edward Strieby Steele
Edward Sullivan
Edward Summers Squier
Edward Sylvester Ellis
Edward Sylvester Morse
Edward T. (Edward Thurston) Hiscox
Edward T. (Edward Tompkins) McLaughlin
Edward T. (Edward Tracey) Bouvé
Edward T. Bennett
Edward T. Curnick
Edward Teller
Edward Tennyson Reed
Edward Thatcher
Edward Thomas
Edward Thring
Edward Turner Bennett
Edward Tyas Cook
Edward Tyson
Edward Vernon Arnold
Edward Vincent Heward
Edward W. (Edward William) Cox
Edward W. (Edward William) Gregory
Edward W. (Edward William) Tullidge
Edward W. (Edward Woodall) Naylor
Edward W. (Edward Wright) Byrn
Edward W. Kilman
Edward W. Ludwig
Edward Washburn Hopkins
Edward Wellen
Edward Whymper
Edward Wilkin Perry
Edward Willett
Edward William Bok
Edward William Bray
Edward William Lane
Edward William Thomson
Edward Wilson Landor
Edward Winslow
Edward Woodley Bowling
Edward Wortley Montagu
Edward Young
Edward Ziegler Davis
Edwin A. Battison
Edwin A. Brown
Edwin A. Pratt
Edwin Abbott Abbott
Edwin Alfred Walford
Edwin Alfred Watrous
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edwin Arnold
Edwin Asa Dix
Edwin Balmer
Edwin Benson
Edwin Björkman
Edwin Bryant
Edwin C. (Edwin Campbell) Woolley
Edwin C. (Edwin Carter) Galbreath
Edwin C. Alberts
Edwin Carlile Litsey
Edwin Carty Ranck
Edwin Chadwick
Edwin Coolidge Kimball
Edwin Creer
Edwin D. (Edwin Dinwiddie) McKee
Edwin Davies Schoonmaker
Edwin Durning-Lawrence
Edwin E. (Edwin Emery) Slosson
Edwin Eastman
Edwin Emerson
Edwin Erle Sparks
Edwin F. (Edwin Frederick) Bowers
Edwin F. Parry
Edwin George Rundle
Edwin Gifford Lamb
Edwin Giles Fulton
Edwin Gordon Lawrence
Edwin Green
Edwin H. Porter
Edwin Hamlin Carr
Edwin Herbert Gomes
Edwin Herbert Lewis
Edwin Hodder
Edwin Holt Hughes
Edwin Hubble
Edwin J. (Edwin James) Houston
Edwin J. (Edwin Jay) Prindle
Edwin James
Edwin John Dingle
Edwin K. Sloat
Edwin L. (Edwin Legrand) Sabin
Edwin L. (Edwin Lillie) Miller
Edwin L. Graber
Edwin Lawrence Godkin
Edwin LeFevre
Edwin Lester Arnold
Edwin M. (Edwin Monroe) Bacon
Edwin M. (Edwin Moses) Hale
Edwin M. Bruce
Edwin Markham
Edwin Milton Royle
Edwin Mims
Edwin Muir
Edwin North McClellan
Edwin O. (Edwin Oakes) Jordan
Edwin P. Norwood
Edwin Paxton Hood
Edwin Pears
Edwin Pearson
Edwin Percy Whipple
Edwin Perry Martin
Edwin Proctor Denniss
Edwin Robert Walker
Edwin Seward Puller
Edwin Sharpe Grew
Edwin Sidney Hartland
Edwin Swift Balch
Edwin Tenney Brewster
Edwin Thomas Sachs
Edwin Thompson Denig
Edwin W. (Edwin Wiley) Fuller
Edwin W. (Edwin Winfield) Bowen
Edwin W. Foster
Edwin Ward Jackson
Edwin Watts Chubb
Edwin Waugh
Edwina Stanton Babcock
Edyth Ellerbeck Read
Eeltsje Halbertsma
Eero Eerola
Eero Hyvärinen
Eero Järvinen
Eero Salmelainen
Eero Sissala
Effa E. (Effa Estelle) Preston
Effendi Shoghi
Effie Adelaide Rowlands
Effie Afton
Effie Archer Archer
Effie Mae Hency Williams
Effie Price Gladding
Effie Waller Smith
Efraim Jaakkola
Egbert P. (Egbert Pomeroy) Watson
Egerton Castle
Egerton Ryerson
Egerton Ryerson Young
Egon Erwin Kisch
Eileen Douglas
Eileen Power
Einar Odhner
Einari Vuorela
Eino Into Parmanen
Eino Kaila
Eino Leino
Eino Railo
Ekai Kawaguchi
Elaine Goodale Eastman
Elaine Wilber
Elbert A. King
Elbert Hubbard
Elbert Jay Benton
Elbert L. Watson
Elbert M. Hoppenstedt
Elbridge S. (Elbridge Streeter) Brooks
Eldridge B. (Eldridge Burwell) Hatcher
Eleanor A. (Eleanor Anne) Ormerod
Eleanor Atkinson
Eleanor C. (Eleanor Catherine) Price
Eleanor C. (Eleanor Cecilia) Donnelly
Eleanor C. Hill Smyth
Eleanor Colby
Eleanor E. Tremayne
Eleanor F. (Eleanor Frances) Jourdain
Eleanor Farjeon
Eleanor Gates
Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman) Porter
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd
Eleanor Hull
Eleanor L. (Eleanor Louise) Skinner
Eleanor Lewis
Eleanor Luisa Haverfield
Eleanor M. (Eleanor Marie) Ingram
Eleanor McCutcheon Collier Talmage
Eleanor Mercein Kelly
Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick
Eleanor Putnam
Eleanor Raper
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor S. March
Eleanor Stredder
Eleanor Stuart
Eleanor Tyrrell
Eleanore Myers Jewett
Eleanour Sinclair Rohde
Eleazar Lord
Eleazar Wheelock
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Elek Benedek
Elek Peregriny
Elek Szitnyai
Elémir Bourges
Eleonora Hunt
Eléonore Riego de la Branchardière
Eli Heimans
Elia Benamozegh
Elia Morpurgo
Elia Wilkinson Peattie
Elias Ashmole
Elias Cornelius
Elias Darnell
Elias Haffter
Elias Hicks
Elias Johnson
Elias Lönnrot
Elias Owen
Élie Faure
Élie Reclus
Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä
Eliezer Edwards
Elihu Burritt
Elihu Grant
Elihu Root
Elihu Stewart
Elihu W. (Elihu Whittlesey) Baldwin
Elijah Cobb
Elijah Kellogg
Elijah Nicholas Wilson
Elijah Whitney
Elin Wägner
Elina Vaara
Éline Roch
Elinor Glyn
Elinor Jenkins
Elinor Macartney Lane
Elinor Mordaunt
Elinor Wylie
Elinore Pruitt Stewart
Eliot Gregory
Eliot H. (Eliot Harlow) Robinson
Eliot McCormick
Éliphas Lévi
Elisa Armstrong Bengough
Elisabeth Celnart
Elisabeth Dauthendey
Elisabeth G. Stryker
Elisabeth Kuylenstierna-Wenster
Elisabeth Luther Cary
Elisabeth Maria Beskow
Elisabeth R. Lewis
Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Elisabeth Strickland
Elisabeth von Heyking
Elisabeth Woodbridge Morris
Elise Polko
Elise Whitlock Rose
Elisée Reclus
Elisha Benjamin Andrews
Elisha Gray
Elisha Kent Kane
Elisha Noyce
Elisino Sadão
Eliza Acton
Eliza Allen Southall
Eliza B. (Eliza Brown) Chase
Eliza Buckminster Lee
Eliza Burt Gamble
Eliza Calvert Hall
Eliza Cook
Eliza F. Pollard
Eliza Fowler Haywood
Eliza Grey
Eliza Keary
Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
Eliza Leslie
Eliza Lucy Leonard
Eliza Orne White
Eliza Orzeszkowa
Eliza Paul Gurney
Eliza Poor Donner Houghton
Eliza R. (Eliza Roxey) Snow
Eliza R. Steele
Eliza Ripley
Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore
Elizabeth (Elizabeth Southerden Thompson) Butler
Elizabeth (Elizabeth Speakman) O'Neill
Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Amelia) Sharp
Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Apthorp) McFadden
Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Armstrong) Reed
Elizabeth Anderson
Elizabeth Andrews
Elizabeth Ashe
Elizabeth Atkins
Elizabeth B. (Elizabeth Barker) Comins
Elizabeth Bacon Custer
Elizabeth Baker
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Bartlett
Elizabeth Bekker Wolff
Elizabeth Bibesco
Elizabeth Bisland
Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Boyle O'Reilly
Elizabeth Bridges Daryush
Elizabeth Brown Pryor
Elizabeth C. Barney (Elizabeth Cynthia Barney) Buel
Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cannon Porter
Elizabeth Christophers Kimball Hobson
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Elizabeth Cooper
Elizabeth D. Renninger
Elizabeth Davis Bancroft
Elizabeth Davis Leavitt
Elizabeth Dejeans
Elizabeth Dimond
Elizabeth Douglas
Elizabeth E. (Elizabeth Ellicott) Lea
Elizabeth Elstob
Elizabeth Enright
Elizabeth F. (Elizabeth Frances) Guptill
Elizabeth Fry Page
Elizabeth G. Birkmaier
Elizabeth G. Young
Elizabeth Garver Jordan
Elizabeth Gerberding
Elizabeth Gilbert Martin
Elizabeth Godfrey
Elizabeth Gordon
Elizabeth Gray Potter
Elizabeth Grinnell
Elizabeth H. (Elizabeth Hely) Walshe
Elizabeth H. Connor
Elizabeth H. Gray
Elizabeth H. Jocelyn (Elizabeth Hannah Jocelyn) Cleaveland
Elizabeth Haig
Elizabeth Hale Gilman
Elizabeth Harrison
Elizabeth Hazelton Haight
Elizabeth Helen Shillito
Elizabeth Hodges
Elizabeth Hughes
Elizabeth Hyde Reid
Elizabeth Ida Samuel
Elizabeth Karr
Elizabeth Keckley
Elizabeth Kent
Elizabeth Kimball Kendall
Elizabeth Leavitt Keller
Elizabeth Lee
Elizabeth Lewis
Elizabeth Lounsbery
Elizabeth M. Duffield
Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Elizabeth Mary Wright
Elizabeth McCracken
Elizabeth Miller
Elizabeth Miller Lobingier
Elizabeth Missing Sewell
Elizabeth Montizambert
Elizabeth Moxon
Elizabeth Nihell
Elizabeth O. Hiller
Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith
Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
Elizabeth Philippa Biddulph
Elizabeth Porter Gould
Elizabeth Raikes
Elizabeth Rhodes Jackson
Elizabeth Roberts MacDonald
Elizabeth Robins
Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Elizabeth Rundle Charles
Elizabeth Ryder Wheaton
Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane
Elizabeth Sandham
Elizabeth Sara Sheppard
Elizabeth Sarah Kite
Elizabeth Schoffen
Elizabeth Semple
Elizabeth Sibthorpe Pinchard
Elizabeth Stafford Fry
Elizabeth Stoddard
Elizabeth Strong Worthington
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Elizabeth T. Stone
Elizabeth Towne
Elizabeth Vassall Fox Holland
Elizabeth Virginia Raplee
Elizabeth Von Arnim
Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Whitfield) Bellamy
Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Williams) Champney
Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Wilson) Grierson
Elizabeth W. Allston (Elizabeth Waties Allston) Pringle
Elizabeth W. Andrew
Elizabeth Waterhouse
Elizabeth Wells Gallup
Elizabeth Weston Timlow
Elizabeth Wheeler Andrew
Elizabeth Whitney Williams
Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer
Elkanah Settle
Ella Bell Wallis
Ella Cheever Thayer
Ella Farman Pratt
Ella Flagg Young
Ella Fraser Weller
Ella Higginson
Ella K. (Ella Kent) Barnard
Ella M. (Ella May) Sexton
Ella M. Hart Bennett
Ella M. Scrymsour
Ella Merchant
Ella Mills
Ella Noyes
Ella Rodman Church
Ella S. Armitage
Ella Stevens Harris
Ella Sykes
Ella Victoria Dobbs
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Ella Young
Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
Ellen C. (Ellen Creathorne) Clayton
Ellen C. Babbitt
Ellen Churchill Semple
Ellen Craft
Ellen Douglas Deland
Ellen Eddy Shaw
Ellen Emma Guthrie
Ellen Fries
Ellen Gould Harmon White
Ellen H. (Ellen Hardin) Walworth
Ellen H. (Ellen Henrietta) Richards
Ellen Key
Ellen Kruuse Poulsen
Ellen L. Anderson
Ellen Langdon
Ellen M. (Ellen Melville) Willard
Ellen M. Cyr
Ellen M. Dallas
Ellen M. Firebaugh
Ellen M. Whishaw
Ellen Mackubin
Ellen Mary Hayes Peck
Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold) La Motte
Ellen Robena Field
Ellen Terry
Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler
Ellen Tracy Alden
Ellen Velvin
Ellen Wallace
Ellen Wester
Ellery Clark Gregg
Ellery H. (Ellery Harding) Clark
Elli Hiidenheimo
Ellice Hopkins
Ellinor Davenport Adams
Elliot H. Crane
Elliott Coues
Elliott Flower
Elliott Graeme
Elliott O'Donnell
Elliott Smith
Elliott Whitney
Ellis Cornelia Knight
Ellis Ethelmer
Ellis Meredith
Ellis Parker Butler
Ellis Spear
Ellis Stanyon
Ellis Towne
Ellis Wynne
Ellison Harding
Ellison Hawks
Ellsworth Douglass
Ellsworth Huntington
Ellwood Patterson Cubberley
Ellye Howell Glover
Elma Ehrlich Levinger
Elmano da Cunha
Elmer Berry
Elmer Bryan Stewart
Elmer Ellsworth Burns
Elmer Ernest Southard
Elmer Harry Kreps
Elmer Haslett
Elmer Rice
Elmer Russell Gregor
Elmer Sherwood
Elmer Tracey Barnes
Elmer U. (Elmer Ulysses) Hoenshel
Elmer W. (Elmer Warren) Cavins
Elmore Barce
Eloise O. Randall Richberg
Elphinstone Dayrell
Elsa Asenijeff
Elsbeth Georgi
Else Jerusalem
Else Lasker-Schüler
Else Wildhagen
Elsie De Wolfe
Elsie Deming Jarves
Elsie Duncan Yale
Elsie Hobart Carter
Elsie Janis
Elsie Lincoln Benedict
Elsie Singmaster
Elsie Spicer Eells
Elsie Vera Cole
Elsie Wilson Gwynne
Elva Sophronia Smith
Elvina Mary Corbould
Elvira Willman
Elwyn A. (Elwyn Allen) Smith
Em. Tamminen
Emanuel d' Aranda
Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Törmälä
Emanuele Celesia
Emanuele Rossi
Emerson Bennett
Emerson Hough
Emil Aldren Johnson
Emil August Almberg
Emil Behnke
Emil Deckert
Emil Edward Kusel
Emil Elenius
Emil Fredrik Nervander
Emil Frommel
Emil Holub
Emil Julius Gumbel
Emil K. Urban
Emil Lassinen
Emil Lucka
Emil Marriot
Emil Mayer
Emil Peschkau
Emil Petaja
Emil Peters
Emil Reich
Emil Schaeffer
Emil Sommarin
Emil Sutro
Emil Thomas
Emil Trinkler
Emil von Behring
Emil Weyr
Émile Agnel
Emile Barbier
Emile Baumann
Emile Bergerat
Émile Blanche
Emile Blémont
Emile Bouant
Emile Cammaerts
Émile Chédieu de Robethon
Emile Corra
Emile Coué
Emile de Girardin
Emile de La Bédollière
Emile de Laveleye
Émile Deschamps
Emile Deschanel
Émile Durkheim
Émile Faguet
Emile Gaboriau
Emile Gebhart
Emile Hennequin
Émile Hureau
Émile Jaques-Dalcroze
Emile Joseph Dillon
Emile Littré
Emile Marco de Saint-Hilaire
Émile Massard
Émile Moreau
Emile Morel
Emile Nolly
Emile Picot
Emile Pouget
Emile Pouvillon
Émile Souvestre
Emile Stouff
Emile Verhaeren
Emile Vincens
Émile Zavie
Émile Zola
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Emiliano Augusto de Bettencourt
Emilie Baker Loring
Emilie Benson Knipe
Emilie Flygare-Carlén
Emilie Foster
Emilie K. (Emilie Kip) Baker
Emilie Maceroni
Emilie Poulsson
Emilie Searchfield
Emilie Van Beil Jacobs
Emilie Vaughan-Smith
Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio Carrere
Emilio Castelar
Emilio De Marchi
Emilio Martínez
Emilio Praga
Emilio Raga
Emilio Salgari
Emilio Settimelli
Emilius Bayley
Emily Bronson Conger
Emily Brontë
Emily Burbank
Emily C. (Emily Clemens) Pearson
Emily Calvin Blake
Emily Churchill Thompson Sheets
Emily Constance Baird Cook
Emily Davies
Emily Dickinson
Emily Eden
Emily Edson Briggs
Emily F. (Emily Ferguson) Murphy
Emily Grant Hutchings
Emily Hahn
Emily Henrietta Hickey
Emily Inez Denny
Emily J. Jenkinson
Emily Jackson
Emily Lawless
Emily Leigh Lowes
Emily Manners
Emily Mayer Higgins
Emily Nonnen
Emily P. (Emily Poynton) Weaver
Emily Paret Atwater
Emily Post
Emily Richings
Emily Rose Burt
Emily Sarah Holt
Emlyn Williams
Emma Bendz
Emma Boghen Conigliani
Emma C. Dowd
Emma Davenport
Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth
Emma F. Angell (Emma Frances Angell) Drake
Emma Gelders Sterne
Emma Gellibrand
Emma Goldman
Emma Guy Cromwell
Emma Howard Wight
Emma J. Gray
Emma L. Burnett
Emma Lazarus
Emma Leslie
Emma Look Scott
Emma Louise Smith Dillingham
Emma Marshall
Emma P. (Emma Pike) Ewing
Emma Paddock Telford
Emma Peachey
Emma Perodi
Emma Raymond Pitman
Emma Roberts
Emma Seiler
Emma Speed Sampson
Emma V. Hallett
Emma Waiblinger
Emma Willard
Emma Wolf
Emmanouel D. Rhoides
Emmanuel Altham
Emmanuel Bourcier
Emmanuel Cosquin
Emmanuel de Gibergues
Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonné Las Cases
Emmeline M. (Emmeline Mary) Plunket
Emmeline Pankhurst
Emmerson Wain Manning
Emmet H. (Emmet Hawkins) Rixford
Emmett J. (Emmett Jay) Scott
Emmi Haapanen
Emmuska Orczy Orczy
Emmy Ball-Hennings
Emmy J. Belinfante
Emmy von Rhoden
Emory Adams Allen
Emory S. (Emory Stephen) Bogardus
Emperor of Hindustan Jahangir
Emperor of Mexico Maximilian
Emperor of Rome Augustus
Emperor of Rome Julian
Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius
Emperor of the French Napoleon I
Emperor of the French Napoleon III
Empress of Russia Catherine II
Endre Ady
Endre Nagy
Endres Tucher
Engelbert Humperdinck
Engelbert Wittich
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons
England and Wales. Sovereign ( : Elizabeth I)
England) Dickens Fellowship (London
England) Knaresbrough Rail-Way Committee (Knaresborough
England) S. W. Partridge & Co. (London
England) Union and Emancipation Society (Manchester
England) Western Grammar School (Brompton
Engracio L. Valmonte
Enguerrand de Monstrelet
Enid Bagnold
Enid Blyton
Enid Leigh Hunt
Enoch Taylor
Enos A. Mills
Enrico Angelo Lodovico Negretti
Enrico Annibale Butti
Enrico Caruso
Enrico Castelnuovo
Enrico Corradini
Enrico Ferri
Enrico Panzacchi
Enrique de Vedia
Enrique Gaspar
Enrique Gil y Carrasco
Enrique Larreta
Enrique Martín Hermitte
Enrique Molina
Enrique Pérez Escrich
Enrique Piñeyro
Enys Tregarthen
Eoin Mac Neill
Epameinondas I. Stamatiades
Epes Sargent
Ephraim Douglass Adams
Ephraim Emerton
Ephrem Chouinard
Epiphanius Wilson
Episcopal Church in Scotland
Episcopal Church. Army and Navy Commission
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Connecticut
Erasmus Darwin
Erasmus W. Jones
Erasmus Wilson
Erastus Fairbanks Snow
Ercole Luigi Morselli
Ercole Santucci Perugino
Ercole Silva
Eric A. Keith
Eric B. Wilson
Eric Fisher Wood
Eric Lisle
Eric Mackay
Eric Moore Ritchie
Eric P. (Eric Philbrook) Kelly
Eric Parker
Eric Rücker Eddison
Eric Stair-Kerr
Eric Stuart Bruce
Eric Walrond
Eric Wood
Erich Freund
Erich Ludendorff
Erich von Mendelssohn
Erich von Salzmann
Erick Berry
Erik Bögh
Erik Fennel
Erik Hansen
Erik Sparre
Erkki Kivijärvi
Erkki West
Erle Elsworth Clippinger
Erle Spencer
Ermete Pierotti
Erminnie A. (Erminnie Adele) Smith
Ernest A. (Ernest Albert) Baker
Ernest A. (Ernest Alfred) Aris
Ernest A. Dench
Ernest Albert Savage
Ernest Alby
Ernest Alfred Vizetelly
Ernest Arthur Gardner
Ernest Augustus Boyd
Ernest Babelon
Ernest Belfort Bax
Ernest Bramah
Ernest Brehaut
Ernest Broxap
Ernest Capendu
Ernest Charles Pegler
Ernest Christian Wilford
Ernest Christopher Dowson
Ernest Clarke
Ernest Cobb
Ernest Crosby
Ernest Cushing Richardson
Ernest d' Hervilly
Ernest Daudet
Ernest Desprez
Ernest Doin
Ernest Dupuy
Ernest E. (Ernest Emmett) Scholl
Ernest Edwin Ryden
Ernest Evan Spicer
Ernest F. (Ernest Flagg) Henderson
Ernest Favenc
Ernest Feydeau
Ernest Ford
Ernest G. Martin
Ernest Gallaudet Draper
Ernest Gambier-Parry
Ernest George Phillips
Ernest Giles
Ernest Gilliat-Smith
Ernest Glanville
Ernest Govett
Ernest Hamel
Ernest Hamilton
Ernest Hamlin Abbott
Ernest Harold Baynes
Ernest Harold Pearce
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Henry Shackleton
Ernest Henry Short
Ernest Horn
Ernest Howard Culbertson
Ernest Ingersoll
Ernest J. (Ernest James) Ashbaugh
Ernest J. Chambers
Ernest Jones
Ernest Knaufft
Ernest La Jeunesse
Ernest Lacy
Ernest Laut
Ernest Lavisse
Ernest Law
Ernest Lebon
Ernest Legouvé
Ernest M. Kenyon
Ernest Mason Satow
Ernest McGaffey
Ernest Mercier
Ernest Michel
Ernest Myrand
Ernest Nathaniel Bennett
Ernest Naville
Ernest Newman
Ernest Oldmeadow
Ernest Pérochon
Ernest Poole
Ernest Protheroe
Ernest Psichari
Ernest R. (Ernest Richard) Suffling
Ernest R. (Ernest Rutherford) Groves
Ernest Raymond
Ernest Renan
Ernest Rhys
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest S. (Ernest Simons) Bishop
Ernest Scott
Ernest Solvay
Ernest Spon
Ernest Starr
Ernest Thompson Seton
Ernest Vincent Wright
Ernest Weekley
Ernest Whitney
Ernest William Hawkes
Ernest Young
Ernesto Masi
Ernesto Nelson
Ernesto Pires
Ernesto Pozzi
Ernesto Quesada
Ernie Pyle
Ernst Abbe
Ernst Bernhard Joseph Theodor Schwitzky
Ernst Bibra
Ernst Blass
Ernst Buschor
Ernst Cassirer
Ernst Cohn-Wiener
Ernst Dessauer
Ernst Didring
Ernst Eckstein
Ernst Frei
Ernst Georg Ferdinand Küster
Ernst Haeckel
Ernst Hoffmann
Ernst Jünger
Ernst Koch
Ernst Lampén
Ernst Larsson
Ernst Lehrs
Ernst Leitz
Ernst Ludwig Rochholz
Ernst Mach
Ernst Moritz Arndt
Ernst Rosmer
Ernst Simmel
Ernst Toller
Ernst von Dobschütz
Ernst von Wildenbruch
Ernst von Wolzogen
Ernst W. (Ernst Wolfgang) Freissler
Ernst Wasserzieher
Ernst Weber
Ernst Weiss
Ernst Wilhelm Bredt
Ernst Wilhelm Förstemann
Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
Ernst Wilhelm Lotz
Errico Malatesta
Erskine Childers
Erwin Baur
Erwin Clarkson Garrett
Erwin E. Klaas
Erwin Eggert
Erwin N. Thompson
Erwin Rosen
Erwin W. (Erwin William) Roessler
Erzeng Yang
Esa Paavo-Kallio
Esaias Tegnér
Escott Lynn
Esmè Stuart
Estelle M. (Estelle May) Hurll
Ester Blenda Nordström
Ester Ståhlberg
Estes Park Chamber of Commerce
Esther Bakewell
Esther Birdsall Darling
Esther Chamberlain
Esther Nelson Karn
Esther Parker Ellinger
Esther Parnell Hewlett
Esther Sayles Root
Esther Singleton
Estienne de La Boétie
Eston T. White
Ethan Allen
Ethel Allen Murphy
Ethel Beatrice Abrahams
Ethel C. (Ethel Claire) Brill
Ethel C. Pedley
Ethel Calvert Phillips
Ethel Colburn Mayne
Ethel Cook Eliot
Ethel Duncan Romanes
Ethel Gwendoline Vincent
Ethel Home
Ethel Hueston
Ethel Hume Bennett
Ethel J. R. C. (Ethel Jane Russell Chesebrough) Noyes
Ethel Lynn
Ethel M. (Ethel May) Dell
Ethel M. (Ethel May) Kelley
Ethel M. Chapman
Ethel M. Naish
Ethel Mairet
Ethel Maltby Gehres
Ethel Puffer Howes
Ethel R. (Ethel Rose) Peyser
Ethel Snowden
Ethel St. Clair Grimwood
Ethel T. Raymond
Ethel Talbot
Ethel Turner
Ethel Twycross Foster
Ethel Watts Mumford Grant
Ethellyn Gardner
Etienne Achille Réveil
Etienne Dinet
Etienne Dolet
Etienne François de Lantier
Etienne Grosclaude
Étienne Molard
Etienne Pasquier
Etienne Pivert de Senancour
Etienne-Léon Lamothe-Langon
Etsuko Sugimoto
Etta Belle Walker
Etta Blaisdell McDonald
Ettie Annie Rout
Ettore Ciccotti
Ettore Coppi
Ettore Romagnoli
Ettore Socci
Eufemia von Adlersfeld-Ballestrem
Eugeen Edward Stroobant
Eugen Fischer
Eugen Fröhner
Eugen Neuhaus
Eugen Richter
Eugen Roth
Eugen Sandow
Eugen von Hammerstein
Eugène (Dramatist) Leclerc
Eugene A. (Eugene Arthur) Hecker
Eugène Amédée Lefèvre-Pontalis
Eugène Asse
Eugène Aubert
Eugène Béjot
Eugène Berthoud
Eugène Brieux
Eugene C. Jacobs
Eugène Chavette
Eugene Christian
Eugene Cunningham
Eugène de Bock
Eugène Delacroix
Eugène Demolder
Eugène E. (Eugène Edward) Street
Eugene E. Wilson
Eugene Edward Hall
Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier
Eugene Field
Eugène François Vidocq
Eugène Fromentin
Eugène Grangé
Eugene Jones
Eugene K. Keefe
Eugene Klapp
Eugene Kohn
Eugene L. (Eugene Lindsay) Opie
Eugène Labiche
Eugene Lawrence
Eugène Le Gai
Eugène Le Roy
Eugene Lee-Hamilton
Eugène Loudun
Eugene Lyman Fisk
Eugene Manlove Rhodes
Eugène Marsan
Eugène Montfort
Eugène Muller
Eugene O'Neill
Eugene P. (Eugene Paul) Sheehy
Eugene P. (Eugene Percy) Lyle
Eugene Parsons
Eugene S. (Eugene Solomon) Talbot
Eugene S. Ferguson
Eugène Scribe
Eugene Stock
Eugène Sue
Eugene V. (Eugene Valentine) Brewster
Eugene V. (Eugene Victor) Debs
Eugene Walter
Eugene Winslow Watson
Eugene Wood
Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
Eugène-Melchior Vogüé
Eugenia Dunlap Potts
Eugénie de Guérin
Eugénie Foa
Eugénie Hamerton
Eugenio Barbarich
Eugenio Cherubini
Eugenio María de Hostos
Eugenio Montero Ríos
Eula Whitehouse
Eulalie Osgood Grover
Eulogio Florentino Sanz
Eunice Fuller
Eunice Tietjens
European Union
Euryale Fabre
Eustace Budgell
Eustace Clare Grenville Murray
Eustace Hale Ball
Eustace Miles
Eva Annie Madden
Eva Cannon Brooks
Eva Emery Dye
Eva Gräfin von Baudissin
Eva Hirn
Eva Lecomte
Eva Ljungberg
Eva March Tappan
Eva Moore
Eva Scott
Eva Shaw McLaren
Eva Stern
Eva Wigström
Eva Wilder Brodhead
Eva Wilhelmina Asscher
Evald Ferdinand Jahnsson
Evald Jakku
Evald Tang Kristensen
Evaleen Stein
Evan Evans
Evan Hunter
Evan James MacGillivray
Evan Lloyd
Evan Marlett Boddy
Evangeline Booth
Évariste Parny
Evariste Régis Huc
Eve Destantins Anthony
Eveleen Laura Mason
Evelyn Baring Cromer
Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Evelyn Brentwood
Evelyn Charles Vivian
Evelyn Dewey
Evelyn E. Smith
Evelyn Everett-Green
Evelyn Goldstein
Evelyn Lilian Hazeldine Carrington Martinengo-Cesaresco
Evelyn March Phillipps
Evelyn Philip Shirley
Evelyn Raymond
Evelyn Ruggles-Brise
Evelyn S. (Evelyn Shirley) Shuckburgh
Evelyn Saxton
Evelyn Scott
Evelyn Sharp
Evelyn Snead Barnett
Evelyn Underhill
Evelyn Whitaker
Evelyn Wood
Everard Cotes
Everard Jack Appleton
Everard Meynell
Everett B. Cole
Everett C. Smith
Everett Dean Martin
Everett Elliott
Everett Franklin Phillips
Everett MacDonald
Everett McNeil
Everett Scott
Everett T. (Everett Titsworth) Tomlinson
Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin
Evgenii Sigizmundovich Politovskii
Evliya Çelebi
Evora Bucknum Perkins
Evy Fogelberg
Ewald Gerhard Seeliger
Ewald Hecker
Ewart Scott Grogan
Eyre Damer
Ezra A. (Ezra Asher) Cook
Ezra Baldwin Strong
Ezra Green
Ezra Grumbine
Ezra Knight Parker
Ezra Meeker
Ezra Pound
Ezra S. (Ezra Stiles) Gannett
Ezra S. Brudno
F. (Feliks) Volkhovskii
F. (Ferdinand) Dawidowsky
F. (Francis) Haverfield
F. (Francis) Hodgson
F. (François) Arago
F. (François) Génin
F. (Frank) Brinkley
F. (Frédéric) Braesch
F. (Frederick) Beavan
F. (Frederick) Maire
F. (Frederick) Straker
F. (Freeman) Delamotte
F. (Friedrich) Bente
F. (Friedrich) Höhne
F. A. (Frances Alice) Forbes
F. A. (Francis Augustus) Cox
F. A. (Francisco Antonio) Cabral
F. A. (François Alphonse) Forel
F. A. (Frank Albert) Waugh
F. A. (Frank Alfred) Robinson
F. A. (Frederick Adam) Wright
F. A. (Frederick Alexander) Kirkpatrick
F. A. (Frederick Augustus) Griffiths
F. A. (Frederick Augustus) Ross
F. A. (Frederick Augustus) Voigt
F. A. Bolwell
F. A. Roberts
F. A. S. (Francis Andrew Spilsbury) Reid
F. Anstey
F. Anton Reeds
F. B. (Fayette Bartholomew) Tower
F. B. (Frank Bigelow) Tarbell
F. B. (Frank Byron) Jevons
F. B. (Franklin Benjamin) Sanborn
F. B. (Frederic B.) Wright
F. B. (Frederick Brotherton) Meyer
F. Barham (Foster Barham) Zincke
F. Bayford Harrison
F. Berkeley (Frank Berkeley) Smith
F. Bernard
F. Britten (Frederick Britten) Austin
F. Burge (Frances Burge) Griswold
F. C. (Fernandez C.) Holliday
F. C. (Foort Cornelis) Dominicus
F. C. (Francis Charles) Philips
F. C. (Francis Claudius) Armstrong
F. C. (Francis Cowley) Burnand
F. C. (Franciscus Cornelis) Donders
F. C. (Fred Corry) Bishopp
F. C. (Frederick Charles) Hipkins
F. C. (Frederick Cornwallis) Conybeare
F. C. Grable
F. C. S. (Ferdinand Canning Scott) Schiller
F. Clifford (Frank Clifford) Smith
F. Clive Grimwade
F. Colburn (Francis Colburn) Adams
F. D. (Frederick Douglas) How
F. D. Bone
F. E. (Fanny Emily) Penny
F. E. (Frederic Edward) Weatherly
F. E. (Frederick Erastus) Pierce
F. E. Hardart
F. E. L. (Foster Ellenborough Lascelles) Beal
F. E. Mills (Florence Ethel Mills) Young
F. Edward (Frederick Edward) Hulme
F. F. (Filippus Fourie) Pienaar
F. F. (Frances Frederica) Montrésor
F. F. (François Frédéric) Roget
F. F. (Frans Ferdinand) Brummer
F. F. (Frederick Frye) Rockwell
F. F. Arbuthnot
F. G. (Felix Gregory) De Fontaine
F. G. (Frank Gibbs) Allen
F. G. (Frederick George) Edwards
F. G. (Frederick George) Smith
F. G. Normann
F. H. (Francis H.) Berick
F. H. (François Henri) Turpin
F. H. (Frank Henley) Leeds
F. H. (Franklin Hiram) King
F. H. (Friedrich Hermann) Stegmann
F. H. B. Lagus
F. H. Hawkins
F. H. Shelton
F. Hadland (Frederick Hadland) Davis
F. Hamilton (Frederick Hamilton) Jackson
F. Horace (Francis Horace) Teall
F. J. (Frederick J.) Cross
F. J. (Frederick James) Camm
F. J. (Frederick John) Randall
F. J. (Frederick John) Snell
F. J. Agassis
F. J. Boudreaux
F. J. C. (Fossey John Cobb) Hearnshaw
F. J. Louriet
F. J. P. Sachse
F. Jewell
F. K. J. (Francis Kingston John) Shenton
F. L. (Fanny Lemira) Gillette
F. L. (Floyd L.) Wallace
F. L. Hawks (Francis Lister Hawks) Pott
F. L. Stealey
F. Lamplugh
F. Lavis
F. Lohr
F. Lonergan
F. M. (Flora Macdonald) Mayor
F. M. (Frances Melville) Perry
F. M. (Frank Merry) Stenton
F. M. (Fred Maier) Hexamer
F. M. (Frederic Morell) Holmes
F. M. Esteves Pereira
F. M. Perryman
F. M. S.
F. Marion (Francis Marion) Crawford
F. Max (Friedrich Max) Müller
F. McKelvey (Frederick McKelvey) Bell
F. Michel
F. Morley (Frank Morley) Fletcher
F. Morton (Francis Morton) Howard
F. N. (Frederic Natusch) Maude
F. P. (Francis Preston) Venable
F. P. (François Petrus) Van den Heever
F. P. O'Brien
F. R. (Francis Reginald) Wingate
F. R. (Francis Richard) Wegg-Prosser
F. R. (Francis Robert) Goulding
F. R. Melville & Co.
F. R. Morgan
F. S. (Frank Stewart) Flint
F. S. (Franklin Sumner) Earle
F. S. (Frederick Sadleir) Brereton
F. Schuyler (Ferdinand Schuyler) Mathews
F. Scott (Francis Scott) Fitzgerald
F. Somner (Frederick Somner) Merryweather
F. St. Mars
F. T. (Franklin Titus) Ives
F. T. Marinetti
F. Tennyson (Fryniwyd Tennyson) Jesse
F. V. N. (Franklin Verzelius Newton) Painter
F. W. (Francis W.) Woodward
F. W. (Francis William) Bain
F. W. (Franklin Warren) Sears
F. W. (Frederic William) Farrar
F. W. (Frederic William) Moorman
F. W. (Frederick W.) Lengemann
F. W. (Frederick Walker) Mott
F. W. (Frederick William) Burbidge
F. W. (Frederick William) Bussell
F. W. (Frederick William) Fairholt
F. W. (Frederick William) Harvey
F. W. (Frederick William) Robinson
F. W. (Friedrich Wilhelm) Beneke
F. W. (Friedrich Wilhelm) Lyra
F. W. Chambers
F. W. H. (Frederic William Henry) Myers
F. W. Hardcastle
F.-A. (François-Alphonse) Aulard
F.-R. de (Fr.-Richard) Tussac
F.-X. (François-Xavier) Garneau
Fa'iz Ghusayn
Faber-Castell (Firm)
Fabian Collan
Fabian Franklin
Fabian Stedman
Fairfax T. (Fairfax Throckmorton) Proudfit
Faith Baldwin
Faith Bickford
Falconer Madan
Famed First Friday Fairgoer
Fangqing Wang
Fannie A. Beers
Fannie Belle Irving
Fannie E. (Fannie Ellsworth) Newberry
Fannie Hardy Eckstorm
Fannie Hurst
Fannie Isabelle Sherrick
Fannie Louise Apjohn
Fanny Barry
Fanny Burney
Fanny Butcher
Fanny E. Coe
Fanny Fern
Fanny Fire-Fly
Fanny Forester
Fanny Kelly
Fanny Kemble
Fanny Lewald
Fanny Loviot
Fanny Parkes Parlby
Fanny Tarnow
Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson
Fanny Walker Yeatman
Fanny Wheeler Hart
Farkas Deák
Farnham Bishop
Farnsworth Wright
Farran Griffith
Father Ignatius
Father Vincent de Paul
Faucher de Saint-Maurice
Fausta Cortes
Faustino da Fonseca
Faustino Fonseca Júnior
Favell Lee Mortimer
Fay Inchfawn
Fay Leone Faurote
Fay-Cooper Cole
Faye Huntington
Fearing Burr
Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of North Dakota
Federico Asenjo y Arteaga
Federico De Roberto
Federico Frezzi
Federico García Lorca
Fedor Alexis Postnikov
Fedor Jagor
Fedor von Köppen
Fedor von Zobeltitz
Fei Han
Fei Yue
Felice Cavallotti
Felice Tocco
Felicia Buttz Clark
Felicie Jehu
Felicitas Rose
Félicité Lefèvre
Félicité Robert de Lamennais
Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta
Felipe Trigo
Felix (Leonard Felix) Hageman
Felix A. (Felix Aaron) Theilhaber
Felix Adler
Félix Alves Pereira
Felix Antonio de Brito Capello
Felix Borg
Félix Chapuis
Felix Dahn
Félix de Azara
Felix Erber
Felix Fabri
Felix Fontaine
Félix Galipaux
Felix Grendon
Félix Hément
Felix Klein
Felix L. (Felix Leopold) Oswald
Felix Leigh
Felix Lilla
Felix Luckner
Félix María Samaniego
Félix Marie Louis Jean Robiou de La Tréhonnais
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Felix Moscheles
Félix Nadar
Felix Ortt
Felix Paul Wierzbicki
Felix Pinner
Felix Riesenberg
Felix Rutten
Felix Salten
Felix Schloemp
Felix Speiser
Felix Stoerk
Felix Timmermans
Felix Voorhies
Ferdinand Berthier
Ferdinand Blumentritt
Ferdinand Bruckner
Ferdinand de Lesseps
Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis
Ferdinand Fabre
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller
Ferdinand Gregorovius
Ferdinand Hardekopf
Ferdinand Heinrich Grautoff
Ferdinand Praeger
Ferdinand Prantner
Ferdinand Probst
Ferdinand Raimund
Ferdinand Schmidt
Ferdinand Schrader
Ferdinand von Saar
Ferdinand Werne
Ferdinand Wurzer
Ferdinando Fontana
Ferdinando Martini
Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina
Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
Ferenc Donászy
Ferenc Molnár
Ferenc Verseghy
Fergus Hume
Fernán Caballero
Fernand Desnoyers
Fernand Jousselin
Fernand Kolney
Fernand Neuray
Fernand Vandérem
Fernande Blaze de Bury
Fernandes Costa
Fernando Callejo Ferrer
Fernando de Rojas
Fernando del Pulgar
Fernando Pessoa
Fernão Lopes
Fernão Nunes
Ferruccio Busoni
Fflorens Roberts
Fialho de Almeida
Filson Young
Finley Melville Kendall Foster
Finley Peter Dunne
Fintan Kindler
Firmin Maillard
First Unitarian Society of San Francisco. Society for Christian Work
Fitz Hugh Ludlow
Fitz James O'Brien
Fitz-Greene Halleck
Five colors stone
Flavel Shurtleff
Flavius Josephus
Fletcher Gardner
Fletcher Manufacturing Company
Fletcher Pratt
Flora Annie Webster Steel
Flora E. Berry
Flora J. (Flora Juliette) Cooke
Flora Klickmann
Flora L. (Flora Leona) Carpenter
Flora L. (Flora Louisa) Shaw
Flora Ross Amos
Flora Sandes
Florance Walton Taylor
Florbela Espanca
Florence A. (Florence Antoinette) Kilpatrick
Florence Akin
Florence Alice Sitwell
Florence Armstrong Grondal
Florence Caddy
Florence Caroline Mathilde Sartoris Antrobus
Florence Carpenter Dieudonné
Florence Converse
Florence Coombe
Florence Crannell Means
Florence Daniel
Florence Dixie
Florence Du Cane
Florence Elizabeth Barrett
Florence Elizabeth Maybrick
Florence Elsa Bell Richmond
Florence Emma Voigt Mendel
Florence Eveleen Eleanore Olliffe Bell
Florence Fallgatter
Florence Farr
Florence Fenwick Miller
Florence Finch Kelly
Florence Gay
Florence Hartley
Florence Henrietta Fisher Darwin
Florence Hoatson
Florence Holbrook
Florence Howe Hall
Florence Hull Winterburn
Florence Huntley
Florence Kimball Russel
Florence Kreisler Greenbaum
Florence L. (Florence Louisa) Barclay
Florence L. Bowman
Florence Lilian Bush
Florence M. (Florence Marie) Grimm
Florence M. Cronise
Florence Marryat
Florence Mary (Bootle-Wilbraham) Cecil
Florence Mary Gardiner
Florence May
Florence McLandburgh
Florence Merriam Bailey
Florence Montgomery
Florence Morse Kingsley
Florence Nightingale
Florence O. (Florence Ordway) Bean
Florence Partello Stuart
Florence Powdermaker
Florence Randal Livesay
Florence S. Hornblower
Florence Tinsley Cox
Florence V. (Florence Valentine) Barry
Florence Verbell Brown
Florence Warden
Florence Wilford
Florencio Varela
Florentia Wynch Sale
Florentin Smarandache
Florian Cajori
Florian Müller
Florian Pharaon
Florian Stanisław Ceynowa
Floriano Alves da Costa
Florida State Live Stock Association
Floyd C. Gale
Floyd Dell
Floyd Phillips Gibbons
Floyd Rowe Watson
Forbes Parkhill
Forbes Phillips
Forbes Robinson
Forbes Winslow
Ford A. (Ford Ashman) Carpenter
Ford Fairford
Ford Madox Ford
Ford McCormack
Ford Motor Company
Forrest Izard
Forrest J. Ackerman
Forrest Reid
Forrestine C. (Forrestine Cooper) Hooker
Fortuné Du Boisgobey
Fox B. Holden
Foxcroft Davis
Foxhall Daingerfield
Fr. José Rodriguez
Fr. Lehne
Fran Striker
France. Sovereign ( : Louis XIV)
Frances A. Bardswell
Frances Ann Wood
Frances Aymar Mathews
Frances Balfour
Frances Barber Harris
Frances Bartlett
Frances Barton Fox
Frances Blascoer
Frances Bonker
Frances Bowyer Vaux
Frances Boyd Calhoun
Frances Brooke
Frances Browne
Frances Browne Arthur
Frances C. Sparhawk
Frances Carruth Prindle
Frances Cavanah
Frances Chamberlaine Sheridan
Frances Clary Morse
Frances Darwin Cornford
Frances Delavan Page Jermain
Frances E. (Frances Elizabeth) Slaughter
Frances E. (Frances Elizabeth) Willard
Frances E. (Frances Ellen) Lord
Frances E. Crompton
Frances E. Nesbitt
Frances Eastwood
Frances Eleanor Trollope
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Frances Evelyn Maynard Greville Warwick
Frances Fenwick Williams
Frances Freeling Broderip
Frances Fuller Victor
Frances Garnet Wolseley
Frances Hatton Eva Hasell
Frances Henshaw Baden
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Frances I. Sims Fulton
Frances James Külpe
Frances Jenkins Olcott
Frances Kellor
Frances Lee
Frances Leigh Williams
Frances Lester Warner
Frances Lilian Taylor
Frances Little
Frances Lucy Swain
Frances Margaret Fox
Frances Marie Antoinette Mack Roe
Frances Martin
Frances Mary Peard
Frances Milton Trollope
Frances Minto Dickinson Elliot
Frances Nimmo Greene
Frances Noyes Hart
Frances Parker
Frances Parkinson Keyes
Frances Power Cobbe
Frances R. (Frances Roberta) Sterrett
Frances Reynolds
Frances Ridley Havergal
Frances S. Howe
Frances Theodora Parsons
Frances Theresa Russell
Frances Trego Montgomery
Frances W. Graham
Frances Wilson Huard
Frances Wright
Francesca Alexander
Francesco Belo
Francesco Colonna
Francesco Crispi
Francesco Dall'Ongaro
Francesco De Sanctis
Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi
Francesco Giuseppe Bressani
Francesco Mastriani
Francesco Petrarca
Francesco Saverio Nitti
Francesco Torti
Francis A. (Francis Alexander) Durivage
Francis A. (Francis Alexandre) Adams
Francis A. (Francis Aloysius) Baker
Francis A. (Francis Aloysius) Cunningham
Francis A. (Francis Arnold) Collins
Francis A. (Francis Arnold) Knight
Francis A. Leyland
Francis Abell
Francis Adams
Francis Aidan Gasquet
Francis Aidan Hibbert
Francis Aiden Hibbert
Francis Allan
Francis Amasa Walker
Francis Andrew March
Francis Asbury Smith
Francis Augustus Hare
Francis Augustus MacNutt
Francis B. (Francis Bail) Pearson
Francis Bacon
Francis Barrett
Francis Barton Gummere
Francis Beaumont
Francis Bernard Cassilly
Francis Birrell
Francis Bond
Francis Bond Head
Francis Bowen
Francis Brett Young
Francis Buckley
Francis C. (Francis Channing) Woodworth
Francis C. (Francis Cowles) Frary
Francis Chevassu
Francis Clement Kelley
Francis Cornelius Webb
Francis Cunningham
Francis Darwin
Francis Davis Millet
Francis Davy Longe
Francis Donovan
Francis Douce
Francis Duncan
Francis E. (Francis Edward) Clark
Francis E. (Francis Edward) Howard
Francis E. (Francis Ellington) Leupp
Francis Edmund Anstie
Francis Edward Paget
Francis Edward Younghusband
Francis Ellingwood Abbot
Francis Everton
Francis F. (Francis Fisher) Browne
Francis F. Beirne
Francis Francis
Francis Fuller
Francis G. (Francis Gilman) Blake
Francis Galton
Francis Gano Benedict
Francis Godwin
Francis Greenleaf Allinson
Francis Greenwood Peabody
Francis Grierson
Francis Grose
Francis H. Leggett & Co.
Francis Hackett
Francis Hamilton
Francis Harper
Francis Hauksbee
Francis Henry Cliffe
Francis Henry Gribble
Francis Henry Skrine
Francis Hervé
Francis Higginson
Francis Hindes Groome
Francis Hobart Herrick
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Francis J. (Francis James) Finn
Francis J. (Francis James) Grimké
Francis J. (Francis James) Lippitt
Francis J. (Francis Jewett) Parker
Francis J. (Francis John) Lys
Francis J. (Francis Joseph) Grund
Francis Jacox
Francis Jameson Rowbotham
Francis Jammes
Francis John Bellew
Francis John Hamilton Scott Napier
Francis John Kean
Francis John McConnell
Francis Johnson
Francis Kermode
Francis Kingsley Ball
Francis Kirkman
Francis Kruckvich
Francis L. (Francis Le Roy) Cooper
Francis L. (Francis Lewis) Wellman
Francis L. (Francis Lister) Hawks
Francis L. Lincoln
Francis La Flesche
Francis Ledwidge
Francis Legge
Francis Leopold M'Clintock
Francis Lieber
Francis Loring Payne
Francis Lovell Coombs
Francis Lützow
Francis Lynde
Francis Lynde Kroll
Francis M. (Francis Maitland) Balfour
Francis M. (Francis Marion) Walters
Francis Marion Wing
Francis Mason
Francis Metcalfe
Francis Moore
Francis Neilson
Francis Newton Thorpe
Francis P. (Francis Patrick) Donnelly
Francis Parkman
Francis Parsons
Francis Patrick Duffy
Francis Penrose
Francis Perry Elliott
Francis Picabia
Francis Pretty
Francis Prevost
Francis Ritchie
Francis Rolt-Wheeler
Francis Russell
Francis S. (Francis Sales) Betten
Francis S. (Francis Samuel) Drake
Francis Sherman
Francis Speir
Francis St. Clair
Francis Stevens
Francis Stoughton Sullivan
Francis Taylor Piggott
Francis Thomas Gregory
Francis Thompson
Francis Trevelyan Miller
Francis Trevithick
Francis Turner Palgrave
Francis W. (Francis Wayland) Parker
Francis W. (Francis Wrigley) Hirst
Francis Warrington Dawson
Francis Watt
Francis William Blagdon
Francis William Newman
Francis William Sullivan
Francis Wilshin
Francis Worcester Doughty
Francis X. Hennessy
Francis Yeats-Brown
Francisco Affonso Da Costa Chaves E Mello
Francisco Alvares
Francisco Balagtas
Francisco Calcagno
Francisco de Cuellar
Francisco de Moncada
Francisco de Paula de Figueiredo
Francisco de Quevedo
Francisco de Sousa
Francisco de Viedma
Francisco del Valle Atiles
Francisco Delicado
Francisco Ferrer Guardia
Francisco Garau
Francisco García Calderón
Francisco Gavino de Arias
Francisco Gomes de Amorim
Francisco Goya
Francisco Guerrero
Francisco Hernández
Francisco Hernández Arana Xajilá
Francisco Jorge de Abreu
Francisco López de Gómara
Francisco Luís Coutinho de Miranda
Francisco Manuel de Melo Ficalho
Francisco Marques Sousa Viterbo
Francisco Martínez de la Rosa
Francisco Montes
Francisco Morillo
Francisco Palha
Francisco Pascasio Moreno
Francisco Pires Zinão
Francisco Rodrigues Lobo
Francisco Sánchez
Francisco Verdugo
François Baucher
François Bérenger de La Tour d'Albenas
François Chicoyneau
François Coppée
François Crastre
François de La Mothe Le Vayer
François de Nion
François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon
François duc de La Rochefoucauld
François Guizot
François Habert
François Hotman
François Huber
François Jourde
François Le Vaillant
François Lenormant
François Mauriac
François Rabelais
François Villon
François-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d'Orléans Joinville
François-Guillaume Barrillon
François-René Chateaubriand
François-Victor Equilbecq
Frank (Frank Mackenzie) Savile
Frank A. (Frank Albert) Fetter
Frank A. Martin
Frank A. Rollin
Frank A. Warner
Frank Alfred Golder
Frank Allaben
Frank Alvah Parsons
Frank Andrew Munsey
Frank Atkinson
Frank Aubrey
Frank B. (Frank Bernard) Cross
Frank B. (Frank Boott) Goodrich
Frank B. (Frank Bunker) Gilbreth
Frank B. Anderson
Frank B. Lord
Frank Bacon
Frank Baird
Frank Banta
Frank Barnes
Frank Barrett
Frank Beard
Frank Belknap Long
Frank Bell
Frank Bellew
Frank Benton
Frank Bertram Wade
Frank Bird Linderman
Frank Bolles
Frank Boreham
Frank Butterworth
Frank C. (Frank Channing) Haddock
Frank Cahill
Frank Callcott
Frank Chamberlain
Frank Chapman Bliss
Frank Charles Bostock
Frank Chouteau Brown
Frank Cobb
Frank Colyer
Frank Cousins
Frank Cowan
Frank Cowper
Frank Crane
Frank Crosby
Frank Crowninshield
Frank Cundall
Frank Cuttriss
Frank Dilnot
Frank Dumont
Frank E. (Frank Ebenezer) Miller
Frank E. (Frank Edward) Smedley
Frank E. (Frank Ellsworth) Spaulding
Frank E. (Frank Evers) Beddard
Frank E. Moran
Frank Edgar Farley
Frank Eugen Dalton
Frank Eugene Martin
Frank Everett Stevens
Frank F. (Frank Field) Ellinwood
Frank Finn
Frank Fowler
Frank Fox
Frank Frankfort Moore
Frank Freeman
Frank Froest
Frank Frost Abbott
Frank G. (Frank George) Carpenter
Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith) Speck
Frank Gee Patchin
Frank Gilbert
Frank H. (Frank Hamilton) Spearman
Frank H. (Frank Hayward) Severance
Frank H. (Frank Heath) Alfriend
Frank H. (Frank Henry) Hall
Frank H. (Frank Herbert) Simonds
Frank H. (Frank Howbert) Cheley
Frank H. Converse
Frank H. Perkins
Frank H. Stauffer
Frank H. Stewart
Frank H. Vizetelly
Frank Hall Knowlton
Frank Hamel
Frank Hamilton Cushing
Frank Harris
Frank Heller
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert Tubbs
Frank Honeywell
Frank Howard
Frank J. (Frank Joseph) Loesch
Frank J. Cannon
Frank J. Cotter
Frank J. Medina
Frank J. Sherman
Frank J. Webb
Frank Jewett Mather
Frank Joseph Rawlinson
Frank Justus Miller
Frank Kidson
Frank Kimball Scribner
Frank Koester
Frank L. (Frank Lucius) Packard
Frank L. Smith
Frank Lascelles Jardine
Frank Lebby Stanton
Frank Lewis Dyer
Frank Lewis Nason
Frank Lillie Pollock
Frank Lincoln Stevens
Frank Lockwood
Frank M. (Frank Michler) Chapman
Frank M. (Frank Morton) McMurry
Frank M. Mixson
Frank M. Myers
Frank M. Robinson
Frank Marryat
Frank Mayer
Frank Moore
Frank Mundell
Frank N. (Frank Nash) Westcott
Frank N. (Frank Nelson) Stratton
Frank Nelson Palmer
Frank Norris
Frank O. (Frank Orren) Lowden
Frank O. Butler
Frank Oliver Call
Frank Orndorff
Frank Overton
Frank P. McNamara
Frank Parker Stockbridge
Frank Parsons
Frank Pierrepont Graves
Frank Podmore
Frank Preston Stearns
Frank Quattrocchi
Frank R. Heine
Frank R. Stockton
Frank Riley
Frank Rinder
Frank Samuel Child
Frank Scudamore
Frank Shay
Frank Sheridan
Frank Sidgwick
Frank Stevens
Frank Swinnerton
Frank T. (Frank Thomas) Marzials
Frank Thomas Bullen
Frank Thorpe Porter
Frank Townend Barton
Frank Tymon
Frank V. (Frank Victor) Martinek
Frank V. Webster
Frank van Gheel-Gildemeester
Frank W. (Frank Wilson) Blackmar
Frank W. Coggins
Frank W. Doughty
Frank W. Hutchins
Frank Waller Allen
Frank Walton
Frank Warren Coburn
Frank Webster Farley
Frank Wedekind
Frank Wiggins
Frank Wild
Frank Worthington
Franklin Abel
Franklin Allison Cresee
Franklin Aretas Haskell
Franklin Baker Co.
Franklin Beech
Franklin D. (Franklin Delano) Roosevelt
Franklin Day Jones
Franklin Dexter
Franklin Edson
Franklin Escher
Franklin Fyles
Franklin Gregory
Franklin H. (Franklin Harvey) Head
Franklin Hanford
Franklin Hichborn
Franklin K. Lane
Franklin K. (Franklin Knowles) Young
Franklin Matthews
Franklin P. (Franklin Pierce) Adams
Franklin P. (Franklin Pierce) Rice
Franklin Pierce
Franklin Smith Farquhar
Franklin Story Conant
Franklin W. Dixon
Franklyn Everett Fitch
Franklyn Pierre Davis
Frans Bastiaanse
Frans Berding
Frans Eduard Pels Rijcken
Frans Eemil Sillanpää
Frans Hedberg
Frans Hodell
Frans Michael Franzén
Frans von Schéele
František Omelka
František Vladimír Lorenc
Frantz Funck-Brentano
Franz Adam Beyerlein
Franz Boas
Franz Brentano
Franz Cumont
Franz Dornseiff
Franz Edelsheim
Franz Grillparzer
Franz Hantschel
Franz Hartmann
Franz Hoffmann
Franz Jung
Franz Kafka
Franz Kühn
Franz Liszt
Franz M. (Franz Maria) Feldhaus
Franz Marc
Franz Nabl
Franz Oppenheimer
Franz Paul Liesegang
Franz Treller
Franz von Dingelstedt
Franz von Löher
Franz von Ney
Franz von Reber
Franz von Seeburg
Franz Werfel
Franz Wiedemann
Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn
Franz Xaver Niemetschek
Franziska Mann
Franziska Reventlow
Fred A. (Fred Arthur) McKenzie
Fred A. Gannon
Fred Brandt
Fred Burnaby
Fred C. (Frederick Carruthers) Cornell
Fred H. (Fred Herbert) Colvin
Fred Harvey
Fred K. Fleagle
Fred Lewis Pattee
Fred M. (Fred Merrick) White
Fred R. Seibert
Fred Richards
Fred Sheinbaum
Fred Thorpe
Fred W. Ward
Fred Waite
Fred. Berens
Fred. T. (Frederick Thomas) Hodgson
Fred. W. (Frederick William) Burgess
Frederic A. (Frederic Albert) Woll
Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus) Lucas
Frederic Arnold Kummer
Frederic Austin Ogg
Frederic B. Kellogg
Frédéric Barbey
Frédéric Bastiat
Frédéric Bernard
Frédéric Boutet
Frederic Brewster Loomis
Frederic C. (Frederic Chambers) Spurr
Frederic C. Curry
Frederic Colby Lucas
Frederic Coleman
Frederic Courtland Penfield
Frederic DeWitt Wells
Frederic E. (Frederic Edward) Clements
Frederic George Kitton
Frederic George Stephens
Frederic George Trayes
Frederic H. Sawyer
Frederic Hamilton
Frederic Harrison
Frederic Henry Balfour
Frederic Henry Hedge
Frederic Homer Balch
Frédéric Houssay
Frederic J. (Frederic Jennings) Haskin
Frederic Jesup Stimson
Frederic Kenyon Brown
Frederic Kidder
Frédéric Kohn-Abrest
Frederic L. (Frederic Logan) Paxson
Frederic Leake
Frederic Manning
Frederic Max
Frederic May Holland
Frederic Mayer Bird
Frédéric Mistral
Frederic Reitlinger
Frederic Remington
Frederic Richard Kilner
Frederic Rowland Marvin
Frederic S. (Frederic Swartwout) Cozzens
Frederic Scrimshaw
Frederic Seebohm
Frederic Shoberl
Frederic Stanhope Hill
Frederic Stewart Isham
Frederic Taber Cooper
Frederic W. (Frederic Wadsworth) Loring
Frederic W. (Frederic William) Macdonald
Frederic W. Beasley
Frederic W. Woodhouse
Frederic West
Frederic William Maitland
Frederic William Wile
Frederica J. Turle
Frederica Seeger
Frederick A. (Frederick Albion) Ober
Frederick A. (Frederick Augustus) Dixon
Frederick Albert Cook
Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot
Frederick Arthur Sibly
Frederick B. (Frederick Bartlett) Goddard
Frederick B. Richards
Frederick Bateman
Frederick Bligh Bond
Frederick Boyle
Frederick Bridge
Frederick Brückbauer
Frederick C. (Frederick Collier) Bakewell
Frederick C. Davis
Frederick Carl Eiselen
Frederick Carter
Frederick Chapman
Frederick Charles Jennings
Frederick Charles Lincoln
Frederick Courteney Selous
Frederick D. Wilhelmsen
Frederick Danby Palmer
Frederick David Baillie
Frederick Davis Greene
Frederick Denison Maurice
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Edward Maning
Frederick Edwin Smith Birkenhead
Frederick Ferdinand Moore
Frederick Forest
Frederick Franklin Schrader
Frederick G. (Frederick George) Aflalo
Frederick Gard Fleay
Frederick George Scott
Frederick Gordon
Frederick H. Dewey
Frederick Harrison
Frederick Harvey
Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener
Frederick Herman Martens
Frederick Hiller
Frederick Hoffman
Frederick Hollick
Frederick Hugh Sykes
Frederick Hutton Getman
Frederick Irving Anderson
Frederick J. (Frederick Joseph) Libby
Frederick J. H. (Frederick James Hamilton) Merrill
Frederick Jackson
Frederick Jackson Turner
Frederick James Crowest
Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge
Frederick James Furnivall
Frederick John Lazell
Frederick John Melville
Frederick L. (Frederic Lockwood) Lipman
Frederick L. (Frederick Loviad) Harvey
Frederick L. (Frederick Lyman) Hitchcock
Frederick Landis
Frederick Law Olmsted
Frederick Lawton
Frederick Leopold Cavally
Frederick Leroy Sargent
Frederick Leslie Robertson
Frederick Lewis Maitland
Frederick Litchfield
Frederick Locker-Lampson
Frederick Lönnkvist
Frederick Lucas
Frederick Malcolm Knapp
Frederick Marryat
Frederick Martin
Frederick Metcalfe
Frederick Milnes Edge
Frederick Morse Cutler
Frederick Niecks
Frederick Niven
Frederick O'Brien
Frederick Orin Bartlett
Frederick Orlin Tremaine
Frederick P. (Frederick Paul) Keppel
Frederick P. Gibbon
Frederick Palmer
Frederick Peterson
Frederick Philip Grove
Frederick Phisterer
Frederick Ponsonby
Frederick R. (Frederick Ritchie) Bechdolt
Frederick R. (Frederick Russell) Burton
Frederick R. Toombs
Frederick Reynolds
Frederick Rolfe
Frederick Ross
Frederick S. Burch
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh
Frederick Saunders
Frederick Schwatka
Frederick Scott Oliver
Frederick Sessions
Frederick Settle Barff
Frederick Sleigh Roberts Roberts
Frederick St. George De Lautour Booth-Tucker
Frederick Starr
Frederick Strange Kolle
Frederick Swainson
Frederick T. (Frederick Turell) Gray
Frederick Temple
Frederick Temple Blackwood Dufferin and Ava
Frederick Tilberg
Frederick Townsend Martin
Frederick Treves
Frederick Trevor Hill
Frederick Upham Adams
Frederick V. Holman
Frederick Vining Fisher
Frederick W. (Frederick William) Hamilton
Frederick W. (Frederick William) Thomas
Frederick W. (Frederick William) True
Frederick W. Browne
Frederick W. Gookin
Frederick Warne and Co.
Frederick Watson
Frederick Webb Hodge
Frederick Wedmore
Frederick Whishaw
Frederick Whitney
Frederick Whittaker
Frederick Whymper
Frederick Wilkinson
Frederick William Beechey
Frederick William Hackwood
Frederick William Headland
Frederick William Peabody
Frederick William Robertson
Frederick William Wallace
Frederick Wilton Litchfield Stockdale
Frederick Winslow Taylor
Frederick Young
Frederick-Emil Neef
Frederik Pohl
Frederik Poulsen
Frederik van Eeden
Frederika Macdonald
Frederike Swaantje van Balen-Klaar
Frederike van Uildriks
Fredric B. Lozo
Fredric Brown
Fredrik August Dahlgren
Fredrik Berndtson
Fredrik Cygnaeus
Fredrik Franson
Fredrik Nycander
Fredrika Bremer
Fredrika Charlotta Tengström Runeberg
Fredrika Pietilä
Fredrika Wilhelmina Carstens
Freeman Bunting
Freeman Edwin Miller
Freeman Wills Crofts
Frei Ugedio
Fremont Dodge
French Ensor Chadwick
French Laurence
French Strother
Frewen Lord
Friderike Maria Burger Winternitz Zweig
Fridtjof Nansen
Fridtjuv Berg
Frieda Bülow
Friederike Kempner
Friedrich August Theodor Winnecke
Friedrich Blass
Friedrich Borcherding
Friedrich Bouterwek
Friedrich Christian Accum
Friedrich Christoph Jonathan Fischer
Friedrich Dannemann
Friedrich Eisenlohr
Friedrich Engels
Friedrich Fröbel
Friedrich Gerstäcker
Friedrich Giese
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock
Friedrich Günther
Friedrich Hebbel
Friedrich Heinrich Karl La Motte-Fouqué
Friedrich Henning
Friedrich Hornemann
Friedrich Huch
Friedrich Hügel
Friedrich J. (Friedrich Johann) Lehmann
Friedrich Jaennicke
Friedrich Kapp
Friedrich Köhn
Friedrich Lienhard
Friedrich Ludwig
Friedrich Ludwig Truchsess Waldburg
Friedrich Maximilian Klinger
Friedrich Oehninger
Friedrich Oldenbourg
Friedrich Prinzing
Friedrich Rathgen
Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald
Friedrich Rückert
Friedrich S. (Friedrich Salomo) Krauss
Friedrich Schiller
Friedrich Schulz
Friedrich Spielhagen
Friedrich Strauss
Friedrich Theodor Fischer
Friedrich Theodor Vischer
Friedrich Trenck
Friedrich Uppenborn
Friedrich von Bernhardi
Friedrich von Hellwald
Friedrich von Raumer
Friedrich von Schlegel
Friedrich Wieck
Friedrich Wilhelm Carové
Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann Wagener
Friedrich Wilhelm Hoffmann
Friedrich Wilhelm Mader
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Friedrich Zech
Friedrich Zschokke
Frigyes Karinthy
Frigyes Podmaniczky
Frits Lugt
Fritz August Gottfried Endell
Fritz Barschdorff
Fritz Brehmer
Fritz Kahn
Fritz Klatt
Fritz Kreisler
Fritz Leiber
Fritz Lenz
Fritz Müller
Fritz Müller-Partenkirchen
Fritz Oswald Bilse
Fritz Pistorius
Fritz Reuter
Fritz Secker
Fritz Skowronnek
Frona Eunice Wait
Fu Kong
Fu Shen
Fulgence Marion
Fullerton L. (Fullerton Leonard) Waldo
Furman Lloyd Mulford
Furneaux Jordan
Furnley Maurice
Fustel de Coulanges
Fydell Edmund Garrett
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Fyodor Sologub
G. (Gallus) Thomann
G. (Gaston) Maspero
G. (Georg) Hartwig
G. (George) Flemwell
G. (George) Norway
G. (Georges) Pouchet
G. (Gianni) Beltrame
G. (Gregorio) Pérez Gomar
G. (Guy) Chantepleure
G. A. (George Adolphus) Storey
G. A. (George Alexander) Chadwick
G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
G. A. Bauman
G. A. Forsyth
G. A. J. (Gabriel Antoine Joseph) Hécart
G. A. Puckett
G. A. Schad
G. A. T. (George A. T.) Allan
G. Armauer (Gerhard Armauer) Hansen
G. B. (Gabriel Beato) Francisco
G. B. (George Brenton) Laurie
G. B. (George Brettingham) Sowerby
G. B. (George Bruce) Malleson
G. B. (Giovanni Battista) Nicolini
G. B. (Grace Benedicta) Stuart
G. B. N. (George Bates Nichols) Tower
G. B. Warren
G. Basil (George Basil) Barham
G. Boare
G. Bosch
G. Bruno
G. C. Edmondson
G. C. Hoogewerff
G. C. Huddleston
G. C. Kniffin
G. Christopher (George Christopher) Davies
G. D. Pope
G. D. Roke
G. de La Landelle
G. de Vasconcellos (Guilherme) Abreu
G. E. (George Edward) Farrow
G. E. (George Edward) Moore
G. E. (George Everett) Partridge
G. E. (Georgina E.) Troutbeck
G. E. (Geraldine Edith) Mitton
G. E. M.
G. E. Wyatt
G. F. (George Farrer) Rodwell
G. F. (George Forrest) Browne
G. F. (George Francis) Lyon
G. F. (George Frederick) Abbott
G. F. (George Frederick) Graham
G. F. (George Frederick) Maclear
G. F. (Godfrey Fox) Bradby
G. F. (Grenville F.) Allen
G. F. Davidson
G. F. R. (George Francis Robert) Henderson
G. F. Richings
G. F. Scott (George Francis Scott) Elliot
G. Firth Scott
G. Frank (George Frank) Lydston
G. Frederick (George Frederick) Schwarz
G. Frederick (George Frederick) Wright
G. G. (Genevieve Genevra) Fairfield
G. G. (George Gordon) Coulton
G. G. (Gustavus George) Zerffi
G. G. Revelle
G. Gordon Dewey
G. Gretton
G. Griffin (George Griffin) Lewis
G. H. (George Henry) Armstrong
G. H. (George Henry) Gerberding
G. H. (George Henry) Palmer
G. H. (George Herbert) Mair
G. H. (George Herbert) Perris
G. H. (Gustaf Henrik) Mellin
G. H. Baird
G. H. Percival
G. Hamilton-Browne
G. Harvey (George Harvey) Ralphson
G. Holden (Godfrey Holden) Pike
G. Hutchinson (George Hutchinson) Smyth
G. J. (George J.) Adler
G. J. (George James) Guthrie
G. J. (George John) Bennett
G. J. (George John) Whyte-Melville
G. J. (George John) Younghusband
G. J. de Groot
G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung
G. K. (Gilbert Keith) Chesterton
G. K. Hawk
G. Kielder
G. L. Blake
G. L. M. (Gustave Louis Maurice) Strauss
G. L. Vandenburg
G. Lathom (George Lathom) Browne
G. le M. (George Le Mesurier) Gretton
G. Lenotre
G. Lindsay (George Lindsay) Johnson
G. Linnaeus (George Linnaeus) Banks
G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes) Dickinson
G. M. (George Malcolm) Thomson
G. M. (Georgios M.) Vizyenos
G. M. (Gertrude M.) Godden
G. M. (Giles Murrel) Ruch
G. M. George
G. MacLaren (George MacLaren) Brydon
G. Melvin Herndon
G. Mercer (Graeme Mercer) Adam
G. Murray (George Murray) Levick
G. N. (George Newenham) Wright
G. N. (Gudmund Nyeland) Brandt
G. O. (George O.) Shields
G. P. (Georgi Porfirievich) Stamatov
G. P. (Grigorii Petrovich) Danilevskii
G. P. Cuttriss
G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford) James
G. R. (George Robert) Gleig
G. R. (George Robert) Waterhouse
G. R. (George Rockwell) Putnam
G. R. (Geraldine Robertson) Glasgow
G. R. (Gideon Retief) Von Wielligh
G. R. G. (George Robert Graham) Conway
G. R. M. Devereux
G. R. S. (George Robert Stow) Mead
G. R. S. Darroch
G. Ranger (Gwendolyn Ranger) Wormser
G. S. (George Sumner) Weaver
G. Shaw-Lefevre (George Shaw-Lefevre) Eversley
G. Sidney Paternoster
G. Smits
G. Stanley (Granville Stanley) Hall
G. T. (George Thomas) Bettany
G. V. (Giovanni Virginio) Schiaparelli
G. W.
G. W. (George W.) Lewis
G. W. (George W.) Soltau
G. W. (George Warrington) Steevens
G. W. (George Washington) Bacon
G. W. (George Wicker) Elderkin
G. W. (George William) Disney
G. W. (George William) Foote
G. W. (George Woosung) Wade
G. W. (Gottlieb William) Leitner
G. W. Mortimer
G. W. Septimus (George William Septimus) Piesse
G. Winifred (Gertrude Winifred) Taylor
G. Woolliscroft (George Woolliscroft) Rhead
G. Wyman (George Wyman) Bury
G.-B. (Georges-Barthélemi) Faribault
G.-H. (Guillaume-Hyacinthe) Bougeant
Gábor Oláh
Gabriel Bonnot de Mably
Gabriel Bonvalot
Gabriel Compayré
Gabriel de Tarde
Gabriel Faure
Gabriel Ferry
Gabriel Franchère
Gabriel Furman
Gabriel Hanotaux
Gabriel Joseph de Lavergne Guilleragues
Gabriel Louis Jaray
Gabriel Monod
Gabriel Montoya
Gabriel Naudé
Gabriel Peignot
Gabriel Pereira
Gabriel Pierre Deville
Gabriel Plattes
Gabriel Richou
Gabriel Sagard
Gabriel Sénac de Meilhan
Gabriel Setoun
Gabriel Tristan Franconi
Gabriela Zapolska
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Gabriele Fantoni
Gabriele Reuter
Gabriele Rossetti
Gabrielle E. (Gabrielle Emilie) Jackson
Gabrielle Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil Du Châtelet
Gabrielle Réval
Gabrielle Yerta
Gabriello Chiabrera
Gaetano Negri
Gaetano Sangiorgio
Gaetano Sanvittore
Gaffer Black Beard
Gail Hamilton
Gaius Glenn Atkins
Gaius Lucilius
Gaius Valerius Catullus
Galen Clark
Galileo Galilei
Galusha Anderson
Gamaliel Bradford
Gao Li
Garcilaso de la Vega
Gardiner G. (Gardiner Greene) Hubbard
Gardner C. Teall
Gardner Corning
Gardner F. (Gardner Francis) Fox
Garen Drussai
Garet Garrett
Garland Greever
Garold S. Hatfield
Garrett Chatfield Pier
Garrett Putman Serviss
Garrick Mallery
Gary L. McDaniel
Gary L. Phillips
Gary N. (Gary Nathan) Calkins
Gary Wright
Gáspár Bernát
Gaspar de Jovellanos
Gaspar Gilli
Gaspard Gourgaud
Gasparo Scaruffi
Gaston Boissier
Gaston Bruno Paulin Paris
Gaston Derreaux
Gaston Gaillard
Gaston Lavalley
Gaston Lemay
Gaston Leroux
Gaston Maugras
Gaston Riou
Gaston Tissandier
Gaston Vuillier
Gatien Courtilz de Sandras
Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin
Gay Montague Moore
Gaylord Du Bois
Gaylord Johnson
Geertruida Carelsen
Gelett Burgess
Geminiano Montanari
Gemma Mongiardini-Rembadi
Gene Allen Martin
Gene Gleason
Gene Hunter
Gene L. Henderson
Gene Stratton-Porter
General Electric Company
General Foods Corporation
General Motors Corporation. Frigidaire Division
Geneve L. A. Shaffer
Genevra Sisson Snedden
Gennaro Mondaini
Gensai Murai
Geo. A. (George Arthur) Stephen
Geo. F. (George Firman) Horton
Geo. P. (George Pickering) Burnham
Geo. S. (George S.) Demuth
Geo. S. (George Smith) Tyack
Geo. T. (George Thompson) Fairchild
Geo. W. (George Woodward) Warder
Geoffrey Bache Smith
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Clarke
Geoffrey Dearmer
Geoffrey Dennis
Geoffrey Egerton-Warburton
Geoffrey H. Malins
Geoffrey Keith Rose
Geoffrey Keynes
Geoffrey Mortimer
Geoffrey Winthrop Young
Geoffroi de Villehardouin
Geoffroy de La Tour Landry
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Georg August Schweinfurth
Georg August Wallin
Georg Biedenkapp
Georg Brandes
Georg Büchner
Georg Bühler
Georg Busse-Palma
Georg Dehio
Georg Döring
Georg Ebers
Georg Edvard von Alfthan
Georg Engel
Georg Forster
Georg Friedrich Benecke
Georg Friedrich Meier
Georg Fritz
Georg Gottfried Gervinus
Georg Grasser
Georg Hermann
Georg Holz
Georg Jellinek
Georg Kaiser
Georg Karl Cornelius Gerland
Georg Kerschensteiner
Georg Kmoch
Georg Liebusch
Georg Reicke
Georg Schneidemühl
Georg Simmel
Georg Steinhausen
Georg Stjernstedt
Georg Trakl
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Georg-Günther Forstner
George (Vicar of St. Thomas's Allen
George A. (George Alexander) Kyle
George A. (George Alexander) Morton
George A. (George Alfred) Lawrence
George A. (George Amos) Dorsey
George A. (George Amos) Miller
George A. (George Armstrong) Custer
George A. (George Augustine) Taylor
George A. (George Augustus) Cobbold
George A. Algard
George A. Birmingham
George A. Paull
George A. Romero
George A. Smith
George A. Warren
George A. Whittington
George Abel Schreiner
George Aberigh-Mackay
George Adam Smith
George Adams
George Adamski
George Ade
George Agar Ellis Dover
George Agnew Chamberlain
George Ainslie Hight
George Albert Boulenger
George Albert Smith
George Alexander Fischer
George Alexander Ross
George Alexander Stevens
George Alfred Brown
George Alfred Townsend
George Alfred Williams
George Allan England
George Alsop
George Andrew Reisner
George Anson Anson
George Arbuthnot
George Arnold
George Athelstane Thrupp
George Augustus Baker
George Augustus Frederick FitzClarence Munster
George Augustus Sala
George Augustus Selwyn
George Austin Morrison
George B. (George Baird) Hodge
George B. (George Blagden) Bacon
George B. (George Brinton) McClellan
George B. (George Burton) Thayer
George B. Griffenhagen
George B. Guild
George B. Louis (George Byron Louis) Arner
George Bancroft
George Barlow
George Barnett Smith
George Barr McCutcheon
George Barry O'Toole
George Barton
George Barton Cutten
George Bass
George Becher Blomfield
George Bell & Sons
George Bellett
George Benson
George Berkeley
George Bethune English
George Bickers
George Biddell Airy
George Billany
George Binney Dibblee
George Bird Grinnell
George Birkbeck Norman Hill
George Blacker Morgan
George Blackstone Field
George Booth
George Borrow
George Boxall
George Brannon
George Brewer
George Bronson-Howard
George Bryan
George Bryce
George Buchanan
George Burnham Ives
George Burton Adams
George Bush
George Byron Merrick
George C. (George Cary) Comstock
George C. (George Charles) Brodrick
George C. (George Charles) Husmann
George C. (George Clifford) Shedd
George C. (George Congdon) Gorham
George C. Clarke
George C. Mackenzie
George C. Musters
George C. Sumner
George C. Williamson
George Calderon
George Calver
George Canning
George Cary Eggleston
George Catlin
George Cavendish
George Chalmers
George Chapman
George Charles Fraser Pringle
George Charles Vincent Holmes
George Chetwynd Griffith
George Clausen
George Clinch
George Cochrane Hazelton
George Coffey
George Collingridge
George Colman
George Combe
George Corbett
George Cornelius Ruhle
George Cox
George Crabbe
George Croly
George Cruikshank
George Cupples
George D. (George Damon) Fuller
George D. (George Drayton) Strayer
George D. Wolf
George Dalziel
George Daniel
George Davidson
George de Horne Vaizey
George Dempster
George Dilnot
George Dodd
George Douglas
George Douglas Brown
George Du Maurier
George Dubourg
George Dunderdale
George Durston
George Dyre Eldridge
George E. (George Earle) Merkley
George E. (George Edward) Gee
George E. (George Edwin) Waring
George E. (George Ellsworth) Howard
George E. (George Evertson) Woodward
George E. Newell
George E. Walsh
George Edmund Haynes
George Edmund Street
George Edmundson
George Edrich
George Edward Lewis
George Edward Mannering
George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert Carnarvon
George Edward Woodberry
George Edwards
George Edwin Roberts
George Eli Hall
George Eliot
George Ellery Hale
George Elliott Howard
George Ellis
George Erhart Balluff
George Ernest Morrison
George Ethelbert Walsh
George Eyre-Todd
George F. (George Frank) Worts
George F. (George Frederick) Barker
George F. (George Frederick) Chambers
George F. Hamilton
George Farquhar
George Field
George Fillmore Swain
George Filmer
George Finlayson
George Fitch
George Fitzhugh
George Fleming
George Foot Moore
George Forbes
George Fox
George Fox Tucker
George Francis Atkinson
George Francis Dawson
George Francis Dow
George Francis Train
George Frank Butler
George Franklin Babbitt
George Franklyn Korinek
George Fraser Black
George Frederic Turner
George Frederick Augustus Ruxton
George Frederick Harris
George Frederick Herbert Smith
George Frederick Kunz
George Frederick Laidlaw
George French
George Frisbie Hoar
George Frisbie Whicher
George Fullerton Evans
George G. (George Gillanders) Findlay
George G. André
George Gallie Nasmith
George Gardner
George Garr Henry
George Gawler
George Gemünder
George Gibbs
George Gilbert
George Gilbert Scott
George Gillespie
George Gissing
George Glasgow
George Goodchild
George Gordon Byron Byron
George Gordon Hastings
George Gore
George Grafton Wilson
George Graham Rice
George Grant
George Grant Suttie
George Greenwood
George Grey
George Grimm
George Griswold Livermore
George Grossmith
George Grote
George H. (George Henry) Boker
George H. (George Henry) Danton
George H. (George Henry) Ham
George H. (George Henry) Miles
George H. (George Henry) Napheys
George H. (George Henry) Read
George H. (George Henry) Sandison
George H. (George Henry) Smith
George H. (George Herman) Ellwanger
George H. Dadd
George H. Devol
George H. Filian
George H. Heffner
George H. Lowery
George H. Mead
George H. Pettis
George Hall
George Hamilton
George Hamlin Fitch
George Harley
George Harley McKnight
George Harold Edgell
George Harrison De La Vergne
George Hart
George Hartmann
George Hastings McNair
George Haven Putnam
George Haw
George Haws Feltus
George Hay
George Hayter Chubb
George Hebard Maxwell
George Henry Blore
George Henry Calvert
George Henry Edward Hawkins
George Henry Fox
George Henry Joseph Adlam
George Henry Lane Fox Pitt-Rivers
George Henry Lewes
George Henry Makins
George Henry Payne
George Henry Sumner
George Henry Tilton
George Henry Walker
George Henry Warren
George Henry Weiss
George Herbert Betts
George Herbert Fosdike Nichols
George Herbert Gibson
George Herbert Palmer
George Herbert Stutfield
George Hesekiel
George Hodges
George Hooper
George Horace Lorimer
George Horton
George Howard Alford
George Howells Broadhurst
George Hoyt Allen
George Huntington
George Hurlstone Hardy
George Husmann
George Iles
George Ingle Finch
George J. (George Jackson) Kneeland
George J. Castille
George J. Kappeler
George J. Manson
George Jack
George Jackson
George Jackson French
George Jacob Holyoake
George Jacob Sayer
George James Cox
George Jean Nathan
George John Romanes
George Jones
George K. (George Kynett) Pattee
George Kelly
George Kennan
George Kringle
George L. (George Leonard) Vose
George L. (George Lewis) Canfield
George L. (George Lewis) Herr
George L. (George Lillie) Craik
George L. Aiken
George L. Wood
George Laing Miller
George Lamb
George Lang
George Langford
George Lansing Raymond
George Latimer Apperson
George Laurence Gomme
George Leonard Cheesman
George Lewis Prentiss
George Lincoln Walton
George Lippard
George Little
George Lomelar
George Looms
George Ludington Weed
George Lyman Kittredge
George Lynch
George Lyttelton Lyttelton
George M. (George Makepeace) Towle
George M. (George Melville) Baker
George M. (George Milbrey) Gould
George M. (George Miles) White
George M. (George Milton) Warren
George M. (George Morley) Vickers
George M. Mowbray
George M. Schweig
George Mac Gregor
George MacDonald
George Macilwain
George Mackenzie
George Madden Martin
George Mallory
George Manington
George Manville Fenn
George Marion
George Marsh
George Martin
George Massee
George Matthews Bennett
George McCall Theal
George McCready Price
George McKinnon Wrong
George Meredith
George Mezger
George Michael James Giles
George Middleton
George Miksch Sutton
George Milligan
George Mitchell
George Moir
George Moore
George Morant
George Moses Davis
George Mossé
George Müller
George N. (George Nathaniel) Morang
George N. McLean
George Newman
George Niblo
George Nicholls
George Nichols Packer
George O'Brien
George O. (George Oliver) Smith
George Orrin Draper
George Otto Trevelyan
George P. (George Perkins) Marsh
George P. (George Putnam) Upton
George P. Bissell
George P. Seiler
George Palmer Putnam
George Park Fisher
George Parker Macclesfield
George Parker Winship
George Parsons Lathrop
George Paston
George Pattullo
George Paul Goff
George Payson
George Pearson
George Perkins
George Pierce Baker
George Pope Morris
George Pugh
George Puttenham
George Q. (George Quayle) Cannon
George R. (George Rainsford) Fairbanks
George R. (George Rice) Carpenter
George R. (George Robert) Parkin
George R. (George Ross) Kirkpatrick
George R. Hahn
George R. Ray
George R. Sims
George Randolph Chester
George Rawlinson
George Reber
George Redway (Firm)
George Revelle
George Reynolds
George Routledge
George Russell Shaw
George S. (George Samuel) Schuyler
George S. (George Scott) Railton
George S. (George Searle) Phillips
George S. (George Sewall) Boutwell
George S. (George Shepard) Chappell
George S. Harney
George S. McWatters
George Saintsbury
George Sampson
George Sand
George Santayana
George Savile Halifax
George Scharf
George Seay Wheat
George Sharswood
George Sheldon Downs
George Sigerson
George Simmons
George Sinclair
George Smith
George Somes Layard
George Spencer Cautley
George Spring Merriam
George St. Clair
George Stanley Faber
George Sterling
George Stewart
George Stuart Fullerton
George Stuart Gordon
George Sturt
George Sutherland
George Sylvester Viereck
George T. (George Taylor) Denison
George T. (George Thomas) Ashley
George T. (George Thomas) Stevens
George T. (George Titus) Ferris
George T. (George Tobias) Flom
George T. McCarthy
George T. Ulmer
George Teasdale Teasdale-Buckell
George Terry
George Theodore Wilkinson
George Thomas Clark
George Thomas Daly
George Thomas Love
George Thomas Stokes
George Thompson
George Thornburgh
George Thornton Emmons
George Ticknor
George Ticknor Curtis
George Tomkyns Chesney
George Trumbull Ladd
George Tucker
George Turner
George Tybout Purves
George Tyrrell
George Unangst Wenner
George V. (George Vere) Hobart
George V. Frye
George Van Schaick
George Vance Smith
George Vasey
George Veal
George Vivian Poore
George W. (George Walker) Bush
George W. (George Walter) Caldwell
George W. (George Walton) Dalzell
George W. (George Warren) Wood
George W. (George Washburn) Smalley
George W. (George Washington) Holley
George W. (George Washington) Matsell
George W. (George Washington) Ogden
George W. (George Whitfield) Pope
George W. (George Wilbur) Peck
George W. (George William) Bain
George W. (George William) Bell
George W. (George William) Cronyn
George W. (George William) Daniels
George W. (George Williams) Peckham
George W. Agee
George W. Brooks
George W. Doneghy
George W. Gough
George W. M. (George William MacArthur) Reynolds
George W. Orton
George W. Perrie
George W. Petty
George W. Romspert
George W. Sands
George W. T. (George William Thomson) Omond
George Waldo Browne
George Walter Fiske
George Warburton
George Waring
George Warwick
George Washington
George Washington Bain
George Washington Cable
George Washington Carleton
George Washington Clark
George Washington Crile
George Washington Greene
George Washington Julian
George Washington Platt
George Washington Plunkitt
George Washington Sears
George Washington Warren
George Washington Williams
George Weir
George Weston
George Whale
George Wharton Edwards
George Wharton James
George Wherry
George White
George Whitefield
George Whitefield Powers
George Whitfield Ray
George Willard Bartlett
George William Askinson
George William Bagby
George William Brown
George William Byers
George William Curtis
George William Erskine Russell
George William Gore
George William Russell
George Willis Botsford
George Willis Cooke
George Wither
George Wood Anderson
George Wood Wingate
George Worley
George Yellott
George Young
Georgeanna M. Gardenier
Georgene Faulkner
Georges Beaume
Georges Bernanos
Georges Bizet
Georges Cain
Georges Chastellain
Georges Clemenceau
Georges Cuvier
Georges Darien
Georges de Récy
Georges Dugas
Georges Duhamel
Georges Eekhoud
Georges Etienne Bertrand
Georges Fourest
Georges François Renard
Georges Gibault
Georges Jacques Danton
Georges Lafond
Georges Le Faure
Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon
Georges Montorgueil
Georges Ohnet
Georges Palante
Georges Pélissier
Georges Perrot
Georges Polti
Georges Rodenbach
Georges Victor Legros
Georgetown University. School of Foreign Service
Georgette Heyer
Georgette Leblanc
Georgia Eldridge Hanley
Georgiana Bruce Kirby
Georgiana Fullerton
Georgiana Hill
Georgiana M. (Georgiana Marion) Craik
Georgiana Rose Simpson
Georgiana Spencer Cavendish
Georgianna M. Bishop
Georgie Sheldon
Georgii Valentinovich Plekhanov
Georgina Pell Curtis
Georgios Souris
Gerald B. (Gerald Berkeley) Hurst
Gerald Baldwin
Gerald Breckenridge
Gerald Bullett
Gerald C. (Gerald Cecil) Dudgeon
Gerald Campbell
Gerald Cumberland
Gerald Featherstone Knight
Gerald G. Raun
Gerald Griffin
Gerald Molloy
Gerald Prance
Gerald R. (Gerald Rowley) Leighton
Gerald R. Ford
Gerald Stanley Lee
Gerald Vance
Gerald W. Page
Geraldine Bonner
Geraldine Coffin
Geraldine Farrar
Geraldine Mockler
Geraldine Rede
Gerard Cooreman
Gérard de Beauregard
Gérard de Nerval
Gerard Fowke
Gerard Langbaine
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Gerard Swieten
Gerard Van Etten
Gerard W. Bancks
Gerardus Henri Betz
Gerdt von Bassewitz
Gereben Vas
Gergely Csiky
Gergely Moldován
Gerhard Kaestner
Gerhard Rohlfs
Gerhart Hauptmann
Gerlacus Ribbius
German Emperor William I
German Emperor William II
Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg
Germany. Auswärtiges Amt
Gerolamo Rovetta
Gerold K. Rohner
Gerrit de Veer
Gerrit Kalff
Gerrit Parmile Wilder
Gerrit S. (Gerrit Smith) Miller
Gerrit Verschuur
Gerry Maddren
Gertrud Ingeborg Klett
Gertrude Bacon
Gertrude Bone
Gertrude Burford Rawlings
Gertrude Chandler Warner
Gertrude Crownfield
Gertrude Fisher Scott
Gertrude Forde
Gertrude Foster Brown
Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
Gertrude Hall Brownell
Gertrude Hill Lewes
Gertrude Jekyll
Gertrude Knevels
Gertrude L. (Gertrude Lincoln) Stone
Gertrude Landa
Gertrude Linnell
Gertrude Lowthian Bell
Gertrude Nelson Andrews
Gertrude P. Dyer
Gertrude Page
Gertrude Stein
Gertrude W. Morrison
Gertrude Warden
Gertrude Weld Arnold
Gertrudis Hendricus Ignaaz van Hulzen
Gervase Markham
Gesine Lemcke
Géza Csáth
Géza Gárdonyi
Géza Kenedi
Géza Lampérth
Géza Voinovich
Giacinto Achilli
Giacomo Bresadola
Giacomo Casanova
Giacomo Leopardi
Giambatista Giovio
Giambattista Basile
Giambattista Bazzoni
Giambattista della Porta
Giambattista Vico
Gian Battista Cuneo
Gian Pietro Lucini
Giannes Kampyses
Giannotto Bastianelli
Gideon Algernon Mantell
Gideon H. (Gideon Hollister) Pond
Gideon Harvey
Gideon Wurdz
Gifford Pinchot
Gil Vicente
Gilbert Abbott À Beckett
Gilbert Blane
Gilbert Cannan
Gilbert Chinard
Gilbert Erwin Stecher
Gilbert F. Stucker
Gilbert Frankau
Gilbert J. (Gilbert James) French
Gilbert Knox
Gilbert L. Cole
Gilbert Livingstone Wilson
Gilbert McIntosh
Gilbert Murray
Gilbert Nash
Gilbert Nobbs
Gilbert Parker
Gilbert Seldes
Gilbert Slater
Gilbert Sykes Blakely
Gilbert Thomas Stephenson
Gilbert W. (Gilbert Wolf) Gabriel
Gilbert White
Giles Bishop
Giles Du Wés
Giles Fletcher
Giles Gossip
Giles Jacob
Gilles Corrozet
Gina Lombroso
Ginés Pérez de Hita
Gino Bertolini
Gino Capponi
Gino Loria
Giordano Bruno
Giorgio Vasari
Giosuè Carducci
Giovan Battista Boccabadati
Giovanni Aldini
Giovanni Battista Cerruti
Giovanni Berchet
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Cairoli
Giovanni Campiglio
Giovanni Cena
Giovanni Della Casa
Giovanni Duprè
Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola
Giovanni Gentile
Giovanni Giorgio Trissino
Giovanni Jatta
Giovanni Marsili
Giovanni Papini
Giovanni Pascoli
Giovanni Sforza
Giovanni Verga
Giovanni Villani
Giovanni-Andrea Gallini
Gipsy Smith
Girl Scouts of the United States of America
Gisela M. A. (Gisela Marie Augusta) Richter
Giulia Lazzari-Turco
Giulio Caprin
Giulio Carcano
Giuseppe Acerbi
Giuseppe Bertini
Giuseppe Cesare Abba
Giuseppe Chiarini
Giuseppe De-Astis
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Giuseppe Giacosa
Giuseppe Mazzini
Giuseppe Montanelli
Giuseppe Peano
Giuseppe Pinetti
Giuseppe Pitrè
Giuseppe Regaldi
Giuseppe Ripamonti
Giuseppe Rovani
Giuseppe Salza
Giuseppe Tigri
Giuseppe Vigoni
Gladys Allen
Gladys Davidson
Gladys M. Draycott
Gladys Ruth Bridgham
Glance Gaylord
Gleeson White
Glen Everett Woolfenden
Glen W. Watson
Glenn D. (Glenn Danford) Bradley
Glenn Hammond Curtiss
Glenna Lindsley Bigelow
Glover M. (Glover Morrill) Allen
Glyn Barlow
Godefroid Kurth
Godfrey Charles Morgan
Godfrey Rathbone Benson Charnwood
Godfrey Sweven
Goetz A. (Goetz Antony) Briefs
Goldwin Smith
Gomes de Brito
Gomes Eannes de Zurara
Gonçalo Anes Bandarra
Gonçalves Crespo
Gong Zhou
Gonzalo de Doblas
Goodwin Brooke Smith
Gorch Fock
Gordon (Adventure story writer) Stuart
Gordon Bottomley
Gordon Braddock
Gordon Casserly
Gordon Clark
Gordon D. Gayle
Gordon Hall Gerould
Gordon Home
Gordon Lamont
Gordon Le Sueur
Gordon MacLaren
Gordon McCreagh
Gordon R. Dickson
Gordon Ross
Gordon Sellar
Gordon Stables
Gore Vidal
Gorges Edmond Howard
Gorgonio Petano y Mazariegos
Goswin Uphues
Gottfried Achenwall
Gottfried August Bürger
Gottfried Benn
Gottfried Keller
Gottfried Kölwel
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Gotthard Deutsch
Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Gottlieb F. Oehler
Gottlob Frege
Gottlob Heinrich Heinse
Gouverneur Morris
Government Virginia. History
Grace Aguilar
Grace Arlington Owen
Grace Beaumont
Grace Brooks Hill
Grace C. Frankland
Grace Christie
Grace Clarke Newton
Grace Cooke Strong
Grace Denio Litchfield
Grace Dunlop Peter
Grace E. (Grace Eleanor) Hadow
Grace Elizabeth King
Grace Ellison
Grace Ethelwyn Cody
Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson
Grace Greenwood
Grace Helen Kent
Grace James
Grace Johnson
Grace Livingston Hill
Grace MacGowan Cooke
Grace May North
Grace May Remick
Grace Miller White
Grace Moon
Grace Rogers Cooper
Grace S. (Grace Smith) Richmond
Grace Stebbing
Grace Viall Gray
Grace Willard Edick
Grace Wood
Grady Ward
Grafton Elliot Smith
Graham B. Forbes
Graham Everitt
Graham Lusk
Graham M. Dean
Graham Travers
Graham Wallas
Grammaticus Saxo
Grand Central Art Galleries
Grand Duchess Alice
Grand-Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando I
Grant Allen
Grant Balfour
Grant Foreman
Grant M. (Grant Martin) Overton
Grant Milnor Hyde
Grant Showerman
Grantland Rice
Graph Waldeyer
Graydon Stannus
Grazia Deledda
Great Britain
Great Britain. Board of Trade
Great Britain. Board of Trade. Railway Department
Great Britain. Court to investigate loss of steamship "Titanic"
Great Britain. Parliament
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee to Inquire into the Contract Packet Service
Great Britain. Privy Council
Great Britain. Sovereign
Great Britain. War Office
Green Longmans
Green Peyton
Greening & Co. Ltd.
Greenwood & Co. Scott
Greg Beaumont
Greg Fee
Grégoire-Gaspard-Félix Coffinières de Nordeck
Gregor Mendel
Gregor Samarow
Gregório de Matos
Gregorio de Santiago Vela
Gregorio Leti
Gregorio Mayans y Siscar
Gregory Casparian
Gregory Thornton
Grenville A. J. (Grenville Arthur James) Cole
Grenville Kleiser
Grenville Mellen Dodge
Grete Meisel-Hess
Grethe Auer
Grey Drake
Greye La Spina
Grolier Club
Grose Evans
Gross Alexander
Grove Karl Gilbert
Grover Cleveland
Grover Dean Turnbow
Gruagach an Tobair
Gu Ban
Guang Wei Liu
Guangting Du
Guangxian Sun
Guanzhong Luo
Guaranty Trust Company of New York
Gudrun Thorne-Thomsen
Guelfo Guelfi
Guenther-Lothar Schott
Guérin de Bouscal
Guglielmo Berchet
Guglielmo Ferrero
Gui Weng
Guido Bruno
Guido Carocci
Guido da Verona
Guido Gezelle
Guido Gozzano
Guido Kisch
Guido Mengozzi
Guido Meyer
Guido Milanesi
Guido Pompilj
Guilford L. (Guilford Lindsey) Molesworth
Guilhem Anelier
Guilherme Avelino Chave de Azevedo
Guilherme Braga
Guilherme Read Cabral
Guillaume Apollinaire
Guillaume de Greef
Guillaume Durand
Guillaume Lejean
Guillaume Patrice Dillon
Guillaume Vasse
Guillermo A. (Guillermo Antonio) Sherwell
Guillermo Bodenbender
Guillermo Díaz-Caneja
Guillermo Prieto
Gulielma Zollinger
Gunnar Gunnarsson
Gunnar O. Fagerlund
Gunnar Suolahti
Günther F. Hertzer
Gunther Plüschow
Guowei Wang
Gurth Adelbert Whipple
Gustaf Adolf Heman
Gustaf af Geijerstam
Gustaf Anton Brakel
Gustaf Björklund
Gustaf Björlin
Gustaf Edvard Ingelius
Gustaf Erik Eurén
Gustaf Fredrik Steffen
Gustaf Fröding
Gustaf Hellström
Gustaf Herman Bothén
Gustaf Lindström
Gustaf Mattsson
Gustaf Schröder
Gustaf von Numers
Gustav (Johann Friedrich Gustav) Harders
Gustav A. Just
Gustav Berthold Volz
Gustav Conz
Gustav Falke
Gustav Frenssen
Gustav Freytag
Gustav Goedel
Gustav Gottheil
Gustav Heinrich Gans Putlitz
Gustav Hergsell
Gustav Hildebrand
Gustav Höcker
Gustav Karpeles
Gustav Kobbé
Gustav Landauer
Gustav Magnus Adlercreutz
Gustav Melby
Gustav Meyrink
Gustav Nieritz
Gustav P. Capart
Gustav Riess
Gustav Sack
Gustav Schilling
Gustav Schwab
Gustav Stresemann
Gustav Theodor Fechner
Gustav von Bezold
Gustav von Bodelschwingh
Gustav von Moser
Gustav Wied
Gustav Wustmann
Gustave Aimard
Gustave Baguenault de Puchesse
Gustave Coquiot
Gustave de Beaumont
Gustave Doré
Gustave Droz
Gustave Dubarry
Gustave Ducoudray
Gustave Fagniez
Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Geffroy
Gustave Jéquier
Gustave Kahn
Gustave Le Bon
Gustave Lemoine
Gustave Nicole
Gustave Reynier
Gustave Toudouze
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Gustavo Niederlein
Gustavo Sánchez Galarraga
Gustavus A. Eisen
Gustavus Hindman Miller
Gustavus Myers
Gustavus Woodson Smith
Gusztáv Lauka
Gutiérrez Gamero
Gutti Alsen
Guxiang Tenggu
Guy Benton Johnson
Guy Boothby
Guy Christian Barnard
Guy de Maupassant
Guy Noel Pocock
Guy Thorne
Guy Wetmore Carryl
Guy-Marie Deplace
Guðmundur Kamban
György Gaal
György Lukács
György Szemere
Gyula Krúdy
Gyula Pekár
H. (Composer) Douglas
H. (Harold) Fielding
H. (Heinrich) Clauren
H. (Hendericus) Scheepstra
H. (Henry) Bedford-Jones
H. (Henry) Hetherington
H. (Henry) Parker
H. (Herman) Boaz
H. (Hermann) Knackfuss
H. (Hermann) Minkowski
H. (Hesketh) Hesketh-Prichard
H. (Hezekiah) Harvey
H. (Horatio) Barber
H. A. (Harold Arthur) Prichard
H. A. (Harold Austin) Ripley
H. A. (Harry Allen) Overstreet
H. A. (Heinrich August) Jäschke
H. A. (Hélène Adeline) Guerber
H. A. (Hendrik Antoon) Lorentz
H. A. (Henry Abraham) Henry
H. A. (Henry Albert) Jones
H. A. (Henry Anderson) Bryden
H. A. (Henry Augustus) Wise
H. A. (Hiram Alfred) Cody
H. A. Adams
H. A. Appleton
H. A. Hartzell
H. A. L. (Herbert Albert Laurens) Fisher
H. A. R. (Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen) Gibb
H. A. Spellings
H. Addington (Henry Addington) Bruce
H. Alfarata Chapman (Harriet Alfarata Chapman) Thompson
H. Alfred Roechling
H. Ashton Ramsay
H. Avis (Hannah Avis) Perdue
H. B. (Henry Beauchamp) Walters
H. B. (Henry Bernard) Cotterill
H. B. (Henry Brodribb) Irving
H. B. (Henry Brougham) Guppy
H. B. (Hereford Brooke) George
H. B. (Horace Bowne) Fyfe
H. B. Hickey
H. B. Marriott (Henry Brereton Marriott) Watson
H. B. Paull
H. B. Reese
H. B. Sommer
H. Beam Piper
H. Bertens
H. Bertrand
H. Burdett (Henry Burdett) Cleveland
H. Byerley (Henry Byerley) Thomson
H. C. (Hans Christian) Andersen
H. C. (Hans Christian) Frederiksen
H. C. (Harold Carmichael) Wylly
H. C. (Harry Charles) Witwer
H. C. (Harry Crécy) Yarrow
H. C. (Heinrich C.) Hermann
H. C. (Henry Cadwallader) Adams
H. C. (Henry Charles) Beeching
H. C. (Henry Christopher) Bailey
H. C. (Henry Currie) Marillier
H. C. (Henry Cuyler) Bunner
H. C. (Herman Cyril) McNeile
H. C. (Hobart Chatfield) Chatfield-Taylor
H. C. Bering (Henrik Carl Bering) Liisberg
H. C. Forster
H. C. G. (Handley Carr Glyn) Moule
H. C. Shetrone
H. Caulton (Harry Caulton) Reeks
H. Charlton Bastian
H. Claiborne Dixon
H. Clay (Henry Clay) Trumbull
H. Clifford (Harold Clifford) Smith
H. Clifford (Harry Clifford) Brokaw
H. d' (Henry) Arbois de Jubainville
H. D. (Hardwicke Drummond) Rawnsley
H. D. (Harry Davis) Trounce
H. D. (Henry Duff) Traill
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle)
H. D. (Horace Davis) Buck
H. D. Catlin
H. D. Higinbotham
H. D. Jacobi
H. D. M. (Henry Donald Maurice) Spence-Jones
H. Darwin McIlrath
H. de (Henry) Graffigny
H. de Chavannes de la Giraudière
H. De Vere (Henry De Vere) Stacpoole
H. Druskowitz
H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) Marshall
H. E. (Henry Edward) Bird
H. E. (Henry Edward) Noyes
H. E. (Herbert Ernest) Balch
H. E. C. (Henry Edward Cowan) Bryant
H. E. Koopmans van Boekeren
H. Elvet (Howell Elvet) Lewis
H. Emile (Henri Emile) Chevalier
H. Ernest (Harry Ernest) Hunt
H. Esselstyn Lindley
H. F. (Henry Fauntleroy) Harris
H. F. (Henry Ferris) Arnold
H. F. (Herbert Francis) Westlake
H. F. B. (Harry Finnis Blosse) Lynch
H. F. Cente
H. F. Scott (Henry Folliott Scott) Stokes
H. Fleetwood (Henry Fleetwood) Sheppard
H. G. (Harrison Griswold) Dwight
H. G. (Harry George) Proctor
H. G. (Harry Govier) Seeley
H. G. (Henry Gardiner) Adams
H. G. (Henry George) Keene
H. G. (Henry George) Nicholls
H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
H. G. (Herbert Girton) Deignan
H. G. (Honyel Gough) Rosedale
H. G. (Hugh George) Durnford
H. G. (Hyman Gerson) Enelow
H. G. B.
H. G. C. (Harald G. C.) Swayne
H. G. Hampton
H. G. Somerville
H. G. Swift
H. Gordon Montague
H. H. (Harry Hubbell) Kane
H. H. (Heinrich Hubert) Houben
H. H. (Henry Haven) Windsor
H. H. (Henry Howarth) Bashford
H. H. (Herbert Hall) Turner
H. H. (Hugh Henry) Brackenridge
H. H. Henrikz
H. Harold (Hardrada Harold) Hume
H. I. M. Self
H. Irving (Harrie Irving) Hancock
H. J. (Harry John) Wilmot-Buxton
H. J. (Henry John) Chaytor
H. J. (Herbert John) Fleure
H. J. (Hezekiah John) Crumpton
H. J. Clayton
H. J. Kesson
H. J. L. (Hugh John Llewellyn) Beadnell
H. J. L. J. (Henri Jean Louis Joseph) Massé
H. J. van Ginkel
H. K. (Harvey King) Shackleford
H. L. (Harry Lincoln) Sayler
H. L. (Harry Luman) Russell
H. L. (Henry Louis) Mencken
H. L. (Herbert Lee) Barber
H. L. (Herbert Lord) Havell
H. L. (Horace Leonard) Gold
H. L. de (Henri Louis) Beaufort
H. L. de (Henry L. de) Bussigny
H. L. L.
H. L. Nichols
H. Laing (Henry Laing) Gordon
H. Lavinia Baily
H. Le Blanc
H. Lee M. (Henry Lee Mitchell) Pike
H. Ling (Henry Ling) Roth
H. Louisa Bedford
H. Lovett Cameron
H. M. (Hannah Marie) Wormington
H. M. (Henry Major) Tomlinson
H. M. (Henry Marie) Brackenridge
H. M. (Henry Mayers) Hyndman
H. M. (Henry Mayo) Bateman
H. M. (Herbert Minton) Cundall
H. M. (Howard Melancthon) Hamill
H. M. Balyuzi
H. M. Dauncey
H. M. Egbert
H. M. Lytle
H. Marshall (Harry Marshall) Ward
H. Mary Wilson
H. Millicent Hughes
H. Morse (Henry Morse) Stephens
H. Munro (Hector Munro) Chadwick
H. Musgrave
H. N. (Henry N.) Minnigh
H. N. (Henry Neville) Hutchinson
H. N. (Henry Noble) MacCracken
H. N. (Horatio Nelson) Crellin
H. N. K. (Harriet Newell Kneeland) Goff
H. Noel (Hugh Noel) Williams
H. O. (Henry Osmond) Lock
H. Onslow Curling
H. Otley (Henry Otley) Beyer
H. P. (Helena Petrovna) Blavatsky
H. P. (Henry Peach) Robinson
H. P. (Henry Perry) Leland
H. P. (Howard Phillips) Lovecraft
H. P. Holt
H. P. Ryder
H. P. S. Greene
H. Percy (Henry Percy) Boulnois
H. R. (Harry Reginald) Hall
H. R. (Henry Rice) Stout
H. R. (Henry Richardson) Procter
H. R. (Hubert Renfro) Knickerbocker
H. R. (Hugh Reginald) Haweis
H. R. Fox (Henry Richard Fox) Bourne
H. R. Hill
H. R. Naylor
H. R. Playtner
H. R. Roelfsema
H. R. Wilton Hall
H. Rea (Hannah Rea) Woodman
H. Rider (Henry Rider) Haggard
H. Russell Cross
H. S. (Hannah S.) Battersby
H. S. (Henry Sherman) Adams
H. S. (Henry Stafford) Osborn
H. S. (Henry Stewart) Cunningham
H. S. (Horace Sumner) Tarbell
H. S. Armstrong
H. S. Coe
H. S. Norrie
H. Sanford Effron
H. Sivia
H. Solger
H. Stanley (Herbert Stanley) Redgrove
H. Sutherland (Henry Sutherland) Edwards
H. T. (Harry Thacker) Burleigh
H. T. (Harry Thomas) Cory
H. T. (Henry Thomas Johnson) Irwin
H. T. (Herman Theodoor) Colenbrander
H. T. Conner
H. Taprell (Henry Taprell) Dorling
H. Thompson (Harold Thompson) Rich
H. Thornhill (Henry Thornhill) Timmins
H. Trusta
H. U. (Homer Uri) Johnson
H. V. (Harriet Vaughan) Cheney
H. V. (Hermann Vollrat) Hilprecht
H. V. (Howard Vernon) Canter
H. V. Hart-Davis
H. van Kol
H. Vandervoort (Harold Vandervoort) Walsh
H. W. (Harland William) Long
H. W. (Henry W.) Graber
H. W. (Henry Wager) Halleck
H. W. (Henry William) Beechey
H. W. (Henry William) Gibson
H. W. (Henry William) Lee
H. W. (Herbert Wetton) Westbrook
H. W. (Herbert William) Conn
H. W. Beecher
H. W. Carless (Henry William Carless) Davis
H. W. L. (Henry William Lovett) Hime
H. W. S. (Henry Wardel Snarey) Wright
H. Warington (Herbert Warington) Smyth
H. Wilfrid Walker
H. William (Hector William) Nelson
ha-Levi Judah
Hadji (Gazanfar Ali) Khan
Hagop K. Kevorkian
Hakuchō Masamune
Hal Annas
Hal Clement
Hal Dunning
Hal G. (Hal George) Evarts
Hal Garrott
Hal Hellman
Hal K. Wells
Hal Reid
Halbert Powers Gillette
Haldane MacFall
Halford John Mackinder
Halifax (N.S.). City Council. Special Committee on the Improvement of the Fire Department
Halka Chronic
Hall Caine
Hallam Hawksworth
Hallam Tennyson Tennyson
Hallie Erminie Rives
Halliwell Sutcliffe
Halsey Davidson
Hamil Grant
Hamilton Brock Fuller
Hamilton Drummond
Hamilton Holt
Hamilton Norway
Hamilton W. (Hamilton Wilcox) Pierson
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Hamish Hendry
Hamish Miles
Hamlin Garland
Hampton Sidney Thomas
Han Ryner
Hanford Lennox Gordon
Hank Searls
Hanna Astrup Larsen
Hanna Hämeenniemi
Hanna Ongelin
Hanna Stenvall
Hannah Adams
Hannah Blaney Washburn
Hannah Cowley
Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee
Hannah Flagg Gould
Hannah Frances Davidson
Hannah Jane Locker-Lampson
Hannah Lynch
Hannah Mary (Bouvier) Peterson
Hannah More
Hannah Trager
Hannah Webster Foster
Hannah Woolley
Hannes Bok
Hannibal Gamon
Hanns von Zobeltitz
hanoum Zeyneb
Hanqing Guan
Hans Aanrud
Hans Arnold
Hans Arthur Thies
Hans Bethge
Hans Blum
Hans Carossa
Hans Dominik
Hans Driesch
Hans Egede
Hans Fehlinger
Hans Flesch-Brunningen
Hans Freimark
Hans Gross
Hans Hildebrand
Hans Hoffmann
Hans Holten-Bechtolsheim
Hans Hoppeler
Hans Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen
Hans Kaltneker
Hans Kurella
Hans Mattson
Hans Meyer
Hans Morgenthaler
Hans Ostwald
Hans Reichenbach
Hans Reimann
Hans Satow
Hans Siemsen
Hans Sohrmann
Hans Thoma
Hans von Kahlenberg
Hans Wachenhusen
Hans Watzlik
Hans Wolff
Harald Høffding
Harald Selmer-Geeth
Harald Ulrik Sverdrup
Harfield H. Edmonds
Hargrave Jennings
Hark Oluf
Harl Vincent
Harlan Cozad McIntosh
Harlan Ellison
Harlan Hoge Ballard
Harlan Ingersoll Smith
Harlan Ullman
Harle Oren Cummins
Harley Bakwel Sherman
Harley Granville-Barker
Harlow S. (Harlow Spencer) Mills
Harm Boom
Harold Acton
Harold Acton Vivian
Harold Armitage
Harold Avery
Harold B. (Harold Bruce) Hunting
Harold B. Gill
Harold Barclay
Harold Begbie
Harold Bell Wright
Harold Bindloss
Harold Brighouse
Harold Brough Shinn
Harold Calin
Harold Cecil Long
Harold Chapman Brown
Harold Cox
Harold DeWitt Roberts
Harold Donaldson Eberlein
Harold E. (Harold Edward) Cloke
Harold E. Grelen
Harold E. Palmer
Harold Edgeworth Butler
Harold Edward Gorst
Harold F. Hughes
Harold Frederic
Harold Gaze
Harold Harvey
Harold Hersey
Harold Howland
Harold J. (Harold Joseph) Laski
Harold J. Brodrick
Harold Jacoby
Harold L. (Harold Leland) Goodwin
Harold L. (Harold Leslie) Peterson
Harold Lamb
Harold M. (Harold Morrow) Sherman
Harold MacGrath
Harold North Fowler
Harold Owen
Harold P. (Harold Phillips) Manly
Harold Peake
Harold Reginald Peat
Harold Rosher
Harold Russell
Harold S. Crane
Harold Speed
Harold Spender
Harold Stanley Johnson
Harold Steele MacKaye
Harold Titus
Harold W. (Harold Wellman) Fairbanks
Harold W. (Harold Williams) Picton
Harold Warren Dobyns
Harold Wheeler
Harold Whetstone Johnston
Harold Whitehead
Harold Whiting Slauson
Harriet A. (Harriet Ann) Jacobs
Harriet A. (Harriet Anna) Cheever
Harriet Alice Chipman Dewey
Harriet Annie Wilkins
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Camp Lounsbery
Harriet Couchman
Harriet E. (Harriet Eliza) Paine
Harriet E. Wilson
Harriet Earhart Monroe
Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford
Harriet Hardy Taylor Mill
Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson
Harriet Julia Campbell Jephson
Harriet L. (Harriet Lummis) Smith
Harriet Lewis
Harriet Manning Whitcomb
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Myrtle
Harriet Parks Miller
Harriet Pearl Skinner
Harriet Phillips Eaton
Harriet Putnam
Harriet Pyne Grove
Harriet Rossiter
Harriet S. Caswell
Harriet Stark
Harriet Straub
Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa) Comstock
Harriett Bradley
Harriette Brower
Harriette Wilson
Harriot Stanton Blatch
Harris Dickson
Harris J. (Harris Jeremiah) Dark
Harris W. Moore
Harrison Allen
Harrison Bardwell
Harrison Bruce Tordoff
Harrison Rhodes
Harrison S. (Harrison Smith) Morris
Harrison Trow
Harrison Weir
Harrison Williams
Harry A. Lewis
Harry Alexis Harding
Harry Alverson Franck
Harry B. (Harry Brandeis) Wehle
Harry Bates
Harry Best
Harry C. (Harry Caesar) Solomon
Harry C. (Harry Clary) Jones
Harry Carter
Harry Castlemon
Harry Chase Brearley
Harry Christopher Minchin
Harry Clow Boardman
Harry Coghill
Harry Coghill Watson Bishop
Harry Collingwood
Harry Cord
Harry Craigin
Harry De Windt
Harry Dexter Kitson
Harry E. (Harry Edward) Maule
Harry E. Wedeck
Harry Ellsworth Cole
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Harry Endicott Webber
Harry F. Giles
Harry F. Marks
Harry Furniss
Harry George Wakelyn Smith
Harry Gordon
Harry Graham
Harry Granice
Harry H. Mead
Harry Harper
Harry Harrison
Harry Hazelton
Harry Hervey
Harry Houdini
Harry Inwards
Harry James Smith
Harry Jeffs
Harry Jewett Jeschke
Harry Johnston
Harry Kemp
Harry L. (Harry La Tourette) Foster
Harry L. (Harry Levi) Hollingworth
Harry Lauder
Harry Lawrence Gage
Harry Leon Wilson
Harry Lorayne
Harry Lyman Koopman
Harry M. Lamon
Harry M. Vernon
Harry McDonald Walters
Harry Moore
Harry Paulton
Harry Perry Robinson
Harry Pleon
Harry Prentice
Harry Quilter
Harry Rimmer
Harry Roberts
Harry S. Truman
Harry Sinclair Drago
Harry Snyder
Harry Steele Morrison
Harry Stephen Keeler
Harry Stillwell Edwards
Harry Stojan
Harry Stürmer
Harry Thom Payne
Harry Thurston Peck
Harry V. Vogt
Harry Vardon
Harry Vincent Wann
Harry Vissering
Harry W. (Harry Willard) French
Harry W. Dodge
Harry Walton
Harry Warner
Harry Weston Van Dyke
Harry Willson
Harry Woodworth Huntington
Hartley Burr Alexander
Hartley Withers
Hartmann Grisar
Haruo Sato
Harvey Ellsworth Newbranch
Harvey Fergusson
Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins
Harvey Newcomb
Harvey Rice
Harvey Riley
Harvey W. (Harvey Waterman) Hewett-Thayer
Harvey Washington Wiley
Hasse Zetterström
Hastings Rashdall
Hattie E. Macomber
Hattie Greene Lockett
Hattie Howard
Hattie Tyng Griswold
Havelock Ellis
Hawaii. Department of Foreign Affairs
Hawley Smart
Hawthorne Daniel
Hayden Carruth
Hayden Howard
Haywood Leslie Davis
Hazard Stevens
Hazel Hutchins Wilson
Hazel Yearsley Shaw
He Li
Headon Hill
Heber C. (Heber Chase) Kimball
Heber W. Youngken
Hector Berlioz
Hector Bernier
Hector Charles Cameron
Hector Denis
Hector Dinning
Hector Fleischmann
Hector France
Hector Macpherson
Hector MacQuarrie
Hector Malot
Hedda Hopper
Hedley Peek
Hedwig Heyl
Hedwig von Mühlenfels
Heikki Impola
Heikki Korhonen
Heikki Lehmus
Heikki Meriläinen
Heikki Välisalmi
Heinrich Alfred Schmid
Heinrich August Luyken
Heinrich August Raabe
Heinrich Barth
Heinrich Breitenstein
Heinrich Brugsch
Heinrich Bullinger
Heinrich Döring
Heinrich Eduard Brockhaus
Heinrich Graetz
Heinrich Hauser
Heinrich Heine
Heinrich Hoffmann
Heinrich Hubert Kerp
Heinrich Husen
Heinrich Joseph von Collin
Heinrich Kanner
Heinrich Lhotzky
Heinrich Lilienfein
Heinrich Mann
Heinrich Merz
Heinrich Moritz Gottlieb Grellmann
Heinrich Schliemann
Heinrich Sohnrey
Heinrich Ströbel
Heinrich von Kleist
Heinrich von Treitschke
Heinrich Wittenweiler
Heinrich Zschokke
Helen A. (Helen Archibald) Clarke
Helen Ashe Hays
Helen Augusta Crofton
Helen Bagg
Helen Bannerman
Helen Barrett Montgomery
Helen Beecher Long
Helen Bingham
Helen C. (Helen Cross) Knight
Helen C. Black
Helen C. Clifford
Helen Campbell
Helen Churchill Candee
Helen Cody Wetmore
Helen Cowen Gunsaulus
Helen Cowles LeCron
Helen Davenport Gibbons
Helen Dawes Brown
Helen Dean Fish
Helen Diehl Olds
Helen Dortch Longstreet
Helen Douglas-Irvine
Helen Ekin Starrett
Helen Elliott Bandini
Helen Fitzgerald Sanders
Helen Follett Jameson
Helen Fryer
Helen Fuller Orton
Helen Gray Cone
Helen H. (Helen Hamilton) Gardener
Helen Hart
Helen Haskell
Helen Hay Whitney
Helen Hayes Gleason
Helen Herron Taft
Helen Hill
Helen Huber
Helen Hunt Jackson
Helen Keller
Helen Kendrick Johnson
Helen Kinne
Helen Leah Reed
Helen M. (Helen Mar) Johnson
Helen M. (Helen Maria) Winslow
Helen M. Persons
Helen M. Salisbury
Helen M. Urban
Helen Mackay
Helen Maria Williams
Helen Marot
Helen Mathers
Helen McClees
Helen McCowen Carpenter
Helen Miller Moyes
Helen Nicolay
Helen Olive Belknap
Helen Parry Eden
Helen Phipps
Helen R. (Helen Rose) Hull
Helen Randolph
Helen Reid Cross
Helen Reimensnyder Martin
Helen Rowland
Helen S. (Helen Saunders) Wright
Helen Sherman Griffith
Helen T. Briggs
Helen Topping Miller
Helen Van-Anderson
Helen Wall Pierson
Helen Wells
Helen Zimmern
Helena M. (Helena Maria) Swanwick
Helena Nyblom
Helena Peake
Helena Rutherfurd Ely
Helene Böhlau
Helge Holst
Heliodoro Criado y Baca
Hélisenne de Crenne
Hellmuth von Mücke
Helmi Krohn
Helmuth Moltke
Helvi Herlevi
Heman White Chaplin
Hemeterio Arantes
Hendrick Zwaardecroon
Hendrik Adrianus Abraham van der Lek
Hendrik Anne Constantijn Snethlage
Hendrik Anthony Kramers
Hendrik Blink
Hendrik Conscience
Hendrik Hamel
Hendrik Jacobus Heijnes
Hendrik Sluijters
Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Heng Lian
Henning Berger
Henr. de Holl
Henri Ardel
Henri Bachelin
Henri Barbusse
Henri Béland
Henri Bergson
Henri Bois
Henri Borel
Henri Bouchot
Henri Bourdon
Henri de Crignelle
Henri de Croy
Henri de La Blanchère
Henri de La Chaume
Henri de Régnier
Henri Deberly
Henri Delaborde
Henri Frankfort
Henri Frédéric Amiel
Henri Grégoire
Henri Joutel
Henri Lachambre
Henri Lavoix
Henri Le Caron
Henri Lichtenberger
Henri Loeb
Henri Masers de Latude
Henri Massis
Henri Mazel
Henri Mouhot
Henri Murger
Henri Nicolle
Henri Oddo
Henri Pirenne
Henri Poincaré
Henri Rochefort
Henri Ternaux-Compans
Henri Vidal
Henri Welschinger
Henrick Witte
Henrietta Brown Smith
Henrietta Christian Wright
Henrietta Dumont
Henrietta Haynes
Henrietta Latham Dwight
Henrietta Sowle
Henrietta Vaders
Henriette Cuvru-Magot
Henriette Davidis
Henriette Dietz
Henriette Jeanrenaud
Henriette Lucie Dillon La Tour du Pin Gouvernet
Henriette McDougall
Henriette Roland Holst-Van der Schalk
Henriette Wilhelmine Arndt Hanke
Henrik Achrenius
Henrik af Trolle
Henrik Arnold Wergeland
Henrik August Reinholm
Henrik Hertz
Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Pontoppidan
Henrik Wranér
Henrique Coelho Netto
Henrique de Vasconcellos
Henrique Ernesto de Almeida Coutinho
Henry (Henry Lorenzo) Jephson
Henry A. (Henry Alfred) Gardner
Henry A. (Henry Allan) Gleason
Henry A. (Henry Anson) Castle
Henry A. (Henry Anthony) Murray
Henry A. (Henry Augustin) Beers
Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Mott
Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Shute
Henry A. Atkinson
Henry A. Lytton
Henry A. Rayne
Henry Abbott
Henry Adams
Henry Albert Phillips
Henry Alex Miers
Henry Alford
Henry Alley
Henry Alleyne Nicholson
Henry Andrew Ackermann
Henry Arthur Blake
Henry Arthur Bright
Henry Arthur Jones
Henry Atkinson
Henry Atley
Henry Augustus Hering
Henry Augustus Rowland
Henry B. (Henry Benjamin) Wheatley
Henry B. (Henry Brayton) Gardner
Henry B. (Henry Brewster) Stanton
Henry B. Carrington
Henry B. James
Henry Baerlein
Henry Bascom Smith
Henry Bate
Henry Baudesson
Henry Benjamin Whipple
Henry Benrath
Henry Beston
Henry Bibb
Henry Blackburn
Henry Blake Fuller
Henry Blanc
Henry Blossom
Henry Bordeaux
Henry Bore
Henry Box Brown
Henry Britton
Henry Brooke
Henry Brougham Brougham and Vaux
Henry Bryan Binns
Henry Burton
Henry C. (Henry Charles) Shelley
Henry C. (Henry Christopher) McCook
Henry C. (Henry Clay) Watson
Henry C. (Henry Coddington) Meyer
Henry C. (Henry Cottrell) Rowland
Henry C. Barkley
Henry C. Foote
Henry C. Northam
Henry C. Tinsley
Henry Cabot Lodge
Henry Calderwood
Henry Carey
Henry Carey Baird & Co.
Henry Caswall
Henry Chandlee Forman
Henry Charles Adams
Henry Charles Carey
Henry Charles Horstmann
Henry Charles Lahee
Henry Charles Lea
Henry Charles Moore
Henry Chichester Hart
Henry Childs Merwin
Henry Churchill King
Henry Clarke
Henry Clarke Wright
Henry Clay
Henry Clay Bruce
Henry Cleveland Wood
Henry Congreve
Henry Constable
Henry Coppée
Henry Cowles
Henry Cowling
Henry Craik
Henry Cranke Andrews
Henry Cruse Murphy
Henry Curling
Henry Curties
Henry Curtis
Henry Curwen
Henry D. (Henry David) Inglis
Henry Daguerches
Henry Davenport Northrop
Henry David Thoreau
Henry Dawson
Henry de Beltgens Gibbins
Henry De Berniere
Henry de Forge
Henry De La Pasture
Henry de Rosenbach Walker
Henry Dean
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Henry Digby Beste
Henry Dircks
Henry Downes Miles
Henry Draper
Henry Drummond
Henry Du Pré Labouchere
Henry Dudeney
Henry Dwight Sedgwick
Henry E. (Henry Ebenezer) Handerson
Henry E. (Henry Edwin) Baker
Henry Earle Riggs
Henry Edmund Harvey Spencer-Cooper
Henry Eduard Legler
Henry Edward Crampton
Henry Edward Krehbiel
Henry Edward Warner
Henry Eldridge Bourne
Henry Eliot Howard
Henry Elliot Malden
Henry Elsynge
Henry Ernest Dudeney
Henry F. (Henry Flagg) French
Henry F. (Henry Forbush) Howe
Henry F. (Henry Francis) Keenan
Henry F. (Henry Frederick) Cochems
Henry F. (Henry Frey) Lutz
Henry F. Urban
Henry Fairfield Osborn
Henry Farrell
Henry Faudel
Henry Faul
Henry Faulds
Henry Ferguson
Henry Festing Jones
Henry Fielding
Henry Fishwick
Henry Fisk Carlton
Henry Fleetwood
Henry Fletcher
Henry Ford
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
Henry Francis Brooke
Henry Francis Cary
Henry Francis Colby
Henry Frederick Cope
Henry Frith
Henry Fuseli
Henry G. (Henry George) Bohn
Henry Gally
Henry Gannett
Henry George
Henry George Davis
Henry George Stebbins Noble
Henry Gilbert
Henry Giles
Henry Glassford Bell
Henry Goudemetz
Henry Gréville
Henry Grey
Henry Guth
Henry H. (Henry Hardinge) Cunynghame
Henry H. (Henry Hodgman) Saylor
Henry H. Fick
Henry H. Gibson
Henry H. Meacham
Henry H. S. Pearse
Henry Hall
Henry Hallam
Henry Handel Richardson
Henry Harbaugh
Henry Harland
Henry Harley Arnold
Henry Harris Jessup
Henry Harrison Eby
Henry Harrison Lewis
Henry Hart Milman
Henry Hartshorne
Henry Hasse
Henry Hawkins Brampton
Henry Hazlitt
Henry Herbert Goddard
Henry Herbert Knibbs
Henry Highland Garnet
Henry Hill Goodell
Henry Hill Hickman
Henry Hiram Riley
Henry Hobart Vail
Henry Home Kames
Henry Houssaye
Henry Howard Harper
Henry Howland Crapo
Henry Hunt
Henry Hunt Snelling
Henry I. (Henry Ingersoll) Bowditch
Henry I. Shaw
Henry Iliowizi
Henry Inman
Henry Irving
Henry Irving Dodge
Henry J. (Henry John) Coke
Henry J. Horn
Henry James
Henry James Forman
Henry James Meller
Henry James Slack
Henry James Warner
Henry Jenner
Henry John Newbolt
Henry John Thoroton Hildyard
Henry Johnson Brent
Henry Jones
Henry Jones Ford
Henry K. (Henry Kalloch) Rowe
Henry Kater
Henry Kelsey Devereux
Henry Kendall
Henry Keppel
Henry Ketcham
Henry Kingsley
Henry Kirke White
Henry Kitchell Webster
Henry Koster
Henry Kuttner
Henry Latham
Henry Lawson
Henry Leach
Henry Lee
Henry Leverage
Henry Lindlahr
Henry Longueville Mansel
Henry Lovejoy Ambler
Henry Lytton Bulwer Dalling and Bulwer
Henry M. (Henry Martyn) Field
Henry M. (Henry Martyn) Robert
Henry M. (Henry Mason) Brooks
Henry M. (Henry Miller) Pierce
Henry M. (Henry Moore) Neil
Henry M. (Henry Morton) Stanley
Henry M. (Henry Mower) Rice
Henry M. (Henry Munson) Lyman
Henry M. Avery
Henry M. Hunt
Henry Mackenzie
Henry MacMahon
Henry Mahan Beardsley
Henry Mann
Henry Martyn Baird
Henry Martyn Cist
Henry Martyn Kieffer
Henry Mayhew
Henry Meige
Henry Melvill Gwatkin
Henry Milner Rideout
Henry More
Henry Morford
Henry Morgenthau
Henry Myron Kendall
Henry N. (Henry Neely) Ogden
Henry N. (Henry Newell) Guernsey
Henry Neville
Henry Neville Payne
Henry Newland
Henry Nicholson Ellacombe
Henry Noel Brailsford
Henry Noel Humphreys
Henry Norman Hudson
Henry O'Brien
Henry O. (Henry Ogg) Forbes
Henry Offley Wakeman
Henry Osborn Taylor
Henry Ossian Flipper
Henry Oyen
Henry P. (Henry Peck) Fry
Henry P. Bowie
Henry Park Cochrane
Henry Parr Maskell
Henry Paul Mainwaring Jones
Henry Paul Talbot
Henry Pemberton
Henry Peterson
Henry Pettit
Henry Phelps Johnston
Henry Philip Picot
Henry Philip Tappan
Henry Pidgeon
Henry Porter
Henry Pratt Fairchild
Henry Putnam Stearns
Henry R. (Henry Robert) Plomer
Henry R. Blaney
Henry Rankin Poore
Henry Raymond Rogers
Henry Reed Conant
Henry Reed Stiles
Henry Reeve
Henry Richardson Chamberlain
Henry Ridgely Evans
Henry Robinson
Henry Rogers
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Henry Ruffin
Henry Russell (Bishop of Birmingham) Wakefield
Henry Russell Miller
Henry Rutgers Conger
Henry S. (Henry Sambrooke) Leigh
Henry S. (Henry Sheldon) Fitch
Henry S. (Henry St. Clair) Whitehead
Henry S. (Henry Stanislaus) Spalding
Henry S. (Henry Sweetser) Burrage
Henry S. Beebe
Henry S. Gilbertson
Henry S. Gillette
Henry S. King (Publisher)
Henry S. Mackarness
Henry S. Salt
Henry S. Simmonds
Henry Saint-George
Henry Sampson
Henry Savile
Henry Scadding
Henry Scherren
Henry Seidel Canby
Henry Sessions Souttar
Henry Seton Merriman
Henry Seward Hubbard
Henry Sidgwick
Henry Slesar
Henry Sloane Coffin
Henry Smith Williams
Henry Snyder
Henry Spink
Henry St. John Bolingbroke
Henry St. John Cooper
Henry Standish Coverdale
Henry Stanton
Henry Steel Olcott
Henry Stephens
Henry Stevens
Henry Still
Henry Strother Cautley
Henry Sumner Maine
Henry Sweet
Henry Sydnor Harrison
Henry T. (Henry Theodore) Hodgkin
Henry T. (Henry Theodore) Tuckerman
Henry T. (Henry Thorne) Sell
Henry T. (Henry Turman) Byford
Henry T. Finck
Henry T. Simmons
Henry Taylor
Henry Thayer Niles
Henry Thew Stephenson
Henry Thomas Buckle
Henry Thomas Hamblin
Henry Thomas Purchas
Henry Thornton Wharton
Henry Timberlake
Henry Timrod
Henry V. (Henry Van) Boynton
Henry van de Velde
Henry Van Dyke
Henry Vaughan
Henry Venn Lansdown
Henry Verney Willoughby de Broke
Henry Vizetelly
Henry Voorce Brandenburg & Co.
Henry W. (Henry Walsworth) Kinney
Henry W. (Henry Wetherbee) Henshaw
Henry W. (Henry Whitney) Bellows
Henry W. (Henry William) Chandler
Henry W. (Henry William) Fischer
Henry W. (Henry William) Lucy
Henry W. (Henry William) Wolff
Henry W. Donald
Henry W. Hewet
Henry W. Patterson
Henry W. Setzer
Henry W. Shoemaker
Henry W. Ward
Henry Wace
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Walcott Boynton
Henry Waldgrave Stuart
Henry Wallace Phillips
Henry Waller
Henry Walter Bates
Henry Walter Worth
Henry Ward Beecher
Henry Ware
Henry Warren
Henry Watson
Henry Watson Kent
Henry Watson Wilbur
Henry Watterson
Henry Wayland Chetwynd
Henry Wayland Hill
Henry Weightman Stelwagon
Henry White Warren
Henry Wilder Foote
Henry William Clarke
Henry William Herbert
Henry Williamson
Henry Wilton Thomas
Henry Wood
Henry Woodcock
Henry Woodd Nevinson
Henry Wysham Lanier
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Henry Ashworth
Herb Williams
Herbert A. (Herbert Appold) Grueber
Herbert A. (Herbert Augustus) Strong
Herbert A. Shearer
Herbert Adams Gibbons
Herbert Allen Giles
Herbert Asbury
Herbert B. Linscott
Herbert Baird Stimpson
Herbert Basedow
Herbert Beeman
Herbert Beerbohm Tree
Herbert Brayley Collett
Herbert Bury
Herbert Butterfield
Herbert C. Fyfe
Herbert C. MacIlwaine
Herbert Carter
Herbert Coleridge
Herbert Corey Leeds
Herbert D. (Herbert Dickinson) Ward
Herbert D. Kastle
Herbert Darling Foster
Herbert David Croly
Herbert De Caston
Herbert E. (Herbert Edward) Palmer
Herbert E. E. (Herbert Edward Elton) Hayes
Herbert Edward Pretyman
Herbert Ernest Cushman
Herbert Eugene Bolton
Herbert Eugene Ives
Herbert Eugene Walter
Herbert F. (Herbert Francis) Peyser
Herbert Farris
Herbert Feis
Herbert Frederick Cook
Herbert Furst
Herbert G. (Herbert Gouverneur) Ogden
Herbert George De Lisser
Herbert George Jenkins
Herbert H. (Herbert Holdsworth) Ross
Herbert H. (Herbert Howland) Sargent
Herbert Hayens
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Inman
Herbert J. (Herbert James) Hall
Herbert James
Herbert Joseph Moorhouse
Herbert Joseph Spinden
Herbert Joyce
Herbert Junius Hardwicke
Herbert Kaufman
Herbert L. Risteen
Herbert M. (Herbert Michael) Wilson
Herbert M. (Herbert Millingchamp) Vaughan
Herbert M. (Herbert Müller) Hopkins
Herbert Marshall
Herbert Maxwell
Herbert Mayo
Herbert Newton Casson
Herbert Nunn
Herbert Pelham Curtis
Herbert Pitts
Herbert Quick
Herbert Randall
Herbert Silberer
Herbert Snow
Herbert Spencer
Herbert Strang
Herbert Thirkell White
Herbert Tibbits
Herbert W. (Herbert Winckworth) Tompkins
Herbert W. (Herbert Winslow) Collingwood
Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield) Paul
Herbert W. McBride
Herbert Watson
Herbert Wildon Carr
Here Gerrits van der Veen
Hereward Carrington
Hereward Thimbleby Price
Herkimer County Historical Society
Herman Bang
Herman Bavinck
Herman Bernstein
Herman Boerhaave
Herman Charles Merivale
Herman Friedl
Herman Frobenius
Herman Gastrell Seely
Herman George Scheffauer
Herman Gorter
Herman Heijermans
Herman Hofberg
Herman J. (Herman Joseph) Heuser
Herman Johan Robbers
Herman Knickerbocker Vielé
Herman Landon
Herman Melville
Herman Niemi
Herman Teirlinck
Herman Théodore Chappuis
Herman van Cappelle
Herman van der Kloot Meijburg
Herman W. Mudgett
Herman Whitaker
Hermann B. (Hermann Bacher) Deutsch
Hermann Bahr
Hermann Bohm
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Hermann Grothe
Hermann Häfker
Hermann Hagedorn
Hermann Hager
Hermann Heiberg
Hermann Hesse
Hermann Hoernes
Hermann Löns
Hermann Lüer
Hermann Lungwitz
Hermann Oeser
Hermann Pückler-Muskau
Hermann Schoenfeld
Hermann Smith
Hermann Sudermann
Hermannus Angelkot
Hermannus Schottennius
Hermenegildo Cruz
Hermine Oudinot Lecomte du Noüy
Hermine Villinger
Hermon Basil Laymon
Hermynia Zur Mühlen
Herrick Johnstone
Hershey Chocolate Corporation
Hervey Allen
Hervey Keyes
Hesba Stretton
Hester Donaldson Jenkins
Hester Lynch Piozzi
Hester M. (Hester Martha) Poole
Hester Marshall
Hester Stanhope
Hetty Hemenway
Hewson L. (Hewson Lindsley) Peeke
Heywood Broun
Hezekiah Butterworth
Hidalgo Moya
Hidde Dirks Kat
Hieronymus David Gaubius
Hieronymus van Alphen
Hilaire Belloc
Hilary A. (Hilary Abner) Herbert
Hilary Trent
Hilda Conkling
Hilda Huntuvuori
Hilda T. Skae
Hilda Tihlä
Hildegard G. Frey
Hildegarde Hawthorne
Hildegarde Struefert
Hilja Haahti
Hilja Kilpi
Hilja Liinamaa-Pärssinen
Hilja Valtonen
Hill Peebles Wilson
Hilma Pylkkänen
Hilmar R. (Hilmar Robert) Baukhage
Hinda M. Hands
Hinton Rowan Helper
Hippolyt Julius Haas
Hippolyte Buffenoir
Hippolyte Castille
Hippolyte Mazier du Heaume
Hippolyte Taine
Hiram Bingham
Hiram Chase
Hiram Corson
Hiram F. Gregory
Hiram Hoyt Richmond
Hiram Martin Chittenden
Hiram Miner Stanley
Hiram Paulding
Hiram Peck McKnight
Hiram S. (Hiram Stevens) Maxim
Hjalmar Bergman
Hjalmar Forsberg
Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
Hjalmar Johannes Runeberg
Hjalmar Nortamo
Hjalmar Öhrvall
Hjalmar Söderberg
Hobart Caunter
Hobart Donald Swiggett
Hobart M. (Hobart Muir) Smith
Hoffman Nickerson
Holger Drachmann
Holland Thompson
Hollis Godfrey
Holloway Halstead Frost
Holman Day
Holme Lee
Holworthy Hall
Home Candy Makers
Home Missions Council (U.S.)
Homer B. (Homer Bezaleel) Hulbert
Homer Eon Flint
Homer F. Hastings
Homer Greene
Homer Heath Nugent
Homer J. (Homer Jackson) Dana
Homer Lea
Homer Randall
Hong Ge
Hongmo Chen
Hongzu Xu
Honor C. Appleton
Honoré Beaugrand
Honoré Bourguignon
Honoré de Balzac
Honoré Morrow
Honore Roustan
Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti Mirabeau
Honorio López
Hope Malleson
Hope Mirrlees
Horace A. (Horace Alfred) Ford
Horace Annesley Vachell
Horace B. (Horace Baker) Browne
Horace B. Day
Horace Barnett Samuel
Horace Bénédict de Saussure
Horace Bleackley
Horace C. Dale
Horace Carver Hovey
Horace Curzon Plunkett
Horace Elisha Scudder
Horace Fletcher
Horace G. (Horace Gordon) Hutchinson
Horace Gray Gilliland
Horace Greeley
Horace Green
Horace Herbert Smith
Horace Holden
Horace Holley
Horace Kephart
Horace Mann
Horace Mann Conaway
Horace Mayhew
Horace Meyer Kallen
Horace N. Pym
Horace Newton Allen
Horace Petherick
Horace Porter
Horace Raisson
Horace Smith
Horace Traubel
Horace W. C. (Horace Wykeham Can) Newte
Horace Walpole
Horace White
Horace Woollaston Monckton
Horace Wyatt
Horace Wyndham
Horacio Carlos Rivarola
Horacio Quiroga
Horatia K. F. Eden
Horatio Alger
Horatio Bridge
Horatio Edward Norfolk
Horatio George Broke
Horatio Hale
Horatio M. (Horatio Milo) Pollock
Horatio N. Grant
Horatio Nelson Nelson
Horatio Robinson Storer
Horatio Winslow
Horatius Flaccus
Hosea Ballou
Hosea Quinby
Houghton Townley
Howard & Bullough American Machine Company
Howard A. (Howard Augustus) Meyerhoff
Howard Angus Kennedy
Howard B. (Howard Benjamin) Grose
Howard Browne
Howard Carter
Howard Clemens Hillegas
Howard D. Pollyen
Howard Dudley
Howard Elliott Winn
Howard Futhey Brinton
Howard H. Quint
Howard Hensman
Howard Irving Chapelle
Howard J. (Howard James) Chidley
Howard J. Stains
Howard L. Chace
Howard L. Freeman
Howard L. Myers
Howard Lamarr Walls
Howard M. Chapin
Howard Patterson
Howard Pease
Howard Pyle
Howard R. (Howard Roscoe) Driggs
Howard Roger Garis
Howard Staunton
Howard Trueman
Howard V. (Howard Vigne) Sutherland
Howard Vincent O'Brien
Howard W. (Howard Willard) Cook
Howard Wandrei
Howard Washington Odum
Howard Williams
Howard Willoughby
Howell Calhoun
Huan Ma
Huan Mee
Huber Gray Buehler
Hubert (Solicitor) Smith
Hubert Barclay
Hubert Bland
Hubert C. (Hubert Christian) Corlette
Hubert Crackanthorpe
Hubert Douglas Henderson
Hubert E. (Hubert Edwin) Collins
Hubert Foster
Hubert G. (Hubert Gibson) Shearin
Hubert H. Harrison
Hubert Howe Bancroft
Hubert Joseph Treston
Hubertine Auclert
Hudson Maxim
Hudson Motor Car Company
Hudson Stuck
Hudson Tuttle
Hudson's Bay Company
Hugh Allen
Hugh Allingham
Hugh Arnold
Hugh Binning
Hugh Black
Hugh Blair Grigsby
Hugh Charles Clifford
Hugh Clapperton
Hugh Conway
Hugh Dalton Dalton
Hugh De Sélincourt
Hugh E. (Hugh Exton) Seebohm
Hugh Fraser
Hugh Frazier Parker
Hugh Garner Bennett
Hugh Gibson
Hugh Graham
Hugh Jones
Hugh Latimer
Hugh Leigh Norris
Hugh Lofting
Hugh Lundsford
Hugh M. (Hugh McCormick) Smith
Hugh MacDiarmid
Hugh Macmillan
Hugh MacNair Kahler
Hugh McAlister
Hugh Miller
Hugh Mulleneux Walmsley
Hugh Pendexter
Hugh Piper
Hugh Quigley
Hugh Roberts
Hugh S. (Hugh Sterling) Eayrs
Hugh S. (Hugh Stuart) Fullerton
Hugh Smith
Hugh T. Reed
Hugh Vandervaes Lely
Hugh Walker
Hugh Walpole
Hugh Wiley
Hughes Mearns
Hugo B. Froehlich
Hugo Ball
Hugo Bettauer
Hugo Blümner
Hugo de Vries
Hugo Erichsen
Hugo Ganz
Hugo Gernsback
Hugo Grotius
Hugo Magnus
Hugo Münsterberg
Hugo Oertel
Hugo P. (Hugo Paul) Thieme
Hugo Richard Meyer
Hugo Salus
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Hugo Wast
Hugo Ziemann
Hugues Imbert
Hugues Le Roux
Hugues Rebell
Huguette Bertrand
Hui Liu
Hui Shi
Hulbert Footner
Huldah Lucile Winsted
Humbert Wolfe
Hume Nesbit
Hume Nisbet
Humphrey Crouch
Humphrey Robinson
Humphry Davy
Humphry Davy Rolleston
Humphry Ward
Huron H. (Huron Herbert) Smith
Hurst & Blackett
Hutchins Hapgood
Hutton Webster
Hyacinthe Corne
Hyacinthe Ringrose
Hylton Cleaver
Hypacio de Brion
Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner
I Ming
I. (Isaac) Groneman
I. (Isaac) Mitchell
I. (Isaac) Slater
I. A. R. (Ida Alexa Ross) Wylie
I. B. (Ian Bernard) Stoughton Holborn
I. B. (Igino Benvenuto) Supino
I. B. (Illtyd Buller) Pole Evans
I. E. M.
I. F. Silveira da Mota
I. Giberne (Isabel Giberne) Sieveking
I. I. (Isaac Israel) Hayes
I. J. Potter
I. Jaros
I. L. (Ion Luca) Caragiale
I. Lilias (Isabella Lilias) Trotter
I. M. Bukstein
I. N. (Ignatii Nicholaevich) Potapenko
I. N. (Isaac N.) Johnston
I. T. (Ida Treadwell) Thurston
I. William Adams
I. Winslow Ayer
Ian C. Hannah
Ian Hamilton
Ian Hay
Ian Maclaren
Ianthe M. Dunbar
Ichabod S. (Ichabod Smith) Spencer
Ida (Ida Sarah) Heijermans
Ida A. (Ida Ashworth) Taylor
Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Ida Baccini
Ida Belle White
Ida Boy-Ed
Ida Coe
Ida D. (Ida Dandridge) Bennett
Ida Frohnmeyer
Ida Glenwood
Ida Hahn-Hahn
Ida Hamilton Munsell
Ida Husted Harper
Ida Lee
Ida Lee Cary
Ida M. (Ida Minerva) Tarbell
Ida May Hill Starr
Ida Pfeiffer
Ida Saint-Elme
Ida Strawn Baker
Ida von Düringsfeld
Idabelle McGlauflin
Idah Meacham Strobridge
Ierne L. (Ierne Lifford) Plunket
Iginio Gentile
Iginio Ugo Tarchetti
Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis
Ignác Goldziher
Ignacio Manuel Altamirano
Ignácz Kúnos
Ignácz Nagy
Ignasi Iglesias
Ignatius Donnelly
Ignatius Sancho
Ignaz Lehmann
Ignaz Pallme
Ignazio Cantù
Iivo Härkönen
Ike Matthews
Ike Swift
Ilia Lvovich Tolstoi
Illinois State Geological Survey
Illinois. Department of Conservation
Ilma Virtala
Ilmari Jäämaa
Ilmari Kianto
Ilmari Kivinen
Ilmari Pimiä
Ilmari Räsänen
Ilmari Tulimaa
Ilona Kutas
Ilsien Nathalie Gaylord
Imbert de Saint-Amand
Immanuel Kant
Immi Hellén
Imogen Clark
Ina D. (Ina Donna) Coolbrith
Ina Lange
Ina Seidel
Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
Ina von Binzer
Inácio José de Macedo
Inazo Nitobe
Inc. Alfred A. Knopf
Inc. Columbia Broadcasting System
Inc. General Mills
Inc. Knox Gelatine
Inc. Ocean Spray Cranberries
Inc. Ray H. Bennett Lumber Co.
Increase Mather
India W. P. (Indiana Washington Peddicord) Logan
Indriði Einarsson
Inez Bigwood
Inez Haynes Gillmore
Inez Hogan
Infanta of Spain Eulalia
Infante of Castile Juan Manuel
Ingeborg Maria Sick
Ingersoll Lockwood
Ingimundur Sveinsson
Ingvor Bondesen
Inigo Jones
Innes Logan
Innocenzo Cappa
Inspector Stark
Institute of Home Economics (U.S.)
Inter-tribal Council of Louisiana
Interborough Rapid Transit Company
Intercollegiate Peace Association
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Correspondence Schools
International Eugenics Congress (1st : 1912 : London)
International Institute of Bibliography
International Labour Office
Into Konrad Inha
Ioan Slavici
Ioannes Kondylakes
Ioannes Polemes
Ioannes Velaras
Ioannis Psicharis
Iola Beebe
Ion Dragoumes
Ioulia D. Dragoume
Iowa Press and Authors' Club
Iowa) Christ Church Episcopal (Burlington
Ira L. (Ira Louis) Reeves
Ira Mayhew
Ira Samuel Griffith
Ira Seymour Dodd
Iraq Study Group (U.S.)
Ireland) Trinity College (Dublin
Ireland. Ministry of Economic Affairs
Irene Elliott Benson
Irene Flemming Forbes-Mosse
Irene Langridge
Irene Mendelin
Irene Miller
Irene Osgood Andrews
Irene W. Hartt
Iris Barry
Iris Eugenie Friend Sayle
Iris Tree
Irma Harding
Irma von Troll-Borostyání
Irvah Lester Winter
Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury) Cobb
Irving A. (Irving Allison) Watson
Irving B. Cook
Irving Babbitt
Irving Bacheller
Irving Browne
Irving C. (Irving Collins) Rosse
Irving Craddock
Irving Crump
Irving E. Cox
Irving E. Fang
Irving Fisher
Irving Howbert
Irving Pichel
Irving S. Paull
Irving Sidney Dix
Irving W. Lande
Irwin Edman
Irwin Leslie Gordon
Irwin Lewis
Irwin R. Franklyn
Is. (Israël) Querido
Isa Bowman
Isaac A. (Isaac Aaronovich) Hourwich
Isaac Alexander Mack
Isaac Allen
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Baker Brown
Isaac Barrow
Isaac Bickerstaff
Isaac Brock
Isaac C. Doan
Isaac Davis
Isaac de La Peyrère
Isaac Disraeli
Isaac Don Levine
Isaac Erter
Isaac Frederick Marcosson
Isaac George Briggs
Isaac Goldberg
Isaac Husik
Isaac I. Tibbals
Isaac J. Hill
Isaac Landman
Isaac Loeb Peretz
Isaac M. (Isaac Morton) Small
Isaac Mason
Isaac Massey Haldeman
Isaac McBride
Isaac Myer
Isaac N. Arnold
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton Stevens
Isaac Pitman & Sons
Isaac Rosenberg
Isaac Samuel Reggio
Isaac Taylor
Isaac Taylor Headland
Isaac Terry
Isaac W. (Isaac Winter) Heysinger
Isaac Watts
Isaac Weld
Isaack de Rasieres
Isabel A. Moser
Isabel Anderson
Isabel Burton
Isabel C. (Isabel Coston) Byrum
Isabel Cecilia Williams
Isabel Ecclestone Mackay
Isabel Florence Hapgood
Isabel Graham Bush
Isabel Hornibrook
Isabel M. (Isabel Maud) Peacocke
Isabel M. Wason
Isabel Martin Lewis
Isabel McIsaac
Isabel Meredith
Isabel Ostrander
Isabel Savory
Isabel Shepperson
Isabel Thompson
Isabel Thompson Hopkins
Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy) Bird
Isabella M. Aldon
Isabella M. Holmes
Isabella Mary Anderton
Isabella Strange Trotter
Isabella Valancy Crawford
Isabelle de Charrière
Isabelle de Montolieu
Isabelle Eberhardt
Isabelo de los Reyes y Florentino
Isaiah Bowman
Isambard Brunel
Isidor Lundström
Isidore Kozminsky
Isidore Mullois
Isidoro Del Lungo
Isla May Mullins
Ismael A. Amado
Isolde Kurz
Israel Abrahams
Israel C. (Cook) Russell
Israel Mauduit
Israel Potter
Israel Zangwill
István Apáthy
István Bársony
István Petelei
István Toldy
István Tömörkény
Isya Joseph
Ithamar M. (Ithamar Martindale) Howell
IUliian Bachynskyi
Iva Lowther Peters
Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin
Ivan Cankar
Ivan Minchov Vazov
Ivan Panin
Ivan Ray Tannehill
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic
Ivar Jorgensen
Ivar Wilskman
Ivo Struyf
Ivor Gurney
Ivor John Carnegie Brown
Ivor Noël Hume
Ivy Kellerman Reed
Iwan Bloch
Izaak Walton
Izola L. (Izola Louise) Forrester
Izumi Shikibu
Izumo Takeda
J. & A. Churchill
J. (Jakob) Schipper
J. (James) Gillkrest
J. (Jan) Fabius
J. (Jan) Lens
J. (Jean) Borel
J. (Jenny) Blicher-Clausen
J. (Jerry) Clontz
J. (Jiddu) Krishnamurti
J. (Johannes) Fibiger
J. (John) (Writer on Japan) Morris
J. (John) Biddulph
J. (John) Church
J. (John) Kincaid
J. (John) Lyth
J. (John) Macgowan
J. (John) Marshall
J. (John) Prichard
J. (John) Pringle
J. (John) Ross
J. (John) Wight
J. (John) Wilkinson
J. (John) Williams
J. (José) Ortega Munilla
J. (Josef) Collin
J. (Joseph) Ashby-Sterry
J. (Joseph) Grasset
J. (Joseph) Jacquin
J. (Joseph) Lamson
J. (Joseph) Maxwell
J. (Joseph) Vilbort
J. (Joseph) Wells
J. (Josiah) Twamley
J. (Juan) Givanel Mas
J. (Jules) Barbey d'Aurevilly
J. (Jules) Renouvier
J. (Julius) Hirschberg
J. A. (Jackson Alpheus) Graves
J. A. (Jacob Asbury) Regester
J. A. (James Aitken) Wylie
J. A. (James Alexander) M'Clymont
J. A. (James Arthur) Lees
J. A. (James Arthur) Taggart
J. A. (Jan Anthony) Cramer
J. A. (Jane Alice) Sargant
J. A. (Jean Allan) Owen
J. A. (Jens Andreas) Friis
J. A. (Joel Asaph) Allen
J. A. (Johan Adam) Wijnne
J. A. (John Adam) Cramb
J. A. (John Alexander) Hammerton
J. A. (John Alexander) Harvie-Brown
J. A. (John Allen) Giles
J. A. (John Ambrose) Fleming
J. A. (John Anderson) Bensel
J. A. (John Arnold) Nicklin
J. A. (John Arnott) MacCulloch
J. A. (John Aston) Warder
J. A. (John Atkinson) Hobson
J. A. (John Augustine) Zahm
J. A. (Joseph A.) Dacus
J. A. (Joseph Adams) Filcher
J. A. (Joseph Allen) Costello
J. A. (Joseph Amasa) Munk
J. A. (Josephus Albertus) Alberdingk Thijm
J. A. C. van (Jacobus Adrien Cornelius) Leeuwen
J. A. Holland
J. Ā. K.
J. A. K. (James Alexander Kerr) Thomson
J. A. Maunu
J. A. Taylor
J. A. V. Turck
J. A. Wormser
J. Adelard (Joseph Adelard) René
J. Albert (John Albert) Monroe
J. Albert Frost
J. Alden (John Alden) Loring
J. Allan Dunn
J. Allanson (James Allanson) Picton
J. Allen (James Allen) Smith
J. Alois Meier
J. André Castaigne
J. Anthony Ferlaine
J. Armoy (John Armoy) Knox
J. Arthur (John Arthur) Hill
J. Arthur (John Arthur) Thomson
J. Arthur (Joseph Arthur) Gibbs
J. Atwood Slater
J. B. (James Ball) Naylor
J. B. (James Blair) Bonar
J. B. (James Byron) Enochs
J. B. (Jared Bell) Waterbury
J. B. (Jean Baptiste) Bouvier
J. B. (Jean Baptiste) Caouette
J. B. (John Bagnell) Bury
J. B. (John Beauchamp) Jones
J. B. (John Benjamin) Rieger
J. B. (John Benjamin) Smith
J. B. (John Black) Atkins
J. B. (John Boynton) Priestley
J. B. (Joseph Barber) Lightfoot
J. B. (Joseph Bernard) Wagner
J. B. (Joseph Bowne) Elwell
J. B. Dale
J. B. de (Jacob B.) Liefde
J. B. de (Jacques-Benjamin) Saint-Victor
J. B. Ellenor
J. B. H. (James Barron Hope)
J. B. Mackenzie
J. B. Webb
J. B. Woodley
J. Beavington Atkinson
J. Berg (Joseph Berg) Esenwein
J. Berlioz d' (Jules Berlioz) Auriac
J. Bowles (John Bowles) Daly
J. Breckenridge (John Breckenridge) Ellis
J. Bresse
J. C. (Jakob Christoph) Heer
J. C. (James Calvin) McFeeters
J. C. (James Coldham) Fussell
J. C. (Jens Christian) Aaberg
J. C. (John C.) Gorman
J. C. (John Carl) Flugel
J. C. (John Charles) O'Connor
J. C. (John Charles) Ryle
J. C. (John Charlton) Hardwick
J. C. (John Clarke) Stobart
J. C. (John Claudius) Loudon
J. C. (John Clay) Coleman
J. C. (John Collis) Snaith
J. C. (John Coulson) Tregarthen
J. C. (John Cuthbert) Lawson
J. C. (John Cuthbert) Long
J. C. (Joseph Charles) Philpot
J. C. F. (Joseph Colin Francis) Johnson
J. C. Gorham
J. C. Manning
J. C. Meem
J. C. Schuller
J. C. Yule
J. Cameron (James Cameron) Lees
J. Castell (John Castell) Hopkins
J. Cecil (John Cecil) Hughes
J. Charles (John Charles) Cox
J. Collingwood (John Collingwood) Bruce
J. Comyns (Joseph Comyns) Carr
J. Conway (James Conway) Walter
J. Craandijk
J. Cree (Jerry Cree) Fischer
J. Crossley
J. Cuthbert (James Cuthbert) Hadden
J. Cyril M. (James Cyril M.) Weale
J. D. (Jacob D.) Green
J. D. (James Douglas) Williams
J. D. (James Drummond) Anderson
J. D. (Jirah Dewey) Buck
J. D. (Johannes Diderik) Bierens de Haan
J. D. (John D.) Paxton
J. D. (John Daniel) Jones
J. D. (John Daniel) Kestell
J. D. (John Daniel) Logan
J. D. (John David) Love
J. D. (John Davys) Beresford
J. D. F. (John Dow Fisher) Gilchrist
J. D. Jerrold (James Douglas Jerrold) Kelley
J. D. Koogle
J. D. Wells
J. Daley (James Daley) McDonald
J. de (Jacques) Morgan
J. De Lancey (John De Lancey) Ferguson
J. Dennis Harris
J. Dirks
J. Dodd (James Dodd) Jackson
J. Donkersley
J. Douglas (John Douglas) Borthwick
J. Douglas Hoare
J. Duncan Campbell
J. Durno
J. E. (James Ernst) Gallaher
J. E. (Jan Ernst) Heeres
J. E. (Jane Ellen) Panton
J. E. (John Ebenezer) Esslemont
J. E. (John Edward) Marr
J. E. (John Edwin) Copus
J. E. (John Ernest) Hodder-Williams
J. E. (John Everts) Lamar
J. E. (Joseph Edmund) Collins
J. E. (Joseph Edmund) Hutton
J. E. (Joseph Ernest) De Becker
J. E. (Judson Eber) Conant
J. E. Aughenbaugh
J. E. Barton
J. E. Buckrose
J. E. C. (James Edward Cowell) Welldon
J. E. Crawford (John Ernest Crawford) Flitch
J. E. Howard
J. E. Mayer
J. E. P. (John Edward Parker) Doyle
J. E. Wallace (John Edward Wallace) Wallin
J. Ellard (John Ellard) Gore
J. Elliot (John Elliot) Ross
J. Ellis Barker
J. Estlin (Joseph Estlin) Carpenter
J. Ewing (James Ewing) Ritchie
J. F. (Jane Frances) Dove
J. F. (Johann Friedrich ) Scheltema
J. F. (John F.) Clymer
J. F. (John Fletcher) Hurst
J. F. (John Frederick) Blake
J. F. (John Frederick) Foster
J. F. (John Frewen) Moor
J. F. (Joseph Florimond) Loubat
J. F. (Joseph Franklin) Rutherford
J. F. Blacker
J. F. C. (John Frederick Charles) Fuller
J. F. C. (Justus Friedrich Carl) Hecker
J. F. Lee
J. Fairfax (James Fairfax) McLaughlin
J. Fitzgerald (Joseph Fitzgerald) Molloy
J. Fr. (Joseph Fr.) Michaud
J. Francis McComas
J. Franck (James Franck) Bright
J. Frank (James Frank) Dobie
J. Frank (James Frank) Hanly
J. Franklin (John Franklin) Reigart
J. Frederick (James Frederick) Hodgetts
J. G Patterson
J. G. (John George) Bartholomew
J. G. (John George) Wood
J. G. (John Gershom) Greenhough
J. G. (John Gibson) Lockhart
J. G. (John Gideon) Millingen
J. G. (John Gifford) Bellett
J. G. (John Gordon) M'Pherson
J. G. (John Gustavus) Lemaistre
J. G. (Joseph George) Rosengarten
J. G. (Joseph Greene) Francis
J. G. (Josiah Gilbert) Holland
J. G. (Julius George) Medley
J. G. (Justo Germán) Cantero
J. G. Broughton Pegg
J. G. de Barros e (João Gualberto de Barros) Cunha
J. G. H. (Joseph Gayle Hurd) Barry
J. G. Kernahan
J. G. Pratt
J. G. Swift (John Gordon Swift) MacNeill
J. G. Wenzel
J. George (John George) Hodgins
J. Gresham (John Gresham) Machen
J. H. (James Harrison) Donahey
J. H. (James Henry) Emerton
J. H. (James Henry) Kerry-Nicholls
J. H. (James Henry) Yoxall
J. H. (Jan Hendrik) Gerretsen
J. H. (Jean Henri) Merle d'Aubigné
J. H. (Jenny H.) Stickney
J. H. (Johann Heinrich) Kurtz
J. H. (John Hall) Gladstone
J. H. (John Hartman) Morgan
J. H. (John Hays) Gardiner
J. H. (John Henry) Craven
J. H. (John Henry) Hubback
J. H. (John Henry) Patterson
J. H. (John Henry) Tilden
J. H. (Jonathan Harrington) Green
J. H. (Joseph Harvey) Ward
J. H. (Joseph Have) Hanson
J. H. (Joseph Henry) Pearce
J. H. (Joseph Henry) Shorthouse
J. H. (Joseph Henry) Wade
J. H. (Joseph Holt) Ingraham
J. H. (Joseph Hugh) Beibitz
J. H. (Julia Helen Watts) Twells
J. H. Brown
J. H. Erkko
J. H. Hill
J. H. Holdsworth
J. H. McKenzie
J. H. Payne
J. H. Philpot
J. H. Riddell
J. H. T. (John Hanson Thomas) McPherson
J. H. van 't (Jacobus Henricus) Hoff
J. H. Walden
J. Hamilton (James Hamilton) Fyfe
J. Hammond (James Hammond) Trumbull
J. Hamp (John Hamilton) SeCheverell
J. Hampden (John Hampden) Porter
J. Hampton (Joseph Hampton) Moore
J. Harold (John Harold) Putman
J. Harrington (John Harrington) Keene
J. Harris (John Harris) Knowles
J. Hart
J. Hartley Manners
J. Harvey (John Harvey) Haggard
J. Harwood Panting
J. Hatchard and Son
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
J. Hendrik van Balen
J. Henry Harris
J. Herbert (John Herbert) Slater
J. Holland (John Holland) Rose
J. Horace (John Horace) McFarland
J. Howard (John Howard) Moore
J. Howard (John Howard) Pugh
J. Irwin (John Irwin) Brown
J. J. (James Jasper) Atkinson
J. J. (Jean Jules) Jusserand
J. J. (John Jackson) Kellogg
J. J. (John Jacob) Beringer
J. J. (John Jacob) Thomas
J. J. (John James) Thornber
J. J. (John Jennings) Moorman
J. J. (John Joseph) Cosgrove
J. J. (John Joy) Bell
J. J. (Josef Julius) Wecksell
J. J. (Joshua James) Foster
J. J. A. (Johan Jacob Antonie) Goeverneur
J. J. Allerton
J. J. Colter
J. J. Connington
J. J. Grandville
J. J. L. ten (Jan Jakob Lodewijk) Kate
J. J. Rodrigues de Matos
J. J. Smith
J. J. Tobin
J. Jackson (James Jackson) Wray
J. Jacques (Jean Jacques) Porchat
J. Jay (John Jay) Smith
J. Jongejans
J. K. (Jacques Karel) Rensburg
J. Kemper
J. Knox Jones
J. L. (J. Louis) Brunet
J. L. (James Lawrence) Nichols
J. L. (James Lewis) Caw
J. L. (Johan Ludvig) Heiberg
J. L. (John Lawrence) Hammond
J. L. (John Lea) Nevinson
J. L. (John Levi) Underwood
J. L. (John Lyle) Morison
J. L. B.
J. L. Campbell
J. L. Duff
J. L. Kennon
J. L. M. (Jabez Lamar Monroe) Curry
J. Lewis (James Lewis) McIntyre
J. M. (James MacPherson) Le Moine
J. M. (James Matthew) Barrie
J. M. (James Maurice) Wilson
J. M. (James Morgan) Walsh
J. M. (Jean Mary) Stone
J. M. (John Mackinnon) Robertson
J. M. (John McFarland) Kennedy
J. M. (John Millington) Synge
J. M. (John Minton) Westgate
J. M. (John Musgrave) Waite
J. M. (Joseph Maria) Gordon
J. M. (Joseph Mazzini) Wheeler
J. M. Campbell
J. M. D. (John Miller Dow) Meiklejohn
J. M. Droogendijk
J. M. J. Catenius-van der Meijden
J. M. Judy
J. M. Latino (José Maria Latino) Coelho
J. M. Pereira da (João Manuel Pereira) Silva
J. M. Simpson
J. M. Travers
J. M. W. (Jacob Mortimer Wier) Silver
J. M. W. (Joseph Mallord William) Turner
J. M. Woodman
J. Macdonald (James Macdonald) Oxley
J. Maclaren (James Maclaren) Cobban
J. Malcolm (James Malcolm) Bird
J. Marshall Hawkes
J. Maurice Farrar
J. Maxwell (John Maxwell) Wood
J. Michael Wenger
J. Milton (John Milton) Mackie
J. Mitchell (John Mitchell) Bruce
J. Morgan (James Morgan) Gibbon
J. Morris (Josiah Morris) Slemons
J. Murray (John Murray) Mitchell
J. N. (Johan Nikolai) Madvig
J. N. (John Napper) Worsfold
J. N. (John Nelson) M'Jilton
J. N. (John Newton) Stearns
J. N. (John Nicol) Farquhar
J. N. (Josephus Nelson) Larned
J. N. B. (John Napoleon Brinton) Hewitt
J. N. Chamberlain
J. Napier (Jane Napier) Brodhead
J. Newton (John Newton) Terrill
J. O. (James Oliver) Bevan
J. O. (James Orchard) Halliwell-Phillipps
J. O. (Johan Olof) Åberg
J. O. P. (John Otway Percy) Bland
J. O. Wilson
J. P. (James Perry) Cole
J. P. (James Perry) Johnston
J. P. (Jan Pieter) Heije
J. P. (Jens Peter) Jacobsen
J. P. (Joaquim Pedro) Oliveira Martins
J. P. (Johannes Petrus) Hasebroek
J. P. (John Patterson) MacLean
J. P. (John Pentland) Mahaffy
J. P. (John Percy) Blake
J. P. (John Philip) Bourke
J. Parish (James Parish) Stelle
J. Pärn
J. Paterson (John Paterson) Smyth
J. Paul Hudson
J. Percy (John Percy) Groves
J. Philipson-Radersma
J. Pringle (James Pringle) Thomson
J. Q. (James Quay) Howard
J. R. (James Russell) Miller
J. R. (Johan Reinhold) Aspelin
J. R. (John Richardson) Wilkinson
J. R. (John Robert) Hutchinson
J. R. (Joseph Robson) Tanner
J. R. Henslowe
J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel) Tolkien
J. R. S. (James Robert Soda) Pitts
J. Rand Capron
J. Rawson (Joseph Rawson) Lumby
J. Rendel (James Rendel) Harris
J. Ritzema (Jan Ritzema) Bos
J. Ross (John Ross) Browne
J. S. (John Smith) Flett
J. S. (John Smythe) Memes
J. S. (John Solomon) Rarey
J. S. (John South) Shedlock
J. S. (John Stanley) Plaskett
J. S. (Joseph Smith) Fletcher
J. S. Adams
J. S. Forsyth
J. S. M. (John Samuel Martin) Fonblanque
J. S. O. Allen
J. S. Verburg
J. Sadger
J. Sadlier
J. Säilä
J. Saunders (Jay Saunders) Redding
J. Saxon (John Saxon) Mills
J. Seymour (Josiah Seymour) Currey
J. Shield (Joseph Shield) Nicholson
J. Simões (João Simões) Lopes Neto
J. Smeaton (Joseph Smeaton) Chase
J. Spencer (James Spencer) Northcote
J. Spencer (John Spencer) Curwen
J. Stephen (James Stephen) Jeans
J. Stewart (John Stewart) Barney
J. Stirling (Joseph Stirling) Coyne
J. Storer (Joseph Storer) Clouston
J. Surtees (James Surtees) Phillpotts
J. Sydney Lewis
J. T. (James Thompson) McCleary
J. T. (James Tyler) Kent
J. T. (John Thomas) Arlidge
J. T. (John Thomas) Bealby
J. T. (John Townsend) Trowbridge
J. T. (Jonathan Todd) Hobson
J. T. (Jonathan Townley) Crane
J. T. (Joseph Thomas) Cunningham
J. T. Barber
J. T. Goddard
J. T. Van Campen
J. Theodore (James Theodore) Bent
J. Thompson Willing
J. Turner-Turner
J. U. (John Ulrich) Giesy
J. Ulehake
J. van (Jacob) Lennep
J. van de Capelle
J. van den Brand
J. van Drielst
J. W. (J. Watt) Gibson
J. W. (J. Willett) Spalding
J. W. (Jacob William) Wright
J. W. (James Walton) Shepherd
J. W. (James William) Sullivan
J. W. (Jeff W.) Hayes
J. W. (Jerome William) Hendron
J. W. (Johan Wiktor) Calamnius
J. W. (John Wesley) Rockey
J. W. (John Whetham) Boddam-Whetham
J. W. (John William) Fortescue
J. W. (John William) Griffith
J. W. (John William) Harris
J. W. (John William) Horsley
J. W. (John William) Mackail
J. W. (John William) Robertson Scott
J. W. (John Wilmot) Mahood
J. W. (John Wilson) Bengough
J. W. (Jonathan Wingate) Winkley
J. W. (Josiah Wright) Matthews
J. W. (Julius Washington) Muller
J. W. Byers
J. W. Duffield
J. W. Dunbar (John Wedderburn Dunbar) Moodie
J. W. H. (John William Henry) Eyre
J. W. Keyworth
J. W. Langeler
J. W. McConaughy
J. W. S. (James William Slessor) Marr
J. Walker (Joseph Walker) McSpadden
J. West
J. Wilbur (John Wilbur) Chapman
J. Wm. (John William) Lloyd
J. Wolbers
J. Wood (James Wood) Brown
J. Y. (Jasper Yeates) Brinton
J. Z. (John Zephaniah) Holwell
J.-A. (Jacques-Antoine) Dulaure
J.-A. (Joseph-Adrien) Le Roi
J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste) Pérès
J.-B.-J. (Jean-Baptiste-Joseph) Champagnac
J.-C.-L. Simonde de (Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde) Sismondi
J.-E. (Jean-Eugène) Decorde
J.-F. (Jean-François) Dancel
J.-F. (Jean-François) Payen
J.-F. (Joseph-François) Audibert
J.-H. Aubry
J.-H. Rosny
J.-K. (Joris-Karl) Huysmans
J.-N. (Jean-Nicolas) Gannal
Jaak Boonen
Jaakko Forsman
Jaakko Ikola
Jaakko Juteini
Jaakko Nikkinen
Jac. P. (Jacobus Pieter) Thijsse
Jac. Samson
Jacinto Benavente
Jacinto Octavio Picón
Jack (Science fiction author) Bradley
Jack A. Nelson
Jack Allyn
Jack B. (Jack Butler) Yeats
Jack Black
Jack Byrne
Jack Douglas
Jack Egan
Jack G. Huekels
Jack Lait
Jack Lewis
Jack London
Jack McKenty
Jack Miner
Jack O'Brien
Jack Owen Jardine
Jack Preston
Jack R. Williams
Jack Randall Crawford
Jack Saul
Jack Sharkey
Jack Snow
Jack Steele
Jack Taylor
Jack Thorne
Jack Vance
Jack Williamson
Jack Wright
Jackson Gregory
Jacky Dandy
Jacob A. (Jacob August) Riis
Jacob Abbott
Jacob Ahrenberg
Jacob B. (Jacob Breda) Bull
Jacob Bouten
Jacob Bryant
Jacob Burckhardt
Jacob Cats
Jacob D. (Jacob Dolson) Cox
Jacob Dermout
Jacob Duché
Jacob Dunham
Jacob Elon Conner
Jacob Feis
Jacob Fowler
Jacob Fredrik Lagervall
Jacob G. Frick
Jacob Gould Schurman
Jacob Green
Jacob Grimm
Jacob Hamblin
Jacob Hartmann
Jacob Holm
Jacob Israël de Haan
Jacob Joshua Levison
Jacob Kainen
Jacob Klinkhamer
Jacob Larwood
Jacob Lawson Wortman
Jacob Piatt Dunn
Jacob R. Freese
Jacob Robinson
Jacob S. (Jacob Salmon) Raisin
Jacob Snowman
Jacob Stroyer
Jacob Tegengren
Jacob van der Klei
Jacoba Elizabeth De la Rey
Jacobus Jan Cremer
Jacobus Joannes Graaf
Jacobus Marinus Everhardus Dercksen
Jacobus van Looy
Jacobus X
Jacopo Alighieri
Jacqueline Overton
Jacquelyn Hedge-Cheney
Jacques Bainville
Jacques Bellot
Jacques Boulenger
Jacques Cartier
Jacques Cazotte
Jacques de Boisjoslin
Jacques Delille
Jacques Fabrice Herman Perk
Jacques Fernay
Jacques Fricasse
Jacques Futrelle
Jacques Loeb
Jacques Morel
Jacques Normand
Jacques Offenbach
Jacques Rivière
Jacques Roujon
Jacques Tournadour d'Albay
Jacques W. (Jacques Wardlaw) Redway
Jacques-Émile Blanche
Jacques-Henri Meister
Jagadis Chandra Bose
Jaime de Magalhães Lima
Jaime Luciano Balmes
Jakob Böhme
Jakob Esaiaksenpoika Fellman
Jakob Kloppenburg
Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz
Jakob Wassermann
Jakub Arbes
Jalmari Finne
Jalmari Hahl
Jalmari Kara
James (Archaeologist) Grant
James (Civil engineer) White
James (Geologist) Richardson
James (Merchant) Franklin
James A. (James Albert) Frye
James A. (James Alexander) Henshall
James A. (James Alexander) Williamson
James A. (James Alfred) Moss
James A. (James Andrew) Braden
James A. (James Armstrong) Thome
James A. (James Arthur) Roberts
James A. Cooper
James A. Honey
James A. Porter
James A. S. (James Anderson Scott) Watson
James Adair
James Aikman
James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw
James Alexander Kilpatrick
James Allan
James Allan Mackereth
James Allan Park
James Allen
James Alton James
James Anderson Peddie
James Anson Farrer
James Anthony Froude
James Anthony Gardner
James Armour
James Armstrong
James Arthur
James Ashton
James Aspinall
James Athearn Jones
James Augustus Henry Murray
James Augustus St. John
James Avis Bartley
James B. (James Barr) Walker
James B. (James Bartram) Nicholson
James B. (James Beardsley) Hendryx
James B. (James Bradun) Alexander
James B. (James Brendan) Connolly
James B. (James Burgess) Stetson
James B. Baird
James B. Gillett
James Baikie
James Baldwin
James Baldwin Brown
James Barber
James Barnes
James Barr
James Barron
James Bayard Clark
James Beattie
James Beaven
James Bell
James Bell Pettigrew
James Bell Salmond
James Belton
James Berry
James Bicket
James Blake Bailey
James Blish
James Blyth
James Bonar
James Bonwick
James Boswell
James Bowker
James Boyd Kennedy
James Boyle
James Bradley Thayer
James Brady
James Braidwood
James Bramston
James Branch Cabell
James Broadbridge
James Bronterre O'Brien
James Brough
James Bruce
James Bruce Elgin
James Bryce Bryce
James Buchanan
James Buckland
James Buckman
James Burnes
James Burney
James Burt Miner
James C. (James Craig) Small
James C. Beeks
James C. Welsh
James Camille Samson
James Campbell
James Campbell Lewis
James Campbell Todd
James Carpenter
James Carson
James Carson Elliott
James Causey
James Challis
James Chalmers
James Clerk Maxwell
James Coates
James Cody Ferris
James Collins
James Constantine Pilling
James Cook
James Cooper
James Cotter Morison
James Cowan
James Cox
James Crabb
James Craigie Robertson
James Creelman
James Croil
James Croll
James Croston
James Cruikshank Roger
James Cutbush
James D. (James Davis) Knowles
James Dabney McCabe
James Dale Smith
James David Gillilan
James De Mille
James Deetz
James Denney
James Dennistoun
James Devon
James Dodds
James Donaldson
James Douglas
James Drake
James Drummond
James Duff Brown
James Dwight
James E. (James Edward) Talmage
James E. (James Ephraim) McGirt
James E. (James Everett) Seaver
James E. Deacon
James E. Gunn
James E. Pickering
James Edgar Allen
James Edgar Smith
James Edmund Dunning
James Edmund Harting
James Edmund Vincent
James Edson White
James Edward Austen-Leigh
James Edward Keeler
James Edward Le Rossignol
James Edward Quibell
James Edward Smith
James Edwin Morris
James Elbert Cutler
James Elliott
James Elphinston
James Elroy Flecker
James Emerson Tennent
James Endell Tyler
James Ewing Cooley
James F. (James Ferdinand) Morton
James F. (James Fullarton) Muirhead
James F. Downs
James F. J. (Francis Jewell) Archibald
James F. Loughlin
James Farrer
James Fellom
James Fenimore Cooper
James Ferguson
James Fergusson
James Finn
James Fiske
James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
James Forbes
James Ford Rhodes
James Fowler Rusling
James Francis Barrett
James Francis Cooke
James Francis Dwyer
James Francis Thierry
James Franklin Chamberlain
James Frederic Thorne
James Freeman Clarke
James French Dorrance
James G. (James Gerald) Dunton
James G. K. (James Gore King) McClure
James Gall
James Galloway
James Galloway Cowan
James Garfield Riley
James Geikie
James George Frazer
James Gibbons
James Gillespie Blaine
James Gillman
James Gilmour
James Glaisher
James Glass Bertram
James Godkin
James Grant
James Gray
James Green
James Greenwood
James Grey Jackson
James H. (James Harvey) Wood
James H. (James Henderson) Blount
James H. (James Henry) Coyne
James H. (James Henry) Leuba
James H. (James Henry) Snowden
James H. (James Hiram) Collins
James H. (James Hiram) Fassett
James H. (James Hutchins) Baker
James H. Brace
James H. Foster
James H. Head
James H. Maggard
James H. McClintock
James H. Moon
James H. N. Waring
James H. Rawlinson
James H. Schmitz
James H. Shaw
James H. Stephenson
James H. Sterrett
James Hamilton
James Hannay
James Hardy Vaux
James Harold Romain
James Harrington
James Harrison
James Harrison Wilson
James Hartness
James Hartwell Willard
James Harvey Kidd
James Harvey Robinson
James Harvey Young
James Hawthorne
James Hay
James Hayden Tufts
James Henderson
James Henry Alexander Gwyther
James Henry Cousins
James Henry Foss
James Henry Greene
James Henry Mapleson
James Henry Rochelle
James Henry Stark
James Herbert Walker
James Herman Van der Veldt
James Hilton
James Hogg
James Holbrook
James Holman
James Hooper
James Hopper
James Hosmer Penniman
James Howard Calisch
James Hudson Taylor
James Hugh Richardson
James Hume-Cook
James Huneker
James Hutchison Stirling
James Hutton
James I. Robertson
James Inglis
James J. (James Jerome) Hill
James J. (James John) Davis
James J. (James Joseph) Ellis
James J. (James Joseph) Walsh
James J. Williamson
James Jackson
James Jackson Jarves
James Jackson Kilpatrick
James Janeway
James Jeffrey Roche
James Jennings
James John Hissey
James John Howard Gregory
James Johnson
James Johnstone
James Johnstone Johnstone
James Johonnot
James Joyce
James Justinian Morier
James K. (James Knox) Polk
James Kendall Hosmer
James Kennedy
James Kent
James King
James Knowles
James L. (James Laughlin) Hughes
James L. (James Lauren) Ford
James L. (James Levi) Barton
James L. (James Lindsay) Dyson
James L. (James Lorenzo) Bowen
James L. (James Loring) Baker
James Lane Allen
James Langdon Hill
James Law
James Legge
James Leslie Allan Kayll
James Lewis
James Longstreet
James Lukin
James Lusk
James M'Govan
James M'Levy
James M. (James Martin) Allerton
James M. (James Martin) Gray
James M. (James Meeker) Ludlow
James M. (James Montgomery) Beck
James M. (James Murray) Mackinlay
James M. Moore
James M. Trotter
James MacCaffrey
James Mackintosh
James Macpherson
James MacQueen
James Mactear
James Madison
James Madison Stone
James Malcolm Rymer
James Marchant
James Marion Shull
James Mark Baldwin
James Mars
James Martineau
James Mason
James McAndrew
James McBride
James McCrone Douie
James McFerran
James McGrigor
James McIntyre
James McKimmey
James McNeill Whistler
James Meade Adams
James Means
James Melville Beard
James Mercur
James Mew
James Mill
James Miller
James Milne
James Monroe
James Monteith
James Montgomery
James Montgomery Flagg
James Mooney
James Moores Ball
James Morris Webb
James Morris Whiton
James Morss Churchill
James Moses Nichols
James Mott Hallowell
James Mudge
James N. (James Noble) Gregory
James Napier
James Napier Bailey
James Nasmyth
James Nelson
James Nelson Barker
James Norman
James Norman Hall
James O'Brien
James O'Meara
James O. (James Octavius) Fagan
James O. (James Ohio) Pattie
James O. Brayman
James Oliver Curwood
James Oppenheim
James Orton
James Oscar Boyd
James Otis
James Owen Dorsey
James P. (James Pershing) Gilligan
James P. Smythe
James P. Wade
James Parkerson
James Parkinson
James Parsons
James Parton
James Paterson
James Patrick
James Paul Chapin
James Payn
James Peller Malcolm
James Peter Warbasse
James Pike
James Platt
James Pycroft
James R. (James Richard) Thursfield
James R. (James Richards) Carnahan
James R. (James Roberts) Gilmore
James R. (James Rogers) McConnell
James R. (James Root) Hulbert
James R. Adams
James R. Driscoll
James R. Hall
James R. Mears
James R. Stockman
James R. Sullivan
James Ramsay
James Rankin
James Raymond Elderdice
James Rees
James Rennie
James Reynolds
James Rice
James Richard Joy
James Richardson
James Riker
James Ritchie Grieve
James Robert Maxwell
James Roberts
James Roberts Pears
James Rodway
James Ross Snowden
James Roxburgh McClymont
James Runciman
James Russel Roberts
James Russell Lowell
James Russell Soley
James S. (James Seguin) De Benneville
James S. (James Smith) Findley
James S. (James Stephens) Brown
James S. Virtue (Firm)
James Samuelson
James Savage
James Schoenwetter
James Scurry
James Selwin Tait
James Seton Cockburn
James Sheehan
James Sheridan Knowles
James Shirley
James Shuter
James Sibree
James Silver
James Sime
James Simson
James Sinclair Caithness
James Skinner
James Slade
James Slough Zerbe
James Smith
James Sprunt
James Stalker
James Stamers
James Stephens
James Steuart
James Stevens
James Stevenson
James Stokely
James Stonehouse
James Strahan
James Strong
James Stuart
James Sully
James Swan
James T. (James Taylor) Forrest
James T. (James Thomas) Lightwood
James T. (James Thomas) Nichols
James T. DeShields
James Talboys Wheeler
James Tandy Ellis
James Tayler
James Tayloe Gwathmey
James Thomas Fields
James Thomson
James Thomson Callender
James Tod
James Townley
James Tytler
James V. McConnell
James Vance May
James W. (James Waddel) Alexander
James W. (James Walter) Girvin
James W. (James Watson) Gerard
James W. (James Wideman) Lee
James W. (James William) Barrett
James W. (James William) Buel
James W. (James William) Foley
James W. (James William) Steele
James W. Bee
James W. Benson
James W. Burgess
James W. C. Pennington
James W. Cambron
James W. Donovan
James W. Steele
James W. Whilt
James Walker
James Walter Sandilands
James Ward
James Weir
James Weldon Johnson
James Wharton
James Whitcomb Riley
James White
James Wilford Garner
James Willard Schultz
James William Bryan
James William Head
James William Kimball
James Williams
James Wilson Hyde
James Witt Sewell
James Wycliffe Headlam
James Young Simpson
Jamie Harris Coleman
Jan Adriaansz Leeghwater
Jan Boeke
Jan Christiaan Smuts
Jan F. E. (Jan François Elias) Celliers
Jan Feith
Jan Gnatowski
Jan Godefroy
Jan Gordon
Jan Hendrik van Swinden
Jan Kochanowski
Jan Kuiper
Jan Lepar
Jan Ligthart
Jan Michał Rozwadowski
Jan Oost
Jan Rinke
Jan Stastný
Jan Swammerdam
Jan ten Brink
Jan Václav Novák
Jan Łoś
Jane (Trill) van Gelder
Jane A. Delano
Jane Abbott
Jane Addams
Jane Andrews
Jane Austen
Jane Barlow
Jane Burr
Jane Cholmeley Leigh Perrot
Jane Dieulafoy
Jane Eayre Fryer
Jane Ellen Harrison
Jane Fielding
Jane G. (Jane Goodwin) Austin
Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm
Jane Helen Findlater
Jane Hume Clapperton
Jane L. (Jane Lincoln) Hoxie
Jane L. Stewart
Jane M. (Jane Marie) Bancroft
Jane Newell Moore
Jane Pentzer Myers
Jane Porter
Jane Prince
Jane Rice
Jane Scott Woodruff
Jane Taylor
Jane Warren Wells
Jane West
Janet Aldridge
Janet B. Montgomery McGovern
Janet D. Wheeler
Janet Erskine Stuart
Janet Harvey Kelman
Janet Little
Janet McKenzie Hill
Janet Milne Rae
Janet Penrose Trevelyan
Janet Ross
Janez Trdina
Janie Prichard Duggan
Janis Ian
János Arany
János Berze Nagy
János Erdélyi
János Kriza
János László Pyrker
János Nepomuk Jozsef Mailáth
János Varga
Jared Barhite
Jared Sparks
Jarena Lee
Jarl Hemmer
Jaroslav Victor Nigrin
Jas. F. W. (James Finlay Weir) Johnston
Jasmine Stone Van Dresser
Jason Kirby
Jason L. Merrill
Jasper Danckaerts
Jasper Ewing Brady
Jasper W. Rogers
Jassy Torrund
Javier de Viana
Jay (Jay Allan) Anderson
Jay Clarke
Jay Franklin
Jay William Crofoot
Jay Williams
Jay Winthrop Allen
Jazno Francoeur
Jean Aicard
Jean Armour Polly
Jean Balde
Jean Baptiste Antoine Lassus
Jean Baptiste Henri Savigny
Jean Baptiste Léonard Durand
Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de Lamarck
Jean Barrin
Jean Bernard Lafon Mary-Lafon
Jean Bingham Wilson
Jean Blewett
Jean Bodin
Jean Bungartz
Jean C. Archer
Jean Calvin
Jean Carefoot
Jean Christie Root
Jean Claude Defrance
Jean Cocteau
Jean de Boschère
Jean de Esque
Jean de La Brète
Jean de La Bruyère
Jean de La Fontaine
Jean de La Véprie
Jean de Mairet
Jean de Vauzelles
Jean de Villiot
Jean Doublet
Jean du Rébrac
Jean F. (Jean Finlay) Terry
Jean Finot
Jean Forge
Jean François Paul de Gondi de Retz
Jean Froissart
Jean Giraudoux
Jean Godin des Odonais
Jean Héroard
Jean Humbert
Jean Ingelow
Jean Joinville
Jean K. (Jean Katherine) Baird
Jean L. (Jean Lyttleton) McKechnie
Jean Lang
Jean LaPaz
Jean Le Rond d' Alembert
Jean Lee Hunt
Jean Lorrain
Jean Louis de Lolme
Jean Louis Le Hir
Jean M. (Jean May) Thompson
Jean M. Janis
Jean M. Pérez
Jean M. Snyder
Jean Macé
Jean Marc Gaspard Itard
Jean Marlys
Jean Martin
Jean Massart
Jean Mauclère
Jean McIntosh
Jean Moréas
Jean N. (Jean Newton) McIlwraith
Jean Nicolas Bouilly
Jean Palaprat
Jean Paul
Jean Paul Marat
Jean Pierre de Caussade
Jean Racine
Jean Rameau
Jean Rapp
Jean Richepin
Jean S. Remy
Jean Thomas
Jean Toomer
Jean Webster
Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet
Jean-B.-A. (Jean-Baptiste-Antoine) Ferland
Jean-Baptiste Frédéric Ortoli
Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray
Jean-Baptiste Mosneron de Launay
Jean-Baptiste-Antoine-Marcelin Marbot
Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy Lesseps
Jean-Charles Gervaise de Latouche
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin
Jean-François Champollion
Jean-François de La Harpe
Jean-François Marmontel
Jean-François Regnard
Jean-François-Albert du Pouget Nadaillac
Jean-François-Alfred Bayard
Jean-H. (Jean-Hippolyte) Mariéjol
Jean-Henri Fabre
Jean-Henri Müntz
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Leo Placentius
Jean-Léonor Le Gallois de Grimarest
Jean-Louis Pisuisse
Jean-Louis-Ebenézer Reynier
Jean-Marie Aladel
Jean-Marie Dargaud
Jean-Marie Guyau
Jean-Philippe Boucher-Belleville
Jean-Pierre Camus
Jean-Pierre Zanen
Jean-Roch Coignet
Jeanette Hindman Elliott
Jeanette van den Bergh van Eysinga-Elias
Jeanie Gould Lincoln
Jeanne Antoinette Poisson Pompadour
Jeanne Daniels Carpenter
Jeanne Françoise Julie Adélaïde Bernard Récamier
Jeanne Jardine
Jeanne Johnson Rust
Jeanne Judson
Jeanne Kloos-Reyneke van Stuwe
Jeanne Marcel
Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon
Jeanne Schultz
Jeanne-Françoise de Chantal
Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
Jeannette Augustus Marks
Jeannette Fraser Henshall
Jeannette L. (Jeannette Leonard) Gilder
Jeannie Gunn
Jeff Sutton
Jefferson Carter
Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Highe
Jeffery E. (Jeffery Eardley) Jeffery
Jeffery Farnol
Jeffries Wyman
Jehan d' Ivray
Jemima Montgomery Tautphoeus
Jenkins Lloyd Jones
Jennette Lee
Jennie Earngey Hill
Jennie Ellis Keysor
Jennie Hall
Jennie J. Young
Jennie L. (Jennie Lansley) Wilson
Jennie Pugh
Jenny Claren
Jenny Wren
Jenő Rákosi
Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae
Jeppe Aakjær
Jeremiah Curtin
Jeremiah Marion Mickley
Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa
Jeremiah S. Clark
Jeremiah Whipple Jenks
Jeremias Gotthelf
Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Collier
Jerome A. Barhydt
Jerome Bixby
Jerome Buell Lavay
Jerome J. Murif
Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
Jerónimo Lobo
Jerry Dunham
Jerry Shelton
Jerry Sohl
Jerry T. Bonnell
Jerzy Zulawski
Jesse Benedict Carter
Jesse Edward Moorland
Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin) Bone
Jesse Henry Jones
Jesse Johnson
Jesse Littleton Rogers
Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
Jesse Lynch Williams
Jesse Macy
Jesse P. (Jesse Park) Battershall
Jesse Roarke
Jesse Torrey
Jesse Walter Fewkes
Jesse William Weik
Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
Jessie Conrad
Jessie E. (Jessie Ethel) Sampter
Jessie Eldridge Southwick
Jessie Fothergill
Jessie Hubbell Bancroft
Jessie Juliet Knox
Jessie L. (Jessie Laidlay) Weston
Jessie Margaret Edmondston Saxby
Jessie Mothersole
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.)
Jethro Bithell
Jetta Sophia Wolff
Jewell Ellen Smith
Jewett C. (Jewett Castello) Gilson
Jewett Palmer
Ji Liu
Ji Wang
Jia Wang
Jian Xing
Jianren Wu
Jiji Shen
Jim Harmon
Jim Kjelgaard
Jim Ray
Jim Tinsley
Jim Wannamaker
Jimmy Carter
Jing Wu
Jingchang Yang
Jingsuo Wu
Jingwu Tang
Jingzi Wu
Jintaro Omura
Joachim de Pérez
Joachim Du Bellay
Joachim Hane
Joachim Heinrich Campe
Joachim John Monteiro
Joachim Nettelbeck
Joan Clark
Joan Conquest
Joan Echols
Joan Maragall
Joanna Baillie
Joanna C. (Joanna Carver) Colcord
Joanna E. (Joanna Ellen) Wood
Joanna H. (Joanna Hooe) Mathews
Joannes Sulpitius Verulanus
Joanny Bricaud
Joanot Martorell
João Augusto Novaes Vieira
João Baptista Gomes Júnior
João Batista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett Almeida Garrett
João Bautista de Castro
João da Câmara
João de Andrade Corvo
João de Deus
João de Figueiredo Maio e Lima
João de Lebre e Lima
João de Lemos
João Duarte Oliveira
João José de Sousa Telles
João José Grave
João Maria Tello de Magalhães Collaço
João Marques de Carvalho
João Moojen
João Pandiá Calógeras
João Pereira Franco Monteiro
João Vaz
João Villeneuve
Joaquim Carlos Paiva de Andrada
Joaquim de Araújo
Joaquim de Melo Freitas
Joaquim de Vasconcellos
Joaquim Lopes Carreira de Melo
Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da Silva
Joaquín Álvarez Quintero
Joaquín Barberá
Joaquín Dicenta
Joaquín Lemoine
Joaquín Martínez de Zúñiga
Joaquin Miller
Joaquín Rubió y Ors
Joaquín Ruyra
Joaquín Telesforo de Trueba y Cosío
Joaquín Tuason
Job Durfee
Jób Sebesi
Joe Archibald
Joe Cassells
Joe Gibson
Joe Hutsko
Joe L. Hensley
Joe Love
Joe Mills
Joe N. Long
Joe Tilden
Joed Cahill
Joel Barlow
Joel Benton
Joel Chandler Harris
Joel Cook
Joel Dorman Steele
Joel Elias Spingarn
Joel Lehtonen
Joel Moody
Joel Nydahl
Joel Palmer
Joel R. (Joel Roscoe) Moore
Joel Shew
Joel Tiffany
Joel Tyler Headley
Joh. Mustakallio
Johan Albert Bergman
Johan August Udden
Johan Bojer
Johan Brunsmand
Johan de Meester
Johan Ditlev Frederiksen
Johan Fabricius
Johan Herman Wessel
Johan Huizinga
Johan Jacob Estor
Johan Jacob Nervander
Johan Kock
Johan Louis Ussing
Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Johan M. Snoek
Johan Olof Wallin
Johan Wilhelm Ronimus
Johan Winkler
Johann Amos Comenius
Johann Arndt
Johann August Ernst Köhler
Johann Beckmann
Johann Caspar Lavater
Johann Christian Günther
Johann Christoph Biernatzki
Johann Christoph Pohl
Johann Conrad Amman
Johann Daniel von Menzel
Johann David Wyss
Johann Doläus
Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach
Johann Friedrich Helvetius
Johann Friedrich Herbart
Johann Georg Klees
Johann Georg Kohl
Johann Georg Zimmermann
Johann Gottfried Bornemann
Johann Gottfried Haensel
Johann Gottfried Seume
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Johann Gottlob Benjamin Pfeil
Johann Gottlob Hertel
Johann Gustav Droysen
Johann Habermann
Johann Heinrich Bernstorff
Johann Jakob Balmer
Johann Jakob Hottinger
Johann Jakob von Tschudi
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger
Johann Karl August Musäus
Johann Konrad Friederich
Johann Ludwig Casper
Johann Matthäus Bechstein
Johann Nikolaus Forkel
Johann Ranftl
Jóhann Sigurjónsson
Johann Traugott Lindner
Johann Ulrich Bilguer
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johanna Brandt
Johanna G. Lugt
Johanna Kinkel
Johanna Maria Sielof
Johanna Sara Wisthaler
Johanna Schopenhauer
Johanna Spyri
Johanna van Woude
Johannes Agapetus Törngren
Johannes Alfthan
Johannes Bosscha
Johannes Buchholtz
Johannes Ewald
Johannes François Snelleman
Johannes Granö
Johannes Häyhä
Johannes Hendrik Been
Johannes Henricus Scholten
Johannes Heuvel
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Linnankoski
Johannes Ninck
Johannes Prüfer
Johannes Robert Becher
Johannes Ronge
Johannes Scheffer
Johannes Schiltberger
Johannes Schlaf
Johannes Scotus
Johannes Seefried
Johannes Urzidil
Johannes V. (Johannes Vilhelm) Jensen
Johannès Weber
Johannes Wildt
John (Inspector of Naval Hospitals) Wilson
John (John Hamilton) Morgan
John (John Joseph) Breslin
John (John R.) Peele
John (Novelist) Bowling
John (of Dublin) Haslam
John (Pipe-Major) Grant
John (Seaman) Ireland
John (Surgeon) Laing
John (Writer on the Fylde of Lancashire) Porter
John A. (John Albert) Cone
John A. (John Alexander) Hill
John A. (John Alexander) Joyce
John A. (John Alexander) MacDonald
John A. (John Alexander) Miller
John A. (John Alexander) Sloan
John A. (John Alonzo) Clark
John A. (John Ambrose) McHugh
John A. (John Arthur) Hamilton
John A. (John Augustine) Ryan
John A. Carpenter
John A. Hall
John A. J. (John Angel James) Creswell
John A. Tennant
John A. White
John Abercrombie
John Ackerson Erredge
John Adams
John Addington Symonds
John Adye
John Aikin
John Alan Lyde Caunter
John Albee
John Alberger
John Albert Broadus
John Albert Leach
John Albert Macy
John Alexander
John Alexander Anderson
John Alexander Gunn
John Alexander Logan
John Alexander Martin
John Alfred Gray
John Alfred Langford
John Algernon Owens
John Allison
John Allister Currie
John Ames Mitchell
John Anderson
John Anderton Naylor
John Andreas Widtsoe
John Andrew Higginson
John Arbuthnot
John Arbuthnot Fisher Fisher
John Arch Morrison
John Armstrong
John Arthur Barry
John Ashton
John Asser
John Atkins
John Aubrey
John Augustine Cull
John Augustine Waller
John Augustus O'Shea
John Auldjo
John Austin Stevens
John Awdelay
John Awsiter
John Ayrton Paris
John Ayscough
John Azor Kellogg
John B. (John Banister) Tabb
John B. (John Beach) Driggs
John B. (John Benjamin) Firth
John B. (John Berry) Alden
John B. (John Bound) Wyeth
John B. Marsh
John B. Rathbun
John B. Reese
John B. Swazey
John Bacchus Dykes
John Bach McMaster
John Badcock
John Baldwin Buckstone
John Ball
John Barbour
John Barr
John Barrett
John Barrow
John Bate
John Bates Clark
John Beames
John Beatty
John Bell Bouton
John Bennett
John Benson Rose
John Benwell
John Bergh
John Bernard Daley
John Bernard Walker
John Bernhard Smith
John Berry Haycraft
John Berryman
John Bickerdyke
John Bigelow
John Birdseye Atwater
John Blackwell
John Blaine
John Blakman
John Bloundelle-Burton
John Bond
John Bourne
John Bovee Dods
John Bowe
John Bowring
John Boyd
John Boyes
John Boyle
John Boyle O'Reilly
John Boys
John Breck
John Breckinridge
John Breukelman
John Bright
John Broome
John Brougham
John Brown
John Brownlie
John Bruce MacCallum
John Brudy
John Bruno Romero
John Buchan
John Buffa
John Bunyan
John Burgoyne
John Burnet
John Burns
John Burroughs
John Bursey
John Butler
John Butler Yeats
John Byron
John C. (John Caldwell) Calhoun
John C. (John Cale) Miller
John C. (John Calvin) Reed
John C. (John Cameron) Saul
John C. (John Christian) Symons
John C. (John Conroy) Hutcheson
John C. Brodhead
John C. Chapin
John C. Cobden
John C. Lester
John C. Van Dyke
John Cairns
John Caius
John Call Dalton
John Camden Hotten
John Cameron
John Campbell
John Campbell Campbell
John Campbell Shairp
John Cann Bailey
John Carl Parish
John Carr
John Cary
John Cassin
John Castillo
John Cecil Clay
John Ceiriog Hughes
John Charles Beecham
John Charles Curtis
John Charles Dent
John Charles Frémont
John Charles McNeill
John Charles Tarver
John Chilton Scammell
John Chipman Farrar
John Chronic
John Church
John Churton Collins
John Clare
John Claridge
John Clark Ridpath
John Claudius Pitrat
John Cleland
John Cleves Symmes
John Clutton
John Coakley Lettsom
John Codman
John Codman Ropes
John Coleman Adams
John Colin Dunlop
John Collings Squire
John Collins
John Collins Warren
John Corbin
John Cordeaux
John Cordy Jeaffreson
John Cory
John Cotton Dana
John Courtenay
John Covel
John Cowper Powys
John Cox
John Crombie Brown
John Cudahy
John Cuming Walters
John Cumming
John Cuningham
John Cunningham
John Cunningham Geikie
John Cunningham Lilly
John D. (John Daniel) Barry
John D. (John Dann) MacDonald
John D. (John Davidson) Godman
John D. (John Davison) Rockefeller
John D. (John Denison) Baldwin
John D. (John Dietrich) Long
John D. (John Donald) Carrick
John D. (John Dudley) Philbrick
John D. Cossar
John D. Jones
John D. Lynch
John D. MacDonald
John D. Rockefeller
John D. Sherwood
John D. Shortridge
John D. Sutcliffe
John Dalrymple Stair
John Dando Sedding
John Davenport
John David Borthwick
John David Hills
John Davidson
John Davies
John Davis Billings
John De Courcy
John De Morgan
John Dean
John Dean Paul
John Dearness
John Dee
John Delafield
John Denham
John Denham Parsons
John Dennis
John Denton Pinkstone French
John Denvir
John Dewey
John Dickinson
John Dodge
John Donne
John Dos Passos
John Douglas Sutherland Campbell Argyll
John Dover Wilson
John Dowden
John Dowland
John Doyle Lee
John Drinkwater
John Dryden
John Dryden Kuser
John Duncan
John Dunloe Carteret
John Dury
John Dutton Wright
John E. (John Edwards) Russell
John E. (John Eleazer) Remsburg
John E. (John Elstner) Gunckel
John E. Goodwin
John E. Werler
John Earle
John Edgar McFadyen
John Edward Acland
John Edward Gray
John Edward Mercer
John Ellis
John Elsee
John Elwin Wrench
John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton Acton
John Emerson
John Emery Bucher
John Erskine
John Esten Cooke
John Evelyn
John Eyerman
John F. (John Fairfield) Dryden
John F. (John Fanning) Watson
John F. (John Ferguson) Hume
John F. (John Fitzgerald) Kennedy
John F. (John Francis) Woodhull
John F. (John Frank) Morrison
John F. (John Frederick) Finerty
John F. Mesick
John F. Runciman
John F. W. (John Frederick William) Herschel
John Falstaffe
John Fane Westmorland
John Fielder Porte
John Filson
John Finnemore
John Fiske
John Fletcher
John Florio
John Foreman
John Forrest Forrest
John Forster
John Foster
John Foster Dulles
John Foster Fraser
John Foster West
John Fothergill
John Fox
John Foxe
John Francis
John Francis Arundell Arundell of Wardour
John Francis Bloxam
John Francis Davis
John Francis Knott
John Franklin
John Franklin Bobbitt
John Frederic Herbin
John Frederick Adolphus McNair
John Frederick Macdonald
John Frederick Maurice
John Frederick Schroeder
John Freeman
John Freke
John Fretwell
John Frith
John Frost
John Fulford Vicary
John Fulleylove
John G. (John George) Edgar
John G. (John George) Nicolay
John G. (John Gilbert) Thompson
John G. (John Gottlieb) Morris
John G. (John Greenleaf) Adams
John G. B. (John Gregory Bishop) Adams
John G. Neihardt
John Gabriel Stedman
John Gallishaw
John Galsworthy
John Galt
John Garland
John Garstang
John Garth
John Gauden
John Gay
John Geddie
John George Bourinot
John George Flett Moodie Heddle
John Gerard
John Gerardus Fagg
John Gibson Paton
John Gilbert Cooper
John Gilmary Shea
John Gilmer Speed
John Gilmore
John Goerzen
John Goldworth Alger
John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder
John Gould
John Gould Fletcher
John Gower
John Graham Bower
John Graham Brooks
John Graham Gillam
John Gray
John Green Curtis
John Greenleaf Whittier
John Gregorson Campbell
John Gregory
John Gregory Bourke
John Grove
John Guille Millais
John Guy Vassar
John Gwynn
John H. (John Harvey) Williams
John H. (John Henry) Cady
John H. (John Henry) Dixon
John H. (John Henry) Haaren
John H. (John Henry) Parker
John H. (John Henry) Robinson
John H. (John Henry) Stapleton
John H. (John Henry) Worst
John H. (John Hill) Aughey
John H. (John Hinchman) Stokes
John H. (John Hobbis) Harris
John H. (John Homer) Huddilston
John H. (John Huston) Finley
John H. B. (John Hazlehurst Boneval) Latrobe
John H. De Wild
John H. Gould
John H. Humphreys
John H. Kinzie
John H. Van Evrie
John H. Weeks
John H. White
John H. Woodburn
John H. Young
John Habberton
John Hall
John Hall Wheelock
John Hamilton Moore
John Hamilton Thom
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Life Conservation Service
John Hankins Wallace
John Hanning Speke
John Hargrave
John Harington Gubbins
John Harland
John Harper
John Harrison
John Hartley
John Harvey Kellogg
John Harvey Whitson
John Haslam
John Hasloch Potter
John Hawkesworth
John Hay
John Haynes Holmes
John Hayward
John Healy
John Hely-Hutchinson
John Henderson
John Hendricks Bechtel
John Henry Blunt
John Henry Cooke
John Henry Fow
John Henry Goldfrap
John Henry Ingram
John Henry Jowett
John Henry Mackay
John Henry Newman
John Henry Overton
John Henry Parker
John Henry Pepper
John Henry Quinn
John Herschel
John Hervey Hervey
John Hewitt
John Hicklin
John Higginbottom
John Hill
John Hill Burton
John Holladay Latané
John Hollis Mason
John Hooker
John Hooper Bowles
John Hope
John Horace Round
John Hossack
John Howard Cromwell
John Howell
John Howie
John Hoyland
John Hubert Greusel
John Huddlestone Wynne
John Hugh Bowers
John Hughes
John Humphrey Noyes
John Hungerford Pollen
John Hunter
John Huntley Skrine
John Hutton Balfour
John Hyde
John I. Anderson
John Ireland
John Ironside
John J. (John Jacob) Holtzapffel
John J. (John James) Blunt
John J. (John James) Burke
John J. (John James) McLaurin
John J. (John Joseph) Jennings
John J. (John Joseph) McGuire
John J. Piper
John J. Reidy
John J. Stutzman
John Jackson
John Jacob Astor
John Jakes
John James Audubon
John James Butler
John James Geer
John Jay
John Jay Chapman
John Jervis
John Jewel
John Johnson
John Joly
John Jones
John Josiah Munro
John Josselyn
John K. (John Kerr) Tiffany
John K. (John Kirkwood) Leys
John K. Shellenberger
John Keast Lord
John Keats
John Keble
John Kelman
John Kendrick Bangs
John Kennedy
John Kennedy Lacock
John Kenrick
John Kent
John Kettelwell
John Kimberly Mumford
John King Van Rensselaer
John Kirby
John Kirk
John Kirk Townsend
John Kirtland Wright
John Kline
John Knox
John L. (John Lawson) Stoddard
John L. (John Leslie) Chapman
John L. (John Lewis) Ferguson
John L. (John Lord) Hayes
John L. (John Louis) Spivak
John L. Alexander
John L. Carey
John L. Cotter
John L. King
John L. Love
John L. Ransom
John L. Ridgway
John L. Shawver
John L. Stephens
John La Farge
John Lancaster Spalding
John Lang
John Lauder Fountainhall
John Law
John Lawrence
John Lawrence O'Connor
John Lawson
John Leacock
John Lederer
John Lee Scott
John Leech
John Leighton
John Lemley
John Leonard Hardenbergh
John Leslie Garner
John Lespérance
John Levi Maile
John Lewis
John Lewis Burckhardt
John Leyland
John Lingard
John Linton Myres
John Linwood Pitts
John Locke
John Lockwood
John Lockwood Kipling
John Lord
John Lord Peck
John Lorimer Worden
John Lort Stokes
John Lothrop Motley
John Loudon McAdam
John Louis Haney
John Lubbock
John Ludlum McConnel
John Ludwig Hülshof
John Luther Langworthy
John Luther Long
John Lyde Wilson
John Lydgate
John M. (John Mackenzie) Bacon
John M. (John Mason) Tyler
John M. (John Maxwell) Good
John M. (John Melville) Jennings
John M. (John Metcalf) Taylor
John M. (John Morgan) Landrum
John M. (John Mullin) Batten
John M. Corbett
John M. Douglass
John M. Garvan
John M. Legler
John MacGillivray
John MacGregor
John Mackie
John MacLean
John MacNeil
John Maddison Morton
John Malcolm
John Malham-Dembleby
John Mandeville
John Manningham
John Marshall
John Marshall Barker
John Marston
John Martin Hammond
John Martin Leahy
John Martindale Farrar
John Martineau
John Masefield
John Mason
John Mason Clarke
John Mason Peck
John Massie Davis
John Mastin
John Mather Austin
John Matthews Manly
John Matthias Weylland
John Maubray
John Maurice Miller
John Mavrogordato
John Mawe
John Maxwell Forbes
John Maynard Keynes
John McAllister Schofield
John McCrae
John McDouall Stuart
John McDougall
John McElroy
John McGilchrist
John McGovern
John McGreevey
John McKinlay
John McLean
John Mead Gould
John Meade Falkner
John Merle Coulter
John Metcalf
John Middleton Murry
John Millar
John Miller
John Miller Gray
John Mills
John Milne
John Milton
John Milton Hubbard
John Mitchell Kemble
John Mollard
John Monash
John Moncure Wetterau
John Monro Gibson
John Montgomery Ward
John Moody
John Moore
John Morley
John Morrison
John Morse
John Moselage
John Muir
John Munro
John Murdoch
John Murphy
John Murray
John Murray (Firm)
John Murray Reynolds
John N. (John Nathan) Cobb
John N. (John Nathan) Martin
John N. (John Nathan) Raphael
John N. (John Newton) Reynolds
John N. (John Nicholas) Luff
John N. Cotterell
John N. De Lamater
John N. Mugaas
John N. Richards
John Neal
John Netten Radcliffe
John Nevil Maskelyne
John Nevins Andrews
John Newman
John Newton
John Nichol
John Nichols
John Niendorff
John Niles Hubbard
John Nisbet
John Noake
John Norbury
John O'Brien
John O'Keefe
John O'Keeffe
John O'Mahony
John O'Rourke
John Oakesmith
John Oakley
John Ogilvie
John Oliver Hobbes
John Oliver Wardrop
John Ormsby Miller
John Owen
John Oxenford
John Oxenham
John Oxley
John P. (John Percival) Jones
John P. (John Peter) Jones
John P. (John Phillips) Marquand
John P. (John Punnett) Peters
John P. Burch
John Pagen White
John Palmer
John Palmer Gavit
John Paris
John Parker Headley
John Patrick Crichton-Stuart Bute
John Patrick Le Poer
John Patterson
John Pendleton Kennedy
John Percival
John Perowne
John Perry
John Petch Hewby
John Peter Toohey
John Philip Gell
John Philip Kemble
John Philip Newman
John Philip Quinn
John Philip Sousa
John Phillips
John Phin
John Pine
John Pinkerton
John Platts
John Playfair
John Pollock
John Poole
John Porter Fort
John Pory
John Presland
John Preston True
John Price Jones
John Price-Brown
John Pringle
John Proffatt
John Prosper Carmel
John Pryor Cowan
John Purver Richardson
John Quincy
John Quincy Adams
John R. (John Randolph) Dos Passos
John R. (John Reay) Watson
John R. (John Richard) Wise
John R. (John Robbins) Mohler
John R. (John Robert) Effinger
John R. (John Rogers) Bolles
John R. (John Rogers) Commons
John R. (John Ross) Macduff
John R. (John Roy) Musick
John R. Carling
John R. Kinnear
John R. Young
John Rae
John Randall
John Randolph Neal
John Randolph Spears
John Ranicar Park
John Reade
John Ready Lockard
John Reed
John Reed Scott
John Reeves
John Rennie
John Reynolds
John Rhode
John Rhys
John Richard Green
John Richard Greene
John Richard Meader
John Richard Vernon
John Richards
John Richardson
John Robert Scott
John Robertson Henry
John Robinson
John Robison
John Roby
John Rodgers Jewitt
John Ross
John Rothwell Slater
John Roussel
John Roy Lynch
John Ruse Larus
John Rushworth Jellicoe
John Ruskin
John Russell
John Russell Amberley
John Russell Bartlett
John Russell Coryell
John Russell Russell
John S. (John Seely) Hart
John S. (John Shanks) Lindsay
John S. (John Shertzer) Hittell
John S. (John Stephen) Vaughan
John S. (John Stowell) Adams
John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot) Abbott
John S. Carroll
John S. Farmer
John S. Robb
John S. Sauzade
John S. Springer
John S. Trecartin
John Salkeld Bland
John Sandes
John Sargeaunt
John Sargent
John Savory
John Sawtelle Ford
John Scott
John Scott Campbell
John Scott Keltie
John Scudder
John Seidensticker
John Sell Cotman
John Shakespear
John Sherburne Sleeper
John Sherman
John Shipp
John Sillars
John Silletto
John Simon
John Sims
John Sinclair
John Singleton Mosby
John Skelton
John Skinner
John Slater
John Smith
John Smith Harrison
John Snow
John Southall
John Spargo
John Spateman
John Spencer Bassett
John St. Loe Strachey
John Stanley Cameron
John Starkie Gardner
John Stedman
John Stenius
John Stephen Farmer
John Stewart
John Stewart Milne
John Still
John Stirling
John Stoughton
John Stow
John Strange Winter
John Strathesk
John Stuart Blackie
John Stuart Hay
John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Thomson
John Summerfield
John T. (John Tackett) Goolrick
John T. (John Theodore) Slattery
John T. (John Thomas) McIntyre
John T. (John Thompson) Platts
John T. (John Thomson) Faris
John T. (John Tinney) McCutcheon
John T. (John Tyler) Wheelwright
John T. Bristow
John T. Morse
John T. Schlebecker
John T. Taylor
John Taintor Foote
John Talbot Smith
John Tanner
John Tasker Howard
John Taylor
John Taylor Wood
John Tenniel
John Thackray Bunce
John Theodore Mueller
John Theodore Tussaud
John Theophilus Kramer
John Thomas Codman
John Thomas Simpson
John Thomas Smith
John Thompson
John Thomson
John Timbs
John Todhunter
John Toland
John Traherne Moggridge
John Treat Irving
John Trevena
John Trotwood Moore
John Trusler
John Tulloch
John Turvill Adams
John Tutchin
John Tyler
John Tyndall
John Uri Lloyd
John V. (John Veasey) Lane
John V. Dunlap
John Vallance
John Van der Zee Sears
John Van Nest Talmage
John Van Vorst
John Vanbrugh
John Venn
John Victor Lacroix
John Victor Macartney-Filgate
John Victor Peterson
John Vinycomb
John W. (John Wesley) Beatty
John W. (John Wesley) Bookwalter
John W. (John Wesley) Hales
John W. (John Wesley) Judd
John W. (John Wesley) Stephenson
John W. (John Wheeler) Moore
John W. (John William) Cousin
John W. (John William) Graham
John W. (John William) Ivimey
John W. (John William) Salmond
John W. Campbell
John W. Grey
John W. Winship
John Walker Harrington
John Ward
John Warton
John Watson
John Watson Foster
John Watson McCrindle
John Watts
John Weathers
John Webster
John Weir
John Weiss
John Welch
John Wellman
John Wellwood
John Werge
John Wesley
John Wesley Cromwell
John Wesley Dafoe
John Wesley Powell
John West
John Wetmore Hinsdale
John Wiggin
John Wilkins
John William Bradley
John William Burgess
John William Burgon
John William Clayton
John William Dawson
John William De Forest
John William Draper
John William Edward Conybeare
John William Kaye
John William Nylander
John William Polidori
John Williams
John Williams Streeter
John Willis Clark
John Wilmot Rochester
John Wilson
John Wilson Croker
John Wilson Ross
John Wilson Townsend
John Wood Clay
John Woodhouse Audubon
John Woods
John Woolman
John Worrall
John Wortabet
John Y. Fillmore Blake
John Yeardley
Johnny Gruelle
Johnston McCulley
John Biddolf
John Wycliffe
Johs. E. (Johannes E.) Rabe
Joice NanKivell Loch
Jon C. Barlow
Jón Hjaltason
Jon L. Gibson
Jón Ólafsson
Jon T. Hoffman
Jonah Barrington
Jonas Anton Dahl
Jonas Cohn
Jonas de Gélieu
Jonas Lie
Jonatan Reuter
Jonathan B. (Jonathan Billings) Davis
Jonathan Blanchard
Jonathan Carver
Jonathan Ceredig Davies
Jonathan Cross
Jonathan Dunn
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright
Jonathan Nield
Jonathan Prince Cilley
Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Thayer Lincoln
Jonathan Ward
Jones Wister
Jónína Sigríður Jónsdóttir
Jöns Jakob Berzelius
Jooseppi Mustakallio
Joost van den Vondel
Jorge Camacho
Jorge Manrique
Jos. E. (Joseph Edward) Badger
Jos. Loopuit
Jos. Schrijnen
José Agostinho
José Agostinho de Macedo
José Augusto Corrêa
José Augusto Vieira
José Barbosa
José Caetano Gomes
José Campo Arana
José da Fonseca
José da Silva Mendes Leal
José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa
José de Acosta
José de Almada Negreiros
José de Anchieta
José de Espronceda
José de Sá Bettencourt
José Echegaray
José Enrique Rodó
José Francisco Cardoso
José Francisco de Isla
José Gestoso y Pérez
José Guevara
José Hernández
José Ignacio de Andrade
José Ingenieros
José M. Capmany
José María Avilés
José Maria Barbosa de Magalhães
José Maria de los Reyes
José María de Pereda
José Maria Delorme Colaço
José María Heredia
José María Queipo de Llano Ruiz de Saravia Toreno
Jose Maria Rivera
José María Salaverría
José María Samper
José Mariano da Conceição Velloso
José Martí
José Martínez Ruiz
José Martiniano de Alencar
José Morante
José Muñoz Escámez
Jose N. Sevilla
José Nebot Pérez
José Nieto Aguilar
José Nogales
José Ortega y Gasset
José Paulo de Mira
José Quiroga
José R. Francia
José Ramos Coelho
José Rizal
José S. (José Sixto) Alvarez
José Soares da Cunha e Costa
José Sourryère de Souillac
José Victorino Lastarria
José Zorrilla
José-Maria de Heredia
Josef Bersch
Josef Brechensbauer
Josef Brunner
Josef Čapek
Josef Cohen
Josef Donat
Josef Halfer
Josef Hofmann
Josef Linck
Josef Ohrwalder
Josef Rambousek
Josef Sokol
Josef von Neupauer
Josefina Bengts
Josep Carner
Josep Maria de Sagarra
Josep Roig i Raventós
Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander) Altsheler
Joseph A. Hester
Joseph Adams Puffer
Joseph Addison
Joseph Anderson
Joseph Anglade
Joseph Anthony Vaeth
Joseph Aug. (Joseph August) Lux
Joseph Augustus Dowling
Joseph Augustus Seiss
Joseph Barker
Joseph Barry
Joseph Bates
Joseph Bédier
Joseph Belcher
Joseph Bell
Joseph Benson Gilder
Joseph Bertrand
Joseph Black
Joseph Blanco White
Joseph Blotner
Joseph Bowes
Joseph Breck
Joseph Bunney
Joseph Bushnell Ames
Joseph Butler
Joseph C. (Joseph Charles) Sindelar
Joseph C. (Joseph Chrisman) Hutchison
Joseph C. (Joseph Columbus) Manning
Joseph C. (Joseph Comly) Martindale
Joseph Campbell
Joseph Carey
Joseph Clarence Hemmeon
Joseph Clayton
Joseph Collins
Joseph Conrad
Joseph Cook
Joseph Coppinger
Joseph Corry
Joseph Cottle
Joseph Crosby Lincoln
Joseph Cross
Joseph Cullen Ayer
Joseph Cundall
Joseph Dalton Hooker
Joseph Damase Chartrand
Joseph Darvall
Joseph Dautremer
Joseph Devlin
Joseph Dietzgen
Joseph Donaldson
Joseph Droz
Joseph E. (Joseph Ernest) Morris
Joseph E. (Joseph Everidge) Kelleam
Joseph E. Bygate
Joseph E. Ibberson
Joseph Earle Stevens
Joseph Edgar Chamberlin
Joseph Edkins
Joseph Eichendorff
Joseph F. (Joseph Fielding) Smith
Joseph Farrell
Joseph Ferdinand Keppler
Joseph Fielding Smith
Joseph Fiévée
Joseph Fisher
Joseph Fort Newton
Joseph Fouché
Joseph Francis MacGrail
Joseph Frick
Joseph Furphy
Joseph G. (Joseph Green) Butler
Joseph Gilbert
Joseph Gilpin Pyle
Joseph Ginestou
Joseph Grego
Joseph Grimaldi
Joseph Grinnell
Joseph H. (Joseph Henry) Adams
Joseph H. Alexander
Joseph Hamblen Sears
Joseph Hammer-Purgstall
Joseph Harris
Joseph Hatton
Joseph Haven
Joseph Haydn
Joseph Hergesheimer
Joseph Hocking
Joseph Horatio Chant
Joseph Hordynski
Joseph Hunter
Joseph Husband
Joseph J. Mereto
Joseph J. Schürmann
Joseph Jacobs
Joseph Jastrow
Joseph Jocelyn Anderson
Joseph K. (Joseph Ketchum) Edgerton
Joseph Kennedy
Joseph Kirkbride
Joseph Kirkland
Joseph Krauskopf
Joseph Ladue
Joseph Lafon-Labatut
Joseph Laing Waugh
Joseph LeConte
Joseph Lee
Joseph Lewis
Joseph Lievesley Beeston
Joseph Lucas
Joseph M. (Joseph Morris) Bachelor
Joseph M. Hägele
Joseph M. Walsh
Joseph MacRory
Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove
Joseph Marmette
Joseph Martin Kronheim
Joseph Mather
Joseph McCabe
Joseph Medill Patterson
Joseph Méry
Joseph Mills Hanson
Joseph Montano
Joseph Morató
Joseph Moxon
Joseph Mullens
Joseph Nasmith
Joseph Noad
Joseph O'Brien
Joseph Orton Kerbey
Joseph P. (Joseph Patrick) Tumulty
Joseph P. (Joseph Plunkett) Brady
Joseph P. Cullen
Joseph Parker
Joseph Patrat
Joseph Paul Martino
Joseph Payne Brennan
Joseph Pearce
Joseph Pennell
Joseph Phillimore
Joseph Pike
Joseph Planta
Joseph Pohle
Joseph Pope
Joseph Priestley
Joseph Quincy Adams
Joseph Race
Joseph Reilly
Joseph Rhode Grismer
Joseph Richardson
Joseph Rickaby
Joseph Ritson
Joseph Robert Wilson
Joseph Roberts
Joseph Rodman Drake
Joseph Rogers
Joseph S. (Joseph Seamon) Cotter
Joseph S. (Joseph Shuter) Smith
Joseph S. Karas
Joseph Sabin
Joseph Samachson
Joseph Shallit
Joseph Shaylor
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Joseph Slotkin
Joseph Smith
Joseph Sparkes Hall
Joseph Spillman
Joseph Strutt
Joseph Stump
Joseph Sturge
Joseph T. (Joseph Thomas) Wilson
Joseph Tatlow
Joseph Taylor
Joseph Theodore Harris
Joseph Thomson
Joseph Tinker
Joseph Toussaint Reinaud
Joseph Trapp
Joseph Trevers
Joseph Triemens
Joseph Turney Wood
Joseph Vallot
Joseph Victor von Scheffel
Joseph W. (Joseph Williams) Lovibond
Joseph W. Grant
Joseph Wardle
Joseph Warren Keifer
Joseph Warschauer
Joseph Wharton Lippincott
Joseph William Zaehnsdorf
Joseph Winslow Simons
Joseph Woods
Joseph Wright
Joseph Zambra
Joseph-Adolphe Aubenas
Joséphin Péladan
Josephina Pinto Carneiro Perestrello
Josephine A. (Josephine Agnes) Jackson
Joséphine Amory de Langerack
Josephine Chase
Josephine Clifford
Josephine Culpeper
Josephine Daskam Bacon
Josephine Diebitsch Peary
Josephine Elizabeth Grey Butler
Josephine Franklin
Josephine G. Paterson
Josephine L. Baldwin
Josephine Lawrence
Josephine Ludlow Palmer
Josephine Pittman Scribner
Josephine Pollard
Josephine Preston Peabody
Josephine Scribner Gates
Josephine Siebe
Josephine Turck Baker
Josephus Daniels
Josh Billings
Joshua A. (Joshua Arthur) Nunn
Joshua Coffin
Joshua M. (Joshua Melancthon) Addeman
Joshua R. (Joshua Reed) Giddings
Joshua Reynolds
Joshua Rose
Joshua Slocum
Josiah Blake Tidwell
Josiah Edward Spurr
Josiah Flynt
Josiah Gregg
Josiah H. Benton
Josiah Henry Combs
Josiah Henson
Josiah P. Cooke
Josiah Quincy
Josiah Royce
Josiah Tucker
Josiah Williams
Josie Moore Crum
Joslyn Gray
Jovan Zujovic
Joy Leache
Joy Maxwell Loban
Joy Wheeler Dow
Joyce Kilmer
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski
Jozef Israëls
Jozef Muls
József Eötvös
József Gaal
József Gvadányi
ju ren 1738 Wuseshizhuren
Juan A. (Juan Antonio) Mateos
Juan Alvarez Guerra
Juan Antonio Llorente
Juan B. Nieves
Juan Bautista Arriaza
Juan Carlos Dávalos
Juan de Betanzos
Juan de Esquivel Navarro
Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch
Juan F. (Juan Facundo) Riaño
Juan González de Mendoza
Juan Lauro Arsciwals
Juan Luis Vives
Juan María Gutiérrez
Juan Meléndez Valdés
Juan Ortega Rubio
Juan Patricio Fernández
Juan Pérez Zúñiga
Juan R. León
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Juan Ruiz
Juan Ruiz de Alarcón
Juan Serrano
Juan Valera
Juan Villagonzalo Irles
Juana Manuela Gorriti
Juanita Helm Floyd
Juanita Savage
Jubal Anderson Early
Judah Steinberg
Judith Cladel
Judith Cohen Montefiore
Judith Drake
Judith Gautier
Judith Merril
Judith Vandeleur
Juhana Fredrik Cajan
Juhana Kokko
Juhani Aho
Juhani Siljo
Juho Heikki Reijonen
Juho Hellman
Juho Koskimaa
Juho Kujala
Juho Laine
Jukichi Inouye
Jules Archer
Jules Barbier
Jules Brocherel
Jules Claretie
Jules Crevaux
Jules de Gastyne
Jules de Goncourt
Jules Delaborde
Jules Fabien Gingras
Jules François Christophe
Jules Gabriel Janin
Jules Garnier
Jules Girardin
Jules Huret
Jules Joubert
Jules Jouy
Jules Le Petit
Jules Legras
Jules Lemaître
Jules Lermina
Jules M. Sestier
Jules Marcou
Jules Massenet
Jules Michelet
Jules Moinaux
Jules Noriac
Jules Paul Tardivel
Jules Renard
Jules Rostaing
Jules Sandeau
Jules Tellier
Jules Vallès
Jules Verne
Julia A. Moore
Julia Augusta Schwartz
Julia C. (Julia Catherine) Stimson
Julia C. R. (Caroline Ripley) Dorr
Julia Cartwright
Julia Charlotte Maitland
Julia Dalrymple
Julia Darrow Cowles
Julia de Fontenelle (Jean-Sébastien-Eugène)
Julia de Winton
Julia de Wolf Addison
Julia Edwards
Julia Ellen Rogers
Julia Farr
Julia Frankau
Julia Greene
Julia K. Duncan
Julia Kavanagh
Julia Keese Colles
Julia Lestarjette Glover
Julia Lovejoy Cuniberti
Julia M. (Julia Matilda) Olin
Julia M. Dewey
Julia M. Sloane
Julia Magruder
Julia McNair Wright
Julia Moody
Julia Peterkin
Julia S. (Julia Susan) Wheelock
Julia Seton
Julia Thompson von Stosch Schayer
Julia Ward Howe
Julia Wharton Lewis Campbell Ver Planck Keightley
Julian Chownitz
Julian F. Grow
Julian Hawthorne
Julian Huxley
Julian Klaczko
Julian Marshall
Julian Ralph
Julian Sharman
Julian Stafford Corbett
Julian Street
Julian W. Bilby
Julian Wisner Hinkley
Juliana Berners
Juliana Horatia Ewing
Juliane Déry
Juliane Karwath
Julie M. Lippmann
Julie Opp
Julie Thenen
Julien Offray de La Mettrie
Juliet Bredon
Juliet Corson
Juliet Helena Lumbard James
Juliette Adam
Juliette Drouet
Juliette Gordon Low
Julio Camba
Julio Cejador y Frauca
Júlio César Machado
Júlio de Matos
Júlio Dinis
Júlio Dumont
Julius Axel Kiellman-Göransson
Julius Bacher
Julius Beerbohm
Julius Caesar
Julius Charles Birge
Julius Edvard Ailio
Julius Klausner
Julius Köstlin
Julius Krohn
Julius M. (Julius Mendes) Price
Julius Maria Becker
Julius Payer
Julius R. Van Millingen
Julius Regis
Julius Ries
Julius Rosenbaum
Julius Sachs
Julius Schnauss
Julius Stieglitz
Julius Stinde
Julius Vogel
Julius von Voss
Julius Vosseler
Julius Wellhausen
Julius West
Julius Wilcox
Julius Wolff
Juliusz Słowacki
Julle Erg
Jun Yue
Jun'ichiro Tanizaki
June Isle
Junqing Wang
Just W. Flood
Justin D. (Justin Dewey) Fulton
Justin H. (Justin Huntly) McCarthy
Justin Harvey Smith
Justin McCarthy
Justin R. (Justin Rudolph) Loomis
Justo Claudio Fojas
Justus Hiddes Halbertsma
Justus Liebig
Justus Miles Forman
Justus Möser
Justus van Maurik
Juyi Bai
Jørgen Engebretsen Moe
K. (Kálmán) Kalocsay
K. (Kate) Prichard
K. (Koenraad) Kuiper
K. A. (Kaarlo August) Järvi
K. A. (Kristian A.) Juthe
K. A. Heinrich (Karl Adam Heinrich) Kellner
K. E. M. (Kate Ethel Mary) Dumbell
K. E. Selow-Serman
K. G. (Karl Gustav) Ossiannilsson
K. G. (Katherine Golden) Bitting
K. H. (Karl Heinrich) Caspari
K. H. E. de (Karel Hendrik Eduard) Jong
K. J. (Kaarle Jaakko) Gummerus
K. J. Adcock
K. J. T. (Karl John Theodore) Ekblaw
K. Kay Shearin
K. Langloh (Katie Langloh) Parker
K. M. Eady
K. McDowell (Katharine McDowell) Rice
K. N. (Kalle Nikodemus) Rauhala
K. O. Lindeqvist
K. P. (Klas Pontus) Arnoldson
K. Rangachari
K. Rebillon (Kathleen Rebillon) Lambley
K. von (Kurt) Albrecht
K. Ziya Mufti-zada
K.K. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie
Kaapro Jääskeläinen
Kaarle Alfred Castrén
Kaarle August Hildén
Kaarle Halme
Kaarle Karikko
Kaarle Krohn
Kaarlo Asp
Kaarlo Atra
Kaarlo Forsman
Kaarlo Hemmo
Kaarlo Johan Bergbom
Kaarlo Kramsu
Kaarlo Takalampi
Kaarlo Terhi
Kaarlo Wesala
Kafu Nagai
Kahlil Gibran
Kai Donner
Kaiten Nukariya
Kakuzo Okakura
Kalamatiano De Blumenthal
Kalle Aho
Kalle Haapakoski
Kalle Kajander
Kalliroe Parren
Kálmán Mikszáth
Kálmán Thaly
Kan'ichi Asakawa
Karel Čapek
Karen Anderson
Karen Blixen
Karen Niemann
Karin Michaëlis
Karin Stephen
Karl Abraham
Karl Alfred Melin
Karl Arnold Kortum
Karl August Schimmer
Karl August Tavaststjerna
Karl Bienenstein
Karl Binding
Karl Bohlin
Karl Brugman
Karl Dieterich
Karl Doehlemann
Karl Edwin Harriman
Karl Emil Franzos
Karl Ettlinger
Karl F. (Karl Frederick) Brown
Karl Frenzel
Karl Friedrich Becker
Karl Friedrich Ledderhose
Karl Friedrich Würtenberger
Karl Gjellerup
Karl Groos
Karl Gutzkow
Karl Heckel
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
Karl Helfferich
Karl Henrik Hornborg
Karl Hilty
Karl Kautsky
Karl Kiesewetter
Karl Kraepelin
Karl Listner
Karl Ludwig Pöllnitz
Karl Marx
Karl Max Lichnowsky
Karl May
Karl Nordlund
Karl Otfried Müller
Karl Otten
Karl Otto Johan Blåfield
Karl Paul August Friedrich Liebknecht
Karl Philipp Moritz
Karl Rosenkranz
Karl Scherzer
Karl Schönherr
Karl Spindler
Karl Spitzweg
Karl Stephen Herrman
Karl Vollmöller
Karl von Gebler
Karl von Stutterheim
Karl Vorländer
Karl Wartenburg
Karl Weule
Karl Wilson Gehrkens
Karl-Erik Forsslund
Karle Wilson Baker
Karol Langie
Karol Wachtl
Karolina Svetlá
Karoline von Woltmann
Károly Bérczy
Károly Eötvös
Károly Lovik
Károly Steinhofer
Károly Török
Kasimir Edschmid
Kasimir Leino
Katarina Botsky
Kate Boyles Bingham
Kate Chopin
Kate Dickinson Sweetser
Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
Kate Drumgoold
Kate Field
Kate Gannett Wells
Kate Greenaway
Kate Heintz Watson
Kate John Finzi
Kate Langley Bosher
Kate Lee Ferguson
Kate Livingston Willard
Kate Louise Wheeler
Käte Lubowski
Kate M. Foley
Kate Marion Tucker
Kate McCosh Clark
Kate Milner Rabb
Kate Norgate
Kate Percival
Kate R. Stiles
Kate Sanborn
Kate Seymour MacLean
Kate Simpson Hayes
Kate Slaughter McKinney
Kate Stephens
Kate Tannatt Woods
Kate Trimble Sharber
Kate Upson Clark
Kate V. (Kate Vandenhoff) Saint Maur
Kate Wilhelm
Katharina Leopold
Katharine A. Hodge
Katharine Adams
Katharine Atherton Grimes
Katharine Blunt
Katharine Butler
Katharine C. (Katharine Caroline) Bushnell
Katharine Duncan Morse
Katharine Elizabeth Dopp
Katharine Elliott Wilkie
Katharine Ellis Barrett
Katharine Fay Dewey
Katharine Forrest Hamill
Katharine Fullerton Gerould
Katharine Furse
Katharine Haviland-Taylor
Katharine Holland Brown
Katharine Lee Bates
Katharine Newlin Burt
Katharine Pearson Woods
Katharine Pyle
Katharine S. (Katharine Sarah) Macquoid
Katharine Scherer Cronk
Katharine Susannah Prichard
Katharine Twining Moody
Katharine Tynan
Katharine Yirsa Reynolds
Käthe Schirmacher
Katherine Anne Porter
Katherine Cecil Thurston
Katherine Chandler
Katherine Creighton
Katherine Dunlap Cather
Katherine Frances Purdon
Katherine Hale
Katherine Jewell Everts
Katherine Keene Galt
Katherine M. (Katherine Merritte) Yates
Katherine M. H. (Katherine Melvina Huntsinger) Blackford
Katherine MacLean
Katherine Mansfield
Katherine Mary Barrow
Katherine Shortall
Katherine Stokes
Katherine Wallace Davis
Kathleen Burke
Kathleen Carman
Kathleen Clinch Calkins
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Kathleen Gray Nelson
Kathleen Hay
Kathleen Howard
Kathleen Lambert
Kathleen Macfarlane Lizars
Kathleen P. Mahlke-Johnson
Kathleen Thompson Norris
Kathlyn Rhodes
Kathrine Lois Scobey
Kathryn Eleanor Browne
Kathryn M. (Kathryn Magnolia) Johnson
Kathryn Pocklington
Katie Magnus
Kâtip Çelebi
Katri Suoranta
Katri Vala
Katrina Trask
Katsuro Hara
Kaufmann Kohler
Kay Boyle
Kay Lyttleton
Kaye M. Shedlock
Kazimierz Brodziński
Kazimierz Nitsch
Ke Yue
Keene Abbott
Kees Valkenstein
Keith Bennett
Keith Clark
Keith E. Evans
Keith Henderson
Keith Laumer
Keith R. Kelson
Keith Robertson
Kelemen Mikes
Kellogg Company
Kellogg Durland
Kelly Miller
Kencho Suematsu
Kendell Foster Crossen
Kendric Charles Babcock
Kenelm Digby
Kennedy Holbrook
Kenneth A. Lohf
Kenneth Darlaston Yearsley
Kenneth Grahame
Kenneth Harmon
Kenneth Honea
Kenneth Hotham Vickers
Kenneth Ingram
Kenneth J. (Kenneth James) Saunders
Kenneth J. (Kenneth John) Freeman
Kenneth James Beatty
Kenneth Latour
Kenneth Leonard Fitch
Kenneth Lewis Roberts
Kenneth Macgowan
Kenneth McGaffey
Kenneth Morris
Kenneth R. H. (Kenneth Robert Henderson) Mackenzie
Kenneth Sawyer Goodman
Kenneth W. Andersen
Kenneth W. McKay
Kenneth Ward
Kenneth Weldon Goadby
Kennett Longley Rawson
Kennosuke Sato
Kenyon Cox
Kenyon L. (Kenyon Leech) Butterfield
Kermit Roosevelt
Kersey Graves
Kevin J. Zimmer
Kevin Scott
Keystone Pecan Company
Khristo Botev
Ki-tong Tcheng
Kickapoo Club
Killingworth Hedges
Kimball Webster
King of Babylonia Hammurabi
King of England Charles I
King of England Henry VIII
King of England James I
King of France Henry IV
King of Great Britain Edward VII
King of Prussia Frederick II
King of the Hawaiian Islands Kamehameha IV
Kirby Brooks
Kirk Drussai
Kirk Munroe
Kirkland Hart Day
Kirsopp Lake
Kittridge A. Wing
Kitty O'Shea
Klara Johanson
Klara Stroebe
Klara Zetkin
Klementyna Tańska-Hoffmanowa
Kling L. Anderson
Knight of Elvas
Knox Magee
Knud Hjortø
Knud Rasmussen
Knut Enferd
Knut Hamsun
Knut Wicksell
Konni Zilliacus
Konrad Bercovici
Konrad Lehtimäki
Konstantin Aleksandrovich Inostrantzev
Konstantin Raitio
Konstantinos Chrestomanos
Kössi Kaatra
Kostantinos Chatzopoulos
Kostas Faltaits
Kostas Krystalles
Kostas Phlores
Kostes G. Pasagiannes
Kostes Palamas
Kris Neville
Kristian Elster
Kristína Royová
Kristofer Janson
Kristoffer Nyrop
Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmi
Kuan Huan
Kun Lü
Kuno Fischer
Kuo Shen
Kurt Floericke
Kurt Joachim Grau
Kurt Kersten
Kurt Lange
Kurt Matull
Kurt Pfister
Kurt Vonnegut
Kustaa Juuti
Kustaa Killinen
Kustavi Nordlund
Kuuno A. TalviOja
Ky.) January & Wood Company (Maysville
Kyösti Wilkuna
l'Abbé (Durand Durand
L. (Lambertus) Mokveld
L. (Lassa) Oppenheim
L. (Launcelot) Cranmer-Byng
L. (Lazarus) Fletcher
L. (Léon) Brasier
L. (Leonard) Raven-Hill
L. (Léopold) Deslandes
L. (Lewis) Whitehead
L. (Lily) Dougall
L. (Lizzy) Lind-af-Hageby
L. (Louis) Becq de Fouquières
L. (Louwrens) Penning
L. (Ludwig) Stacke
L. (Ludwig) Würdig
L. (Luise) Mühlbach
L. (Luke) Tyerman
L. A. (Lore Alford) Rogers
L. A. (Louis August) Wollenweber
L. A. (Lydia Austin) Holdich
L. A. Abbott
L. A. C. M. Doorman
L. A. J. (Leendert Alexander Johannes) Burgersdijk
L. A. te Winkel
L. Adams (Lily Adams) Beck
L. Allen (Lizzie Allen) Harker
L. B. (Louis Balthaser) Buchheimer
L. C. (Louis Charles) Pakiser
L. C. (Louis Compton) Miall
L. Carroll (Levi Carroll) Judson
L. David Mech
L. Day Perry
L. de (Lillie de) Hegermann-Lindencrone
L. de (Louis) Launay
L. E. (Lucius Eugene) Chittenden
L. Emmett (Luther Emmett) Holt
L. F. (Liubov Fedorovna) Dostoevskaia
L. F. (Louis Francis) Salzman
L. F. Hutcheon
L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
L. G. (Lev Grigor'evich) Deich
L. G. (Louis Georges) Desjardins
L. G. (Lucy Gertrude) Moberly
L. G. Chiozza (Leo George Chiozza) Money
L. G. Redmond-Howard
L. H. (Lell Hawley) Woolley
L. H. (Liberty Hyde) Bailey
L. H. (Lionel Hugh) Branson
L. H. (Lydia Howard) Sigourney
L. H. J. Lamberts Hurrelbrinck
L. H. Samuelson
L. Higgin
L. J. Stecher
L. K. (Leander K.) Lippincott
L. K. (Lemuel Kelley) Washburn
L. K. Yates
L. L. (Leopold L.) Flood
L. L. (Lorenzo Lorraine) Langstroth
L. L. (Ludwik Lejzer) Zamenhof
L. L. Bumgarner
L. Leslie (Leonard Leslie) Brooke
L. M. (Lewis Marshall) Hagood
L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery
L. M. Tolman
L. M. van Klaveren
L. Major Reynolds
L. March (Lisle March) Phillipps
L. Mark Raab
L. Mylius (Ludvig Mylius) Erichsen
L. N. (Lorenzo Niles) Fowler
L. Newton Hayes
L. O. (Leland Ossian) Howard
L. O. Curon
L. Onerva
L. Oulton
L. P. (Lawrence Pearsall) Jacks
L. P. (Levi Parker) Wyman
L. P. (Linus Pierpont) Brockett
L. P. (Louis Pope) Gratacap
L. P. Hubbard
L. P. Meredith
L. R. (Lewis Raymond) Alderman
L. Ron (La Fayette Ron) Hubbard
L. Roserot de Melin
L. Roy Terwilliger
L. S. (Louisa Sarah) Bevington
L. S. (Lucy S.) Thompson
L. S. D.
L. T. (Leonard Trelawny) Hobhouse
L. T. Meade
L. Taylor (Lucile Taylor) Hansen
L. V. (Lucy Violet) Hodgkin
L. W. (Lauron William) De Laurence
L. W. (Leonard William) King
L. W. (Louis William) Rogers
L. Winifred Faraday
L.-B. (Louis-Benoît) Picard
L.-M.-G de Crassier
L.-O. (Laurent-Olivier) David
La Reine Helen McKenzie Baker
La Salle Corbell Pickett
Lacy Collison-Morley
Ladislau Patrício
Lady (Caroline Lucy) Scott
Lady (Mary Anne) Barker
Lady (Sydney) Morgan
Lady Dunboyne
Lady Gregory
Lady Huggins
Lady Wilde
Lafayette Houghton Bunnell
Lafayette M. Hershaw
Lafcadio Hearn
Lajos Biró
Lajos Dóczi
Lajos Kálmány
Lajos Kossuth
Lajos Kuthy
Lajos Tolnai
Lal Behari Day
Lala Lajpat Rai
Lallu Lal
Landell Bartlett
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
Landon Knight
Lane Cooper
Lang Chen
Langdon Elwyn Mitchell
Langston Hughes
Langzi Mo
Lanier McKee
Lanoe Falconer
Lardner Gibbon
Larin Paraske
Larry Eisenberg
Larry Evans
Larry Leigh
Larry Offenbecker
Larry Sternig
Larry T. Shaw
Lars Dilling
Lars Rhodin
Lars Stenbäck
Lâsac Vladimir
Lascelles Abercrombie
Lascelles Wraxall
László Arany
László Beöthy
László Merényi
László Tompa
Lathan A. (Lathan Augustus) Crandall
Latta Griswold
Laura A. (Laura Anna) Knott
Laura Ann Young Pinney
Laura C. (Laura Carter) Holloway
Laura Calonius
Laura Dayton Fessenden
Laura Dent Crane
Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Laura Estelle Watson Benedict
Laura Fitinghoff
Laura Fry Kready
Laura G. Case Collins
Laura Jean Libbey
Laura Kieler
Laura Lee Davidson
Laura Lee Hope
Laura Marholm
Laura Preston
Laura Rountree Smith
Laura S. (Laura Smith) Haviland
Laura Spencer Portor
Laura Stubbs
Laure Conan
Laure Junot Abrantès
Lauren Ann Isaacson
Laurence (Laurence Ayscough) Clarke
Laurence Alma-Tadema
Laurence B. White
Laurence Binyon
Laurence Costelloe
Laurence Frederick Schmeckebier
Laurence Hope
Laurence Housman
Laurence Hutton
Laurence J. Nolan
Laurence M. Hardy
Laurence M. Janifer
Laurence Manning
Laurence Marcellus Larson
Laurence Oliphant
Laurence Sterne
Laurence Yard Smith
Laurent Tailhade
Laurentios S. Vrokines
Laurentius Knappert
Lauri Haarla
Lauri Hannikainen
Lauri Heisalo
Lauri Henrik Pohjanpää
Lauri Soini
Lauri Viljanen
Laurie Magnus
Lawrence A. (Lawrence Augustus) Wilkins
Lawrence Beesley
Lawrence Daniel Fogg
Lawrence Echard
Lawrence Edmonds Griffin
Lawrence F. Willard
Lawrence Fletcher
Lawrence Foushee London
Lawrence Gilman
Lawrence J. (Lawrence Johnstone) Burpee
Lawrence J. Leslie
Lawrence Keister
Lawrence Kip
Lawrence L. Lynch
Lawrence Mott
Lawrence Peel
Lawrence Perry
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
Lawrence Thomas Cole
Lawrence Turnbull
Lawrence Van Alstyne
Lawrence Weaver
Lawton Mackall
Le Page du Pratz
Le Roy Hooker
Lea & Perrins Limited
Leader Scott
Leafy Jane Corrington Hilker
Leander Crosby
Leander S. (Leander Sylvester) Keyser
Leander Stillwell
Leandro Fernández de Moratín
Learned phisition
Lebbeus Mitchell
Ledyard Bill
Lee Archer
Lee B. Holum
Lee Hawkins Garby
Lee J. (Lee Joseph) Levinger
Lee L. Powers
Lee Mortimer
Lee Parker Dean
Lee R. (Lee Raymond) Dice
Lee Sutton
Lee Tarbell
Lee Wallot
Lee Wilson Dodd
LeGette Blythe
Legh Richmond
Lehel Kádár
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company
Leigh Brackett
Leigh Gordon Giltner
Leigh H. (Leigh Hadley) Irvine
Leigh Hunt
Leigh North
Leigh Richmond
Leighton Pullan
Leila Lee
Leitch Ritchie
Lela Horn Richards
Leland F. Allen
Leland Todd Powers
Lemuel (Surgeon) Gulliver
Lemuel Abijah Abbott
Lemuel Ely Quigg
Lemuel Kayhart
Lena Christ
Lena E. Barksdale
Lena Jane Fry
Lena K. (Lena Kellogg) Sadler
Lena M. Franck
Lenke Beniczkyné Bajza
Lennox Amott
Lenore Elizabeth Mulets
Lenore Richards
Lenore Wheeler Williams
Lenwood Ballard Carson
Leo E. (Leo Edward) Miller
Leo Edwards
Leo Everett
Leo H. (Leo Hartley) Grindon
Léo Larguier
Leo Matthias
Leo P. Kelley
Leo Perutz
Leo Polak
Léo Taxil
Leo Tolstoy
Leo Wiener
Léon Alexandre Heuzey
Léon Arnoux
Leon Battista Alberti
Léon Bloy
Léon Boillot
Léon de Rosny
Léon de Tinseau
Leon Dominian
Léon Dupré-Carra
Léon Faucher
Léon Frapié
Léon Gozlan
Leon H. (Leon Henry) Vincent
Leon H. Baxter
Leon Kuperman
Leon Luther Pray
Léon Maccas
Leon Melas
Léon Séché
Leon Trotsky
Leona A. (Leona Alford) Malek
Leona Dalrymple
Leonard Black
Leonard Cox
Leonard Cresswell Ingleby
Leonard G. Nattkemper
Leonard Haseman
Leonard Huxley
Leonard J. Olund
Leonard Merrick
Leonard Pearson
Leonard Porter Ayres
Leonard Rubin
Leonard S. Hobbs
Leonard V. (Leonard Victor) Dalton
Leonard Wheeler Kephart
Leonard Williams
Leonard Woolf
Leonard Woolsey Bacon
Leonardo Bruni
Leonardo Coimbra
Leonardo Manin
Léonce de Larmandie
Leone Tettoni
Leonhard Frank
Léonia Sienicka
Leonid Andreyev
Léonise Valois
Leonora Christina Ulfeldt
Leonora Eyles
Leonora Sansay
Leopold Kompert
Leopold Loewenfeld
Leopold Pfaundler von Hadermur
Leopold Sacher-Masoch
Leopold Schefer
Leopold von Ranke
Leopold Wagner
Leopold Ziegler
Leopoldo Alas
Leopoldo Armaroli
Leopoldo Lugones
Leroy F. (Leroy Freeman) Jackson
Leroy Scott
Leroy Yerxa
Les Cole
Les Savage
Lesley Frost
Leslie A. Davis
Leslie Burton Blades
Leslie Charteris
Leslie F. (Leslie Francis) Stone
Leslie J. Newville
Leslie M. (Leslie Mortier) Shaw
Leslie Perri
Leslie Spier
Leslie Stephen
Leslie Vickers
Leslie W. Quirk
Leslie Waltham
Leslie Ward
Leslie Williams
Lester Chadwick
Lester Del Rey
Lester G. (Lester George) Hornby
Lester Hostetler
Lester S. (Lester Snow) King
Lester Shepard Parker
Lester Wallack
Leta Severance Hiles
Leta Stetter Hollingworth
Letitia M. Burwell
Letitia MacColl Elton
Letitia Stockett
Lettie Artley Irons
Lettie Cook Van Derveer
Lettie M. Cummings
Lev Shestov
Lever Brothers Company
Leverett S. (Leverett Samuel) Lyon
Levi Jackson Hamilton
Levi L. (Levi Leonard) Conant
Levi Seeley
Levi Worthington Green
Lew Lysle Harr
Lew Wallace
Lewis B. France
Lewis Beach
Lewis Boyd Sebastian
Lewis C. (Lewis Conger) Lockwood
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Clinton Strang
Lewis D. (Lewis Davis) Harlow
Lewis E. (Lewis Edwin) Theiss
Lewis E. Jahns
Lewis Edward Ewen
Lewis F. (Lewis Foreman) Day
Lewis Falley Allen
Lewis G. (Lewis George) Janes
Lewis Gaston Leary
Lewis Goldsmith
Lewis H. Adler
Lewis Henry Berens
Lewis Henry Morgan
Lewis Hodous
Lewis Holmes
Lewis Hough
Lewis K. Urquhart
Lewis L. (Lewis Levitzki) Lorwin
Lewis L. Sandidge
Lewis M. (Lewis Madison) Terman
Lewis McKenzie Turner
Lewis Melville
Lewis Miller
Lewis Morris
Lewis Mumford
Lewis Parker
Lewis R. (Lewis Ransome) Freeman
Lewis Redner
Lewis Richard Farnell
Lewis Roth
Lewis Spence
Lewis Sperry Chafer
Lewis Sprague Mills
Lewis Tappan
Lewis W. Leeds
Lewis Webb Hill
Lewis Wingfield
Lewis Worthington Smith
Lewis Wright
Liang Chen
Liang Zhuge
Liao Wei
Library of Congress
Library of Congress. Copyright Office
Lida B. (Lida Brown) McMurry
Lida Myrtle Williams
Lidiia Ivanovna Veselitskaia
Lieut.-Col. (Nathaniel) Newnham-Davis
lieutenant-colonel (Ninian) Pinkney
Lieuwe Schipper
Lila G. A. Woolfall
Lila M. (Lila Morris) O'Neale
Lili Den
Lilian Baker Carlisle
Lilian Bell
Lilian Clarke
Lilian Garis
Lilian Gask
Lilian M. Heath
Lilian Staveley
Lilian Turner
Lilian Whiting
Lilian Winstanley
Lilli Lehmann
Lilli Suburg
Lillian B. Lansdown
Lillian Chester
Lillian D. Wald
Lillian Eichler Watson
Lillian Elizabeth Roy
Lillian Frances Mentor
Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Lillian Nicholson Shearon
Lillian Nixon Lawrence
Lillian Phelps
Lillian William Betts
Lillias H. (Lillias Horton) Underwood
Lily A. (Lily Augusta) Long
Lily Braun
Lily F. Wesselhoeft
Lily Hardy Hammond
Lily Mills Company
Lily Munsell Ritchie
Lilyan Stratton
Lina Beard
Lina Duff Gordon
Lina Eckenstein
Lina Hug
Lina Meier
Lina Walther
Linai T. (Linai Taliaferro) Helm
Lincoln C. (Lincoln Clarke) Andrews
Lincoln Colcord
Lincoln LaPaz
Lincoln Steffens
Linda Trueb
Linden F. (Linden Forest) Edwards
Lindesay Brine
Lindsay Rogers
Linn Boyd Porter
Linnean Society of London
Linton Davies
Lion Feuchtwanger
Lionel D. (Lionel David) Barnett
Lionel Decle
Lionel James
Lionel Johnson
Lionel Lisle
Lionel Lounsberry
Lionel R. (Lionel Roy) McColvin
Lisa Wenger
Lisle de Vaux Matthewman
Livingston Hopkins
Livingston Robert Shewell
Livingstone Hahn
Lizette M. Edholm
Lizzie A. Freeth
Lizzie Bates
Lizzie Doten
Lizzie E. Cotton
Lizzie Lawson
Llewellyn J. (Llewellyn Jones) Llewellyn
Llewellynn Frederick William Jewitt
Llorenç Riber
Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
Lloyd Biggle
Lloyd Osbourne
Lloyd Roberts
Lloyd Williams
LM (Leslie Moore)
Loan and Trust Company Oakland Land
Lock Ward
Lode Baekelmans
Lode Monteyne
Lodewijk van Deyssel
Lodisa Frizell
Lodovico Antonio Muratori
Lodovico Ariosto
Lodovico Domenichi
Lodowick Muggleton
Logan H. (Logan Holt) Roots
Logan Marshall
Logan Mitchell
Logan Pearsall Smith
Loïs Bates
Lola Ridge
Long Gongsun
Long Island Library Resources Council (N.Y.)
Lonsdale Ragg
Lope de Vega
Loraine Daly
Loraine E. Kuck
Lord Dunsany
Lorenz Kellner
Lorenz Oken
Lorenzo Campano
Lorenzo Valla
Lorenzo Venier
Loretta Ellen Brady
Loretta T. Zderad
Lorimer Stoddard
Lorin Low Dame
Lorinda Munson Bryant
Lorne W. (Lorne Webster) Barclay
Lot D. Young
Lothrop Stoddard
Lottie Blair Parker
Lou Andreas-Salomé
Lou Tabakow
Loudon M. Douglas
Louey Chisholm
Louie M. Knight Dutton
Louis A. (Louis Angelo) Boettiger
Louis A. (Louis Arthur) Holman
Louis A. Barbé
Louis Adolphe Coerne
Louis Agassiz
Louis Albert Banks
Louis Alfred Wiltz
Louis Ange Pitou
Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
Louis Arundel
Louis Aubrey Wood
Louis Bathe Rawling
Louis Becke
Louis Bell
Louis Berard
Louis Berman
Louis Bernheimer
Louis Bertrand
Louis Boussenard
Louis Bromfield
Louis C. Dalton
Louis Chadourne
Louis Charbonneau
Louis Charles Elson
Louis Charles Eugène Joseph de Fouchier
Louis Charles Fougeret de Monbron
Louis Charles Karpinski
Louis Christian Mullgardt
Louis Christian Petersen
Louis Constant Wairy
Louis Couperus
Louis Couturat
Louis Creswicke
Louis Custer Martin Reed
Louis Daniel Frenzel
Louis de Robert
Louis de Rougemont
Louis de Rouvroy Saint-Simon
Louis Dechmann
Louis Dembitz Brandeis
Louis Desnoyers
Louis Dodge
Louis Du Bois
Louis Dumur
Louis E. Lomax
Louis Enault
Louis Eugène Du Moulin
Louis F. (Louis Freeland) Post
Louis Fagan
Louis Figuier
Louis François Marin Duval
Louis Gastine
Louis Ginzberg
Louis Golding
Louis Guibert
Louis Guimbaud
Louis H. (Louis Henry) Gibson
Louis Harms
Louis Heldring
Louis Hémon
Louis Honoré Fréchette
Louis How
Louis Hughes
Louis J. (Louis John) Stellman
Louis J. McQuilland
Louis Jackson
Louis Joseph Vance
Louis Keene
Louis Legrand Noble
Louis Leopold Biancolli
Louis Liston Tallyn
Louis Lumet
Louis M. (Louis Marshall) Warfield
Louis Maigron
Louis Meigret
Louis Melius
Louis Mullem
Louis Napoleon Parker
Louis Newman
Louis Nicolardot
Louis Pasteur
Louis Paul Bénézet
Louis Pendleton
Louis Pergaud
Louis Philippe McCarty
Louis Raemaekers
Louis Raphael Nardini
Louis Reybaud
Louis Richards
Louis Rousselet
Louis Selmer
Louis Simonin
Louis Sonolet
Louis Spohr
Louis Stone
Louis Tracy
Louis Trimble
Louis Ulbach
Louis Untermeyer
Louis Veuillot
Louis Villat
Louis W. Pratt
Louis Wertheimber
Louis Wiltz Kemp
Louis Zangwill
Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Louis-Antoine de Bougainville
Louis-Frédéric Rouquette
Louis-Sébastien Mercier
Louisa Annette Edla Drummond-Hay Brooks
Louisa Clayton
Louisa Jebb Wilkins
Louisa May Alcott
Louisa Morgan
Louisa Parr
Louisa Phillipa Rioufol d'Hautevill Vichet
Louisa Stuart Costello
Louise B. (Louise Beerstecher) Krause
Louise B. Robinson
Louise Bennett Weaver
Louise Chandler Moulton
Louise Clarke Pyrnelle
Louise Colet
Louise Creighton
Louise d' Alq
Louise de Koven Bowen
Louise Elisabeth Tourzel
Louise Élise Gibbons
Louise Elizabeth Dutton
Louise Forsslund
Louise Fusil
Louise Gerard
Louise Hasbrouck Zimm
Louise Henriette Charlotte Philippine (de Noailles) de Durfort Duras
Louise Imogen Guiney
Louise Jamison
Louise Jordan Miln
Louise Lamprey
Louise Mack
Louise Manly
Louise Morey Bowman
Louise Seymour Houghton
Louise Shelton
Louise Spilker
Louise Stevens Bryant
Louise Stjernström
Louise Stockton
Louise Vescelius Sheldon
Louise-Eléonore-Charlotte-Adélaide d'Osmond Boigne
Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
Louisiana Tech University. Department of Architecture
Louisville Free Public Library
Lourenço Baeta Neves
Loveday A. Nelson
Lover of children
Lowell Howard Morrow
Lowell Stone
Lowell Thomas
Loyce J. McIlhenny
Lu Kella
Luc. (Lucien) Merlet
Lucas Cleeve
Lucas Malet
Lucerne Foods
Lucia Chamberlain
Lucia Chase Bell
Lucia Prudence Hall Woodbury
Lucia True Ames Mead
Lucian Bottow Watkins
Lucian Swift Kirtland
Luciano Cordeiro
Luciano Zùccoli
Lucie Des Ages
Lucie Duff Gordon
Lucie Levéque Ayres
Lucie Vos
Lucien Biart
Lucien de Rosny
Lucien Fabre
Lucien Lévy-Bruhl
Lucien M. (Lucien McShan) Turner
Lucien Népoty
Lucien Pissarro
Lucien Poincaré
Lucien Price
Lucien Wolf
Lucile Lovell
Lucile Rutland
Lucilius A. (Lucilius Alonzo) Emery
Lucille Van Slyke
Lucina Hagman
Lucinda Lee Orr
Lucine Finch
Lucio D'Ambra
Lucio V. Mansilla
Lucio Vicente López
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Lucius Daniel
Lucius Duncan Bulkley
Lucius J. Boyd
Lucius M. (Lucius Manlius) Sargent
Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody) Hale
Lucullus Virgil McWhorter
Lucy A. (Lucy Ann) Delaney
Lucy A. Yendes
Lucy Abbot Throop
Lucy Aikin
Lucy Bethia Walford
Lucy Byerley
Lucy C. (Lucy Cecil) Lillie
Lucy Fitch Perkins
Lucy Foster Madison
Lucy Gray
Lucy H. (Lucy Helen) Yates
Lucy Hamilton Warner
Lucy Helen Muriel Soulsby
Lucy Huffaker
Lucy Larcom
Lucy M. (Lucy Meacham) Thruston
Lucy Madox Brown Rossetti
Lucy Mansfield Blanchard Blanchard
Lucy Masterman
Lucy Maynard Salmon
Lucy Phillimore
Lucy Pratt
Lucy S. Furman
Lucy Smith
Lucy Sprague Mitchell
Lucy Thompson
Lud. Georges Hamön
Ludmilla Assing
Ludolf Wienbarg
Ludovic Halévy
Ludovico Maria Sinistrari
Ludvig Holberg
Ludwig Achim Arnim
Ludwig Anzengruber
Ludwig Bechstein
Ludwig Berger
Ludwig Borchardt
Ludwig Büchner
Ludwig Fulda
Ludwig Ganghofer
Ludwig Gurlitt
Ludwig Lavater
Ludwig Leichhardt
Ludwig Neumann
Ludwig Nohl
Ludwig Plate
Ludwig Reinhardt
Ludwig Rellstab
Ludwig Rubiner
Ludwig Speidel
Ludwig Sternaux
Ludwig Thoma
Ludwig Tieck
Ludwig Uhland
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig von Doederlein
Ludwig Von Mises
Ludwig Ziemssen
Ludwik Bruner
Luella Agnes Owen
Luigi Amabile
Luigi Amedeo di Savoia
Luigi Arnaldo Vassallo
Luigi Barzini
Luigi Blanch
Luigi Capuana
Luigi Cornaro
Luigi Gualdo
Luigi Illica
Luigi Lanzi
Luigi Morandi
Luigi Palmieri
Luigi Pirandello
Luigi Torelli
Luigi Villari
Luís António Verney
Luis Cocat
Luis Coloma
Luís Couceiro
Luís da Silva Mousinho de Albuquerque
Luís de Camões
Luis de León
Luís de Montalvor
Luis G. (Luis Gonzaga) Urbina
Luis María Drago
Luis Mariano de Larra
Luís Mendes de Vasconcelos
Luis Milán
Luis Prudencio Alvarez y Tejero
Luis Ruiz Contreras
Luis Senarens
Luis Vélez de Guevara
Luisa Tetrazzini
Luise Richter
Luise Schorsch
Luiz Augusto Pinto Soveral Soveral
Luiz Augusto Rebello da Silva
Luke Allan
Luke Joseph Doogue
Lulu Hunt Peters
Lulu Wightman
Luna May Ennis
Lunsford Lane
Lurana Sheldon
Luther Albertus Brewer
Luther Benson
Luther Holden
Luther Stearns Cushing
Luther W. Hopkins
Lycurgus A. (Lycurgus Arnold) Wilson
Lydia Danöfen
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company
Lydia Estes Pinkham
Lydia Hoyt Farmer
Lydia Koidula
Lydia L. A. (Lydia Louisa Anna) Very
Lydia L. Rouse
Lydia Leavitt
Lydia M. Graves
Lydia Maria Child
Lydia Maria Gurney
Lydia Miller Middleton
Lyford P. (Lyford Paterson) Edwards
Lyle E. Brenneman
Lyman Abbott
Lyman Beecher Stowe
Lyman Beecher Tefft
Lyman Carrier
Lyman Cobb
Lyman D. Hinckley
Lyman Horace Weeks
Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater
Lyman P. (Lyman Pierson) Powell
Lyn Venable
Lynden Livingston Macassey
Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines) Johnson
Lyndon Orr
Lynn Riggs
Lynn Thorndike
Lynne C. Murphy
Lyon Des Roys
Lyon Gardiner Tyler
Lysander Spooner
Lyster H. (Lyster Hoxie) Dewey
Lytton Strachey
M. (Arnaud) Berquin
M. (Charles Gabriel) Le Clerc
M. (Edmé-François) Jomard
M. (François Guillaume) Ducray-Duminil
M. (François-Auguste-Marie-Alexis) Mignet
M. (Germain) Garnier
M. (Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymond) Capefigue
M. (Malcolm) Sterling Mackinlay
M. (Mandell) Creighton
M. (Marcellin) Berthelot
M. (Margo Sybranda Everdina) Scharten-Antink
M. (Marie) Hedderwick-Browne
M. (Mary) Lee
M. (Maurice) Jackson-Wrigley
M. (Maximilian) Schele de Vere
M. (Meletios) Golden
M. (Michael) Foster
M. (Michael) Friedländer
M. (Mikhail) Artsybashev
M. (Milton) Valentine
M. (Moses) Quinby
M. (Physician) Allen
M. A. (Mabel Annie) Stobart
M. A. (Margaret Ann) Courtney
M. A. (Margaret Anne) Curtois
M. A. (Mary Acworth) Orr
M. A. (Mikhail Alekseevich) Kuzmin
M. A. Bonnell
M. A. C.
M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe) Howe
M. A. Glen
M. A. Nicholl
M. A. Perk
M. A. Pittock
M. A. R. (Mildred Anna Rosalie) Tuker
M. B. (Margaret Bertha) Synge
M. B. M. (Mary Bertha McKenzie) Toland
M. B. Manwell
M. Beresford Ryley
M. C. (Maurice Chase) Burritt
M. C. (Mayton Clarence) Hillick
M. C. (Milton C.) Winternitz
M. C. (Mordecai Cubitt) Cooke
M. C. (Morris Cotgrave) Betts
M. C. Bell
M. C. Pease
M. C. Plehn
M. C. van Doorn
M. Carey (Martha Carey) Thomas
M. Colmache
M. Columban
M. Corvus
M. D. Wellcome
M. Dale (Martin Dale) Arvey
M. de (Bernard Le Bovier) Fontenelle
M. de (Jean Lévesque) Burigny
M. de (Matthias) Vries
M. Digby (Matthew Digby) Wyatt
M. Duhamel du Monceau
M. E. (Martin E.) Haworth
M. E. (Mary Edith) Durham
M. E. (Mary Elizabeth) Braddon
M. E. (Mary Esther) Miller
M. E. (Michael E.) Knerr
M. E. (Mildred Emily) Bulkley
M. E. Bewsher
M. E. Billings
M. E. Francis
M. E. Friedman
M. E. Hume-Griffith
M. E. M. (Mollie Evelyn Moore) Davis
M. E. W. (Mary Elizabeth Wilson) Sherwood
M. Elliott
M. Emm. (Marius Emmanuel) Pozzi-Escot
M. F. (Manning Ferguson) Force
M. F. (Michael Ferrebee) Sadler
M. F. (Milburg Francisco) Mansfield
M. F. (Moses Foster) Sweetser
M. F. Hutchinson
M. Fenis
M. G. (Mary Greenway) McClelland
M. G. (Matthew Gregory) Lewis
M. G. (Maurice Grenville) Kains
M. G. (Michael Georg) Conrad
M. G. Brondgeest
M. G. C. (Mary Georgina Caroline) Hall
M. Gontard-Schuck
M. Grace (Mary Grace) Fickett
M. H. (Mabel Henrietta) Spielmann
M. H. (Marion Harry) Spielmann
M. H. (Mary H.) Maxwell
M. H. (Matthew Henry) Barker
M. H. (Matthew Henry) Habershon
M. H. Van Campen
M. Hahl
M. Harding (Minnie Harding) Kelly
M. Horace (Matthew Horace) Hayes
M. I. (Maud Isabel) Ebbutt
M. I. Mayfield
M. I. R. (Mabel Irene Rutherford) Polkinghorne
M. J. (Marie Joseph) Brusse
M. J. (Michael J.) Richardson
M. J. (Michael Joseph) Canavan
M. J. C. (Mary J. C.) Fulton
M. J. Fouquette
M. L. (Martin Luther) Holbrook
M. L. (Mary Louisa) Skinner
M. L. (Mason Locke) Weems
M. L. Campbell
M. L. Hope
M. L. Nesbitt
M. Lievevrouw-Coopman
M. Louise (Maria Louise) Greene
M. Louise (Mary Louise) McLaughlin
M. Lucio y Bustamante
M. Lyle (Matthew Lyle) Spencer
M. M. (Mangasar Mugurditch) Mangasarian
M. M. (Matilda Maria) Blake
M. M. (Milo Milton) Oblinger
M. M. (Mordecai Manuel) Noah
M. M. Pattison (Matthew Moncrieff Pattison) Muir
M. Maryan
M. Mendell
M. Moncalm
M. P. (Matthew Phipps) Shiel
M. Pajari
M. Pearson Thomson
M. R. (Mark Raymond) Harrington
M. R. (Milton R.) Trumbower
M. R. (Montague Rhodes) James
M. R. L. (Maud Russell Lorraine) Sharpe
M. Raymond Lee
M. Rigoberto (Manuel Rigoberto) Paredes
M. Russell (Martin Russell) Thayer
M. S. (Maxwell Stephens) Cooley
M. S. (Montagu Sinclair) Wellby
M. Saillard
M. Sainct Maixant
M. Seip
M. T. (Moses Thurston) Runnels
M. T. H. (Michael Theophile Hubert) Perelaer
M. T. W.
M. Tela
M. V. B. Perley
M. von (Moritz) Prittwitz
M. W. (Margaret Winifred) Haliburton
M. W. (Max Wilhelm) Meyer
M. W. (Morris Woodruff) Seymour
M. W. F. (Marie Willem Frederik) Treub
M. Y. Halidom
M.-L. (Marie-Louise) Gagneur
M.J. Ivers & Co.
Maarten Gerritszoon Vries
Maarten Maartens
Mabel Anne McKee
Mabel Barnes-Grundy
Mabel Borton Beebe
Mabel C. Hawley
Mabel Collins
Mabel Cronise Jones
Mabel Elizabeth Smallwood
Mabel F. Stryker
Mabel Fuller Blodgett
Mabel H. Cummings
Mabel Hale
Mabel M. Moran
Mabel Mackintosh
Mabel Osgood Wright
Mabel Patterson
Mabel Potter Daggett
Mabel Powers
Mabel Quiller-Couch
Mabel Thayer Gray
Mabel Thorne
Mabel W. (Mabel Wheeler) Daniels
Mabel Wagnalls
Mabel Williamson
Mabel Winifred Knowles
Mabel Wood Martin
Mabell S. C. (Mabell Shippie Clarke) Smith
Mac Kenzie Mac Bride
MacGregor Jenkins
Machado de Assis
Maciej Łubieński
Mack Reynolds
Macmillan & Co.
Madame (Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline) Guizot
Madame (Frances Erskine Inglis) Calderón de la Barca
Madame (Joséphine) Dandurand
Madame (Sophie) Cottin
Madame Adolphe Goubaud
Madame d' (Marie-Catherine) Aulnoy
Madame d' Héricourt
Madame de (Anne-Louise-Germaine) Staël
Madame de (Claire Elisabeth Jeanne Gravier de Vergennes) Rémusat
Madame de (Henriette Elizabeth) Witt
Madame de (Maria Geertruida van de Werken) Cambon
Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne) La Fayette
Madame de (Sophie de Senneterre) Renneville
Madame de Maintenon
Madame de Montespan
Madame Henri de La Ville de Mirmont
Madame P. Caro
Madame Panache
Madeleine Black
Madeleine de Scudéry
Madeleine L'Engle
Madeleine Pelletier
Madeleine S. (Madeleine Sweeny) Miller
Madeleine Z. (Madeleine Zabriskie) Doty
Madeline Brandeis
Madeline Leslie
Madeline Yale Wynne
Mademoiselle (Marguerite-Joséphine Weimer) George
Mademoiselle Mars
Mademoiselle St. Sernin
Madge Morris Wagner
Madison Clinton Peters
Madison Grant
Madison Julius Cawein
Mae M. Franking
Mae Van Norman Long
Magdalene De Lancey
Magdalene Horsfall
Magdalene Prince
Magdalene Thoresen
Magdeleine Du Genestoux
Magdeleine Marx
Maggie Brown
Magnus Gottfrid Schybergson
Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Leffler
Magnus Hirschfeld
Magnus Ludens
Maharani of Cooch Behar Sunity Devee
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahidhara Ramamohan Rao
Maiju Lassila
Maikki Friberg
Maila Talvio
Mainwaring George Jacson
Maisie Ward
maître d'armes Labat
Majid AlHydar
Major (John) Richardson
Maksim Gorky
Malcolm (Writer on Herbert Spencer) Guthrie
Malcolm B. Morehart
Malcolm Bell
Malcolm C. (Malcolm Charles) Salaman
Malcolm Jameson
Malcolm Ross
Malcolm V. (Malcolm Vivian) Hay
Malwida von Meysenbug
Mamerto Paglinawan
Man who dined with the Kaiser
Manasseh ben Israel
Manfred A. Carter
Manfred George
Manfred Richthofen
Manfredo Cagni
Manjiro Inagaki
Manly Banister
Manly P. (Manly Palmer) Hall
Manly Wade Wellman
Manmohan Ghose
Mann Rubin
Mannington Caffyn
Manoel Caldas Cordeiro
Manoel Gonzales
Manoel Severim de Faria
Manshu Su
Manuel A. (Manuel Antonio) Alonso
Manuel Antonio Ferreira-Deusdado
Manuel B. Gonnet
Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
Manuel Chaves Rey
Manuel Cipriano da Costa
Manuel de Almeida
Manuel de Arriaga
Manuel de Figueiredo
Manuel do Valle de Moura
Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza
Manuel Emídio Garcia
Manuel Emílio Gomes de Carvalho
Manuel Fernández Juncos
Manuel Fernández y González
Manuel Ferreira Garcia Redondo
Manuel Gálvez
Manuel García González
Manuel Joaquim Pereira da Silva
Manuel José Quintana
Manuel Juan Diana
Manuel Luiz Freire
Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
Manuel Payno
Manuel Pinheiro Chagas
Manuel Romero de Terreros
Manuel Rousaddo
Manuel Saurí
Manuel Tamayo y Baus
Marah Ellis Ryan
Marc Elder
Marc Lescarbot
Marc Monnier
Marcel Allain
Marcel Berger
Marcel Boulenger
Marcel Mültzer
Marcel Nadaud
Marcel Niké
Marcel Prévost
Marcel Proust
Marcel Schwob
Marcel Thibault
Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo
Marcelino Mesquita
Marcelle Tinayre
Marcello Perathoner
Marcet Haldeman-Julius
marchesa Colombi
Marcius Willson
Marco Polo
Marco Praga
Marcos Sastre
Marcus Andrew Hislop Clarke
Marcus B. (Marcus Bourne) Huish
Marcus Bachman Lambert
Marcus Dods
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
Marcus J. (Marcus Joseph) Wright
Marcus J. Martin
Marcus Lee Hansen
Marcus Porcius Cato
Marcus R. P. Dorman
Marcus Rainsford
Marcus Terentius Varro
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Woodward
Marfa Mouchanow
Margaret A. (Margaret Alice) Richard
Margaret A. Hobbs
Margaret A. McIntyre
Margaret Alice Murray
Margaret Allen
Margaret Armstrong
Margaret Ball
Margaret Bemister
Margaret Benson
Margaret Bird Steinmetz
Margaret Blake Alverson
Margaret Brown
Margaret Brown Klapthor
Margaret Bruce Clarke
Margaret Burnham
Margaret C. (Margaret Cockburn) Conkling
Margaret Cameron
Margaret Cavendish Newcastle
Margaret Cobb Rogers
Margaret Collier Graham
Margaret Coulson Walker
Margaret Crittenden Douglass
Margaret Culkin Banning
Margaret D'Este
Margaret Davis Cate
Margaret Devereux
Margaret E. (Margaret Elizabeth) Sangster
Margaret E. (Margaret Ernestine) Burton
Margaret E. Winslow
Margaret Elizabeth Leigh Child-Villiers Jersey
Margaret Elizabeth Munson Sangster
Margaret Ellen James
Margaret F. Hammond
Margaret Fuller
Margaret Hill McCarter
Margaret Horton Potter
Margaret Johnes Mitchell
Margaret Junkin Preston
Margaret L. (Margaret Louisa) Woods
Margaret Love Sanderson
Margaret Lynn
Margaret M. (Margaret Murray) Robertson
Margaret MacArthur
Margaret Mahaney
Margaret Mayo
Margaret Moyes Black
Margaret Pedler
Margaret Penrose
Margaret Peterson
Margaret Piper Chalmers
Margaret Pollock Sherwood
Margaret Prescott Montague
Margaret Robson Stacpoole
Margaret Roscoe
Margaret Sanger
Margaret Scott Oliver
Margaret Sidney
Margaret Skinnider
Margaret Slattery
Margaret Smith Furry
Margaret St. Clair
Margaret Stuart Lane
Margaret Sutton
Margaret Symonds
Margaret T. Van Epps
Margaret Turnbull
Margaret Van Horn Dwight
Margaret Vandegrift
Margaret Vandercook
Margaret Veley
Margaret W. (Margaret White) Eggleston
Margaret W. (Margaret Wiseham) Lewis
Margaret Wade Campbell Deland
Margaret Warner Morley
Margaret Warrender
Margaret Waters
Margaret Westrup
Margaret Whitley
Margaret Widdemer
Margaret Williamson
Margaret Wilson
Margaret Wright Brown
Margaret Wynne Nevinson
Margareta Langenskjöld
Margarete Böhme
Margarete Lenk
Margaretha Meijboom
Margarita Spalding Gerry
Margery Allingham
Margery Closey Quigley
Margery Two-Shoes
Margery Verner Reed
Margery Williams Bianco
Margit Kaffka
Margot Asquith
Margot Vos
Margravine Wilhelmine
Margrieta Beer
Marguerite Audoux
Marguerite Bernard
Marguerite Blessington
Marguerite Bryant
Marguerite Cunliffe-Owen
Marguerite Dickson
Marguerite Du Parquet
Marguerite Duportal
Marguerite Henry
Marguerite Merington
Marguerite Moreno
Marguerite Steinheil
Marguerite Wilkinson
Marguerite-Yerta Méléra
Mari Wolf
Maria Amalia Vaz de Carvalho
María Amparo Ruiz de Burton
Maria Antonia Field
Maria Arthington
Maria Burg
Maria Callcott
Maria de Lara e Meneses
María de Zayas y Sotomayor
María del Pilar Sinués de Marco
Maria E. Ward
Maria Edgeworth
Maria Eliza Hoare
Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell
Maria Elizabeth Budden
Maria Gentile
Maria Germon
Maria Gowen Brooks
Maria J. (Maria Jane) McIntosh
Maria J. Moss
Maria Jotuni
Maria Kraftman
Maria L. Stewart
Maria Lazar
Maria Margaret Pollen
Maria Mitchell
Maria Monk
Maria Montessori
Maria Parloa
Maria Ramstedt
María Raquel Adler
Maria Rieck-Müller
Maria S. (Maria Susanna) Cummins
Maria Stella Petronilla Ungern-Sternberg
Maria Thompson Daviess
Marià Vayreda
Maria Weston Chapman
Maria Willett Howard
Marian Elizabeth Bailey
Marian Fairchild
Marian Gouverneur
Marian Hurd McNeely
Marian Kent Hurd
Marian Longfellow
Marian MacLean Finney
Marian Minnie George
Marian Storm
Marian Wharton
Marianne Baillie
Marianne Farningham
Marianne Kirlew
Marianne L. B. Ker
Marianne Lundegård-Hagberg
Marianne Margaret Compton Cust Alford
Marianne Moore
Marianne Ostier
Mariano Azuela
Mariano Barranco
Mariano Colagrossi
Mariano José de Larra
Mariano Nougués Secall
Mariano Sequera
Mariano Velázquez de la Cadena
Marie A. Günther
Marie Ahnighito Peary
Marie Bashkirtseff
Marie Beeg
Marie Belloc Lowndes
Marie Bernhard
Marie Carmichael Stopes
Marie Connor Leighton
Marie Conway Oemler
Marie Corelli
Marie Curie
Marie D. (Marie Daugherty) Webster
Marie de Grandmaison
Marie de Rabutin-Chantal Sévigné
Marie de Ujfalvy-Bourdon
Marie Diers
Marie E. (Marie Elizabeth) Zakrzewska
Marie Gigault de Bellefonds Villars
Marie Hankel
Marie Harriette Frary
Marie Hay
Marie Helene Gulbransen
Marie Irish
Marie Jane Cooper
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier Lafayette
Marie L. McLaughlin
Marie L. Shedlock
Marie Le Jars de Gournay
Marie Lebert
Marie Leopold
Marie Linder
Marie Louise von Suttner
Marie Madeleine
Marie Manning
Marie Marx-Koning
Marie Mattingly Meloney
Marie Mumford Meinell Hemstreet
Marie Nathusius
Marie Nyswander Robinson
Marie Ovink-Soer
Marie Petersen
Marie Quinton
Marie Robinson Wright
Marie Saltus
Marie Sophie Schwartz
Marie Stevens Howland
Marie Tharp
Marie Thérèse Louise de Savoie-Carignan Lamballe
Marie Van Vorst
Marie von Bunsen
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Marie-Angélique Du Gué Bagnoles Coulanges
Marie-Anne de Bovet
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles
Marie-Louise-Victoire marquise de La Rochejaquelein
Marietta Holley
Marietta Hubbard
Marietta McPherson Greenough
Mariia Bochkareva
Marilla M. (Marilla Marks) Ricker
Marillis Bittinger
Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie
Marilyn D. Anderson
Marino Sanudo
Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Mário Pires Gomes Beirão
Mario Rapisardi
Mario Uchard
Marion Ames Taggart
Marion Anne Jenkinson
Marion Bauer
Marion Chilton Harrison
Marion Cook Stow
Marion Craig Wentworth
Marion D. (Marion Daniel) Shutter
Marion Forster Gilmore
Marion Foster Washburne
Marion Gilbert
Marion Gleason McDougall
Marion Harland
Marion Harris Neil
Marion Harvey
Marion I. (Marion Isabel) Newbigin
Marion Lawrance
Marion Mills Miller
Marion Morrison
Marion Polk Angellotti
Marion Rex Trabue
Marion St. John Webb
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marja Salmela
Marjorie Allen Seiffert
Marjorie Benton Cooke
Marjorie Bowen
Marjorie Crocker
Marjorie Douie
Marjorie L. C. (Marjorie Lowry Christie) Pickthall
Marjorie Moyca Newell
Marjory MacMurchy Willison
Mark Akenside
Mark Ambient
Mark Antony Lower
Mark Campbell
Mark Clifton
Mark E. Laxer
Mark Edward Perugini
Mark Ganes
Mark Guy Pearse
Mark Herbert Joseph Bennett
Mark Hopkins
Mark Lee Luther
Mark Lemon
Mark Meadows
Mark Overton
Mark Pattison
Mark Reinsberg
Mark Swan
Mark Twain
Mark Van Doren
Mark Wicks
Marko Vovchok
Marmaduke Park
Marmaduke William Pickthall
Maro O. (Maro Orlando) Rolfe
Marques Gomes
marquis de Sade
marquise de Fontenoy
Marr Murray
Marsden Hartley
Marshall De Lancey Haywood
Marshall Everett
Marshall H. (Marshall Howard) Saville
Marshall J. (Marshall Jerome) Gauvin
Marshall King
Marshall M. (Marshall Monroe) Kirkman
Marshall MacDermott
Marshall Mather
Marshall McClintock
Marshall Moreton
Marshall Ora Leighton
Marshall P. (Marshall Pinckney) Wilder
Marshall Saunders
Mart R. (Martin Robert) Steffen
Martha Ann Brett Samuel
Martha C. Grassham Purcell
Martha Evans Martin
Martha Everts Holden
Martha Finley
Martha Foote Crow
Martha Griffith Browne
Martha Idell Fletcher Bellinger
Martha James
Martha Lee Anderson
Martha Lewis Beckwith Ewell
Martha McCulloch-Williams
Martha Meir Allen
Martha Morton
Martha Ostenso
Martha Russell Orne
Martha Summerhayes
Martha Trent
Martha W. (Martha Woodroof) Hiden
Martha Warren Beckwith
Martha Young
Martí Joan de Galba
Martin A. (Martin Alonzo) Haynes
Martin A. Baumhoff
Martin A. S. (Martin Andrew Sharp) Hume
Martin Andersen Nexø
Martin B. (Martin Bronn) Ruud
Martin Braess
Martin Brown
Martin Brückner
Martín del Barco Centenera
Martin Dobrizhoffer
Martin Farquhar Tupper
Martín García Mérou
Martin Grove Brumbaugh
Martin Gumpert
Martin Hardie
Martin Henry Donohoe
Martin Hunter
Martin I. (Martin Ingham) Townsend
Martin I. (Martin Inventius) Wilbert
Martin I. J. (Martin Ignatius Joseph) Griffin
Martin J. (Martin Jerome) Scott
Martin Johnson
Martin Louis Alan Gompertz
Martin Luther
Martin P. (Martin Persson) Nilsson
Martin Quigley
Martin Ramström
Martin Robison Delany
Martin Ross
Martin Samuel Vilas
Martin Van Buren
Martti Haavio
Martti Wuori
Marvin Dana
Marvin R. Clark
Marvin R. Vincent
Mary (Mary Botham) Howitt
Mary (Mary C. Johnson) Dillon
Mary A. (Mary Abigail) Roe
Mary A. (Mary Artemisia) Lathbury
Mary A. Boland
Mary A. McCormack
Mary A. Wilson
Mary Addams Bayne
Mary Agnes Byrne
Mary Agnes FitzGibbon
Mary Agnes Hamilton
Mary Agnes Tincker
Mary Alice Walton
Mary Angela Dickens
Mary Ann H. T. (Mary Ann Hubbard Townsend) Bigelow
Mary Ann Harris Gay
Mary Ann Hedge
Mary Ann Kilner
Mary Ann Mann Cornelius
Mary Ann Olsen
Mary Ann Webster Loughborough
Mary Anne Venning
Mary Antin
Mary Ashley Townsend
Mary Astell
Mary Augusta Elton
Mary Austin
Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Belle Freeley
Mary Blake
Mary Borden
Mary Boyle
Mary Browne
Mary Brunton
Mary Buckle
Mary C. (Mary C. Currey) Dorris
Mary C. (Mary Catherine) Rowsell
Mary C. (Mary Churchill) Hungerford
Mary C. E. Wemyss
Mary C. Vaughan
Mary Carlson
Mary Caroline Crawford
Mary Carolyn Davies
Mary Catherine Crowley
Mary Catherine Judd
Mary Chase Mills Lyall
Mary Cholmondeley
Mary Christiana Hofmann
Mary Christina Miller
Mary Clark
Mary Clemmer
Mary Clitherow
Mary Cochrane Rogers
Mary Cole
Mary Cowden Clarke
Mary Croom Brown
Mary Curtis
Mary D. (Mary Dow) Brine
Mary D. (Mary Dummett) Nauman
Mary D. Barber
Mary D. Maitland Kelly
Mary Dana Shindler
Mary De Morgan
Mary Devereux
Mary Diana Dods
Mary Dormer Harris
Mary E. (Mary Eliza) Ireland
Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth) Burt
Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth) Coleridge
Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth) Palmer
Mary E. (Mary Ella) Waller
Mary E. (Mary Ellen) Bamford
Mary E. (Mary Evarts) Anderson
Mary E. Blain
Mary E. Bradley Lane
Mary E. Hanshew
Mary E. Herbert
Mary E. Mann
Mary Eales
Mary Eaton
Mary Edward Feehan
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Mary Elizabeth Carter
Mary Elizabeth Counselman
Mary Elizabeth Green
Mary Elizabeth Hall
Mary Elizabeth Parsons
Mary Elizabeth Phillips
Mary Elizabeth Southwell Dudley Leathley
Mary Ella Lyng
Mary Ellen Chase
Mary Ellen Mannix
Mary Ellen Richmond
Mary Ellis
Mary Elting
Mary Emma Woolley
Mary Esther Miller MacGregor
Mary Ethel McAuley
Mary F. (Mary Foote) Henderson
Mary F. Nixon-Roulet
Mary F. Porter
Mary F. Waterbury
Mary Findlater
Mary Finley Leonard
Mary Florence Hodge
Mary Forman Ledyard
Mary Fox
Mary Frances Blaisdell
Mary Frances Outram
Mary Frances Sandars
Mary Francis Cusack
Mary French Caldwell
Mary G. (Mary Galway) Houston
Mary G. (Mary Greene) Ware
Mary Gardiner Horsford
Mary Gaunt
Mary Gladys Meredith Webb
Mary Gorges
Mary Graham Bonner
Mary Grant Bruce
Mary Greer Conklin
Mary Griffith
Mary H. (Mary Helen) Fee
Mary H. (Mary Henderson) Eastman
Mary H. Debenham
Mary H. Foster
Mary Hallock Foote
Mary Hamilton
Mary Hampden
Mary Harris Toy Dodge
Mary Harrison
Mary Harrod Northend
Mary Hartwell Catherwood
Mary Hastings Bradley
Mary Hays
Mary Hazel Snuff
Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade
Mary Heaton Vorse
Mary Henrietta Kingsley
Mary Higgs
Mary Hitchcock
Mary Hodgson
Mary Holdsworth
Mary Holland Kinkaid
Mary Hooker
Mary Hooper
Mary Hornibrook Cummins
Mary Hoyer
Mary Huestis Pengilly
Mary Huston Gregory
Mary Imlay Taylor
Mary J. (Mary Johnson) Lincoln
Mary Jane Holmes
Mary Jary Gurney
Mary Johnson Holmes
Mary Johnston
Mary Josephine White
Mary K. (Mary Katherine) Maule
Mary Kennedy Core
Mary King Waddington
Mary Knight
Mary L. (Mary Lillian) Read
Mary L. (Mary Lynn) Williamson
Mary L. Armitt
Mary L. Bissell
Mary L. Code
Mary L. Day
Mary L. Lewes
Mary Lamb
Mary Lamers
Mary Larcom Dow
Mary Lee Taylor
Mary Lerner
Mary Lois Kissell
Mary Louisa Boyle
Mary Lowell Putnam
Mary Lydia Branch
Mary M. (Mary Martha) Mears
Mary M. (Mary Mason) Wright
Mary Macgregor
Mary MacLane
Mary Macleod
Mary Mapes Dodge
Mary Marcy
Mary Martha Sherwood
Mary McNeil Fenollosa
Mary Mills Patrick
Mary Monica Maxwell-Scott
Mary Murdoch Mason
Mary Neal
Mary Newton Stanard
Mary Owens Crowther
Mary P. (Mary Philadelphia) Merrifield
Mary P. Lowe
Mary P. Wells (Mary Prudence Wells) Smith
Mary Platt Parmele
Mary Poague Pringle
Mary Prince
Mary Proctor
Mary Randolph
Mary Rawlings
Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
Mary Rhodes Waring Henagan
Mary Ritter Beard
Mary Roberts
Mary Roberts Conover
Mary Roberts Rinehart
Mary Robinson
Mary Rogers Bangs
Mary Rogers Miller
Mary Ronald
Mary Rosetta Parkman
Mary Ross
Mary Rowles Jarvis
Mary Russell Mitford
Mary S. (Mary Sollace) Saxe
Mary Scharlieb
Mary Schauffler Platt
Mary Schell Hoke Bacon
Mary Schenck Woolman
Mary Seacole
Mary Seymour
Mary Somerville
Mary Spring Corning
Mary Stewart Cutting
Mary Stewart Daggett
Mary Stoyell Stimpson
Mary Stuart Boyd
Mary Sturgeon
Mary Swartz Rose
Mary T. (Mary Theresa) Longley
Mary T. (Mary Theresa) Waggaman
Mary T. Swickard
Mary Tenney Healy
Mary Theresa Leiter
Mary Tooth
Mary Tourtel
Mary Treat
Mary Tyler Peabody Mann
Mary Virginia Wall
Mary Wallace Bundy Little
Mary Ware Dennett
Mary White
Mary White Ovington
Mary White Rowlandson
Mary Wilder Tileston
Mary Wilson Alloway
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mary Wood-Allen
Mary Wortley Montagu
Marylebone Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League
Mason Augustus Walton
Mason Jackson
Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society
Massachusetts. Commissioners on Fisheries and Game
Massachusetts. General Court. Committee on Railways and Canals
Massimo Bontempelli
Massimo d' Azeglio
Massy Harbison
Mateo Alemán
Mateo Gisbert
Math Josef Frings
Mathew Joseph Holt
Mathilda Malling
Mathilda Roos
Mathilde Blind
Mathurin Régnier
Matilda A. Evans
Matilda Betham
Matilda Betham-Edwards
Matilda Chaplin Ayrton
Matilda Coxe Stevenson
Matilda Darroch Knowles
Matilda Joslyn Gage
Matilda Ridout Edgar
Matilda Roslin-Kalliola
Matilda Sager
Matilda Wrench
Matilde Serao
Matt Crim
Matteo Cuomo
Matteo Maria Boiardo
Matteo Villani
Matthew Alexander Henson
Matthew Arnold
Matthew Brayton
Matthew Crawford
Matthew Feilde
Matthew Flinders
Matthew Holbeche Bloxam
Matthew Hopkins
Matthew L. Hewat
Matthew Luckiesh
Matthew M. Colton
Matthew Nathanael Lundquist
Matthew Page Andrews
Matthew Scott
Matthew Stanley Kemp
Matthew Turner
Matthew W. Alderson
Matthew Weld Hartstonge
Matthew White
Matthias Akiander
Matthias F. Cowley
Matthias Hubertus Henricus Michels
Matti Aikio
Matti Kurikka
Mattias Salamnius
Mattie Crawford
Mattie Phipps Todd
Maturin M. (Maturin Murray) Ballou
Maud Ballington Booth
Maud Brunton
Maud C. Cooke
Maud Churton Braby
Maud Cruttwell
Maud D. (Maud Doria) Haviland
Maud Diver
Maud E. Morrow
Maud Gridley Budlong
Maud Howard Peterson
Maud Howe Elliott
Maud Lindsay
Maud Maryon
Maud Ogilvy
Maud Petitt
Maud Stepney Rawson
Maud Summers
Maud Wilder Goodwin
Maude Alma
Maude M. Grant
Maude Mary Butler
Maude Radford Warren
Maude Ward Lafferty
Maulana Jalal al-Din Rumi
Mauno Rosendal
Maurice A. (Maurice Alpheus) Bigelow
Maurice Andrew Brackenreed Johnston
Maurice B. Tonkin
Maurice Baring
Maurice Barrès
Maurice Baudin
Maurice Bloomfield
Maurice Bouchor
Maurice Clouard
Maurice Fleury
Maurice Francis Egan
Maurice Genevoix
Maurice H. (Maurice Henry) Harris
Maurice Hartland Mahon
Maurice Hewlett
Maurice Joly
Maurice Jonas
Maurice Larrouy
Maurice Le Glay
Maurice Leblanc
Maurice Level
Maurice Lewandowski
Maurice Liber
Maurice Maeterlinck
Maurice Magre
Maurice Nicoll
Maurice Ordonneau
Maurice Renard
Maurice Sand
Maurice Thompson
Maurice W. Brockwell
Maurycy Karasowski
Max Aaron Luria
Max Aitken Beaverbrook
Max B. (Max Bernhard) Weinstein
Max Bauer
Max Beer
Max Beerbohm
Max Birnbaum
Max Brand
Max Brod
Max Buchner
Max C. Sheridan
Max C. Thompson
Max Dauthendey
Max Deri
Max Dreyer
Max Du Veuzit
Max Duncker
Max Eastman
Max Eyth
Max Farrand
Max Geissler
Max Geitel
Max Georg Brausewetter
Max Grohmann
Max Heindel
Max Herrmann-Neisse
Max Hesdörffer
Max Kemmerich
Max Kretzer
Max Liebermann
Max Löhlein
Max Marcin
Max McConn
Max Millard
Max Neuburger
Max O'Rell
Max Pearson Cushing
Max Pemberton
Max Prager
Max Radin
Max Rittenberg
Max Rothschild
Max Scheler
Max Schlesinger
Max Schmidt
Max Schultze
Max Simon
Max Simon Nordau
Max Stirner
Max Tadlock
Max Uhle
Max Verworn
Max von Gruber
Max Wenzel
Max Williams
Maxime de La Rocheterie
Maxime Lalanne
Maxime Provost
Maxime Vuillaume
Maximilian Axelson
Maximilian Foster
Maximilian Stern
Maximilian Toch
Maximilian Wied
Maximiliano de Azevedo
Maximilien (François Marie Uncas Maximilien) Bibaud
Maximilien Robespierre
Maxwell Bodenheim
Maxwell Fuller
Maxwell Gray
Maxwell Sommerville
Maxwell T. (Maxwell Tylden) Masters
May Agnes Fleming
May Ayres
May Baldwin
May Bateman
May Byron
May E. (May Elizabeth) Southworth
May Edginton
May Emery Hall
May Evelyn Skiles
May Farinholt Jones
May Folwell Hoisington
May Henry
May Kellogg Sullivan
May Kendall
May Leonard
May Sinclair
May Vivienne
May Wentworth
Mayer Eva
Mayne Reid
Mayow Wynell Mayow
Mazhar Ali Khan Vila
Mazo De la Roche
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Md.) McCormick & Co. (Baltimore
Me. Clergyman of Brunswick
Meadows Taylor
Means Davis
Mechtild Lichnowsky
Medeiros e Albuquerque
Meg Gehrts
Mei Huangfu
Mei Yuan
Melchior Meyr
Melchior Vischer
Melis Stoke
Melvil Dewey
Melville Davisson Post
Melvin E. (Melvin Earnest) Trotter
Melvin G. Winstock
Melvin Hix
Melvin J. Weig
Melvin L. (Melvin Linwood) Severy
Melvin M. (Melvin Moses) Knight
Melvin Powers
Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph) Gilmore
Melvin Sturgis
Member of the Philadelphia bar
Menco Stern
Mengchu Ling
Menglong Feng
Merck & Co.
Mercy Grogan
Mercy Otis Warren
Meredith Nicholson
Meriwether Lewis
Merlin K. Potts
Merrick Abner Richardson
Merrill D. Beal
Merrill J. Mattes
Merrill Pingree Freeman
Merrill Tileston
Mervin C. Simmons
Mervin James Curl
Mesa Verde Museum Association
Methuen & Co.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Metta Victoria Fuller Victor
Meyer D. Rothschild
Meyer Moldeven
Mi Huangfu
Mian Wang
Mich.) Ladies' Library Association (Schoolcraft
Michael Arlen
Michael Barrett
Michael Casilliano
Michael Cathal
Michaël Choraeus
Michael Clarke
Michael Combrune
Michael D. Cooper
Michael Davitt
Michael Doheny
Michael Drayton
Michael Earls
Michael F. (Michael Frederic) Guyer
Michael Fairless
Michael Faraday
Michael Field
Michael Fitzgerald
Michael Frederic Rimington
Michael Geistbeck
Michael Hart
Michael Hendrick Fitch
Michael Husted
Michael J. Harner
Michael J. Phelan
Michael J. Schaack
Michael MacDonagh
Michael McDonnell
Michael Moukhanoff
Michael Müller
Michael Myers Shoemaker
Michael Pupin
Michael Russell
Michael Sadleir
Michael Sage
Michael Scott
Michael Shaara
Michael Strange
Michael White
Michael Wigglesworth
Michael Williams
Michael Wirth
Michael Wood
Michael Zuroy
Michal Sedziwój
Michel Carré
Michel Chevalier
Michel Corday
Michel de Montaigne
Michel Millot
Michel Verne
Michel Zévaco
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Michele Amari
Michele Lessona
Michele Longo
Mifflin Wistar Gibbs
Miguel Agustin Pérez
Miguel Cané
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Miguel de Unamuno
Miguel Hidalgo
Miguel J. T. Mascarenhas
Miguel Ramos Carrión
Miguel Saderra Masó
Mihai Eminescu
Mihai Nadin
Mihály Babits
Mihály Fazekas
Mihály Lenhossék
Mike Curry
Mike Ellis
Mike Lewis
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov
Mikhail Iurevich Lermontov
Mikkjel Fønhus
Mikko Akseli Helander
Mikko Tervas
Miklós Bánffy
Miklós Jósika
Miklós Surányi
Milan C. Edson
Mildred A. (Mildred Augustine) Wirt
Mildred Aldrich
Mildred Cable
Mildred Duff
Mildred Kennedy
Mildred M. Coen
Mildred Maddocks Bentley
Mildred Stapley Byne
Miles Franklin
Miles J. (Miles John) Breuer
Milicent Washburn Shinn
Militia of Mercy (U.S.). Gift Book Committee
Milivoy S. (Milivoy Stoyan) Stanoyevich
Milk Industry Foundation (U.S.)
Millais Culpin
Millard Fillmore
Millard Grimes
Miller Christy
Millicent Garrett Fawcett
Millicent Schwab Bender
Millicent Todd Bingham
Milo Hastings
Milo Milton Quaife
Milo S. Hascall
Milton A. Rothman
Milton Bradley
Milton C. (Milton Cooper) Work
Milton Goldsmith
Milton L. Coe
Milton M. Shaw
Milton Spenser Terry
Milwaukee Chicago
Mina Hubbard
Mina Krüseman
Minerva Brace Norton
Ming Gao
Ming Zuoqiu
Mingshi Zhu
Minie Herbert
Ministers and Elders of the London Provinciall Assembly
Minna Canth
Minna Krohn
Minna Wettstein-Adelt
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
Minnie D. Kellogg
Minnie Lindsay Rowell Carpenter
Minnie Martin
Minnie Mary Lee
Minnie Moore-Willson
Minot J. (Minot Judson) Savage
Minute Tapioca Co.
Miquel dels Sants Oliver
Miranda Eliot Swan
Miriam Allen De Ford
Miriam Clark Potter
Miriam Coles Harris
Miriam Gaines
Miriam Haynie
Miriam Michelson
Miss (F.) Lambert
Miss (Julia) Corner
Miss (Julia) Pardoe
Miss (Pamela Atkins) Colman
Miss Coulton
Miss Lovechild
Miss Moncrieff
Miss Watts
Mississippi Historical Society
Mitchell Carroll
Mitchell Dakota Engineering Company
Mitchell S. (Mitchell Starrett) Buck
Mite Kremnitz
Mitzi Perdue
Mme. (Jeanne-Louise-Henriette) Campan
Mme. de Stolz
Mme. Du Hausset
Mme. Dufrénoy
Mme. Hecquet
Mobile (Ala.). Committee on Causes and Extent of the Late Extraordinary Sickness and Mortality in the Town
Modest Chaikovskii
Modesto de Castro
Modesto Perez
Mody C. (Mody Coggin) Boatright
Mohammed Ali
Moira O'Neill
Molly E. Jamieson
Molly Elliot Seawell
Mona Caird
Mona Gould
Moncure Daniel Conway
Monette Cummings
Monica M. (Monica Mary) Gardner
Monica M. Stanley
Monier Monier-Williams
Moniz Barreto
Monroe K. Ruch
Monsieur (Michel) Baron
Monsieur de (François) Callières
Monsieur Freydier
Monsieur Soulier
Monsieur Verny
Montagu Browne
Montague Free
Montague Glass
Montague Massey
Montgomery B. Gibbs
Montgomery Montgomery Real Estate Agents' Association
Montgomery Schuyler
Montrose Jonas Moses
Mooshie G. Daniel
Mór Jókai
Moray Dalton
Mordaunt Hall
Morgan Robertson
Morgan Scott
Morilla Maria Norton
Moritz Busch
Moritz Spiess
Morley Adams
Morley Roberts
Morris Hershman
Morris Jastrow
Morris Phillips
Morris Rosenfeld
Morris Williams
Morrison Colladay
Morrison Heady
Mortimer Delano de Lannoy
Mortimer Menpes
Morton Pennypacker
Morton Prince
Moses Coit Tyler
Moses Grandy
Moses James Nobbs
Moses Margoliouth
Moses Montefiore
Moses Schere
Moses Swan
Mosiah Hall
Mother Jones
Mother St. Paul
Mount Rushmore National Memorial Society of the Black Hills
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union
Mowbray Morris
Moyers S. Shore
Moyle Sherer
Mr. (Edward) Jerningham
Mr. (John) Oldmixon
Mr. (Leonard) Welsted
Mr. (Lewis) Theobald
Mr. Stops
Mrs. (Anna Letitia) Barbauld
Mrs. (Anna) Jameson
Mrs. (Anne) Ritson
Mrs. (Barbara) Hofland
Mrs. (Catherine Grace Frances) Gore
Mrs. (Catherine Mary Charlton) Bearne
Mrs. (Catherine) Clive
Mrs. (Catherine-Anne Austen) Hubback
Mrs. (Eliza Davis) Aria
Mrs. (Eliza Elder) Brightwen
Mrs. (Elizabeth Caroline) Grey
Mrs. (Elizabeth) Bonhote
Mrs. (Elizabeth) Montagu
Mrs. (Elizabeth) Turner
Mrs. (Ethel) Alec-Tweedie
Mrs. (Harriet Anne) De Salis
Mrs. (Hester) Chapone
Mrs. (Isabella Mary) Beeton
Mrs. (Jane Haldimand) Marcet
Mrs. (Jane) Loudon
Mrs. (Jean Oliver) Mill
Mrs. (Louisa Lilias) Greene
Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant
Mrs. (Margracia) Loudon
Mrs. (Martha) Blackford
Mrs. (Mary Hooker) Cornelius
Mrs. (Mary) Bayly
Mrs. (Matilda Charlotte) Houstoun
Mrs. (Pamela Chandler) Colman
Mrs. (Rachel) Hunter
Mrs. (Rosanna Eleanor) Leprohon
Mrs. (Susannah) Gunning
Mrs. Alexander
Mrs. Bowdich
Mrs. Dowdall
Mrs. Felton
Mrs. Gordon Smythies
Mrs. Humphry
Mrs. Inchbald
Mrs. Lambert Chambers
Mrs. Lanaghan
Mrs. Lang
Mrs. Leighton
Mrs. Lovechild
Mrs. Meer Hasan Ali
Mrs. Molesworth
Mrs. O'Neill
Mrs. Paynter
Mrs. Pember Reeves
Mrs. Perring
Mrs. Rafy
Mrs. Rowson
Mrs. Ward
Mrs. Warner-Sleigh
Mugurdich Chojhauji Gabrielian
Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Tufayl
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Wazir al-Ghassani
Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Tūnisī
Muhammad Iqbal
Mungo Park
Mungo William MacCallum
Munson Aldrich Havens
Murasaki Shikibu
Murat Halstead
Murdock Pemberton
Muriel Hawker
Muriel Hine
Muriel Stuart
Murray F. Yaco
Murray Gilchrist
Murray H. Nelligan
Murray Leinster
Mustafa Naima
Mykhailo Hrushevskyi
Myles Endicott
Myra Kelly
Myra Reynolds
Myra Williams Jarrell
Myron Eells
Myron I. Scholnick
Myron R. Lewis
Myrta Lockett Avary
Myrtle Cheney Murdock
Myrtle Reed
N. (Nathaniel) Ames
N. (Nehemiah) Hawkins
N. (Nicholas) Kilburn
N. (Nicholas) Rigby
N. (Nikolai) Sokolov
N. A. (Napoléon-Antoine) Belcourt
N. A. (Nicolas A.) Kubalski
N. A. (Noah A.) McDonald
N. B. (Nancy Bostick) De Saussure
N. Bryllion (Nathan Bryllion) Fagin
N. C. (Nathaniel Clark) Burt
N. D'Anvers
N. D. (Nikolai Detlef) Falck
N. E. (Nelson Edward) Jones
N. Hudson Moore
N. L. VanDemark
N. Louise (Nannie Louise) Wright
N. M. (Nettie Maria) Stevens
N. P. (Niels Peter) Gravengaard
N. R. af (Nils Robert) Ursin
N. S. (Nannette Snow) Emerson
N. S. (Neville Stuart) Talbot
N. S. (Nikolai Semenovich) Leskov
N.-E. (Narcisse-Eutrope) Dionne
N.-J. Carpentier
N.C.) Trinity College (Randolph County
N.Y.) Church of St. Paul the Apostle (New York
N.Y.) George R. Fuller Co. (Rochester
N.Y.) Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York
N.Y.) Tested Recipe Institute (New York
N.Y.). Committee of Ten Brooklyn (New York
N.Y.). Young Ladies' Society First Baptist Church (Rochester
Nahum Slouschz
Nai'an Shi
Najeeb M. (Najeeb Mitry) Saleeby
Nalbro Bartley
Nan Netherton
Nancy (Novelist) Oakley
Nancy Byrd Turner
Nancy Casteel Vogel
Nancy Huston Banks
Nancy Luce
Nancy Prince
Nancy Rebecca Campbell Glass
Nancy W. Hawkins
Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor Astor
Nancy Yulee (Neff) Stigand
Nanzhuang Zhang
Naomi Norsworthy
Naphtali Herz Wessely
Napier Malcolm
Napier Shelton
Napoléon Hayard
Napoleone Colajanni
Napolitano Notturno
Narcís Oller
Narcisse Cyr
Narragansett Machine Company
Nassau William Senior
Nat Gould
Nat Love
Nat Turner
Nat. C. (Nathaniel Carll) Goodwin
Natalie Clifford Barney
Natalie Harris Hammond
Natalie Stackelberg
Natalie Sumner Lincoln
Nataly von Eschstruth
Nathalia Crane
Nathan Banks
Nathan Brooks
Nathan C. (Nathan Chapman) Kouns
Nathan Christ Schaeffer
Nathan Dane Urner
Nathan Drake
Nathan Gallizier
Nathan Haskell Dole
Nathan Kelsey Hall
Nathan Perkins
Nathan Schachner
Nathanael St. André
Nathaniel Armstrong Wells
Nathaniel Bloomfield
Nathaniel Bright Emerson
Nathaniel C. (Nathaniel Claiborne) Hale
Nathaniel C. (Nathaniel Clark) Fowler
Nathaniel Conklin
Nathaniel Field
Nathaniel Gordon
Nathaniel H. (Nathaniel Holmes) Bishop
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
Nathaniel Hodges
Nathaniel Hough
Nathaniel Ingelo
Nathaniel Parker Willis
Nathaniel Pitt Langford
Nathaniel S. (Nathaniel Scudder) Prime
Nathaniel Sands
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler
Nathaniel W. (Nathaniel Wright) Stephenson
Nathaniel Ward
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Atomic Museum (U.S.)
National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice
National Canners Association
National Conference on Workmen's Compensation for Industrial Accidents
National Council for Prevention of War (U.S.)
National Gallery of Art (U.S.)
National Industrial Conference Board
National Live Stock and Meat Board
National Research Council (U.S.). Ad Hoc Panel on On-line Computers in Nuclear Research
National Security Council (U.S.)
National Sheet Metal Roofing Co.
Natt N. (Natt Noyes) Dodge
Naval War College (U.S.)
Neal O. Hines
Ned Buntline
Ned Katryn
Ned Wayburn
Neda A. Walpole
Needom N. Freeman
Neel Doff
Nehemiah Adams
Neil Goble
Neil J. Kenney
Neil Munro
Neil P. Ruzic
Neil R. Jones
Neith Boyce
Nell Speed
Nella Braddy Henney
Nelle E. Moore
Nellie Bly
Nellie L. McClung
Nellie Lathrop Helm
Nellie M. (Nellie Mabel) Leonard
Nellie Melba
Nellie Treanor Stokes
Nellie Van de Grift Sanchez
Nelly Montijn-de Fouw
Nels Anderson
Nelson Annandale
Nelson H. DeLane
Nelson Lloyd
Nelson S. Bond
Neltje Blanchan
Nephi Anderson
Népomucène-Louis Lemercier
Néricault Destouches
Nesta Helen Webster
Nestor Niemelä
Nestor Tanner
Netta Syrett
Nettie Garmer Barker
Nevill Forbes
Nevin O. (Nevin Otto) Winter
New York (Colony). Council
New York (State). Lake Champlain Tercentenary Commission
New York Automatic Toy Works
New York Central Railroad Company
New York Chamber of Commerce
New York evening journal
New York Public Library
New York State Historical Association. Meeting
New Zealand. Committee of Inquiry into Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders
New Zealand. Committee of Inquiry into various aspects of the Problem of Abortion in New Zealand
New Zealand. Committee of the Board of Health
New Zealand. Court of Appeal
New Zealand. General Assembly Library
New Zealand. National Library Service
New Zealand. Special Committee on Moral Delinquency in Children and Adolescents
New-York Historical Society
Newark College of Engineering
Newark Public Library
Newell Dwight Hillis
Newton Crosland
Newton H. Chittenden
Newton Macmillan
Newton Smart
Ni Zhang
Niccolò Forteguerri
Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò Tommaseo
Nicholas (House name) Carter
Nicholas Breton
Nicholas Culpeper
Nicholas Everitt
Nicholas Harris Nicolas
Nicholas Louis Sifferath
Nicholas Mellen
Nicholas Patrick Wiseman
Nicholas Rowe
Nicholas Senn
Nicholas Udall
Nick B. (Nick Boddie) Williams
Nico J. Hofmeyr
Nicola Francesco Haym
Nicola Misasi
Nicolas Appert
Nicolas Blondeau
Nicolas Boileau Despréaux
Nicolas Louis François de Neufchâteau
Nicolas Notovitch
Nicolas-Christiern de Thy Milly
Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de Menonville
Nicolas-Marc Desfontaines
Nicolau T. Leroy
Nicolau Tolentino
Nicolò Papadopoli Aldobrandini
Niel Gray
Niels Meyn
Niilo Aejmelaeus
Niilo E. Wainio
Niilo Idman
Niilo Kivinen
Niilo Mantere
Nikodemus Hauvonen
Nikola Tesla
Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich Tret'iakov
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov
Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol
Nikolaj Velimirović
Nikolaus Schwarzkopf
Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov
Nina H. Kennard
Nina Hoffmann
Nina Rhoades
Nina Wilcox Putnam
Nino Martoglio
Ninon de Lenclos
Nixon Waterman
Nizamat Jung
Noah Brooks
Noah Davis
Noah Webster
Noble Smithson
Noel Coward
Noël Dolens
Noel Hope
Noel M. Loomis
Noel Sainsbury
Noel West
Noémie Dondel Du Faouëdic
Nola Nance Oliver
Nola Treat
Nora Archibald Smith
Nora Connolly O'Brien
Nora K. (Nora Kershaw) Chadwick
Nora May French
Nora Perry
Nora Waln
Norah M. (Norah Mary) Holland
Norbert Jacques
Norberto Romuáldez
Norma Lorimer
Norma Stillwell
Norman Angell
Norman Arkawy
Norman Asa Wood
Norman B. (Norman Barton) Wood
Norman Bentwich
Norman Collie
Norman Coombs
Norman Douglas
Norman Duncan
Norman E. Gabel
Norman F. Joly
Norman F. Langford
Norman Gale
Norman H. (Norman Hugh) Schneider
Norman Hinsdale Pitman
Norman Kemp Smith
Norman Lindsay
Norman Lockyer
Norman Maclean
Norman Macleod
Norman N. Lee
Norman Spinrad
Norman Springer
Norman Taylor
Norman Wilkinson
North Carolina
North Dakota) Civic League (Williston
Northcote Whitridge Thomas
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
Norval A. Hawkins
Norval Richardson
Noto Soeroto
Nowell Lake Watson
Nuno Baena
Nuttall Ornithological Club
Nuutti Vuoritsalo
O. (Oskar) Relander
O. (Otto) Finsch
O. (Otto) Glaubrecht
O. A. (Oskar Albin) Kallio
O. A. (Oskar Augustus) Johannsen
O. A. (Otto Aleksanteri) Joutsen
O. Augusta (Olive Augusta) Cheney
O. B. (Oscar Baker) Martin
O. B. (Otis Bardwell) Boise
O. B. (Ovando Byron) Super
O. Douglas
O. F. (Orator Fuller) Cook
O. F. Walton
O. Henry
O. J. R. (Osbert John Radcliffe) Howarth
O. J. Reinders
O. M. (Ormonde Maddock) Dalton
O. O. (Olin Oglesby) Ellis
O. P. (Orlando Phelps) Cutter
O. P. (Oscar Penn) Fitzgerald
O. S. (Orson Squire) Fowler
O. S. Adams
O. S. Pratt
O. V. de L. (Oscar Vladislas de Lubicz) Milosz
O. W. (Oscar William) Coursey
Oakland (Calif.). Board of Education
Oakland Fabiola hospital association
Octave Chanute
Octave Delepierre
Octave Féré
Octave Feuillet
Octave Homberg
Octave Mirbeau
Octave Thanet
Octave Uzanne
Octavia Hill
Octavius Brooks Frothingham
Octavius Pickard-Cambridge
Octavius Rooke
Octavus Roy Cohen
Odd De Presno
Odell Shepard
of Alexandria Clement
of Alexandria Dionysius
of Avila Teresa
of Clairvaux Bernard
of Cobsam Adam
of Emesa Heliodorus
of Foligno Angela
of Halicarnassus Dionysius
of Jumièges William
of Loyola Ignatius
of Magdeburg Mechthild
of Malmesbury William
of Metz Gautier
of Naucratis Athenaeus
of Norwich Edward
of Norwich Julian
of Phlossa near Smyrna Bion
of Samosata Lucian
of Savoy Marie Adelaide
of Siena Catherine
of the Resurrection Lawrence
of Toulouse Peire Raimon
of Tudela Benjamin
Ogden Codman
Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq
Ohio State University. Biological Club
Ohio). Ladies' Aid Society First Presbyterian Church (Marion
Olaf Baker
Olaf Homén
Olaf Johan Hultgren
Olaudah Equiano
Olave M. (Olave Muriel) Potter
Olavi Paavolainen
Old Elizabeth
Old Humphrey
Old scout
Old Sleuth
Oldfield Thomas
Olga Alekseevna Novikova
Olga de Pitray
Olga Eschenbach
Olga Metchnikoff
Olga Racster
Olga Wohlbrück
Olin L. (Olin Linus) Lyman
Olin L. Webb
Olindo Guerrini
Olinto Marinelli
Olive Brown Horne
Olive Custance
Olive Gilbert
Olive Harper
Olive Higgins Prouty
Olive Hyde Foster
Olive M. (Olive Mary) Briggs
Olive Schreiner
Olive Thorne Miller
Olive Tilford Dargan
Oliveira Lima
Oliver Bell Bunce
Oliver Boardman Huntington
Oliver C. (Oliver Cummings) Farrington
Oliver Crane
Oliver E. Remey
Oliver Fleming
Oliver George Ready
Oliver Goldsmith
Oliver Hartley
Oliver Herford
Oliver Hogue
Oliver Huckel
Oliver J. (Oliver Joseph) Burke
Oliver J. (Oliver Joseph) Thatcher
Oliver Lodge
Oliver Madox Hueffer
Oliver Onions
Oliver Optic
Oliver Saari
Oliver Schoonmaker
Oliver Spafford
Oliver Stearns
Oliver T. (Oliver Thomas) Osborne
Oliver W. (Oliver Woodson) Nixon
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Oliverio Girondo
Olivier August Johan Carlenius
Olivier de La Marche
Olivier Diraison-Seylor
Oll Coomes
Olli Karila
Olli Solkio
Olli Wuorinen
Olmsted Brothers
Olof E. Bosson
Olof Högberg
Olof Krarer
Olympe de Gouges
Omar al-Raschid
Omar ibn Said
Omar Khayyam
Omega G. East
Onkel Adam
Onni Wetterhoff
Onoto Watanna
Ontario. Department of Education
Opal Stanley Whiteley
Open Court Publishing Company
Opie Percival Read
Orange Jacobs
Orange Perry Barnes
Order of the Eastern Star. General Grand Chapter
Ordine della Santissima Annunziata
Oregon Historical Society
Orestes Augustus Brownson
Oric Bates
Orin Fowler
Orishatukeh Faduma
Orison Swett Marden
Orlando B. Willcox
Orlo Williams
Orman Wesley Ketcham
Orrick Johns
Orrie Lashin
Orson F. (Orson Ferguson) Whitney
Orson Hyde
Orson Pratt
Orson Spencer
Ortensio Landi
Orton Lowe
Orvey S. Barrett
Orville Dewey
Orville Livingston Leach
Orville O. Hiestand
Orville Wright
Osbert Sitwell
Osborn H. (Osborn Hamiline) Oldroyd
Osborne J. P. Widtsoe
Oscar A. H. Schmitz
Oscar Chrisman
Oscar D. (Oscar Douglas) Skelton
Oscar de (Philippe François Joseph) Poli
Oscar Dunn
Oscar Fay Adams
Oscar Herrmann
Oscar Hertwig
Oscar Jewell Harvey
Oscar K. (Oscar King) Davis
Oscar Kuhns
Oscar Levertin
Oscar Ludvig Olson
Oscar Méténier
Oscar Micheaux
Oscar N. Solbert
Oscar S. (Oscar Solomon) Straus
Oscar Wegelin
Oscar Wilde
Osgood E. (Osgood Eaton) Fuller
Osgood Hardy
Oskar Baum
Oskar Baumann
Oskar Bie
Oskar F. (Oskar Franz) Walzel
Oskar Höcker
Oskar Kokoschka
Oskar Maria Graf
Oskar Nagel
Oskar Panizza
Oskar Pfungst
Oskar Schürer
Oskar von Riesemann
Oskari Hynninen
Osman Edwards
Osmo Lajula
Osmond Tiffany
Ossama Othman
Ossip Lourié
Ossip Schubin
Oswald Boelcke
Oswald Reissert
Oswald Spengler
Oszkár Mailand
Otello Cavara
Otfried Krzyzanowski
Otis Adelbert Kline
Otis Ashmore
Otis T. Howd
Otis Tufton Mason
Otokar Brezina
Otterbein Oscar Smith
Ottilie A. (Ottilia Adelina) Liljencrantz
Otto A. Rothert
Otto Adolf Forsström
Otto Anthes
Otto Binder
Otto Cohausz
Otto Donner
Otto Dornblüth
Otto Engb. (Otto Engelbert) Jaatinen
Otto Ernest Rayburn
Otto Ernst Schmidt
Otto F. Ege
Otto Flake
Otto Funcke
Otto George Lütken
Otto Gysae
Otto H. (Otto Henry) Adams
Otto H. Kahn
Otto Heller
Ottó Herman
Otto Jahn
Otto Jespersen
Otto Julius Bierbaum
Otto K. Wohlers
Otto Kammerer
Otto Lilienthal
Otto Ludwig
Otto Luhr
Otto Lyon
Otto Manninen
Otto Mayer
Otto Rank
Otto Riese
Otto Rothfield
Otto Schoenrich
Otto Schoetensack
Otto Schwink
Otto Seemann
Otto Sjögren
Otto Tiuppa
Otto Tuomi
Otto Ule
Otto von Corvin
Otto von Guericke
Otto von Kotzebue
Otto W. H. Inhülsen
Otto Weininger
Otto Witt
Otto Zur Linde
Ottokar Schupp
Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria Czernin von und zu Chudenitz
Ottomar Behnsch
Ottomar Enking
Ottwell Binns
Outram Bangs
Owen (Gamekeeper) Jones
Owen Barfield
Owen Chase
Owen Davis
Owen Glynne Jones
Owen Gregory
Owen Johnson
Owen Jones
Owen Kildare
Owen Merriman
Owen Morgan Edwards
Owen Rowe O'Neil
Owen Rutter
Owen Seaman
Owen Wister
Oxford graduate
Oxford University Press
P. (Peter) Coffey
P. (Petr) Polevoi
P. (Pierre Henri) Puiseux
P. (Pierre) Flourens
P. (Pierre) Pierrugues
P. A. (Patrick Arkley) Wright Henderson
P. A. (Paul Adriaan) Daum
P. A. (Percy Adolphus) Vaile
P. A. S. van (Petrus Abraham Samuel) Limburg Brouwer
P. B. (Peter Bailey) Williams
P. B. M. (Philip Bertram Murray) Allan
P. B. St.
P. C. (Peter Charles) Remondino
P. C. (Phineas Camp) Headley
P. C. (Pieter Cornelis) Schoonees
P. C. (Pieter Corneliszoon) Hooft
P. C. Boutens
P. C. F. (Pierre Claude François) Daunou
P. Chalmers (Peter Chalmers) Mitchell
P. D. Karns
P. E. (Percival Edgar) Deane
P. G. (Pelham Grenville) Wodehouse
P. G. (Peter George) Patmore
P. G. Bales
P. Gerald (Percy Gerald) Sanford
P. H. (Peter Hampson) Ditchfield
P. H. (Peter Harden) Eley
P. H. (Peter Henry) Emerson
P. H. (Philip Howard) Colomb
P. H. (Pieter Hendrick) Kritzinger
P. Hume (Peter Hume) Brown
P. I. (Petrus Imker) Hoogenhout
P. J. (Pieter Jacob) Andriessen
P. J. Cohen de Vries
P. J. Haaxman
P. J. Molenaar
P. J. van (Pierre Joseph) Beneden
P. Jones
P. L. (Patrick Livingston) Murphy
P. L. (Peter Lund) Simmonds
P. L. Jacob
P. M. C. (Philip Moore Callow) Kermode
P. M. Canoy
P. M. Hough
P. Martin (Peter Martin) Duncan
P. N. (Pavel Natanovich) Apostol
P. R. Kincaid
P. R. T. (Philip Richard Thornhagh) Gurdon
P. S. (Patrick Sarsfield) O'Hegarty
P. S. (Percy Stafford) Allen
P. Schuyler (Peter Schuyler) Miller
P. T. (Per Teodor) Cleve
P. T. (Phineas Taylor) Barnum
P. T. Raymond
P. T. Ross
P. V. N. (Philip Van Ness) Myers
P. W. (Patrick Weston) Joyce
P. W. (Percy Williams) Bridgman
P. W. (Peter William) Barlow
P.-C. de La Gelière
P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph) Desault
P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph) Proudhon
P.-J. Stahl
P.-L. (Pierre-Louis) Roederer
P.-M. (Pierre-Marie) Quitard
Pa.) Daughters of the American Revolution. Pittsburgh Chapter (Pittsburgh
Pa.) T.B. Peterson & Brothers (Philadelphia
Paavo Emil Cajander
Paavo Korhonen
Padraic Colum
Page Fox
Pál Gyulai
Pál Móricz
Palemón Huergo
Palle Rosenkrantz
Palmer Cox
Pamela Grey
Pamphile Lemay
Pan. (Panagiotes) Axiotes
Panait Istrati
Pandit Natesa Sastri
Pang Im
Pantaleón S. Lopez
Paolo Bettoni
Paolo Mantegazza
Paolo Prunas
Paolo Valera
Pappity Stampoy
Paramahansa Yogananda
Pardee Butler
Pardon Elisha Tillinghast
Parker Fillmore
Parker Hitt
Parley P. (Parley Parker) Pratt
Parson Haben
Parthenia Antoinette Hague
Paschal Beverly Randolph
Paschal Grousset
Pascual de Gayangos
Pascual de Leon
Pascual Hicaro Poblete
Pasi Jääskeläinen
Pasquale Revoltella
Pasquale Villari
Pat Beauchamp Washington
Pat O'Brien
Pat Reumert
Patricia Wentworth
Patricio Mariano
Patrick Augustine Sheehan
Patrick Braybrooke
Patrick Brontë
Patrick Buchan
Patrick Casey
Patrick Chalmers
Patrick Colquhoun
Patrick Fahy
Patrick Fraser Tytler
Patrick Geddes
Patrick Henry
Patrick M. Foley
Patrick MacGill
Patrick Matthew
Patrick O'Connor
Patrick Traherne
Patrick Wilkins
Patten Beard
Patti Carr Black
Paul A. Torak
Paul Adam
Paul Alexander Bartlett
Paul Allardyce
Paul Ambroise Bigandet
Paul Anderson
Paul Arène
Paul B. (Paul Belloni) Du Chaillu
Paul Bahlmann
Paul Barron Watson
Paul Bekker
Paul Bewsher
Paul Boldt
Paul Bourget
Paul Bourgette
Paul Bousfield
Paul Boyton
Paul Broca
Paul Cameron Brown
Paul Carus
Paul Charpentier
Paul Christian Franze
Paul Claudel
Paul Compton
Paul Creswick
Paul Cuffe
Paul d' Estrée
Paul d' Ivoi
Paul D. (Paul Delmont) Bunker
Paul Dahlke
Paul de Kock
Paul de Musset
Paul de Saint-Victor
Paul Dickey
Paul Dukes
Paul Dumée
Paul Dupuy
Paul E. Desautels
Paul E. Schulz
Paul Ehrlich
Paul Elmer More
Paul Eltzbacher
Paul Éluard
Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck
Paul Ernst
Paul F. (Paul Frederick) Brissenden
Paul Ferdinand Leino
Paul Féval
Paul Flat
Paul Fruictier
Paul G. (Paul George) Konody
Paul G. (Paul Goodwin) Redington
Paul G. (Paul Greene) Tomlinson
Paul Gaffarel
Paul Gauguin
Paul Gavarni
Paul Gerhardt
Paul Göhre
Paul Graener
Paul Groussac
Paul Gsell
Paul Henri Thiry Holbach
Paul Hensel
Paul Hentzner
Paul Heyse
Paul Hume
Paul Hutchens
Paul Hyades
Paul Jaerschky
Paul Janet
Paul Jean Toulet
Paul Jennings
Paul Jones
Paul Keller
Paul Klapper
Paul König
Paul Kraft
Paul Kramer
Paul L. (Paul Leroy) Vogt
Paul L. Briand
Paul L. Payne
Paul Lachlan MacKendrick
Paul Lafargue
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Paul Leicester Ford
Paul Leland Haworth
Paul Leppin
Paul Lester
Paul Lintier
Paul M. (Paul Merrick) Hollister
Paul Mahalin
Paul Marcoy
Paul Margueritte
Paul Mariéton
Paul Marty
Paul Morand
Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
Paul O. (Paul Orman) McGrew
Paul Otlet
Paul P. de La Gironière
Paul Pierce
Paul Popenoe
Paul Q. (Paul Quick) Karkeek
Paul Radin
Paul Rohrbach
Paul Rosenfeld
Paul S. (Paul Samuel) Reinsch
Paul S. (Paul Sylvester) Powers
Paul Sabatier
Paul Scarron
Paul Schellhas
Paul Scudo
Paul Sébillot
Paul Severing
Paul Souriau
Paul Stapfer
Paul Stiel
Paul T. (Paul Thomas) Gilbert
Paul Thorne
Paul Thureau-Dangin
Paul Trent
Paul Valéry
Paul van Ostaijen
Paul Vehling
Paul Verlaine
Paul Verschave
Paul Vigné d'Octon
Paul Vinogradoff
Paul von Hindenburg
Paul W. Bryant
Paul W. Fairman
Paul Weidmann
Paul Work
Paul Zech
Paul Zipperer
Paula Dehmel
Paule Henry-Bordeaux
Paule Régnier
Paulette Pax
Paulin Paris
Pauline Ashwell
Pauline Bradford Mackie
Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth) Hopkins
Pauline Hann
Pauline Wengeroff
Paulist Fathers
Paull F. (Paull Franklin) Baum
Paulos Karolides
Paulos Nirvanas
Pavel Ivanovich Biriukov
Payne Erskine
Payson Sibley Wild
Pearl Hogrefe
Pearl Norton Swet
Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker) Buck
Pearson Choate
Pearson M'Adam Muir
Peder Mariager
Pedro Andrés García
Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Pedro Carolino
Pedro D. Madrazo
Pedro de Aguado
Pedro de Castañeda de Nájera
Pedro de Cieza de León
Pedro de Répide
Pedro de Zulueta
Pedro Fernandes de Queirós
Pedro Goyena
Pedro J. (Pedro Joseph) Lemos
Pedro José Guiteras
Pedro Lacasa
Pedro Lozano
Pedro Mata
Pedro Muñoz Seca
Pedro Sánchez de Aguilar
Pedro Sancho
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa
Pedro Velasquez
Peggy Lou Stewart
Pehr Kalm
Pehr Thomasson
Pekka Aho
Pekka Ervast
Pelle Molin
Pellegrino Artusi
Pemberton Ginther
Pencho P. Slaveikov
Penelope Pennington
Penelope Stephanou Delta
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company
Pennsylvania Dutch Tourist Bureau
Pennsylvania Prison Society
Pennsylvania) Wyoming Valley Woman's Club (Wilkes-Barre
Penrhyn Wingfield Coussens
Pentti Haanpää
Per Hallström
Perceval Gibbon
Percival Christopher Wren
Percival Jackson
Percival Leigh
Percival Lowell
Percival Marson
Percival Pollard
Percival Wilde
Percy Addleshaw
Percy B. Green
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy C. (Percy Clough) Ainsworth
Percy C. Morris
Percy Cross Standing
Percy Dearmer
Percy E. (Percy Edward) Henderson
Percy E. (Percy Edward) Newberry
Percy E. (Percy Edward) Raymond
Percy F. (Percy Falcke) Martin
Percy F. (Percy Francis) Westerman
Percy Fitzgerald
Percy Fitzpatrick
Percy Greg
Percy Holmes Boynton
Percy J. Billinghurst
Percy James Brebner
Percy Keese Fitzhugh
Percy Lubbock
Percy MacKaye
Percy Marks
Percy Moore Turner
Percy Phillips
Percy Ross
Percy S. P. (Percy Stuart Peache) Handcock
Percy Sykes
Percy Verance
père (Henri) Didon
Peregrin Obdržálek
Perley Poore Sheehan
Pero de Magalhães Gandavo
Perry Honce McGee
Perry Newberry
Perry Wayland Sinks
Pet Milk Company
Pet Milk Company. Home Economics Department
Peter A. (Peter Alexander) Speek
Peter A. (Peter Augustus) Porter
Peter A. Anastasi
Peter Abelard
Peter Altenberg
Peter Annet
Peter B. (Peter Bernard) Kyne
Peter Baily
Peter Burchard
Peter C. Duchochois
Peter C. Welsh
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen
Peter Clark MacFarlane
Peter Donovan
Peter E. Gumaer
Peter E. Williams
Peter Eade
Peter Fisher
Peter Gray
Peter Halkerston
Peter Kilgour
Peter Landreth
Peter Lauridsen
Peter Mark Roget
Peter McArthur
Peter Milne
Peter Morse
Peter Nansen
Peter Newell
Peter Nielsen
Peter O'Leary
Peter Rosegger
Peter Saurusaitis
Peter T. Harkness
Péter Vay
Peter Wiernik
Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin
Petronius Arbiter
Petros Vrailas-Armenes
Petruccio Ubaldini
Pétrus Borel
Petrus Gerardus Peeters
Petrus Hendrix
Petter Wilhelm Aurén
Ph. J. Ketner
Phebe Estelle Spalding
Phebe Westcott Humphreys
Phil M. (Phil Madison) Riley
Phil May
Phil Reeves
Phil Robinson
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Co.
Philadelphia Brigade Association
Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons
Philadelphia. Board of health
Philarète Chasles
Philip A. (Philip Appleby) Robson
Philip Ainsworth Means
Philip Barrett
Philip Bennett Power
Philip Dana Orcutt
Philip Doddridge
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
Philip E. Muskett
Philip Francis Nowlan
Philip Freeman
Philip Gell
Philip Gengembre Hubert
Philip Gibbs
Philip Gidley King
Philip Gilbert Hamerton
Philip Gosse
Philip H. (Philip Henry) Goepp
Philip H. (Philip Henry) Krutzsch
Philip H. (Philip Henry) Wicksteed
Philip Hale
Philip Henry Gosse
Philip Henry Sheridan
Philip José Farmer
Philip K. Dick
Philip Lutley Sclater
Philip Lybbe Powys Lybbe
Philip M. Rule
Philip MacDonald
Philip Massinger
Philip Moeller
Philip Morin Freneau
Philip Norman
Philip P. (Philip Patterson) Wells
Philip Parker King
Philip Sanford Marden
Philip Sidney
Philip Sidney Rice
Philip Thicknesse
Philip Vernon Smith
Philip Verrill Mighels
Philip Vickers Fithian
Philip Walsingham Sergeant
Philip Wharton
Philip Wylie
Philipp Franz von Siebold
Philipp J. J. (Philipp Johann Josef) Valentini
Philipp Melanchthon
Philippe Aubert de Gaspé
Philippe Daryl
Philippe de Mornay
Philippe Lauer
Philippe Massa
Philippe Suchard
Philippe-Paul Ségur
Philippine Islands. Commission of Independence
Philippines. Bureau of Education
Phillip F. E. (Frederick Edward) Schuler
Phillip M. Youngman
Phillips Brooks
Phillis Wheatley
Philo Pratt
Phineas Pett
Phocion-Aristide-Paulin Verdier
Phoebe Allen
Phoebe Sheavyn
Phoebe Yates Pember
Phyllis Ackerman
Phyllis Blanchard
Phyllis Bottome
Phyllis Sterling Smith
Pichatty de Croislainte
Pictaviensis Gulielmus
Pictorial Photographers of America
Pie Filling Institute
Piemontese Alessio
Pier Ambrogio Curti
Pier Francesco Tosi
Pierce Butler
Pierce Egan
Pierre Alexandre Édouard Fleury de Chaboulon
Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
Pierre Benoît
Pierre Berton
Pierre Besnier
Pierre Blot
Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux
Pierre Caron
Pierre Clément
Pierre Coalfleet
Pierre Corneille
Pierre de Bourdeille Brantôme
Pierre de Coulevain
Pierre de Lacretelle
Pierre de Lano
Pierre de Myrica
Pierre Desloges
Pierre Drieu La Rochelle
Pierre Dufay
Pierre Esprit Radisson
Pierre Gallet
Pierre Gilles
Pierre Gilliard
Pierre Jean Hollman
Pierre Joseph Amoreux
Pierre Joseph Macquer
Pierre La Mazière
Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu
Pierre Loti
Pierre Louis Ginguené
Pierre Louÿs
Pierre Maël
Pierre Marge
Pierre Marie Louis de Boisgelin de Kerdu
Pierre Mille
Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte
Pierre Nicole
Pierre Paul Ernest L'Espagnol de la Tramerye
Pierre Paul Raoul Colonna de Cesari-Rocca
Pierre Quillard
Pierre Sales
Pierre Simon Laplace
Pierre Souvestre
Pierre Veber
Pierre Véron
Pierre Villey
Pierre Zaccone
Pierre-Alexandre Gratet-Duplessis
Pierre-Antoine-Noël-Bruno Daru
Pierre-Jean de Smet
Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz
Pierre-Marie-Joseph Bonnefoux
Pierre-Paul Brucker
Pierre-Raymond de Brisson
Pierrepont Edwards
Piers Anthony
Piet Visser
Pietari Hannikainen
Pietari Päivärinta
Pieter Best
Pieter Faddegon
Pieter Harting
Pieter Helbert Damsté
Pieter Johannes Veth
Pieter Langendijk
Pieter Louwerse
Pietro Aretino
Pietro Caliari
Pietro Cossa
Pietro Fanfani
Pietro Giannone
Pietro Martire d' Anghiera
Pietro Martire Vermigli
Pietro Metastasio
Pietro Thouar
Pietro Verri
Pilar J. Lazaro Hipolito
Pingzhong Kong
Pinto da Rocha
Pío Baroja
Pio Vittorio Ferrari
Pitts Sanborn
Pius a Sp. Sancto (Pius a Spiritu Sancto)
Plato (spurious and doubtful works)
Platon Rodokanakes
Plattsburgh Barracks (N.Y.)
Pleasant A. Stovall
Pleiades Club
Pliny Earle Goddard
Pliny Miles
Plum Rocky Mountain
Pneu Michelin (Firm)
Pocahontas Wight Edmunds
Police Captain Howard
Polyvios Demetrakopoulos
Pompeyo Gener
Ponson du Terrail
Pope Pius II
Porter Emerson Browne
Porter Lander MacClintock
Poul Anderson
Powell Millington
Power O'Donoghue
Pratt Food Company
Prentice Mulford
Prentiss Ingraham
Prescott Holmes
Preserved Smith
Preston Lafayette Ledford
Price Collier
Primo Uccellini
Prince Consort Albert
Prince Hoare
Princess Der Ling
Princess of Belgium Louise
Princess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg Feodora
Priscilla Craven
Professor Hoffmann
Project Gutenberg
Prophet Muhammad
Prosper Jourdan
Prosper Mérimée
Provincial Board of Health of Ontario
Prudenci Bertrana
Prudent René-Patrice Dagron
Prudential Insurance Company of America
Prussia (Germany). Armee. Grosser Generalstab. Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung II
pseud. Aristotle
Pu Guo
Pu Zeng
Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County
Punahou School
Pura Medrano
Pye Henry Chavasse
Q. K. Philander Doesticks
Qi Wu
Qi Xiao
Qi You Huang
Qian Sima
Qian Tao
Qifeng Shen
Qiji Xin
Qingyuan Zhou
Qingzhao Li
Queen Marguerite
Queen Marie
Queen of Great Britain Victoria
Queensland Government Intelligence and Tourist Bureau
Quelle & Meyer (Leipzig)
Quincy Allen
Quincy Wright
R. (Raymond) Rey
R. (Reginald) Sharpley
R. (René) Desgenettes
R. (Richard) Johnson
R. (Richard) Phillips
R. (Robert) Van Bergen
R. (Rommert) Casimir
R. (Rudolf) Bommeli
R. A. (Raymond Alexander) St. George
R. A. (Reinert August) Jernberg
R. A. (Reuben Archer) Torrey
R. A. (Richard Alexander) Streatfeild
R. A. (Richard Alfred) Davenport
R. A. (Robert Alexander) Douglas-Lithgow
R. A. (Rolfe Arnold) Scott-James
R. A. (Rudolf Adriaan) van Sandick
R. A. (Rudolph Adams) Van Middeldyk
R. A. (Rudolph August) Witthaus
R. A. Booth
R. A. Fletcher
R. A. H. (Robert Arthur Hanson) Goodyear
R. A. J. (Robert Alfred John) Walling
R. A. Lafferty
R. A. Porati
R. A. R. (Reginald Arthur Renaud) Bennett
R. A. Scott (Robert Andrew Scott) Macfie
R. Anton
R. Austin (Richard Austin) Freeman
R. B. (Reginald Bainbridge) Appleton
R. B. (Richard Baxter) Townshend
R. B. (Richard Bowers) Thurston
R. B. (Robert Bontine) Cunninghame Graham
R. B. (Roscoe Burdette) Tobias
R. B. (Royal Byron) Stratton
R. B. (Rufus Benton) Peery
R. B. Haldane (Richard Burdon Haldane) Haldane
R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley) Johnson
R. Byron (Richard Byron) Johnson
R. C. (Ralph Coffin) Richards
R. C. (Richard C.) Evans
R. C. (Richard C.) Rankin
R. C. (Richard Claude) Carton
R. C. (Richard Claverhouse) Jebb
R. C. (Richard Constant) Boer
R. C. (Robert C.) Eden
R. C. (Robert Calverley) Trevelyan
R. C. (Robert Cooper) Seaton
R. C. (Rudolf Chambers) Lehmann
R. C. FitzPatrick
R. C. W. (Robert C. W.) Ettinger
R. Cadwallader Smith
R. Coltman (Robert Coltman) Clephan
R. Cross
R. D. (Reuben Dimond) Mussey
R. D. (Richard Doddridge) Blackmore
R. D. (Robert Dalziel) Cumming
R. D. (Robert Dwarris) Gibney
R. D. (Roelof Daniel) Mc Donald
R. de (Régis) Chantelauze
R. De Witt (Richard De Witt) Miller
R. E. (Robert Edward) Francillon
R. E. (Robert Edward) Sanderson
R. E. (Robert Ekin) McBride
R. E. (Robert Ernest) Vernède
R. E. (Robert Ervin) Coker
R. E. Cholmeley
R. E. D. (Rose Esther Dorothea) Sketchley
R. E. H. (Reginald Edward Harry) Dyer
R. Eivind
R. Elton Smile
R. F. (Richard Frederick) Scholz
R. F. (Robert Francis) Scharff
R. F. (Robert Frederick) Foster
R. F. (Robert Fuller) Murray
R. F. Dearborn
R. G. (Richard Gay) Pardee
R. G. (Robert George) Baker
R. G. (Robert Gordon) Latham
R. G. (Robert Grant) Haliburton
R. G. (Roderick George) MacBeth
R. H.
R. H. (Ralph Hale) Mottram
R. H. (Ralph Hawley) Taylor
R. H. (Rees Howell) Gronow
R. H. (Richard H.) Horne
R. H. (Richard Henry) Tawney
R. H. (Robert Hamilton) Mathews
R. H. (Robert Hanbury) Brown
R. H. (Robert Hayward) Barlow
R. H. (Robert Henderson) McKay
R. H. (Robert Henry) Lyttelton
R. H. (Robert Henry) Newell
R. H. (Robert Hoskins) Crozier
R. H. (Robert Howlett)
R. H. (Russell Henry) Chittenden
R. H. R.
R. Harris Reeves
R. Henry (Robert Henry) Mainer
R. Hindry (Robert Hindry) Mason
R. Hugh (Reginald Hugh) Knyvett
R. J. (Reginald John) Campbell
R. J. (Richard John) King
R. J. (Robert J.) Creswell
R. J. (Robert James) Manion
R. J. Broadbent
R. J. H. (Robert John Henderson) De Loach
R. J. Rice
R. J. Spitz
R. J. W. (Roelof Jan Willem) Rudolph
R. K. (Richard Kyle) Fox
R. K. (Rose Kirkpatrick) Weekes
R. K. (Ruby Kathleen) Polkinghorne
R. L. (Richard Lynch) Garner
R. L. (Robert Lee) Berry
R. L. (Robert Lockhart) Hobson
R. L. (Roger Lawrence) West
R. L. Wheeler
R. Lakeland
R. Lambert (Robert Lambert) Playfair
R. Lee
R. Lewis
R. Lloyd (Robert Lloyd) Praeger
R. M.
R. M. (Robert Matteson) Johnston
R. M. (Robert Michael) Ballantyne
R. M. (Ronald Macmillan) Algie
R. M. Kellogg Co.
R. M. P. (Richard Martin Peter) Preston
R. N. (Richard Nicklin) Hall
R. N. Dutta
R. Norman (Robert Norman) Grisewood
R. O. (Robert Orde) Fenwick
R. Osgood (Rufus Osgood) Mason
R. P. (Pierre Jean Baptiste) Duchaussois
R. P. Dunn-Pattison
R. P. P. Rowe
R. Pitcher (Robert Pitcher) Woodward
R. R. (Richard Rogers) Bowker
R. R. (Robert Ranulph) Marett
R. R. (Rufus Rolla) Lutz
R. R. (Russell Robert) Winterbotham
R. Rice Davies
R. S. (Reginald Seymour) Brinton
R. S. H. (Richard Stanley Hawks) Moody
R. S. Warren (Robert Stanley Warren) Bell
R. Shelton (Robert Shelton) Mackenzie
R. Sturgis (Robert Sturgis) Ingersoll
R. T. (Robert Taylor) Pritchett
R. T. Claridge
R. Talbot (Robert Talbot) Kelly
R. Thurston (Robert Thurston) Hopkins
R. Travers (Robert Travers) Herford
R. U. Sirius
R. V. (Richard Voorhees) Risley
R. V. (Robert Vane) Russell
R. V. C. (Ronald Victor Courtenay) Bodley
R. V. K. (Reginald Vincent Kempenfeldt) Applin
R. Vashon (Robert Vashon) Rogers
R. von (Richard) Krafft-Ebing
R. W. (Raymond Wilson) Chambers
R. W. (Richard William) Church
R. W. (Richard William) Coppinger
R. W. (Robert Walter) Sindall
R. W. (Robert William) Browne
R. W. (Robert William) Seton-Watson
R. W. Beers
R. W. Campbell
R. W. Major
R. W. Stockheker
Rabindranath Tagore
Rachel Annand Taylor
Rachel Baker Gale
Rachel Challice
Rachel Harriette Busk
Rachel Hayward
Radclyffe Hall
Raden Adjeng Kartini
Rafael Altamira
Rafael Bluteau
Rafael Conte
Rafael Contreras
Rafael Delgado
Rafaël Hertzberg
Rafael M. de (Rafael María) Labra
Rafael Martinez de la Torre
Rafael Palma
Rafael Puig y Valls
Rafael Sabatini
Rafael Shaw
Raffaello Barbiera
Raffaello Carboni
Raffaello Piccoli
Rahul Alvares
Raiju Ranta
Raimón Casellas
Raimundo António de Bulhão Pato
Rainer Maria Rilke
Rajah of Sarawak James
Ralph Adams Cram
Ralph Albert Parlette
Ralph Albertson
Ralph Barton Perry
Ralph Bennitt
Ralph Bergengren
Ralph Birdsall
Ralph Boston
Ralph Browning Fiske
Ralph Centennius
Ralph Chaplin
Ralph Connor
Ralph Delahaye Paine
Ralph Henry Barbour
Ralph Keeler
Ralph Linton
Ralph Marlow
Ralph Milne Farley
Ralph Nevill
Ralph Paine Benedict
Ralph Pulitzer
Ralph Robin
Ralph S. (Ralph Selwood) Kendall
Ralph Scott
Ralph Sholto
Ralph Sloan
Ralph Stock
Ralph Van Deman Magoffin
Ralph Victor
Ralph W. Bell
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Trine
Ralph Werther
Ralph Willett Adye
Ralph Williams
Ralston B. Lattimore
Ramalho Monteiro
Ramalho Ortigão
Ramón A. (Ramón Arminio) Laval
Ramón del Valle-Inclán
Ramón Gómez de la Serna
Ramón J. Espinosa
Ramon Llull
Ramón Ortega y Frías
Ramón Páez
Ramón Pérez de Ayala
Ramon Reyes Lala
Ramsay Muir
Ramsay Traquair
Ramy Allison White
Randal H. (Randal Howland) Roberts
Randall Davies
Randall Garrett
Randall Parrish
Randall W. Moir
Randolph B. (Randolph Barnes) Marcy
Randolph Caldecott
Randolph Faries
Randolph Llewellyn Hodgson
Randolph Silliman Bourne
Rangju Sima
Ranulf de Glanville
Raoul af Hällström
Raoul Rinfret
Raoul Vèze
Raoul-Auger Feuillet
Raphael Holinshed
Raphael Meldola
Raphael Semmes
Rasmus Björn Anderson
Rasmus Larssen Alsaker
Raul Brandão
Raúl de Cárdenas y Echarte
Raul de Oliveira Sousa Leal
Raul Sangreman Proença
Ray Bradbury
Ray C. Noll
Ray Coppock Beery
Ray Cummings
Ray D. Burkett
Ray H. Mattison
Ray Palmer
Ray Samuel
Ray Stannard Baker
Ray Van Houten
Raymond Auzias-Turenne
Raymond E. Banks
Raymond F. (Raymond Francis) Yates
Raymond F. Jones
Raymond Henry Payne Crawfurd
Raymond M. (Raymond Melbourne) Weaver
Raymond MacDonald Alden
Raymond Means
Raymond Mortimer
Raymond Paton
Raymond Radiguet
Raymond Roussel
Raymond S. (Raymond Smiley) Spears
Raymond Stone
Raymond Unwin
Raymond Z. Gallun
Raymond-Aymery-Philippe-Joseph de Montesquiou Fezensac
Reau E. (Reau Estes) Folk
Rebecca Agatha Armour
Rebecca Deming Moore
Rebecca Harding Davis
Rebecca Hooper Eastman
Rebecca Lee Crumpler
Rebecca N. (Rebecca Newman) Porter
Rebecca Ruter Springer
Rebecca Warren Brown
Rebecca West
Rebekah Smith
Reenen J. Van Reenen
Reeves & Turner
Reformed Presbytery of North America
Regina Maria Roche
Reginald Arthur Bray
Reginald Bateman
Reginald Berkeley
Reginald Bretnor
Reginald Crundall Punnett
Reginald Engelbach
Reginald Farrer
Reginald Fleming Johnston
Reginald G. Dutton
Reginald Grant
Reginald Harvey Arnold
Reginald Hodder
Reginald Horsley
Reginald James Blewitt
Réginald Kann
Reginald Lane Poole
Reginald Maxwell Woolley
Reginald Parnell
Reginald R. (Reginald Robinson) Sharpe
Reginald Scot
Reginald W. (Reginald Welbury) Jeffery
Reginald Wright Kauffman
Reginald Wyon
Reginaldo de Lizárraga
Reina Melcher Marquis
Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy
Reinhold Anrep-Elmpt
Reinhold Lotze
Reinhold Pauli
Reinhold Schoener
Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
Rembrandt Peale
Remigio Sabbadini
Remy de Gourmont
Rena I. Halsey
Rena Sarah Eckman
Renato Baserga
Renato Fucini
René Arcos
René Bazin
René Benjamin
René Boylesve
René Brunet
René Caillié
René Crevel
René de Pont-Jest
René Descartes
René Doumic
René Gillouin
Réné Hansard
René Maizeroy
René Martin
René Pocard du Cosquer de Kerviler
René Rapin
René Schickele
René Vallery-Radot
René-Louis-Jules Radiguet
Renée Gaudin de Villaine Maud
Renee Richmond Huntley Ormsbee
Renhu Chu
Rennell Rodd
Rennie Wilbur Doane
Restif de La Bretonne
Reta A. Lemos
Retta Babcock
Reuben (Reuben Robert) Merliss
Reuben Bertram Oldfield
Reuben Briggs Davenport
Reuben Brodie Garnett
Reuben Cohen
Reuben Gold Thwaites
Reuben Post Halleck
Reuel L. Howe
Reverdy C. (Reverdy Cassius) Ransom
Rex Beach
Rex Stout
Reynold Alleyne Nicholson
Reynolds Metals Company
Rheta Childe Dorr
Rhoda Broughton
Rhoda N. Roberts
Rhodius Apollonius
Ricarda Huch
Ricardo León
Ricardo Palma
Riccardo Nobili
Rice S. Eubank
Richard A. (Richard Anthony) Proctor
Richard A. Hook
Richard A. Sternbach
Richard Adams Locke
Richard Aldington
Richard Anderson
Richard Andree
Richard Arthur
Richard Arthur Austen-Leigh
Richard Arthur Warren Hughes
Richard Ashby
Richard Aumerle Maher
Richard B. (Richard Biddle) Irwin
Richard B. (Richard Briscoe) Cook
Richard B. (Richard Brodhead) Westbrook
Richard Bagot
Richard Bagwell
Richard Banks
Richard Barnfield
Richard Barnum
Richard Barry
Richard Bartholdt
Richard Batka
Richard Baxter
Richard Beer-Hofmann
Richard Bird
Richard Bitmead
Richard Blackmore
Richard Blakeborough
Richard Bolton
Richard Bonner
Richard Boyle Bernard
Richard Bradley
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Richard Brooke
Richard Burton
Richard C. (Richard Clarke) Cabot
Richard C. Fox
Richard C. Squires
Richard C. Tongg
Richard Cannon
Richard Cantillon
Richard Carew
Richard Carlile
Richard Carnac Temple
Richard Caton
Richard Chenevix Trench
Richard Clapham
Richard Clynton
Richard Cobbold
Richard Cocks
Richard Connolly
Richard Corbet
Richard Crashaw
Richard Cumberland
Richard D. (Richard Dudley) Currier
Richard Dallas
Richard Darlington
Richard Davey
Richard de Bury
Richard De Courcy
Richard Dehan
Richard Dehmel
Richard Dowling
Richard Doyle
Richard Duckworth
Richard E. Ahlborn
Richard E. Lowe
Richard Edgcumbe
Richard Edward Connell
Richard Eisenstein
Richard Ernest Nowell Twopeny
Richard F. Johnston
Richard F. Mann
Richard Falckenberg
Richard Ferris
Richard Finch
Richard Flower
Richard Folkard
Richard Ford
Richard Fowler
Richard Francis Burton
Richard Francis Weymouth
Richard Frothingham
Richard G. (Richard Green) Moulton
Richard Garbe
Richard Garnett
Richard Gilpin
Richard Girard de Bury
Richard Glazebrook
Richard Glazier
Richard Gooch
Richard Grant White
Richard Green Parker
Richard H. D. (Richard Hans Douai) Boerker
Richard Haigh
Richard Haines
Richard Hakluyt
Richard Harding Davis
Richard Harris
Richard Harwood
Richard Hawkins
Richard Head
Richard Heber Newton
Richard Henry Bonnycastle
Richard Henry Dana
Richard Henry Major
Richard Henry Stoddard
Richard Herring
Richard Hildreth
Richard Holt Hutton
Richard Hovey
Richard Howells Watkins
Richard Hunter
Richard Hurd
Richard Irby
Richard J. (Richard Josiah) Hinton
Richard J. Fulfer
Richard Jefferies
Richard Johnson
Richard Joseph Beamish
Richard Kaufmann
Richard Kearton
Richard King
Richard L. (Richard Lancelot) Maury
Richard L. Campbell
Richard La Rue Swain
Richard Lamb Allen
Richard Le Gallienne
Richard Lee Mason
Richard Lepsius
Richard Lesclide
Richard Ligon
Richard Linche
Richard Linthicum
Richard Lockwood
Richard Lodge
Richard Lorenz
Richard Lovelace
Richard Lovell Edgeworth
Richard Lydekker
Richard M. (Richard Mace) Elam
Richard M. (Richard Milhous) Nixon
Richard M. Hansen
Richard M. McMurry
Richard M. Russell
Richard M. Weaver
Richard Magruder
Richard Maisch
Richard Manliffe Barrington
Richard Maples
Richard Marsh
Richard Matheson
Richard Mayde
Richard McGowan
Richard McKenna
Richard Mead
Richard Melander
Richard Michaelis
Richard Middleton
Richard Morris
Richard Mulcaster
Richard Neville
Richard Newton
Richard O. Lewis
Richard Olin
Richard Owen
Richard Parkinson
Richard Penn
Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville Buckingham and Chandos
Richard Price
Richard Raby
Richard Rainolde
Richard Rein Smith
Richard Roberts
Richard Rödiger
Richard Rolle
Richard Roswell Lyman
Richard Rush
Richard S. Shaver
Richard Sabia
Richard Sadleir
Richard Savage
Richard Schoenbeck
Richard Sheridan
Richard Sherry
Richard Short
Richard Skowronnek
Richard Soule
Richard South
Richard Stallman
Richard Stead
Richard Steele
Richard Stockham
Richard T. (Richard Theodore) Ely
Richard Tangye
Richard Taylor
Richard Thompson
Richard Threlfall
Richard Tickell
Richard Trott Fisher
Richard Twiss
Richard Valpy French
Richard von Schaukal
Richard von Volkmann
Richard Voss
Richard W. (Richard West) Hickman
Richard W. (Richard Wigginton) Thompson
Richard Wagner
Richard Walter
Richard Washburn Child
Richard Watson
Richard Wayne Lykes
Richard Whately
Richard William Hill
Richard Wilson
Richmal Crompton
Richmond Mill Furnishing Works
Richmond Seeley
Rick Raphael
Ridgely Hunt
Ridgely Torrence
Ridgwell Cullum
Rietrik Polén
Rigas Golfis
Riley Root
Rina Ramsay
Ring Lardner
Risheng Jiang
Rissa Yachnin
Rita Benton
Rita Macleod
Rita Weiman
Ritter Brown
Roald Amundsen
Rob R. (Rob Roy) Slocum
Robert A. (Robert Adam) Christman
Robert A. (Robert Alan) Harris
Robert A. (Robert Alexander) Watson
Robert A. Chipman
Robert A. Grom
Robert A. Kishpaugh
Robert A. Ragan
Robert Abbot
Robert Abernathy
Robert Aitken
Robert Aitkin Bertram
Robert Alexander Craig
Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister
Robert Alexander Wason
Robert Alfred Vaughan
Robert Allbut
Robert Ames Bennet
Robert Anderson Wilson
Robert Anderton Naylor
Robert Anning Bell
Robert Armitage Sterndale
Robert Arnault
Robert Arnold
Robert Arthur
Robert Athlyi Rogers
Robert Austin
Robert Aveson
Robert B. (Robert Barclay) Miller
Robert B. (Robert Barnabas) Brough
Robert B. Armitage
Robert B. Booth
Robert B. Finley
Robert B. Meyer
Robert B. Shaw
Robert Baldwin Ross
Robert Ballard
Robert Barclay
Robert Barnwell Roosevelt
Robert Barr
Robert Bell
Robert Benchley
Robert Benton Seeley
Robert Beverley
Robert Bisset
Robert Blachford Mansfield
Robert Blair
Robert Blakeney
Robert Blatchford
Robert Bloch
Robert Bloomer Hare Bell
Robert Bloomfield
Robert Borland
Robert Boyle
Robert Brady
Robert Bridges
Robert Browning
Robert Bruce Blake
Robert Bruce Taylor
Robert Buist
Robert Burn
Robert Burns
Robert Butler
Robert C. (Robert Chamblet) Adams
Robert C. (Robert Charlwood) Richardson
Robert C. (Robert Clarkson) Brooks
Robert C. Caldwell
Robert Calef
Robert Carmichael-Smyth
Robert Carruthers
Robert Chambers
Robert Charles Dallas
Robert Charles Hope
Robert Charles Tombs
Robert Chenault Givler
Robert Christison
Robert Cleland
Robert Coltman
Robert Cooper
Robert Cortes Holliday
Robert Cowdin
Robert Craig Maclagan
Robert Crawford McQuilkin
Robert Cressman
Robert Cromie
Robert Cruikshank
Robert Curtis
Robert Curzon
Robert Cushman
Robert D'Awans
Robert Dale Owen
Robert de Bonnières
Robert de La Sizeranne
Robert Derby Holmes
Robert Dodsley
Robert Donald Locke
Robert Drury
Robert E. (Robert Edward) Anderson
Robert E. (Robert Edward) Knowles
Robert E. (Robert Edward) Lee
Robert E. (Robert Edwin) Peary
Robert E. (Robert Elliott) Speer
Robert E. (Robert Ervin) Howard
Robert E. Gilbert
Robert E. Mansfield
Robert Ellice Mack
Robert Elliott Flickinger
Robert Emmanuel Léon Du Casse
Robert Emmet Barrett
Robert Emmett McDowell
Robert Eustace
Robert Ezra Park
Robert F. (Robert Fleming) Heizer
Robert F. (Robert Forman) Horton
Robert F. (Robert Francis) Clarke
Robert F. (Robert Francis) Murphy
Robert F. Pennell
Robert F. Salade
Robert F. Young
Robert Falcon Scott
Robert Ferguson
Robert Finch
Robert Fitzgerald
Robert Flint
Robert Folkestone Williams
Robert Forbes
Robert Ford
Robert Forsyth Scott
Robert Fortune
Robert Frank Jarrett
Robert Frost
Robert Fulton
Robert G. LeCompte
Robert G. Webb
Robert Garnier
Robert Gilbert Vansittart Vansittart
Robert Goldthwaite Carter
Robert Gordon Anderson
Robert Gore Browne
Robert Grant
Robert Grant Watson
Robert Granville Campbell
Robert Graves
Robert Green Ingersoll
Robert Greene
Robert Grimshaw
Robert Guliver
Robert H. (Robert Heberton) Terrell
Robert H. (Robert Henry) Elliot
Robert H. (Robert Higginson) Fuller
Robert H. Hobart (Robert Henry Hobart) Cust
Robert H. Jones
Robert H. Milligan
Robert H. Wilson
Robert Hamerling
Robert Hamill Nassau
Robert Hardley
Robert Hare
Robert Harrison Howe
Robert Harry Lowie
Robert Haven Schauffler
Robert Hebert Quick
Robert Henderson
Robert Henry
Robert Henry Elliot
Robert Henry Reece
Robert Henry Thurston
Robert Herrick
Robert Heymann
Robert Heywood
Robert Hichens
Robert Hillyer
Robert Hoe
Robert Hogg
Robert Holloway
Robert Hooke
Robert Hoskins
Robert Howard Lord
Robert Hugh Benson
Robert Huish
Robert Hunt
Robert Huntington Fletcher
Robert I. Tilling
Robert J. (Robert James) Shores
Robert J. (Robert Jefferson) Breckinridge
Robert J. (Robert John) Braidwood
Robert J. C. Stead
Robert J. Evans
Robert J. Martin
Robert J. Nemiroff
Robert J. Russell
Robert J. S. Bertram
Robert J. Sawyer
Robert James Culverwell
Robert Jennings
Robert Jephson
Robert John Buckley
Robert Johnston
Robert Jones
Robert Joseph Kerner
Robert K. Macadam
Robert K. Selander
Robert Keable
Robert Kemp Philp
Robert Kerr
Robert Kiljander
Robert Knox
Robert L. (Robert Latham) Owen
Robert L. (Robert Lewis) Packard
Robert L. Merz
Robert Lansing
Robert Leckie
Robert Lee Durham
Robert LeFevre
Robert Lehmann-Nitsche
Robert Leighton
Robert Liston
Robert Lloyd
Robert Lory
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Lovell
Robert Lowth
Robert Lynd
Robert M. Rogers
Robert M. Vogel
Robert Machray
Robert Mackenzie
Robert MacMicking
Robert Macnish
Robert Maitland
Robert Maunsell
Robert May
Robert McNutt McElroy
Robert McReynolds
Robert Means Lawrence
Robert Mearns Yerkes
Robert Melvin Blackwood
Robert Mitchell Henry
Robert Montesquiou-Fézensac
Robert Montgomery Bird
Robert Moore Williams
Robert Moreton
Robert Morris Peck
Robert Mudie
Robert Munro
Robert Musil
Robert N. Bader
Robert Nathan
Robert Naunton
Robert Neilson Stephens
Robert Nichols
Robert Nunès
Robert O. (Robert Orion) Vernon
Robert O. Fielding
Robert O. Harland
Robert Ornsby
Robert Ottiwell Gifford-Bennet
Robert Owen Allsop
Robert P. (Robert Percival) Porter
Robert P. Multhauf
Robert Paltock
Robert Patterson
Robert Peel
Robert Peter
Robert Pierpont Wilson
Robert Potter
Robert R. Ream
Robert Rainy
Robert Reinick
Robert Rice Reynolds
Robert Ridgway
Robert Rives La Monte
Robert Rogers
Robert Rutherford Drummond
Robert S. (Robert Sangster) Rait
Robert S. (Robert Shirley) Richardson
Robert S. (Robert Sproul) Carroll
Robert S. (Robert Stawell) Ball
Robert Sampson
Robert Saunders Dowst
Robert Schumann
Robert Scott
Robert Scott Fittis
Robert Sellar
Robert Sessions Woodworth
Robert Sewell
Robert Seymour
Robert Shackleton
Robert Shaler
Robert Shea
Robert Sheckley
Robert Sidney Bowen
Robert Silverberg
Robert Smalls
Robert Smith Surtees
Robert Southey
Robert Sparks Walker
Robert Stafford Arthur Palmer
Robert Steele
Robert Stephen Hawker
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell Baden-Powell of Gilwell
Robert Sterling Yard
Robert Stevenson
Robert Strange
Robert Swain Peabody
Robert T. Browne
Robert Thomas Kerlin
Robert Tressell
Robert Turnbull
Robert Turner
Robert Tyas
Robert Urie Jacob
Robert Valentine Dolbey
Robert Vaughan
Robert Vaughn
Robert Venables
Robert W. (Robert Walter) Bruère
Robert W. (Robert Warren) Wilson
Robert W. (Robert Wells) Rogers
Robert W. (Robert William) Chambers
Robert W. (Robert William) Service
Robert W. (Robert Wilson) Shufeldt
Robert W. Haseltine
Robert W. Krepps
Robert W. Lowndes
Robert W. Neuman
Robert Wallace
Robert Waln
Robert Walser
Robert Watson
Robert Watt
Robert Welles Ritchie
Robert Wells
Robert Wicks
Robert William MacKenna
Robert Williams
Robert Williams Buchanan
Robert Williams Wood
Robert Willis
Robert Wilson
Robert Wilson Shufeldt
Robert Winkworth Norwood
Robert Wood Williamson
Robert Zacks
Robert Zimmermann
Roberto Bracco
Roberto Jorge Payró
Roberto Sacchetti
Robertson L. Whiteside
Robertson Osborne
Robin McKown
Robin Ranger
Robin Richards
Robina F. Hardy
Robina Lizars
Robinson Ellis
Robt. L. (Robert Love) Taylor
Rocha Peixoto
Rockwell Kent
Roda Roda
Roderich Benedix
Roderick Duncan McKenzie
Rodolfo Amedeo Lanciani
Rodolph Stawell
Rodolphe Edgard Mathot
Rodolphe Lucien Desdunes
Rodolphe Reuss
Rodolphe Töpffer
Rodrigo Paganino
Rodrigues Ottolengui
Rodris Roth
Roebuck and Company Sears
Rog Phillips
Roger Ascham
Roger B. (Roger Bradbury) Whitman
Roger Bacon
Roger Bigelow Merriman
Roger Boyle
Roger Casement
Roger D. Aycock
Roger de Rabutin Bussy
Roger Dombre
Roger Fry
Roger Ingpen
Roger J. Contor
Roger J. Trienens
Roger Kuykendall
Roger L'Estrange
Roger Langdon
Roger Livingston Scaife
Roger Martin du Gard
Roger Nielsen
Roger North
Roger Pocock
Roger Sessions
Roger Starbuck
Roger T. (Roger Thompson) Finlay
Roger T. Grange
Roger Tissot
Roger Ward Babson
Roger William Conant
Roger Williams
Roi Cooper Megrue
Roland Allen
Roland Ashford Phillips
Roland Burnham Molineux
Roland Cheney
Roland Pertwee
Rolf Bennett
Rolf Boldrewood
Rollin D. Salisbury
Rollin H. (Rollin Harold) Baker
Rollo Gillespie Burslem
Rollo Springfield
Romain Rolland
Roman Frederick Starzl
Roman Frenkel
Romayne Skartvedt
Romeyn Henry Rivenburg
Romolo Murri
Romualdo Bonfadini
Ron Cocking
Ron Goulart
Ronald Arbuthnott Knox
Ronald de Carvalho
Ronald Firbank
Ronald L. McGregor
Ronald MacDonald
Ronald McNeill
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Ross
Ronald Sutherland Gower
Ronald W. Turner
Rong Zhong
Roopert Linna
Roque Barcia
Rory Magill
Rosa Baughan
Rosa Belinda Coote
Rosa Belle Holt
Rosa Graul
Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa M. (Rosa Mulholland) Gilbert
Rosa Mayreder
Rosa Newmarch
Rosa Nouchette Carey
Rosa Vertner Jeffrey
Rosalía de Castro
Rosalie G. Mendel
Rosalie Koch
Rosalie Sandvoss
Rosalie Vrylina Halsey
Rosalind Amelia Young
Rosalind Goforth
Rosalind Northcote
Rosalind Richards
Rosaline Masson
Rosamond Lehmann
Rosamund E. Nesbit (Rosamund Edith Nesbit) Bland
Rosamund Slack
Rosauro Almario
Roscoe Conkling Bruce
Roscoe Pound
Roscoe R. Rau
Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher
Rose Buhlig
Rose E. (Rose Emmet) Young
Rose Fyleman
Rose Georgina Kingsley
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop
Rose Lucia
Rose Macaulay
Rose Struck
Rose T. Briggs
Rose Wilder Lane
Rosel George Brown
Roselle M. Girard
Rosetta Dunigan
Rosetta Luce Gilchrist
Ross Beeckman
Ross De Witt Netherton
Ross Kay
Ross Rocklynne
Rossiter Johnson
Rossiter W. (Rossiter Worthington) Raymond
Roswell H. (Roswell Hill) Johnson
Roswell Martin Field
Roswell Park
Rotha Mary Clay
Rothamsted Experimental Station
Rounsevelle Wildman
Rowland Evans Robinson
Rowland George Allanson-Winn Headley
Rowland Gibson Hazard
Rowland Hill
Rowland Jones
Rowland Thomas
Rowland Walker
Rowland Wright
Roy B. (Roy Bernard) Kester
Roy Benson
Roy Bridges
Roy C. (Roy Caston) Flickinger
Roy Chapman Andrews
Roy Eliot Stokes
Roy Franklin Barton
Roy Franklin Richardson
Roy Horniman
Roy Hutchins
Roy Irving Murray
Roy J. (Roy Judson) Snell
Roy K. Anderson
Roy Lee Moodie
Roy Lester James
Roy Norton
Roy Paetzke
Roy Rockwood
Roy Rolfe Gilson
Roy Rutherford Bailey
Roy Watling
Roy Wood Sellars
Royal Baking Powder Company
Royal Dixon
Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)
Royal Print & Litho Limited
Royal Society (Great Britain)
Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain)
Royall Tyler
Rozelle V. Myers-Funnell
Rubén Darío
Ruby Lorraine Radford
Ruby M. (Ruby Mildred) Ayres
Ruby Waldeck
Rudolf (Ernst Rudolf Anastasius) Köpke
Rudolf Besier
Rudolf Burckhardt
Rudolf Carl Slatin
Rudolf Cronau
Rudolf Eisler
Rudolf Erich Raspe
Rudolf Eucken
Rudolf Greinz
Rudolf Haas
Rudolf Hans Bartsch
Rudolf Herzog
Rudolf Johannes Schmied
Rudolf Kayser
Rudolf Kneifel
Rudolf Leonhard
Rudolf Otto
Rudolf Pohl
Rudolf Presber
Rudolf Reichhardt
Rudolf Rikhard Ruth
Rudolf Rothe
Rudolf Schlechter
Rudolf Schmid
Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Tombo
Rudolf Virchow
Rudolf von Gottschall
Rūdolfs Blaumanis
Rudolph Rittmeyer
Rudolph Stratz
Rudolph Valentino
Rudyard Kipling
Ruel Perley Smith
Rufin Piotrowski
Rufino Blanco-Fombona
Rufus Anderson
Rufus B. (Rufus Byam) Richardson
Rufus Estes
Rufus King Sewall
Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew) Jones
Rufus Merrill
Rufus P. (Rufus Phillips) Williams
Rufus Rockwell Wilson
Rufus T. (Rufus Tracy) Strohm
Rui de Pina
Runar Schildt
Rupert Brooke
Rupert H. Wheldon
Rupert Hughes
Rupert Sargent Holland
Rush C. (Rush Christopher) Hawkins
Rush Rhees
Rush Shippen Huidekoper
Russ Walter
Russell Anthony Kelly
Russell Burton
Russell Doubleday
Russell Gordon Carter
Russell H. Conwell
Russell Holman
Russell K. Grater
Russell M. (Russell Morse) Wilder
Russell Richardson
Russell Stuart Wright
Russell Sturgis
Russkaia pravoslavnaia tserkov
Rustom Pestonji Masani
Ruth A. McIntyre
Ruth Belmore Endicott
Ruth Brown MacArthur
Ruth Comfort Mitchell
Ruth Cranston
Ruth Edna Kelley
Ruth Ellis Messenger
Ruth Fox Hume
Ruth Gaines
Ruth Hill
Ruth Kedzie Wood
Ruth Laura Wainwright
Ruth M. Sprague
Ruth McEnery Stuart
Ruth Ogden
Ruth Pierce
Ruth Plumly Thompson
Ruth Putnam
Ruth Royce
Ruth Russell
Ruth Sawyer
Ruth Sawyer Harvey
Ruth Schaumann
Ruth Stiles Gannett
Ruth Van Deman
Ruthe S. Wheeler
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Rutherford G. (Rutherford George) Montgomery
Rutherford Hayes Platt
Rutherford Mayne
Ruupert Kainulainen
Ruzhen Li
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
S. (Sabine) Baring-Gould
S. (Salahuddin) Khuda Bukhsh
S. (Salomon) Kohn
S. (Samuel) Laing
S. (Sarah) Macnaughtan
S. (Sidney) Levett Yeats
S. (Solomon) Schechter
S. (Sophie) Wörishöffer
S. A. (Samuel A.) Swiggett
S. A. (Samuel Alfred) Barrett
S. A. (Samuel Astley) Dunham
S. A. (Samuel Augustus) Barnett
S. A. (Simon Ansley) Ferrall
S. A. (Sofia Andreevna) Tolstaia
S. A. (Sozerko Artaganovich) Malʹsagov
S. A. Barnett
S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David) Tissot
S. A. Reilly
S. Alonzo Ranlett
S. Annie (Sarah Annie) Frost
S. B. (Samuel Benton) Barron
S. B. (Samuel Burrage) Reed
S. B. (Solomon Benjamin) Shaw
S. B. Banerjea
S. B. C. (Susan Blagge Caldwell) Samuels
S. C. (Samuel C.) Mercer
S. C. (Samuel Carter) Hall
S. C. (Simon Christian) Hammer
S. C. (Sydney Castle) Roberts
S. C. Hall
S. D. (Samuel Dickey) Gordon
S. D. (Samuel Dwight) Humphrey
S. de Magalhães (Sebastião de Magalhães) Lima
S. E. (Samuel E.) Chapman
S. E. (Samuel Eagle) Forman
S. E. (Samuel Ellis) Wishard
S. E. Cartwright
S. Elizabeth Hall
S. Emma E. (Sarah Emma Evelyn) Edmonds
S. F. (Samuel Francis) Aaron
S. F. Keene
S. F. N. (Stefanus François Naudé) Gie
S. F. Williams
S. Frances (Susie Frances) Harrison
S. G. (Samuel Gardiner) Ayres
S. G. W. (Samuel Greene Wheeler) Benjamin
S. H. (Samuel H.) Hammond
S. H. (Samuel Henry) Wintle
S. H. (Solomon Henry) Clark
S. H. Crittenden
S. H. Kemper
S. H. M. (Samuel Hawkins Marshall) Byers
S. H. Woodard
S. Henry (Samuel Henry) Berthoud
S. J. (Samuel John) Jerram
S. J. (Silvanus Jackson) Quinn
S. J. (Stuart James) Byrne
S. J. Adair (Shafto Justin Adair) Fitz-Gerald
S. J. Wilson
S. James Weldon
S. Kalff
S. L. (Samuel Levy) Bensusan
S. L. (Stephen Lincoln) Goodale
S. L. M.
S. Lagrange
S. Leonard Bastin
S. Lewis (Samuel Lewis) Ziegler
S. Louise (Susanna Louise) Patteson
S. M. (Stephen Meredyth) Edwardes
S. M. I. (Sarepta Myrenda Irish) Henry
S. M. Melamed
S. M. Tenneshaw
S. Miles (Stephen Miles) Bouton
S. Mukerji
S. N. Haleole
S. O. Susag
S. P. (Samuel Parsons) Scott
S. P. (Samuel Pierpont) Langley
S. P. (Sterner St. Paul) Meek
S. P. B. (Stuart Petre Brodie) Mais
S. P. Sackett
S. Proctor Thayer
S. R. (Samuel Robert) Calthrop
S. R. (Samuel Robert) Keightley
S. R. (Samuel Rutherford) Crockett
S. R. (Sylvester Rosa) Koehler
S. Reynolds (Samuel Reynolds) Hole
S. Russell Forbes
S. S. (Samuel Silas) Curry
S. S. (Samuel Simon) Schmucker
S. S. Van Dine
S. Stepniak
S. T. (Sarah Treverbian) Prideaux
S. T. (Sergei Timofeevich) Aksakov
S. T. (Silvanus Thayer) Abert
S. T. Rorer
S. T. Snow
S. Trevena Jackson
S. V. (Sofia Vasilevna) Kovalevskaia
S. W. Partington
S. Weir (Silas Weir) Mitchell
S. Wells (Samuel Wells) Williams
S. Wilton (Samuel Wilton) Rix
S.D.) Pioneer Auto Museum (Murdo
Sabatino Lopez
Sabina Cecil
Sadakichi Hartmann
Saint Ambrose
Saint Athanasius
Saint Augustine
Saint Benedict
Saint Fiech
Saint Hilary
Saint John Chrysostom
Saint John of Damascus
Saint Patrick
Saint Possidius
Sakae Shioya
Sakari Ruotsalo
Salem Goldworth Bland
Salisbury Field
Sallie Southall Cotten
Sally Watson
Salomo Pulkkinen
Salvador Brau
Salvatore Barzilai
Salvatore Di Giacomo
Salvatore Farina
Sam Carson
Sam K. (Sam Kinkade) Cowan
Sam McClatchie
Sam Merwin
Sam Moskowitz
Sami Khalaf Hamarneh
Sampson Vryling Stoddard Wilder
Samson Raphaelson
Samuel A. (Samuel Aaron) Tannenbaum
Samuel A. (Samuel Abbott) Green
Samuel A. (Samuel Arthur) Derieux
Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams Drake
Samuel Alexander White
Samuel Allen
Samuel Appleton
Samuel Arnott
Samuel B. (Samuel Buell) Allison
Samuel B. (Samuel Bulfinch) Emmons
Samuel B. Goslin
Samuel Bagshaw
Samuel Barton
Samuel Benjamin Dickson
Samuel Bevan
Samuel Birch
Samuel Brown
Samuel Browne Parsons
Samuel Brunt
Samuel Butler
Samuel C. (Samuel Curtis) Upham
Samuel C. Wayte
Samuel Chamberlain
Samuel Chandler
Samuel Charles Hill
Samuel Christian Schmucker
Samuel Cobb
Samuel Colt
Samuel Cook
Samuel Cowan
Samuel Cox
Samuel Cranston Benson
Samuel Crowther
Samuel D. (Samuel Dennis) Warren
Samuel Dana Greene
Samuel Daniel
Samuel Davidson
Samuel de Champlain
Samuel E. (Samuel Edward) Lowe
Samuel E. (Samuel Ellsworth) Kiser
Samuel Eberly Gross
Samuel Edward Dibble
Samuel Estwick
Samuel Evans Clark
Samuel Fallows
Samuel Fea
Samuel Felton
Samuel Ferguson
Samuel Finley Breese Morse
Samuel Fletcher
Samuel Foote
Samuel G. (Samuel Gamble) Bayne
Samuel G. (Samuel George) Blythe
Samuel G. (Samuel Granger) Camp
Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold) Goodrich
Samuel George Morton
Samuel Gibbs French
Samuel Graham Wilson
Samuel Grant Oliphant
Samuel H. (Samuel Henry) Kellogg
Samuel H. Fletcher
Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hall Young
Samuel Harden Church
Samuel Haughton
Samuel Hearne
Samuel Henry Prince
Samuel Hoffenstein
Samuel Hopkins
Samuel Hopkins Adams
Samuel Hubbard Scudder
Samuel Irenæus Prime
Samuel Isham
Samuel J. (Samuel James) Record
Samuel J. (Samuel John) Baird
Samuel J. (Samuel John) Sackett
Samuel J. (Samuel Jones) Tilden
Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph) May
Samuel J. M. (Samuel John Milton) Brown
Samuel James Arnold
Samuel James Manson Auld
Samuel Jesse Vaughn
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Joseph
Samuel Joseph Mackie
Samuel K. Ellis
Samuel Kirkham
Samuel L. (Samuel Lorenzo) Knapp
Samuel Leech
Samuel Leopold Schenk
Samuel Logan Brengle
Samuel Lover
Samuel Low
Samuel M. (Samuel Miller) Quincy
Samuel Manning
Samuel Marinus Zwemer
Samuel Marsden
Samuel Maverick
Samuel May
Samuel McChord Crothers
Samuel McHarry
Samuel Merwin
Samuel Miller
Samuel Mines
Samuel Muller
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray Hussey
Samuel N. (Samuel Nicholson) Rhoads
Samuel N. (Samuel Northrup) Harper
Samuel Newth
Samuel Osgood
Samuel Page
Samuel Paynter Wilson
Samuel Pegge
Samuel Pepys
Samuel Peter Orth
Samuel Peters
Samuel Philips
Samuel Phillips
Samuel Phillips Day
Samuel Pordage
Samuel Pratt
Samuel R. (Samuel Roberts) Wells
Samuel R. (Samuel Rush) Watkins
Samuel R. Delany
Samuel Rawson Gardiner
Samuel Raymond Scottron
Samuel Richardson
Samuel Rid
Samuel Roberts
Samuel Rogers
Samuel Rowlands
Samuel Rutherford
Samuel S. Forman
Samuel S. Hildebrand
Samuel Scoville
Samuel Sidney
Samuel Smiles
Samuel Spewack
Samuel Stearns
Samuel Stehman Haldeman
Samuel Strickland
Samuel Swett
Samuel T. (Samuel Thomas) Pickard
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Thompson
Samuel V. Leech
Samuel Vaknin
Samuel W. (Samuel Ward) Francis
Samuel W. (Samuel William) Johnson
Samuel W. Odell
Samuel Ward
Samuel Warren
Samuel Wells
Samuel Wendell Williston
Samuel Wesley
Samuel Whinery
Samuel White Baker
Samuel Wilberforce
Samuel Wilderspin
Samuel Williston
Samuel Willoughby Duffield
Samuel Woodworth Cozzens
Samuli Paulaharju
Samuli Suomalainen
San Francisco Museum of Art
Sancho de Muñón
Sanders Spencer
Sandford Fleming
Sándor Baksay
Sándor Balázs
Sándor Bródy
Sándor Endrődi
Sándor Ferenczi
Sándor Márki
Sándor Petőfi
Sándor Reményik
Sándor Tonelli
Sands Bliss
Saneatsu Mushanokoji
Sanford Bell
Sanger Brown
Sanni Metelerkamp
Sans Camo
Santeri Alkio
Santeri Ivalo
Santiago Mendez
Santiago Pérez Triana
Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Santiago Rusiñol
Sara Agnes Rice Pryor
Sara Beaumont Kennedy
Sara Chapman Thorp Bull
Sara Cone Bryant
Sara D. (Sara Davis) Jenkins
Sara Hutzler
Sara Jeannette Duncan
Sara Pfeiffer
Sara Teasdale
Sara Wacklin
Sara Ware Bassett
Sara Weiss
Sara Yorke Stevenson
Sarah A. (Sarah Ann) Myers
Sarah A. Finley Wrigley
Sarah Adams
Sarah Ann Leigh
Sarah Anne Curzon
Sarah Bell Hackley
Sarah Bernhardt
Sarah C. Hallowell
Sarah Catherine Martin
Sarah Cory Rippey
Sarah Davison Nicolas
Sarah Doudney
Sarah E. Farro
Sarah Elizabeth Birdsall Otis
Sarah Ellen Blackwell
Sarah F. (Sarah Frances) Buckelew
Sarah Fielding
Sarah French
Sarah Gertrude Pomeroy
Sarah Grames Clark
Sarah Grand
Sarah Grimké
Sarah H. (Sarah Hopkins) Bradford
Sarah Isabella Augusta Wilson
Sarah J. (Sarah Johnson) Prichard
Sarah J. Burke
Sarah J. Rhea
Sarah J. Richardson
Sarah Jane Elpern
Sarah Jeannette Lathbury Brigham
Sarah Johnson Cocke
Sarah Josepha Buell Hale
Sarah Knowles Bolton
Sarah L. Barrow
Sarah Louise Arnold
Sarah M. H. Gardner
Sarah N. (Sarah Nicholas) Randolph
Sarah Orne Jewett
Sarah P. (Sarah Parsons) Doughty
Sarah Pratt Carr
Sarah Pratt McLean Greene
Sarah Raymond Herndon
Sarah S. (Sarah Schoonmaker) Baker
Sarah S. Mower
Sarah Scott
Sarah Stuart Robbins
Sarah Tytler
Sarah Warner Brooks
Sarath Kumar Ghosh
Sargent Kayme
Sári Ferenczi
Sarnensis Petrus
Sarojini Naidu
Sartell Prentice
Sauk chief Black Hawk
Savina O'Bryan Schoenhofer
Sax Rohmer
Saxton T. (Saxton Temple) Pope
Schuyler Crowninshield
Schuyler Hamilton
Scian Dubh
Scipione Borghese
Scots New Zealand Land Company
Scott F. (Scott Frederick) Surtees
Scott F. Grenville
Scott Nearing
Scott Roberts
Scotts' Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd.
Scovill Manufacturing Company
Seabury Quinn
Seattle Car and Foundry Company
Seba Smith
Sebastian Brant
Sebastian Dachauer
Sebastian Kneipp
Sebastian Undiano y Gastelu
Sebastião da Fonseca
Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas Chamfort
Sedley Lynch Ware
Self-made man
Selig Perlman
Selimo Romeo Bottone
Selina A. Bower
Selina Bunbury
Selma Anttila
Selma Lagerlöf
Selwyn Brinton
Senator Cassiodorus
Seneca (Writer on outdoor life)
Senryu Namiki
Serafín Álvarez Quintero
Serafín Estébanez Calderón
Serafino Ricci
Sereno D. (Sereno Dickenson) Clark
Serge Persky
Sergei Aleksandrovich Rachinskii
Sergiei Nilus
Seth Curtis Beach
Seth J. (Seth James) Wells
Seth Low
Seton Churchill
Seumas O'Brien
Seumas O'Kelly
Seven-Up Company
Severi Nuormaa
Sewell Ford
Sewell Peaslee Wright
Sextus Julius Frontinus
Sextus Propertius
Seymour D. (Seymour Dwight) Thompson
Seymour John Fortescue
Shakespeare (spurious and doubtful works)
Shan F. Bullock
Shang Lü
Shangjie Song
Shangren Kong
Shangyin Li
Shao Liu
Sharaf al-Din Ahmad ibn Yahya Maniri
Sharat Kumar Roy
Sharlot Mabridth Hall
Shearjashub Spooner
Sheffield Ingalls
Sheila Kaye-Smith
Shelby M. (Shelby Moore) Cullom
Sheldon Cheney
Sheldon Dibble
Shelford Bidwell
Shell Union Oil Corporation
Sheng Hong
Sheng Lü
Shepard Ashman Morgan
Shepherd Knapp
Sherard Osborn
Sherburne Friend Cook
Sherman Crockett
Sherred Willcox Adams
Sherwin Cody
Sherwood Anderson
Sherwood Eddy
Sherwood Sweet Knight
Shi Su
Shifu Wang
Shigemi Shiukichi
Shigetsura Shiga
Shigong Huang
Shirley Barker
Shirley Carter Hughson
Shirley Hibberd
Shirley Watkins
Shiying Mu
Shizhen Wang
Sholem Aleichem
Shoraku Miyoshi
Shou Chen
Shute & Merchant
Sibilla Aleramo
Sibyl Bristowe
Sibylle Olfers
Siculus Diodorus
Sidford F. (Sidford Frederick) Hamp
Sidney Allnutt
Sidney Austen
Sidney Coe Howard
Sidney Colvin
Sidney Cornwallis Peel
Sidney Dickinson
Sidney Endle
Sidney Farnsworth
Sidney Gilpin
Sidney Harry Wright
Sidney Hartnoll Beard
Sidney Heath
Sidney Lanier
Sidney Lee
Sidney Lewis Gulick
Sidney Licht
Sidney McCall
Sidney R. (Sidney Robinson) Kennedy
Sidney Ransom
Sidney Royse Lysaght
Sidney Webb
Sidney Whitman
Sidonia Hedwig Zäunemann
Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg
Siegfried Genthe
Siegfried Sassoon
Sigfrid Siwertz
Sigge Strömberg
Sigmon M. (Sigmon Martin) Stern
Sigmund Engel
Sigmund Freud
Signor Saltarino
Sigrid Undset
Sigurd Smith
Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa
Sigvart Sörensen
Silas K. (Silas Kitto) Hocking
Silas K. Boone
Silas M. (Silas Milton) Andrews
Silas Tertius Rand
Silas Xavier Floyd
Silvanus P. (Silvanus Phillips) Thompson
Silvio A. Bedini
Silvio Pellico
Simeon E. (Simeon Eben) Baldwin
Simeon Strunsky
Simke Kloosterman
Simon Benson
Simon Du Cros
Simon Dubnow
Simon Fish
Simon Greenleaf
Simon Harward
Simon Lake
Simon Newcomb
Simon Nicolas Henri Linguet
Simon Paulli
Simon Tyssot de Patot
Simon Wolf
Simona Sumanaru
Sinclair Gluck
Sinclair Kennedy
Sinclair Lewis
Singer Sewing Machine Company
Sister Agnes
Sister Marie Antoine
Sister Mary Agnes
Sister Mary Rosaria
Sivachandra Vasu
Slason Thompson
Sliman Ben Ibrahim
Smith Burnham
Smith C. Ferguson
Smith D. (Smith Dykins) Atkins
Smith Hempstone Oliver
Smyrnaeus Quintus
Snorri Sturluson
Sociedad Abolicionista Española
Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain). Committee of General Literature and Education
Society for Pure English
Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions
Society of Friends
Sofronio G. Calderón
Sojourner Truth
Sol Boren
Sol. T. (Solomon Tshekisho) Plaatje
Solomon Bayley
Solomon Maimon
Solomon Northup
Solon J. (Solon Justus) Buck
Solon Robinson
Somerville Hastings
Songling Pu
Sonya Dorman
Sophia Beale
Sophia H. MacLehose
Sophia Jex-Blake
Sophia Kelly
Sophia Lane Poole
Sophia Margaretta Hensley
Sophia Morrison
Sophia Reeve
Sophie (Sophie Z. Liebowitz) Ruskay
Sophie Arnould
Sophie Breum
Sophie Cole
Sophie Fisher
Sophie Fox Sea
Sophie Gay
Sophie Hoechstetter
Sophie Jewett
Sophie Junghans
Sophie Lee Foster
Sophie Lyall
Sophie Mannerheim
Sophie May
Sophie May Farman
Sophie Ségur
Sophie Swett
Sophie Van Elkan Lyons Burke
Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge
Sophus Bauditz
Sophus Michaëlis
Sophus Ruge
Soseki Natsume
Southern Pacific Company
Southern Pacific Company. Passenger Department
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
Southwestern Monuments Association
Southwood Smith
Spain) Exposición Histórico-Americana (1892 : Madrid
Spain. Comisión arqueológica ejecutiva
Spencer C. Musson
Spencer Dair
Spencer Davenport
Spenser St. John
Spenser Wilkinson
Sperry Gyroscope Company
Spice Islands Company
Spinners' Club
Spool Cotton Co.
Spyridon Trikoupes
Squire Bancroft
Srdan Tucic
St. George Jackson Mivart
St. George Rathborne
St. George Tucker
St. George William Joseph Stock
St. John D. (St. John Drelincourt) Seymour
St. John G. (St. John Greer) Ervine
St. John Hankin
St. Jude
Staff Surgeon Dochard
Standard Lighting Company
Standish O'Grady
Stanford Eveleth
Stanley Arthur Cook
Stanley B. (Stanley Bean) Atkinson
Stanley C. (Stanley Currie) Johnson
Stanley F. Horn
Stanley G. (Stanley Grauman) Weinbaum
Stanley Gimble
Stanley Henig
Stanley Isaac Levy
Stanley J. Marsden
Stanley John Weyman
Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck
Stanley Lane-Poole
Stanley Mullen
Stanley Paul Young
Stanley Portal Hyatt
Stanley R. Lee
Stanley R. Matthews
Stanley Shaw
Stanley Washburn
Stanley Waterloo
Stanley Whiteside
Stanley William Lohman
Stanton A. (Stanton Arthur) Coblentz
Stanton Coit
Stanton Davis Kirkham
Stanton H. (Stanton Henry) King
Stanton P. Allen
Stapleton Martin
statutes Germany. Laws
Steele MacKaye
Steele Rudd
Steen Steensen Blicher
Stefan Löfving
Stefan Zweig
Stella Benson
Stella C. Shetter
Stella G. S. (Stella George Stern) Perry
Stella M. Francis
Stepan Rudnytskyi
Stephan Born
Stephan Clessin
Stephan Dirk
Stephan Endlicher
Stéphane Lauzanne
Stéphane Leduc
Stéphane Mallarmé
Stéphanie Félicité Genlis
Stephen A. Kallis
Stephen Alexander Hunter
Stephen Angus Douglas Cox
Stephen Antil
Stephen Arr
Stephen Barr
Stephen Bartholomew
Stephen Bowers
Stephen Charnock
Stephen Coleridge
Stéphen Coubé
Stephen Crane
Stephen Crisp
Stephen D. (Stephen Denison) Peet
Stephen David Durrant
Stephen Decatur
Stephen Fovargue
Stephen French Whitman
Stephen Graham
Stephen H. (Stephen Harriman) Long
Stephen H. (Stephen Haskins) Carpenter
Stephen H. Branch
Stephen H. P. Pell
Stephen Hales
Stephen Halsey Matteson
Stephen Hawes
Stephen Hudson
Stephen J. (Stephen Johnson) Field
Stephen J. M. (Stephen James Meredith) Brown
Stephen King-Hall
Stephen L. (Telegrapher) Robinson
Stephen Lakeman
Stephen Langdon
Stephen Leacock
Stephen Leatherwood
Stephen Lucius Gwynn
Stephen M. Ostrander
Stephen Marlowe
Stephen McKenna
Stephen Morrell Griswold
Stephen Oliver
Stephen Paget
Stephen Palfrey Webb
Stephen Peters
Stephen Phillips
Stephen Return Riggs
Stephen S. (Stephen Samuel) Stratton
Stephen S. (Stephen Samuel) Wise
Stephen Salisbury
Stephen Sargent Visher
Stephen Sydney Reynolds
Stephen Tall
Stephen Vincent Benét
Stephen W. (Stephen Warren) Meader
Sterling A. Brown
Sterling E. Lanier
Sterling North
Steve Rohrer
Steve Solomon
Steven D. Smith
Steven David Justin Sills
Steven E. Jones
Steven J. Bartlett
Steven Levy
Steven R. Brantley
Steven R. Peterson
Stewart Andrew McDowall
Stewart Culin
Stewart Edward White
Stewart Lygon Murray
Stewart Pierce Brown
Stijn Streuvels
Stinson Jarvis
Stockton State Hospital (Calif.)
Stopford A. (Stopford Augustus) Brooke
Storrs L. Olson
Stratton D. (Stratton Duluth) Brooks
Stuart Brent
Stuart Daggett
Stuart Dodgson Collingwood
Stuart J. (Stuart Johnson) Reid
Stuart Martin
Stuart Menzies
Stuart Merrill
Stuart Oliver Henry
Stuart Pratt Sherman
Stuart Walcott
Stuart Walker
Studebaker Corporation
Student of the Temple
Sturla Þórðarson
Su Liu
Sue Ainslie Clark
Sue Greenleaf
Sue Petigru Bowen
Suelette Dreyfus
Sugawara no Takasue no Musume
Sui Sin Far
Sukumar Ranjan Das
Sully Prudhomme
Sulo M. Hytönen
Sulpice Barué
Sumner Charles Britton
Sumner U. (Sumner Upham) Shearman
Surendranath Dasgupta
Susa Young Gates
Susan Anne Livingston Ridley Sedgwick
Susan Archer Talley Weiss
Susan Coolidge
Susan E. (Susan Elston) Wallace
Susan Ertz
Susan Fenimore Cooper
Susan Ferrier
Susan Glaspell
Susan Hale
Susan Morrow Jones
Susan Paxson
Susan R. (Susan Ravenel) Jervey
Susan Swain Madders
Susan Warner
Susanna Centlivre
Susanna Cocroft
Susanna Moodie
Susannah Grace Sanger Müller
Susannah Watts
Susanne R. (Susanne Rouviere) Day
Susie King Taylor
Sutherland Menzies
Sutherland Orr
Sutton & Sons Ltd.
Sutton E. (Sutton Elbert) Griggs
Suzanne La Follette
Suze (Suzanna Maria) Andriessen
Suze La Chapelle-Roobol
Svante Arrhenius
Sven Anders Hedin
Sven Elvestad
Svend Fleuron
Swami Abhedananda
Swami Prakashananda
Swami Vivekananda
Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
Sybil G. Brinton
Sydney Anderson
Sydney Blanshard Flower
Sydney C. Grier
Sydney Clark
Sydney George Fisher
Sydney Greenbie
Sydney Grundy
Sydney Herman Preston
Sydney Howard Gay
Sydney J. (Sydney John) Hickson
Sydney J. Van Scyoc
Sydney Loch
Sydney P. (Sydney Philip) Noe
Sydney R. (Sydney Robert) Jones
Sydney Sandys
Sydney Smith
Sydney Strong
Sydney T. (Sydney Turner) Klein
Sydney Tremayne
Sydney Tyler
Sydney Waterlow
Sydney Watson
Syed Ameer Ali
Sylvain Maréchal
Sylvanus Cobb
Sylvanus Stall
Sylvester Bliss
Sylvester Graham
Sylvester Marsh
Sylvester Mowry
Sylvia Jacobs
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Sæmundur fróði
Søren Kierkegaard
T. (Thomas) Kerslake
T. (Thomas) Longmore
T. (Thomas) Troward
T. (Thottakadu) Ramakrishna Pillai
T. (Tobias) Smollett
T. (Toyokichi) Iyenaga
T. A. (Architect) Richardson
T. A. (Theodore Arthur) Willard
T. A. (Thomas Aiken) Goodwin
T. A. (Thomas Alexander) Lacey
T. A. (Thomas Alfred) Coward
T. A. H. (Thomas Arrington Huntington) Miller
T. A. Jenkins
T. Aaron Levy
T. B. (T. Bronson) Ray
T. B. (Thomas Bamford) Lang
T. B. (Thomas Barlow) Wood
T. B. (Thomas Belden) Butler
T. B. (Thomas Boyles) Murray
T. B. H. Stenhouse
T. B. Middleton
T. Baron Russell
T. Bodley Scott
T. C. (Theophilus Charles) Noble
T. C. (Thomas Chalmers) Harbaugh
T. C. (Thomas Charles) Bridges
T. C. (Thomas Cornelius) Brennan
T. C. (Thomas Crosbee) Cantrill
T. C. Turberville
T. Clifford (Thomas Clifford) Allbutt
T. D. (Thomas Day) Curtis
T. D. (Thomas Dykes) Beasley
T. D. (Timothy Daniel) Sullivan
T. D. Hallam
T. D. Hamm
T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt) Talmage
T. E. (Thomas Edward) Thorpe
T. E. (Thomas Ernest) Hulme
T. Edgar (Thomas Edgar) Pemberton
T. Edmund (Thomas Edmund) Harvey
T. Eric (Thomas Eric) Peet
T. Everett (Thomas Everett) Harré
T. F. (Thomas Firminger) Thiselton-Dyer
T. F. (Thomas Fourness) Wilson
T. F. (Thomas Frederick) Tout
T. F. (Thomas Frederick) Young
T. F. Bell
T. Fisher Unwin (Firm)
T. Frederick Hardwich
T. G. (Theophilus Gould) Steward
T. G. (Thomas George) Bonney
T. G. (Thomas George) Tucker
T. G. Wakeling
T. Gilbert (Thomas Gilbert) Pearson
T. Gwynn (Thomas Gwynn) Jones
T. H. (Trinidad Hermenegildo) Pardo de Tavera
T. H. Pasley
T. H. S. (Thomas Hay Sweet) Escott
T. Howard (Thomas Howard) Kelly
T. J. (Theodore Johannes) Haarhoff
T. J. (Thomas James) Cobden-Sanderson
T. J. (Thomas James) Macnamara
T. J. (Thomas John) Capel
T. J. (Thomas Joseph) Macon
T. J. (Thure Johan) Dahlberg
T. J. de (Tjitze J.) Boer
T. J. Flanagan
T. J. Llewelyn (Thomas Jeffery Llewelyn) Prichard
T. J. McConnaughay
T. Jenkins (Thornton Jenkins) Hains
T. K. (Thomas Kelly) Cheyne
T. L. (Theodore Leighton) Pennell
T. L. (Thomas Livingstone) Mitchell
T. L. Sherred
T. Latham
T. M. (Terence McMahon) Hughes
T. M. (Thomas Mealey) Harris
T. M. (Thomas Mears) Eddy
T. M. (Thomas Michael) Greenhow
T. M. (Timothy Michael) Healy
T. Mainland
T. Martin Wood
T. McIntyre
T. O'Conor (Thomas O'Conor) Sloane
T. Orme Dudfield
T. P. (Thomas Power) O'Connor
T. Paul Maslin
T. Phelan
T. R. (Terrot Reaveley) Glover
T. R. (Thomas Radford) Agg
T. R. (Thomas Ramsden) Ashworth
T. R. (Thomas Richard) Allinson
T. R. (Thomas Robert) Malthus
T. R. Fehrenbach
T. R. Swinburne
T. Raffles (Thomas Raffles) Davison
T. Roger (Thomas Roger) Smith
T. S. (Thomas Sigismund) Stribling
T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot
T. S. (Thomas Suter) Ackland
T. S. (Timothy Shay) Arthur
T. Sturge (Thomas Sturge) Moore
T. T. (Thomas Talbot) Waterman
T. T. (Thomas Tendron) Jeans
T. T. (Thomas Theodore) Martin
T. Tindall (Thomas Tindall) Wildridge
T. Tj. de Boer
T. W. (Thomas Wallace) Lumb
T. W. (Thomas Wightman) Chalmers
T. W. (Thomas Wilcox)
T. W. (Thomas Wilkinson) Speight
T. W. (Thomas William) Allies
T. W. (Thomas William) Rolleston
T. W. (True Worthy) Hoit
T. W. E. Holdsworth
T. W. H. (Thomas William Hodgson) Crosland
T. W. J. (Thomas William John) Connolly
T. Walter (Thomas Walter) Hall
T. Wemyss (Thomas Wemyss) Reid
T. Williams
T.-P. Danger
T.J. Edmonds Ltd.
Tabitha Grimalkin
Tadashi Nakashima
Tadayoshi Sakurai
Tadéas Xavier Henis
Takeo Arishima
Talbot Baines Reed
Talbot Hughes
Talbot Mundy
Tallemant des Réaux
Tamar Davis
Tamás Kóbor
Tao Zor
Tappan Adney
Tappan Wentworth
Taras Shevchenko
Taylor H. Greenfield
Taylor Prewitt
Teachers of the School Street Universalist Sunday School. Boston
Ted White
Teddy Keller
Teijiro Takagi
Teixeira Bastos
Teixeira de Pascoais
Teixeira de Queiroz
Tekla Roschier
Telford Varley
Temple Bailey
Tenney Frank
Teodor de Wyzewa
Teodoro Pascal
Teófilo Braga
Teofilo Folengo
Terence Casey
Terence J. (Terence Joseph) MacSwiney
Terenzio Mamiani della Rovere
Teresa Guiccioli
Terese Robinson
Terry A. Vaughan
Terry Carr
Terry L. Biery
Terry Southern
Teunis Pluim
Teuvo Pakkala
Texas Historical Commission
Texas. Department of Agriculture
Texas. General Land Office
Th. (Théodore) Mortreuil
Th. (Théodule) Ribot
Th. (Thiodolf) Rein
Th. Bentzon
Th. Du Moncel
Th. Dufau
Th. Hebbelynck
Th. Zell
Thad. W. H. (Thaddeus William Henry) Leavitt
Thaddeus A. (Thaddeus Augustine) Browne
Thaddeus Davids
Thaddeus Mason Harris
Thames Williamson
the Elder Pliny
The Harmsworth Magazine
the Younger Pliny
Thea Wolf
Thekla von Gumpert
Theo von Blankensee
Theo. Stephenson Browne
Theobald Smith
Theobald Ziegler
Theodolinda Hahnsson
Theodoor Molkenboer
Theodoor Sevens
Theodor Birt
Theodor Dielitz
Theodor Elsenhans
Theodor Fontane
Theodor Gampe
Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel
Theodor Hertzka
Theodor Herzl
Theodor Hildebrand
Theodor Körner
Theodor Lessing
Theodor Lipps
Theodor Meyer-Merian
Theodor Mommsen
Theodor Mügge
Theodor Nöldeke
Theodor Reinwald
Theodor Rohmer
Theodor Schiff
Theodor Schvindt
Theodor Storm
Theodor von Kobbe
Theodor Zenner
Theodora Bosanquet
Theodora R. (Theodora Robinson) Jenness
Theodore Andrea Cook
Théodore Aynard
Theodore Ayrault Dodge
Théodore Barrière
Theodore Bent
Theodore Burt Sayre
Theodore Clarke Smith
Theodore Clifford Phillips
Theodore D. (Theodore Dehon) Jervey
Theodore D. A. (Theodore Dru Alison) Cockerell
Théodore de Bèze
Theodore DeBose Bratton
Theodore Dreiser
Théodore Duret
Theodore Edward Dowling
Theodore Edward Hook
Theodore Elmer White
Theodore F. (Theodore Frelinghuysen) Wolfe
Théodore Faullain de Banville
Théodore Flournoy
Theodore Gerald Soares
Theodore Goodridge Roberts
Theodore Graebner
Theodore H. (Theodore Harding) Rand
Theodore H. (Theodore Hildreth) Eaton
Theodore H. (Theodore Hoe) Mead
Théodore Hannon
Theodore J. Walker
Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard) Cuyler
Theodore L. Thomas
Théodore Licquet
Theodore Low De Vinne
Theodore Martin
Theodore Maynard
Theodore P. Wilson
Theodore Parker
Theodore Paullin
Theodore Pratt
Theodore R. W. Lunt
Theodore Reichardt
Theodore Roosevelt
Théodore Simon
Theodore Sturgeon
Theodore Sutro
Theodore Tilton
Theodore Watts-Dunton
Theodore Wesley Koch
Theodore Whitson Ressler
Theodore Wilder
Theodore Winthrop
Theodore Wood
Theodosia Pickering Garrison
Theodosius Dobzhansky
Theophila Carlile Campbell
Théophile Gautier
Théophile Lavallée
Théophile Pascal
Theophilus Cibber
Theophilus F. (Theophilus Francis) Rodenbough
Theophilus G. (Theophilus Goldridge) Pinches
Theresa Delaney
Theresa Gowanlock
Theresa Schmid McMahon
Theresa V. Francis
Therese Broderick
Therese O. (Therese Osterheld) Deming
Therese Windser
Théroigne de Méricourt
Theron Brown
Theron Q. Dumont
Theron Wilber Haight
Theta Johnson
Thierry Mallet
Thierry Sandre
Thomas (Curate of Clapham) Macgill
Thomas (Thomas James) Walker
Thomas (Wine cooper) Chapman
Thomas A. (Thomas Abercrombie) Welton
Thomas A. (Thomas Alfred) Wise
Thomas A. (Thomas Allibone) Janvier
Thomas A. Faulkner
Thomas A. H. Mawhinney
Thomas A. M. Ward
Thomas Adolphus Trollope
Thomas Alfred Spalding
Thomas Allan Croal
Thomas Allen Britton
Thomas Anderson
Thomas Anderton
Thomas Archer
Thomas Arnold
Thomas Atwood
Thomas Augustus Jaggar
Thomas Augustus Watson
Thomas B. (Thomas Bertram) Costain
Thomas B. (Thomas Brownfield) Searight
Thomas B. Akins
Thomas B. Corbett
Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay
Thomas Bailey
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Thomas Baines
Thomas Baker
Thomas Balch
Thomas Barker
Thomas Barlow Smith
Thomas Barnes Cochrane Dundonald
Thomas Bassnett
Thomas Bedworth
Thomas Beer
Thomas Bellamy
Thomas Belt
Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Thomas Betson
Thomas Bewick
Thomas Bingley
Thomas Binney
Thomas Blossom
Thomas Blount
Thomas Boyd
Thomas Boylan
Thomas Brassey Brassey
Thomas Bridges
Thomas Brown
Thomas Browne
Thomas Buchanan Read
Thomas Bulfinch
Thomas Bull
Thomas Burke
Thomas C. (Thomas Clark) Hinkle
Thomas C. (Thomas Cooke) Middleton
Thomas C. (Thomas Corwin) Mendenhall
Thomas C. Gash
Thomas C. Jefferies
Thomas Caldecot Chubb
Thomas Campbell
Thomas Capek
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carney
Thomas Carr Howe
Thomas Carson
Thomas Champness
Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Thomas Chapais
Thomas Charles Edwards
Thomas Chatterton
Thomas Clarke
Thomas Clarkson
Thomas Cleland Dawson
Thomas Cobb
Thomas Cochrane
Thomas Cochrane Dundonald
Thomas Coleman
Thomas Colley Grattan
Thomas Commerford Martin
Thomas Conant
Thomas Concannon
Thomas Connellan
Thomas Cool
Thomas Cooper
Thomas Cowherd
Thomas Crofton Croker
Thomas Crosby
Thomas D'Arcy McGee
Thomas D'Urfey
Thomas D. (Thomas Darlington) Cope
Thomas D. (Thomas Davis) Whittles
Thomas D. (Thomas Day) Seymour
Thomas Dallam
Thomas Daniels
Thomas Davidson
Thomas Davies
Thomas Davis
Thomas Day
Thomas De Quincey
Thomas Dekker
Thomas Dibdin
Thomas Dick
Thomas Dick Lauder
Thomas Dimsdale
Thomas Dixon
Thomas Dove Foster
Thomas Dugdale
Thomas Dunn English
Thomas Dyer Tuttle
Thomas E. (Thomas Edward) Watson
Thomas E. Sanders
Thomas E. Taylor
Thomas Edgar Willson
Thomas Edward Gordon
Thomas Edward Merchant
Thomas Edward Pickett
Thomas Edwards
Thomas Elbert Vineyard
Thomas Ellwood
Thomas Erskine Holland
Thomas Ewing Dabney
Thomas F. (Thomas Francis) Googerty
Thomas F. A. Smith
Thomas F. G. Coates
Thomas F. Weise
Thomas Falkner
Thomas Faughnan
Thomas Fillebrown
Thomas Fitch
Thomas Fleming Day
Thomas Forester
Thomas Forsyth Hunt
Thomas Foster
Thomas Fowler
Thomas Frederick Crane
Thomas Frognall Dibdin
Thomas Frost
Thomas Furlong
Thomas G. (Thomas George) Gentry
Thomas Gage
Thomas Garnett
Thomas Gaskell Allen
Thomas Geldart
Thomas Gent
Thomas George Hill
Thomas Goddard Frothingham
Thomas Godfrey
Thomas Goodwin
Thomas Gordon Hake
Thomas Gray
Thomas Green Fessenden
Thomas Greenhill
Thomas Guthrie
Thomas Guthrie Marquis
Thomas Gwyn Elger
Thomas H. (Thomas Hamilton) Ormsbee
Thomas H. (Thomas Huston) Macbride
Thomas H. Burgoyne
Thomas H. Jenkins
Thomas H. Prescott
Thomas H. Reid
Thomas Hall Shastid
Thomas Hanly Ball
Thomas Hardy
Thomas Harman
Thomas Harriot
Thomas Hart Benton
Thomas Hastings
Thomas Haweis
Thomas Hawkes Tanner
Thomas Henry
Thomas Henry Hines
Thomas Henry Howard
Thomas Henry Huxley
Thomas Herbert Russell
Thomas Heywood
Thomas Hill
Thomas Hill Green
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hodgkin
Thomas Hodson
Thomas Holcroft
Thomas Holmes
Thomas Hood
Thomas Hoover
Thomas Hope Floyd
Thomas Houston
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Hulme
Thomas Hungerford Holdich
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Thomas Hutchinson
Thomas Ingoldsby
Thomas Inman
Thomas J. (Thomas Jefferson) Bell
Thomas J. (Thomas Jefferson) Murrey
Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph) Campbell
Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph) Tunney
Thomas J. Fleming
Thomas J. Ford
Thomas J. Howell
Thomas J. O'Hara
Thomas Jackson
Thomas James Wise
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson Farnham
Thomas Jefferson Hogg
Thomas Jefferson Ritter
Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker
Thomas K. Bullock
Thomas K. Ford
Thomas K. Hervey
Thomas K. Holmes
Thomas Kearns
Thomas Keightley
Thomas Kentish
Thomas Kirwan
Thomas Knight
Thomas Kyd
Thomas L. (Thomas Leiper) Kane
Thomas L. Kinkead
Thomas Lambert Barlow
Thomas Lambert Sappington
Thomas Latham
Thomas Lathbury
Thomas Laurie
Thomas Leaming
Thomas Lewis
Thomas Lindsay Buick
Thomas Little Heath
Thomas Littleton
Thomas Lodge
Thomas Longueville
Thomas Love Peacock
Thomas M'Crie
Thomas M. (Thomas March) Clark
Thomas M. (Thomas Martin) Lindsay
Thomas M. (Thomas Matthew) St. John
Thomas M. (Thomas Milton) Rivers
Thomas M. Disch
Thomas MacKellar
Thomas Maguire
Thomas Maitland Marshall
Thomas Malory
Thomas Mann
Thomas Maynarde
Thomas McKenny Hughes
Thomas McManus
Thomas Michell
Thomas Miller
Thomas Moore
Thomas More
Thomas Morison Legge
Thomas Morris Longstreth
Thomas Morrison
Thomas Morton
Thomas Mott Osborne
Thomas Nash
Thomas Nathaniel Orchard
Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nelson Page
Thomas Newbigging
Thomas North
Thomas Nutt
Thomas O'Hagan
Thomas O'Neill Russell
Thomas Okey
Thomas Oldham
Thomas Olman Todd
Thomas Ostenson Stine
Thomas Otway
Thomas P. Bonczar
Thomas P. Jones
Thomas P. Thayer
Thomas Packer
Thomas Paine
Thomas Parnell
Thomas Peck
Thomas Peckett Prest
Thomas Pelham Dale
Thomas Perkins
Thomas Peter Krag
Thomas Petigru Lesesne
Thomas Platter
Thomas Potts
Thomas Proctor Hughes
Thomas Purney
Thomas Quayle
Thomas R. (Thomas Raymond) Cole
Thomas R. (Thomas Robert) Henry
Thomas Rainey
Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury
Thomas Reid
Thomas Richardson
Thomas Rickman
Thomas Ridgley
Thomas Riley Blanckley
Thomas Roscoe Rede Stebbing
Thomas Ross Mills
Thomas Routledge
Thomas Runciman
Thomas S. (Thomas Samuel) Jones
Thomas S. (Thomas Spencer) Childs
Thomas S. (Thomas Stewart) Denison
Thomas S. Chard
Thomas S. Gardiner
Thomas S. Gowing
Thomas S. Osborne
Thomas S. Sozinskey
Thomas Savery
Thomas Say
Thomas Seccombe
Thomas Sedgwick Steele
Thomas Shaw
Thomas Sheridan
Thomas Sherlock
Thomas Sherwood
Thomas Sikes
Thomas Smith
Thomas Sprat
Thomas Stamford Raffles
Thomas Stanley
Thomas Stanley Treanor
Thomas Stevens
Thomas Street
Thomas T. Harman
Thomas T. Hoopes
Thomas T. Matthews
Thomas Tapper
Thomas Taylor
Thomas Teakle
Thomas Thomson
Thomas Timpson
Thomas Tiplady
Thomas Tod Stoddart
Thomas Traherne
Thomas Tregenna Biddulph
Thomas Tryon
Thomas Turner Wilkinson
Thomas Tusser
Thomas Vernon Wollaston
Thomas W. (Thomas Washington) Shannon
Thomas W. (Thomas William) Silloway
Thomas W. Corbin
Thomas W. Hanshew
Thomas W. Hoare
Thomas Walford
Thomas Walker Arnold
Thomas Wallace Knox
Thomas Walter Barber
Thomas Warton
Thomas Washington Talley
Thomas Watkins
Thomas Watters
Thomas Webster
Thomas Wemyss Fulton
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Thomas Whiffen
Thomas Whiteside
Thomas Whitney Surette
Thomas Whittaker
Thomas Willement
Thomas William Benson
Thomas William Francis Gann
Thomas William Lawson
Thomas Williamson
Thomas Willis
Thomas Wilson
Thomas Wilson Lambert
Thomas Wiltshire
Thomas Wodehouse Legh Newton
Thomas Wood
Thomas Woodhouse
Thomas Woody
Thomas Woolner
Thomas Woolston
Thomas Wright
Thomas Wright Jackson
Thomas Wyatt
Thomaz José de Mello
Thompson Buchanan
Thomson Burtis
Thomson Jay Hudson
Thomson Willing
Thorne Deuel
Thorne M. (Thorne Martin) Carpenter
Thorne Smith
Thornton DeKy
Thornton Hall
Thornton W. (Thornton Waldo) Burgess
Thornton Wilder
Thorstein Veblen
Thorvald Peter Ludwig Weitemeyer
Thos. D. (Thomas Dowler) Murphy
Thos. J. (Thomas Josiah) Dimsdale
Three Initiates
Thurlow Fraser
Thurman William Van Metre
Tiberius Catius Silius Italicus
Tickner Edwardes
Ticknor and Company
Ticul Alvarez
Tighe Hopkins
Timothy Boardman
Timothy Dexter
Timothy East
Timothy Flint
Timothy Harley
Timothy Templeton
Timothy Thomas Fortune
Timothy Williston
Tingfang Wu
Tirso de Molina
Tito Poggi
Tito Vignoli
Titus Lucretius Carus
Titus Maccius Plautus
Titus Tobler
Tjalling Halbertsma
Tobias Aconite
Toby A. Appel
Toini Topelius
Toivo Tarvas
Tom Bevan
Tom Bullock
Tom Gallon
Tom Godwin
Tom Hall
Tom Hood
Tom Kettle
Tom Leahy
Tom McMorrow
Tom Pace
Tom Purdom
Tom R. Johnson
Tom Schilperoort
Tom Taylor
Tom Tit
Tom W. Harris
Tomás António Gonzaga
Tomás de Comyn
Tomás de Iriarte
Tommasina Guidi
Tommaso Alberti
Tommaso Campanella
Tommaso Cimino
Tommaso Piroli
Tong Wang
Tong Xiao
Toni Schwabe
Tony Kellen
Tony P. Wrenn
Topi Orpana
Torald Hermann Sollmann
Toronto News
Torquato Tasso
Toru Dutt
Towry Piper
Tracy Chatfield Becker
Tracy D. (Tracy Dickinson) Mygatt
Traveling Engineers' Association
Travers Twiss
Trench & Co. Kegan Paul
Trench H. Johnson
Trindade Coelho
Trinidad Bean & Elevator Company
Tristan Bernard
Tristan Corbière
Tristan Klingsor
Tristan Tzara
Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company
Trude Bruns
Truman Everts
Truman Lee Kelley
Trumbull White
Tryphon E. Euangelides
Tulis Abrojal
Tullia d' Aragona
Tuomas Friman
Turner Kirkland
Tyko Hagman
Tyrone Power
U. J. (Uriah James) Jones
U. P. Hedrick
U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. School of Music
U.S.S. Leviathan History Committee
Udo Dammer
Ugo Balzani
Ugo Foscolo
Ugo Mioni
Ulisse Barbieri
Ulrich Bonnell Phillips
Ulrich Frank
Ulrich Kiebler
Ulrich Schmidel
Ulrich von Hutten
Ulrich von Schlippenbach
Ulysse Chevalier
Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson) Grant
Ulysses Sidney Koons
Umberto Fracchia
Una L. Silberrad
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Union Pacific Railroad Company. Passenger Department
United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mississippi Division
United States
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
United States Food Administration
United States Rubber Company
United States Tariff Commission
United States. Agricultural Research Service. Consumer and Food Economics Research Division
United States. Agricultural Research Service. Human Nutrition Research Division
United States. Air Force
United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
United States. Army
United States. Army Air Forces
United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Manhattan District
United States. Army. Signal Corps
United States. Bureau of Animal Industry
United States. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
United States. Bureau of Naval Personnel
United States. Bureau of Reclamation
United States. Bureau of the Census
United States. Central Intelligence Agency
United States. Children's Bureau
United States. Circuit Court (Massachusetts)
United States. Coast Guard
United States. Commission to the Madrid Exposition (1892- )
United States. Congress
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Homeland Security
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Patents
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities
United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War
United States. Congress. Senate
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents
United States. Constitutional Convention (1787)
United States. Council of National Defense. Committee on Labor. Section on Industrial Training for the War Emergency
United States. Council of National Defense. Highways Transport Committee
United States. Department of Agriculture
United States. Department of Commerce
United States. Department of Defense
United States. Department of Education
United States. Department of State
United States. Department of the Army
United States. Department of the Interior
United States. Executive Office of the President
United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
United States. Foreign Operations Administration
United States. Forest Service
United States. Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Region
United States. Government Printing Office
United States. Marine Corps
United States. Marine Mammal Commission
United States. Maritime Administration
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
United States. National Conservation Congress
United States. National Park Service
United States. National Park Service. Division of Publications
United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Ordnance
United States. Office of Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality
United States. Office of Civil Defense
United States. Office of Education
United States. Office of Strategic Services
United States. Patent Office
United States. Presidents
United States. Public Health Service
United States. Railroad administration. Division of finance
United States. Social Security Board
United States. Supreme Court
United States. War Department
United States. War Department. Division of Military Aeronautics
United States. War Department. General Staff
United States. Warren Commission
United States. Work Projects Administration
Universal House of Justice
Université de Paris. Faculté de théologie
University of California (). Library
University of Idaho
University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus). Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics
University of Kansas
University of Oxford. Faculty of Modern History
University of Pennsylvania. Seybert Commission for Investigating Modern Spiritualism
University of Pittsburgh. School of Medicine
Uno Harva
Unto Seppänen
Upton Sinclair
Urbano de Castro
Urbano Loureiro
Urho Wiljo Walakorpi
Uriah Smith
Uuno Kailas
V. (Victor) Margueritte
V. (Victoria) Sackville-West
V. A. (Violet A.) Pearn
V. E. (Valentine Edward) Johnson
V. E. Thiessen
V. G. (Vladimir Grigorevich) Chertkov
V. H. (Vivian Hunter) Galbraith
V. I. (Vladimir Ivanovich) Semenov
V. K. Trast
V. M.
V. M. (Vincent Myron) Masten
V. M. (Virgil Mores) Hillyer
V. N. (Vasilij Nikolaevic) Devjatnin
V. R. Francis
V. Stankiević
V. T. (Vickers T.) Atkinson
V. V. Vide
Va. County Manager Arlington Co.
Vachel Lindsay
Václav Tille
Väikkö Vuokko
Väinö Airola
Väinö Hämeen-Anttila
Väinö Kataja
Väinö Pietilä
Väinö Voionmaa
Vald. Vedel
Valdemar Lindholm
Valentí Almirall
Valentin Haüy
Valentín Lamas Carvajal
Valentine Chirol
Valentine Williams
Valentino Carrera
Valerian Krasinski
Valerian Viliamovich Karrik
Valerie Desmond
Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov
Valeska Bethusy-Huc
Valfrid Hedman
Valfrid Vasenius
Valter Juva
Valto Edward Aaltio
van Java Melati
Van Powell
Van Tassel Sutphen
Van Wyck Brooks
Vance Aandahl
Vance Barnum
Vance Packard
Vance Randolph
Vance Simonds
Vardis Fisher
Various (magazine) Harper
Varley Lang
Vasco de Lobeira
Vasilii Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko
Vasilïĭ Vasilʹevich Vereshchagin
Vaughan Cornish
Vaughan Kester
Vaughan Shelton
Vayenas Constantin
Veikko Antero Koskenniemi
Veikko Korhonen
Velda Allis Eddy
Velma Caldwell Melville
Venture Smith
Vera Brittain
Vera C. (Vera Charlesworth) Barclay
Vera Mace
Vera Salomons
Vera Serkoff
Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association
Vern Fearing
Verne Athanas
Verner von Heidenstam
Verney Lovett Cameron
Vernon Bartlett
Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman) Kellogg
Vernon L. McCain
Vernon Lee
Vernon Stauffer
Verra Xenophontovna
Vesta J. Farnsworth
Vic Phillips
Vicente Barbosa
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Vicente de Almeida de Eça
Vicente Espinel
Vicente Fidel López
Vicente López y Planes
Vicente Riva Palacio
Vicomte de Miramon-Fargues
Victor A. Endersby
Victor Alexander Montagu
Victor Alfred Nilsson
Victor Alvin Ketcham
Victor Appleton
Victor Balaguer
Victor Barrucand
Victor Baudot
Victor Bridges
Víctor Català
Victor Cherbuliez
Victor Cousin
Victor F. (Victor Fritz) Lenzen
Victor Fournel
Victor G. Durham
Victor Gollancz
Victor H. (Victor Hugo) Tousley
Victor Hehn
Victor Hénaux
Victor Hugo
Victor Juhlin
Victor Lefebure
Victor MacClure
Victor Mapes
Victor Maximilian Berthold
Victor Meignan
Victor Mindeleff
Victor Orban
Victor Robinson
Victor Rousseau
Victor Segalen
Victor Snell
Victor Talking Machine Company
Victor Tissot
Victor von Andrejanoff
Victor von Falk
Victor Wilfred Pagé
Victoria Benedictsson
Victoria C. (Victoria Claflin) Woodhull
Victoria Cross
Victoria Glad
Victoria Hayward
Victorien Sardou
Vidyāpati Thākura
Vihtori Lähde
Vihtori Niemi
Viktor Lounasmaa
Viktor Rákosi
Viktor Rydberg
Viktor Schultze
Viktorine Schiller
Vilhelm Bergsøe
Vilhelm Krag
Vilhelm Østergaard
Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Viljo Kojo
Ville Vuoksinen
Vincent H. (Vincent Herbert) Gowen
Vincent Hughes
Vincent Scully
Vincent Starrett
Vincent Stephen
Vincent Taylor
Vincent van Gogh
Vincente Rama
Vincenzo Guerini
Vincenzo Lazari
Vinceslas-Eugène Dick
Vingie E. (Vingie Eve) Roe
Vinzenz Chiavacci
Violante Cisneiros
Violet Brooke-Hunt
Violet Flint
Violet Guttenberg
Violet Hunt
Violet Irwin
Violet Jacob
Violet Maxwell
Violet Moore Higgins
Violet Purton Biddle
Violet R. (Violet Rosa) Markham
Violet Teague
Violet Tweedale
Violeta D. Baluyut
Violetta Thurstan
Virgil Carrington Jones
Virgil D. (Virgil Dewey) Collins
Virgil D. (Virgil Dillin) Boyles
Virgil E. Scott
Virgil F. Shockley
Virgil M. (Virgil McClure) Harris
Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation
Virginia Baker
Virginia Bennett
Virginia Brooks
Virginia C. Young
Virginia Carter Castleman
Virginia Clay-Clopton
Virginia Frazer Boyle
Virginia Hughes
Virginia M. Alexander
Virginia McGaw
Virginia Mulazzi
Virginia Penny
Virginia Sharpe Patterson
Virginia Snow Studios
Virginia Tatnall Peacock
Virginia Terhune Van de Water
Virginia Tracy
Virginia Treves
Virginia W. (Virginia Wales) Johnson
Virginia Watson
Virginia Woolf
Virna Sheard
Vito Marcantonio
Vitruvius Pollio
Vittorio Alfieri
Vittorio Bersezio
Vittorio Betteloni
Vittorio Fiorini
Vittorio Imbriani
Vittorio Treves
Vivant Denon
Vivia Hemphill
Vivian Caulfeild
Vivian Phelips
Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko
Vladimir Il'ich Lenin
Vladimir Nosek
Vojislav Mate Jovanović
Volmar Lindman
Volrath Vogt
Voltairine De Cleyre
Volter Kilpi
von der Vogelweide Walther
von Eschenbach Wolfram
von Kastl Johannes
von Neifen Gottfried
von Tepl Johannes
Vuk Stefanović Karadžić
W J McGee
W. & R. Chambers Ltd.
W. (Walter) Migula
W. (Wilfred) Trotter
W. (William) Balck
W. (William) Bisiker
W. (William) Blacker
W. (William) Cunningham
W. (William) Ewing
W. (William) Faux
W. (William) Finden
W. (William) Haslam
W. (William) Holt-White
W. (William) Houghton
W. (William) Kenrick
W. (William) Llewellin
W. (William) McDonald
W. (William) Pridden
W. (William) Riley
W. (William) Roberts
W. (William) Robinson
W. (William) Sanday
W. (William) Scott-Elliot
W. (William) Stebbing
W. (Wopke) Eekhoff
W. A. (Walter Augustus) Hawley
W. A. (William Abbott) Oldfather
W. A. (William Ainger) Wigram
W. A. (William Albert) Frisbie
W. A. (William Albert) McIntyre
W. A. (William Alexander) Adams
W. A. (William Alexander) Cawthorne
W. A. (William Alexander) Clouston
W. A. (William Alexander) Kerr
W. A. (William Alfred) Hirst
W. A. (William Allan) Chapple
W. A. (William Allen) Rogers
W. A. (William Allport) Leighton
W. A. (William Armour) Pearl
W. A. (William Ashwell) Shenstone
W. A. (William Aubrey) Darlington
W. A. L. (William Alexander Leslie) Elmslie
W. A. P. (William Alexander Parsons) Martin
W. A. Wilkins
W. B.
W. B. (Wesley Briggs) Phillips
W. B. (William Babington) Maxwell
W. B. (William Benjamin) Gregory
W. B. (William Brighty ) Rands
W. B. (William Butler) Yeats
W. B. Cramp
W. B. M. (William Blair Morton) Ferguson
W. B. O'Shaughnessy
W. Basil (William Basil) Worsfold
W. Bede (William Bede) Christie
W. Ben (Walter Ben) Hunt
W. Bert (Walter Bertram) Foster
W. Bion (Walter Bion) Adkins
W. Blommaert
W. Bourne Cooke
W. Bradford Martin
W. Butt
W. C. (Wilbur C.) Tuttle
W. C. (William Cameron) Coup
W. C. (William Charles) Scully
W. C. (William Charles) Wentworth
W. C. (William Chauncey) Bartlett
W. C. (William Clayton) Storrick
W. C. (William Constantine) Egan
W. C. (William Crary) Brownell
W. C. (William Curtis) Gibson
W. C. Berwick (William Charles Berwick) Sayers
W. C. C. Weetman
W. C. Kinney
W. C. Morrow
W. Carlos (William Carlos) Martyn
W. Coape Oates
W. Cope Devereux
W. Cosmo (William Cosmo) Monkhouse
W. Crispin (William Crispin) Sheppard
W. D. (Walter Debenham) Sweeting
W. D. (Wilkinson Dent) Bird
W. D. (Willard Dell) Bigelow
W. D. (William Dool) Killen
W. D. (William Dorset) Fellowes
W. D. (William Douw) Lighthall
W. D. (William Drake) Westervelt
W. D. Bayliss
W. D. Flatt
W. D. Keller
W. D. Pitcairn
W. D. Wattles
W. D. (William Dallas) Bernard
W. Delisle (William Delisle) Hay
W. Douglas (Wilfrid Douglas) Newton
W. E. (Walter Ernest) Hardenburg
W. E. (William E.) Skinner
W. E. (William Edward) Dickson
W. E. (William Edward) Webb
W. E. (William Edward) Winks
W. E. (William Edwin) Orchard
W. E. (William Elliott) Doubleday
W. E. (William Eppes) Cormack
W. E. (William Evander) Penn
W. E. (William Ewart) Gladstone
W. E. (Winney Elmer) Crouch
W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) Du Bois
W. E. Christian
W. E. Haslam
W. Ed. Snyder
W. Ellis (William Ellis) Groben
W. Elwyn (Waldo Elwyn) Backus
W. F. (William Forbes) Skene
W. F. (William Forsell) Kirby
W. F. (William Francis) Dawson
W. F. (William Francis) Waugh
W. F. (William Franklin) Webster
W. F. (Willingham Franklin) Rawnsley
W. F. A. (Walter F. A.) Wadham
W. F. Burns
W. F. Chapman
W. F. White
W. Friedrich
W. G. (Walter George) Ivens
W. G. (Wayland Gladstone) Hier
W. G. (Wesson Gage) Miller
W. G. (William Garland) Barrett
W. G. (William George) Archer
W. G. (William George) Aston
W. G. (William George) Constable
W. G. (William George) Rawlinson
W. G. (William George) Tarrant
W. G. (William George) Waters
W. G. (William Gershom) Collingwood
W. G. (William Gladstone) Steel
W. G. (William Gordon) Burn Murdoch
W. G. (William Gregory) Wood-Martin
W. G. Aitchison (William George Aitchison ) Robertson
W. G. C. (Willem Geertrudus Cornelis) Byvanck
W. G. D. (William George Dimock) Fletcher
W. G. Waters
W. G. Windham
W. G. Worfel
W. Gannon
W. Gibson
W. Grant (William Grant) Hague
W. H. (Walter Henry) Howe
W. H. (Wilfrid Hugh) Chesson
W. H. (Willard Higley) Durham
W. H. (William Hamilton) Maxwell
W. H. (William Harry) Turton
W. H. (William Henry) Bennett
W. H. (William Henry) Collins
W. H. (William Henry) Dallinger
W. H. (William Henry) Davies
W. H. (William Henry) Fitchett
W. H. (William Henry) Gladstone
W. H. (William Henry) Gray
W. H. (William Henry) Hadow
W. H. (William Henry) Helm
W. H. (William Henry) Hudson
W. H. (William Henry) Ireland
W. H. (William Henry) Knight
W. H. (William Henry) Koebel
W. H. (William Henry) Leeds
W. H. (William Henry) Morgan
W. H. (William Henry) Myddleton
W. H. (William Henry) Newlin
W. H. (William Henry) Rhodes
W. H. (William Henry) Ryus
W. H. (William Henry) Shelton
W. H. (William Henry) Sleeman
W. H. (William Henry) Smyth
W. H. (William Henry) Sparks
W. H. (William Henry) Thomas
W. H. (William Henry) Wilkins
W. H. (William Henry) Withrow
W. H. (William Herbert) Simmons
W. H. (William Heyser) Harbaugh
W. H. (William Hood) Treacher
W. H. (William Hooper) Councill
W. H. (William Hurrell) Mallock
W. H. (William Hutcheon) Hall
W. H. Burroughs
W. H. D. (William Henry Denham) Rouse
W. H. Davenport (William Henry Davenport) Adams
W. H. Gantz
W. H. Griffith (William Henry Griffith) Thomas
W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison) Murray
W. H. Hamilton (William Henry Hamilton) Rogers
W. H. I. (Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel) Bleek
W. H. Inglis
W. H. James (William Henry James) Weale
W. H. Le Mesurier
W. H. Matthews
W. H. Millington
W. H. P. (William Henry Pope) Jarvis
W. H. Peel
W. H. R. (William Halse Rivers) Rivers
W. H. R. (William Henry Ricketts) Curtler
W. H. S. (William Henry Samuel) Jones
W. H. St. John (William Henry St. John) Hope
W. H. T. (William Herman Theodore) Dau
W. H. Wood
W. Hamilton (William Hamilton) Gibson
W. Harris
W. Harrison (William Harrison) Bayles
W. Hastings Macaulay
W. Heath (William Heath) Robinson
W. Heimburg
W. Holman (William Holman) Bentley
W. Howship (William Howship) Dickinson
W. I. (William I.) Hood
W. J.
W. J. (Walter James) Turner
W. J. (Willem Jacobszoon) Hofdijk
W. J. (William J.) Judd
W. J. (William J.) Matthews
W. J. (William Jacob) Holland
W. J. (William James) Beal
W. J. (William James) Dawson
W. J. (William James) Henderson
W. J. (William James) Marx
W. J. (William James) Rolfe
W. J. (William John) Gordon
W. J. (William John) Knox-Little
W. J. (William John) Loftie
W. J. (William John) Sparrow-Simpson
W. J. (William John) Townsend
W. J. (William Joseph) Simmons
W. J. (Winton James) Baltzell
W. J. Atkinson (William John Atkinson) Butterfield
W. J. Connor
W. J. D. Gould
W. J. Eccott
W. J. Hamilton
W. J. Harding King
W. J. Hayes
W. J. L. (William James Lloyd) Wharton
W. J. Miller
W. J. Van Harn
W. Jaime (Wenceslao Jaime) Molins
W. James (William James) King
W. K. (William King) Tweedie
W. K. Clifford
W. Keith (William Keith) Leask
W. Kent and Co.
W. L. (Walter Lionel) Paine
W. L. (William Laird) Manson
W. L. (William Lawson) Grant
W. L. (William Leonard) Courtney
W. L. (William Leonard) Williams
W. L. (William Livingston) Alden
W. L. Brown
W. L. H. (Wynfrid Laurence Henry) Duckworth
W. L. H. Köster Henke
W. L. Melville (William Lauriston Melville) Lee
W. L. Minckley
W. L. Thompson
W. L. Welter
W. LeMaitre
W. Lockwood (William Lockwood) Marsh
W. Lucas (William Lucas) Collins
W. Lyon (Walter Lyon) Blease
W. M.
W. M. (William M.) Leftwich
W. M. (William Marion) Weekley
W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders) Petrie
W. M. L. Jay
W. Mattieu (William Mattieu) Williams
W. Maurice (William Maurice) Ewing
W. May
W. N. (Walter Noble) Sage
W. N. (William N.) Cornett
W. N. (William Nelson) Hutchinson
W. N. Armstrong
W. N. P. Barbellion
W. O. (William Odber) Raymond
W. O. E. (William Oscar Emil) Oesterley
W. O. von Horn
W. P. (Walter Parry) Haskett Smith
W. P. (William Paton) Ker
W. P. (William Penn) Agnew
W. P. (William Peter) Strickland
W. P. (William Plane) Pycraft
W. P. (William Platt) Ball
W. P. (William Pringle) Livingstone
W. P. Shervill
W. Parker
W. Percy Merrick
W. Pett (William Pett) Ridge
W. R. (William R.) Bond
W. R. (William Richard) Lethaby
W. R. (William Ritchie) Sorley
W. R. (William Robert) Roe
W. R. de Villa-Urrutia
W. R. H. (William Rutherford Hayes) Trowbridge
W. R. W. (William Richard Wood) Stephens
W. R. Washington (William Robert Washington) Sullivan
W. R. Winston
W. Ray Scott
W. Robertson (William Robertson) Nicoll
W. S. (Will Seymour) Monroe
W. S. (William Sanders) Scarborough
W. S. (William Schwenck) Gilbert
W. S. (William Shillinglaw) Crockett
W. S. (William Shuler) Harris
W. S. (William Stephen) Coleman
W. S. (William Stuart) Auchincloss
W. S. (Wilmarth Sheldon) Lewis
W. S. B. (William Smythe Babcock) Mathews
W. S. C. (Waterman Spaulding Chapman) Russell
W. S. Goodnaw
W. S. Morley
W. S. R. (William Stephen Raikes) Hodson
W. S. Thorne
W. S. W. (William Sandys Wright) Vaux
W. Schippers
W. Scott (William Scott) Tebb
W. Sedgwick (William Sedgwick) Saunders
W. Somerset (William Somerset) Maugham
W. Stanley
W. Stewart (William Stewart) Wallace
W. T. (Walter Terence) Stace
W. T. (Wilfrid Tord) Simpson
W. T. (William T.) Lewis
W. T. (William Thomas) Calman
W. T. (William Thomas) Councilman
W. T. (William Thomas) Massey
W. T. (William Thomas) Moncrieff
W. T. (William Thomas) Stead
W. T. (William Thomas) Vincent
W. T. (William Thornton) Lawson
W. T. (William Trowbridge) Larned
W. T. Fyfe
W. T. Haggert
W. Teignmouth (William Teignmouth) Shore
W. Tudor (William Tudor) Jones
W. W. (Walter Warner) Fisk
W. W. (Walter Wilson) Greg
W. W. (Walter Wybergh) How
W. W. (Warner Webster) Stockberger
W. W. (William Wallace) Denslow
W. W. (William Wallace) Mills
W. W. (William Warner) Tracy
W. W. (William Wesley) Walker
W. W. (William Wiehe) Collins
W. W. (William Willcocks) Sleigh
W. W. (William Woodthorpe) Tarn
W. W. (William Wortley) Baggally
W. W. (William Wymark) Jacobs
W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse) Ball
W. W. Skupeldyckle
W. W. W. (William Wellington Waterloo) Humbley
W. Waithman Caddell
W. Warde (William Warde) Fowler
W. Whately (Walter Whately) Smith
W. Wynn (William Wynn) Westcott
W. Y. (Walter Yeeling) Evans-Wentz
W. Y. (William Yoast) Morgan
W. Y. (William Young) Sellar
W.-F. Rondou
W.B. Saunders Company
W.E. (William Edwy) Vine
W.E. Hill & Sons
Wacław Aleksander Maciejowski
Wade C. (Wade Cothran) Smith
Wadham Pigott Williams
Wadsworth Camp
Wakeling Dry
Waldemar Bonsels
Waldemar Bülow
Walden Kelly
Waldo David Frank
Waldo T. Boyd
Waldron Baily
Waldron Kintzing Post
Walker C. Smith
Wallace Ashby
Wallace Bruce
Wallace E. Baker
Wallace Irvin
Wallace Irwin
Wallace Macfarlane
Wallace N. (Wallace Nelson) Stearns
Wallace Notestein
Wallace Umphrey
Wallace Walter Atwood
Wallace West
Waller Ashe
Wallis Nash
Wallis Richard Cattelle
Walt Coburn
Walt Mason
Walt Richmond
Walt Whitman
Walter A. (Walter Alden) Dyer
Walter A. (Walter Alexander) Montgomery
Walter A. (Walter Augustus) Clark
Walter A. (Walter Augustus) Wyckoff
Walter Aimwell
Walter Alexander Raleigh
Walter Allen
Walter Andrew Whittle
Walter B. (Walter Butler) Cheadle
Walter Bagehot
Walter Bates
Walter Ben Hare
Walter Besant
Walter Bigges
Walter Bloem
Walter Blunt
Walter Bradford Woodgate
Walter C. Runciman
Walter Camp
Walter Caruth McConnell
Walter Colton
Walter Cooper Dendy
Walter Cox Green
Walter Crane
Walter Crum Watson
Walter D. Petrovic
Walter Dalrymple Maitland Bell
Walter Damrosch
Walter Davis Baker
Walter De la Mare
Walter Dill Scott
Walter Dwight Wilcox
Walter E. (Walter Edward) Weyl
Walter E. Kisieleski
Walter E. Woodbury
Walter Elliott
Walter Ellis
Walter Emanuel
Walter F. (Walter Francis) Willcox
Walter F. (Walter Frederic) Adeney
Walter F. Shaw
Walter Fenton Mott
Walter Field
Walter Flavius McCaleb
Walter Flex
Walter Frith
Walter G. (Walter George) Sackett
Walter Germain
Walter Gilbey
Walter Goodman
Walter Grünfeld
Walter H. (Walter Hawken) Tregellas
Walter H. (Walter Henry) Mayson
Walter H. (Walter Herbert) Rich
Walter H. Goater
Walter Hackett
Walter Hamilton
Walter Harris
Walter Harte
Walter Hasenclever
Walter Hawkins
Walter Herries Pollock
Walter Higgins
Walter Hollis Eddy
Walter Hough
Walter Hubbell
Walter J. (Walter John) Kleinlein
Walter J. Clutterbuck
Walter J. Kingsley
Walter J. Sheldon
Walter James Hoffman
Walter Jeffery
Walter Jerrold
Walter John Buck
Walter John Clark
Walter Jones
Walter Julius Bloem
Walter K. (Walter Keating) Kelly
Walter K. Fobes
Walter Kellogg Towers
Walter Kidd
Walter Kubilius
Walter L. (Walter Lynwood) Fleming
Walter L. (Walter Lytle) Pyle
Walter L. Kleine
Walter Léon Hess
Walter Libby
Walter Lionel George
Walter Lippmann
Walter Lowrie Hervey
Walter M. (Walter Marion) Chandler
Walter M. (Walter Matthew) Gallichan
Walter M. Gibbs
Walter M. Keesey
Walter M. Miller
Walter McClintock
Walter McRoberts
Walter Merriam Pratt
Walter Moore Coleman
Walter Noble Burns
Walter Oudney
Walter P. (Walter Penn) Taylor
Walter Pater
Walter Phelps Dodge
Walter Poole Littlechild
Walter Porter Manton
Walter Prichard Eaton
Walter R. Nursey
Walter Raleigh
Walter Rauschenbusch
Walter Raymond Spalding
Walter Richard Cassels
Walter Ripman
Walter Rosenhain
Walter Rowlands
Walter Runciman Runciman
Walter S. (Walter Sidney) Masterman
Walter S. Colman
Walter S. George
Walter S. Tevis
Walter Savage Landor
Walter Scott
Walter Scott Dalgleish
Walter Seymour Percy
Walter Showell
Walter Sichel
Walter Sickert
Walter Simson
Walter Steinert
Walter Stevens Herrington
Walter Stitt Robinson
Walter Taylor Field
Walter Thom
Walter Thornbury
Walter Tyndale
Walter V. Woods
Walter Vrooman
Walter W. (Walter William) Bryant
Walter W. (Walter William) Moore
Walter W. (Walter William) Skeat
Walter W. Ward
Walter Walden
Walter Webb
Walter White
Walter William Skeat
Walter Winans
Walter Woelber Dalquest
Walter Wood
Walther Georg Hartmann
Walther Rathenau
Walton Burgess
Wanchun Yu
Warburton Pike
Ward Hill Lamon
Ward J. MacNeal
Ward L. Goodrich
Ward McAllister
Ward Moore
Ward Muir
Warner A. Ross
Warren Crocker Herrick
Warren F. Robinson
Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel) Harding
Warren H. (Warren Hastings) Miller
Warren H. (Warren Hugh) Wilson
Warren Hilton
Warren King Moorehead
Warren Lee Goss
Warren Olney
Warren Proctor
Warren T. (Warren Taylor) Vaughan
Warren T. Ashton
Warwick Deeping
Warwick William Wroth
Washington Allston
Washington Bailey
Washington Baker Vanderlip
Washington Bryan Crumpton
Washington Gladden
Washington Irving
Washington Matthews
Wassily Kandinsky
Watkin Tench
Watson Parker
Watson Smith
Watson. G. L. (George Lennox)
Wayland Fuller Dunaway
Wayland Wells Williams
Wayne Whipple
Weedon Grossmith
Wellington Scott
Wells Hastings
Wells Hawks
Wen Yin
Wenceslao Fernández-Flórez
Wenceslau de Moraes
Wendela Randelin
Wenfang Xin
Wenona Gilman
Wentworth Webster
Wenzell Brown
Werner Jansen
Werner Scheff
Werner Sombart
Wesley Barefoot
Wesley Frank Craven
Wesley Mills
Wessel Albertus van Hengel
West Texas State University. Geological Society
Westel Woodbury Willoughby
Western Union Telegraph Company
Weymer Jay Mills
Whately C. Arnold
Wheeler P. Bloodgood
White Sands Missile Range (N.M.). Public Affairs Office
Whitelaw Reid
Whittaker & Co.
Wickham Hoffman
Wies Moens
Wilber J. (Wilber John) Fraser
Wilbur B. Stover
Wilbur Cortez Abbott
Wilbur D. (Wilbur Dick) Nesbit
Wilbur F. (Wilbur Fisk) Crummer
Wilbur F. (Wilbur Fisk) Gordy
Wilbur Finley Fauley
Wilbur Fisk
Wilbur Gleason Zeigler
Wilbur Henry Siebert
Wilbur R. (Wilbur Reed) Mattoon
Wilbur S. Peacock
Wilbur Wright
Wilcomb E. Washburn
Wilder Anthony
Wilder Goodwin
Wilford Woodruff
Wilfred Byron Shaw
Wilfred Campbell
Wilfred Harold Munro
Wilfred Mark Webb
Wilfred Owen
Wilfred S. Skeats
Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
Wilfred Wilson
Wilfrid D. (Wilfrid Dyson) Hambly
Wilfrid Lay
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Wilfrid Sparroy
Wilfrid Ward
Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
Wilhelm Adolf Lindau
Wilhelm Alfred Braun
Wilhelm Bode
Wilhelm Bölsche
Wilhelm Braune
Wilhelm Busch
Wilhelm Gottlieb Soldan
Wilhelm Grimm
Wilhelm Hauff
Wilhelm Heine
Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl
Wilhelm Herzberg
Wilhelm Hey
Wilhelm Jensen
Wilhelm Jerusalem
Wilhelm Joseph von Wasielewski
Wilhelm Kobelt
Wilhelm Lamszus
Wilhelm Max Wundt
Wilhelm Meinhold
Wilhelm Meyer-Förster
Wilhelm Ostwald
Wilhelm Peterson-Berger
Wilhelm Raabe
Wilhelm Roscher
Wilhelm Ruland
Wilhelm Schäfer
Wilhelm Scherer
Wilhelm Schussen
Wilhelm Speyer
Wilhelm Stekel
Wilhelm Thesleff
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Wilhelm Wägner
Wilhelm Wattenbach
Wilhelm Weigand
Wilhelm Weltner
Wilhelm Winter
Wilhelmiina Arpiainen
Wilhelmine von Hillern
Wilho Ranta
Wilho Soini
Wiliam Cabell Bruce
Wilkie Collins
Will Bradley
Will C. (Will Croft) Barnes
Will Carleton
Will Durant
Will Dyson
Will E. (William Ernest) Ingersoll
Will H. (Will Hicok) Low
Will H. Grattan
Will H. Thompson
Will Irwin
Will James
Will Levington Comfort
Will Levinrew
Will Lillibridge
Will M. (Will Martin) Cressy
Will Mohler
Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben
Will Rogers
Will Rossiter
Willa Cather
Willard Bonte
Willard C. (Willard Carey) MacNaul
Willard E. (Willard Eugene) Hotchkiss
Willard E. Hawkins
Willard F. Baker
Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
Willard Huntington Wright
Willard M. Smith
Willard Marsh
Willard W. Glazier
Willem Bilderdijk
Willem Cornelis van Zijll
Willem Jan Cornelis van Hasselt
Willem Kloos
Willem Sijbrand Logeman
Willem van Amsterdam
Willem Westra
Willem Ysbrantsz. Bontekoe
Willi Müller
Willi Rickmer Rickmers
William (Author at Arthur Westbrook Co. (Cleveland Ward
William (Author of The dance of death) Herman
William A. (William Albert) Locy
William A. (William Albert) Riley
William A. (William Alexander) Craigie
William A. (William Alexander) Hammond
William A. (William Alfred) Dutt
William A. (William Alfred) Quayle
William A. (William Alonzo) Allen
William A. (William Andrew) Smith
William A. (William Andrus) Alcott
William A. (William Arch) McKeever
William A. (William Asbury) Williams
William A. (William Augustus) Mowry
William A. Canfield
William A. Hennessey
William A. McDermott
William A. Morton
William A. Painter
William A. R. Jex Long
William A. Ross
William A. Spicer
William Addleman Ganoe
William Aikman
William Alexander
William Alexander Caruthers
William Alexander Fraser
William Alexander Linn
William Alexander Smith
William Alexander Taylor
William Allan Neilson
William Allan Reed
William Allen
William Allen Bixler
William Allen Knight
William Allen White
William Allingham
William Allison Sweeney
William Alvin Clemens
William Amasa Scott
William Ambrose Spicer
William Ames
William Anderson
William André Elfer
William Andrew Chatto
William Andrews
William Apess
William Archer
William Armes
William Arnot
William Arthur
William Arthur Shaw
William Atherton
William Atherton DuPuy
William August Puckner
William Augustine Brennan
William Augustine Leahy
William Augustus Miles
William Augustus Munn
William Augustus Steward
William Austen-Leigh
William Austin Cannon
William B. Arnold
William B. Jackson
William B. Laughead
William B. Norman
William B. Stallcup
William B. Stephenson
William B. Whitecar
William Baird
William Banks
William Banting
William Barclay Napton
William Barclay Parsons
William Barksted
William Barnes
William Barney Allen
William Barrett Cooper
William Barry Lord
William Barton
William Bartram
William Bateson
William Beatty
William Beckett
William Beckford
William Beebe
William Belch
William Bell Crafton
William Beloe
William Bemrose
William Bender
William Bengo' Collyer
William Benham
William Benjamin Smith
William Benjamin West
William Bennet Stevenson
William Bennett Munro
William Benson
William Bentinck Forfar
William Berryman Scott
William Betagh
William Bevan
William Biggs
William Bingley
William Black
William Blackstone
William Blackwood and Sons
William Blades
William Blaikie
William Blake
William Bligh
William Bodham Donne
William Bond Wheelwright
William Booth
William Bottrell
William Boulting
William Bowen
William Bower Forwood
William Boyd Carpenter
William Boyd Dawkins
William Bradford
William Braid White
William Bray
William Broadfoot
William Brodie Gurney
William Bromet
William Brown Meloney
William Browne
William Budington Duryee
William Byron Forbush
William C. (Clark) Falkner
William C. (William Chandler) Bagley
William C. (William Charles) Braithwaite
William C. (William Christian) Bullitt
William C. (William Christian) Lobenstine
William C. (William Clarkson) Van Antwerp
William C. (William Cooper) Nell
William C. Everhart
William C. Gage
William C. Hunter
William C. Kingsley
William C. Massey
William C. Preston
William C. Tetley
William Caius Crutchley
William Caldwell
William Campbell Gault
William Canniff
William Canton
William Carew Hazlitt
William Carey
William Carleton
William Carlos Williams
William Carpenter
William Carroll
William Carter Stubbs
William Carter Thompson
William Caruthers
William Casper Heilbron
William Cathrall
William Caxton
William Chaffers
William Chambers
William Chapman Waller
William Charles Easdale
William Charles Griggs
William Chase
William Chinnery
William Clark
William Clark Russell
William Clarke
William Clayton
William Cleaver Wilkinson
William Clinton Ewing
William Cobbett
William Colby Rucker
William Collins
William Combe
William Congreve
William Connor Magee
William Conover
William Cooke
William Cooper
William Coppinger
William Cornwallis Harris
William Cotton
William Cowper
William Cowper Brann
William Coxe
William Craft
William Crawford Gorgas
William Crooke
William Crookes
William Crosbie Hunter
William Crowe
William Cullen Bryant
William Curtis
William D. (William Dameron) Guthrie
William D. (William David) Moffat
William D. (William Duane) Ennis
William D. Granger
William D. O'Brien
William Dallmann
William Dalton
William Dampier
William Dana Orcutt
William Danks
William Davenport Adams
William Davenport Hulbert
William Davies
William Davis
William Davy Watson
William Dawson LeSueur
William Day Simonds
William De Lancey Ellwanger
William De Morgan
William De Witt Hyde
William de Wiveleslie Abney
William Dealtry
William Dean Howells
William Denison Lyman
William Denton
William Diller Matthew
William Dixon Bell
William Dobein James
William Dodge Lewis
William Donahey
William Douglas Morrison
William Douglas O'Connor
William Drysdale
William Dudley Foulke
William Dudley Pelley
William Dunlap
William Dunlop
William Dunn Macray
William Dunseath Eaton
William Duthie
William E. (William Edmund) Crane
William E. (William Edmund) Wall
William E. (William Edward) Gibbs
William E. (William Eldridge) Hatcher
William E. (William Eleazar) Barton
William E. (William Ellison) Doughty
William E. (William Erskine) Kellicott
William E. A. (William Edward Armytage) Axon
William E. Austin
William E. Bentley
William E. Bevens
William E. Hutchinson
William E. Sellers
William E. Suter
William Eagle Clarke
William Eassie
William Eastman Chenery
William Edmond Pulsifer
William Edmondstoune Aytoun
William Edmund Aughinbaugh
William Edward Dodd
William Edward Duellman
William Edward Frye
William Edward Hartpole Lecky
William Edward Maxwell
William Edward Parry
William Edward Shepard
William Edward Shuckard
William Edwards Henderson
William Edwin Pratt
William Eleroy Curtis
William Ellery Channing
William Elliot Griffis
William Elmer Bachman
William Emer Miller
William English Walling
William Ernest Henley
William Evans
William Eveleigh
William F. (William Francis) Gekle
William F. (William Franklin) Willoughby
William F. (William Frederick) Denning
William F. Drannan
William F. Howe
William F. Nolan
William Fairham
William Falconer
William Farquhar Payson
William Fayette Fox
William Fergusson
William Ferneley Allen
William Fiddian Reddaway
William Finch-Crisp
William Fisher Alder
William Fisher Markwick
William Fitzwilliam Milton
William Fleming
William Floyd
William Forbes-Mitchell
William Ford Stanley
William Francis Bailey
William Francis Barnard
William Francis Butler
William Francis Hooker
William Francis Lewis Sanders
William Francis Patrick Napier
William Franklin Atwood
William Franklin Gore Shanks
William Frederic Faber
William Frederick Kirk
William Frederick Poole
William G. (William Gunion) Rutherford
William G. Allen
William G. Krueger
William G. Stevenson
William G. T. (William Greenough Thayer) Shedd
William Gabriel Davies
William Gaertner and Company
William Gahan
William Gairdner
William Gannaway Brownlow
William Garden Blaikie
William Gardner
William Garnett
William Garrott Brown
William Gascoyne-Cecil
William Gates
William Geary
William George Browne
William George Hooper
William George Hylton Jolliffe Hylton
William George Jordan
William George Laurence Beynon
William George Puddefoot
William Gerken
William Gillette
William Gilmore Simms
William Giloane
William Gilpin
William Godwin
William Gordon Holmes
William Gordon Perrin
William Graham Sumner
William Grant Stewart
William Grattan
William Gray
William Gray Beyer
William Gray Elmslie
William Greener
William Greenfield
William Greenwood
William Griffith
William Guest
William Guthrie
William H. (William Hanford) Edwards
William H. (William Harris) Elson
William H. (William Harris) Wharton
William H. (William Harrison) Varnum
William H. (WIlliam Harvey) Allen
William H. (William Henry) Atherton
William H. (William Henry) Carr
William H. (William Henry) Dooley
William H. (William Henry) Gilder
William H. (William Henry) Hamby
William H. (William Henry) Hodgkins
William H. (William Henry) Holcombe
William H. (William Henry) Rideing
William H. (William Henry) Seward
William H. (William Henry) Waldron
William H. (William Henry) Wright
William H. (William Howard) Taft
William H. Armstrong
William H. Brereton
William H. C. (William Henry Carman) Folsom
William H. C. (William Howe Cuyler) Hosmer
William H. Clark
William H. Jackson
William H. Maher
William H. Nash
William H. Osborne
William H. Price
William H. Richardson
William H. Storms
William Habington
William Hadfield
William Hale White
William Hallock Johnson
William Hamilton
William Hamilton Osborne
William Hammon
William Harbutt Dawson
William Hard
William Hardy
William Harmon Norton
William Harris
William Harrison
William Harrison Ainsworth
William Harvey
William Harvey Christie
William Harvey Leathem
William Hawley Smith
William Hayley
William Hayman Cummings
William Hazlitt
William Heaford Daubney
William Healy
William Hemingway Mills
William Henry Babcock
William Henry Burnham
William Henry Burr
William Henry Cope
William Henry Corfield
William Henry Doolittle
William Henry Drummond
William Henry Ferris
William Henry Fox Talbot
William Henry Frost
William Henry Furness
William Henry Giles Kingston
William Henry Harrison
William Henry Herndon
William Henry Holmes
William Henry Hudson
William Henry Hurlbert
William Henry Jackson
William Henry Johnson
William Henry Lowe Watson
William Henry Matthews
William Henry Oliphant Smeaton
William Henry Power
William Henry Pyle
William Henry Ruffner
William Henry Stacpoole
William Henry Thomes
William Henry Thorpe
William Henry Venable
William Henry Whitmore
William Hepworth Dixon
William Herbert Hobbs
William Hetherington Harris
William Hewitt
William Heyliger
William Hickling Prescott
William Hill Brown
William Hillary
William Hodgson Ellis
William Hogan
William Hogarth
William Holden Hutton
William Holmes McGuffey
William Hone
William Hope Hodgson
William Horatio Barnes
William Horton Foster
William Howard
William Howard Russell
William Howitt
William Hull
William Hunt
William Hunter
William Hunting
William Hussey Macy
William Hutton
William Hyde Kelly
William I. (William Ingersoll) Bowditch
William Ingraham Russell
William Isaac Coppard
William Isaac Thomas
William J. (William James) Flynn
William J. (William James) Ghent
William J. (William James) Jackman
William J. (William John) Fitz-Patrick
William J. (William John) Hart
William J. (William John) Miller
William J. (William Joseph) Long
William J. (William Josephus) Robinson
William J. (William Josiah) Irons
William J. Brittain
William J. Burns
William J. Claxton
William J. Henderson
William J. Kountz
William J. McClellan
William J. Moore
William J. Smith
William J. Smyth
William Jackson
William Jackson Elmslie
William Jackson Hammond
William James
William James Edwards
William James Harris
William James Herschel
William James Mansfield
William James Miller
William James Roberts
William James Stillman
William Jefferson Winter
William Jennings Bryan
William John Courthope
William John Ferrar
William John Hardy
William John Hopkins
William John Locke
William John Wills
William Johnson Cocker
William Johnson Cory
William Johnson Galloway
William Johnston
William Jones
William Jowett
William K. (William King) David
William Keane
William Kemp
William Kiddier
William Kingdon Clifford
William Kirby
William Kitchiner
William Klapp Williams
William L. (William Lawrence) Merry
William L. (William Le Roy) Stidger
William L. (William Leete) Stone
William L. (William Lewis) Ilgen
William L. (William Linn) Keese
William L. Bade
William L. Hamling
William La Varre
William Landsborough
William Langland
William Larrabee
William Laughlin Robinson
William Lawrence
William Lawson
William Lay
William Le Queux
William Lee
William Lee Howard
William Leon Dawson
William Lewins
William Lewis Herndon
William Lewis Jones
William Lewis Manly
William Lewis Sachtleben
William Liddle
William Lilly
William Lindsey
William Lisle Bowles
William Lithgow
William Livingston Klein
William Llewellyn Adams
William Lloyd Garrison
William Loftus Hare
William Lord Watts
William Louis Cuddeback
William Ludlow
William Lyon Mackenzie King
William Lyon Phelps
William M. (William Mackay) MacKeracher
William M. (William Mackergo) Taylor
William M. Lee
William Macdonald
William MacGillivray
William MacGregor
William MacHarg
William Mackay
William MacLeod Raine
William Macmichael
William Maginn
William Magnay
William Makepeace Thackeray
William Makepeace Thayer
William Malone Baskervill
William Manning
William Maple
William Marsden
William Martin
William Martin Conway
William Martindale
William Maskell
William Mason
William Mathews
William Maxwell Evarts
William McCombie
William McDougall
William McFee
William McKay
William McKinley
William McLennan
William McPherson
William Meade Dame
William Merriam Rouse
William Michael Rossetti
William Miles Maskell
William Milligan
William Milligan Sloane
William Minto
William Monks
William Montgomery Brown
William Morgan
William Morison
William Morley Punshon
William Morris
William Morton Payne
William Mountfort
William Muir
William Murray Graydon
William N. (William Nelson) Tyler
William Nelson Taft
William Nicholson
William Norman Brown
William Nowlin
William Noyes
William O'Brien
William O'Connor Morris
William O. (William Otis) Crosby
William O. S. Gilly
William O. Stoddard
William Oberfield
William Ogilvie
William Oliver Stevens
William Oliver Turner
William Orpen
William Osler
William Osmer
William P. (William Pendleton) Chipman
William P. (William Peterfield) Trent
William P. (William Phineas) Upham
William P. McGivern
William P. Salton
William P. Seville
William Paley
William Parker Monteagle
William Parr Capes
William Patterson White
William Patton
William Pember Reeves
William Pemble
William Penn
William Pepperell
William Perry Brown
William Peter Pearce
William Petty
William Pickens
William Pilling
William Pitt
William Pitt Lennox
William Pitt Scargill
William Pittenger
William Pittman Lett
William Platt
William Playfair
William Poel
William Powell Frith
William Priest
William Pulteney
William Quan Judge
William Quarrier
William R. (William Ray) Manning
William R. (William Revell) Moody
William R. (William Reynolds) Eyster
William R. (William Rheem) Lighton
William R. (William Richard) Hughes
William R. (William Robert) Shepherd
William R. (William Rufus) Scott
William R. Corliss
William R. Doede
William R. Jones
William R. Keefer
William Radcliff Birt
William Radcliffe
William Ralph Inge
William Ramsay
William Rathbone
William Ray Smee
William Reed Huntington
William Reginald Hodder
William Reid
William Richard Bradshaw
William Richards
William Ridgeway
William Ridley
William Robert Lee Smith
William Robins
William Robson
William Roscoe
William Roscoe Thayer
William Rose
William Rose Benét
William Ross King
William Ross Wallace
William Rounseville Alger
William Russell
William S. (William Samuel) Sadler
William S. (William Suddards) Franklin
William S. (William Surrey) Hart
William S. (William Swan) Plumer
William S. Alexander
William S. Cary
William S. Furneaux
William S. Nelson
William S. Thomas
William S. Walsh
William Sage
William Salant
William Salisbury
William Sambrot
William Sandys
William Sangster
William Saunders
William Scoresby
William Scott Ferguson
William Scott Palmer
William Scrugham Lyon
William Senior
William Sewel
William Seymour Edwards
William Shakespeare
William Sharp
William Sharp McKechnie
William Shedenhelm
William Shepherd
William Siborne
William Sidney Walker
William Sime
William Simpson
William Skeen
William Sloane Kennedy
William Smart
William Smith
William Somerville
William Sowden Sims
William Spalding
William Spence
William Stanhope Lovell
William Stanley Jevons
William Starr Myers
William Stearns Davis
William Stephen Pryer
William Stephens
William Stevens Balch
William Stevenson
William Still
William Stirling
William Strunk
William Stubbs
William Stukeley
William Surtees
William Swinton
William T. (William Tatem) Tilden
William T. (William Tecumseh) Sherman
William T. (William Temple) Hornaday
William T. (William Terence) Kane
William T. (William Thomas) Davis
William T. (William Thomas) Ellis
William T. (William Thomas) Pyke
William T. (William Thomas) Smedley
William T. Hamilton
William T. Palmer
William T. Preyer
William T. Savage
William Taplin
William Taylor
William Taylor Marrs
William Tebb
William Temple
William Tenn
William Theodore Parkes
William Theophilus Nichols
William Thomas Fernie
William Thomas Linskill
William Thomas Lopp
William Thomas Thornton
William Thomas Wilson
William Thompson
William Thomson Hill
William Thomson Kelvin
William Torrey
William Torrey Harris
William Tuckwell
William Tufts Brigham
William Tyler Olcott
William Tyndale
William U. Moulton
William Valosin
William Vaughn Moody
William W. (William Whitwell) Dewhurst
William W. (William Willder) Wheildon
William W. Day
William W. Dunmire
William W. Mann
William W. Sanger
William W. Stuart
William W. Walter
William Wagstaffe
William Wake
William Walker
William Walker Atkinson
William Wallace
William Wallace Bass
William Wallace Cook
William Wallace Tooker
William Walsham How
William Walton
William Ware
William Warner
William Warre
William Watson
William Watts
William Watts Folwell
William Wells Brown
William West Winter
William Westall
William Westgarth
William Wetmore Story
William Whatley Pierson
William Whewell
William Whiston
William White
William Wigan
William Wilberforce
William Wilkinson
William Willcocks
William Wilson Hunter
William Windsor
William Winstanley
William Winter
William Wirt
William Withering
William Withington
William Wood
William Wordsworth
William Worthington Fowler
William Wright
William Wrighte
William Wycherley
William Wylie Grierson
William Youatt
William Young
William Young Warren Ripley
William Younger Fletcher
William Z. Foster
Williams & Norgate
Williams Haynes
Willibald Alexis
Willibald Bermbach
Willie Angervo
Willie Walker Caldwell
Willis Boyd Allen
Willis Drummond
Willis Duff Piercy
Willis E. (Willis Eugene) Tower
Willis Fletcher Johnson
Willis George Emerson
Willis J. (Willis John) Abbot
Willis J. Powell
Willis P. (Willis Pope) Hazard
Willis T. (Willis Thomas) Lee
Willy Breton
Wilma Dykeman
Wilmer M. (Wilmer Mateo) Ely
Wilson Armistead
Wilson Flagg
Wilson J. Vance
Wilson MacDonald
Wilson McCandless
Wilson Parks Griffith
Wilson Tucker
Wilson Woodrow
Wilton W. (Wilton Wallace) Blancké
Winchell Smith
Winfield H. (Winfield Hazlitt) Collins
Winfield Scott Hall
Winfred Ernest Garrison
Winfried Honig
Wing Yung
Winifred (Matilda Winifred Muriel) Graham
Winifred Elsie Brenchley
Winifred Hawkridge Dixon
Winifred Holt
Winifred Holtby
Winifred Louise Taylor
Winifred Margaretta Kirkland
Winifred Randell
Winifred Sackville Stoner
Winifred Stephens Whale
Winn Schwartau
Winslow Warren
Winston Churchill
Winston K. (Winston Kinney) Marks
Winston Stokes
Winthrop Dudley Sheldon
Winthrop Mackworth Praed
Winthrop Packard
Wirt Gerrare
Wirt Sikes
Wisconsin) Friendship Club (Madison
Witter Bynner
Wladyslaw Uminski
Wm. Audley (William Audley) Maxwell
Wm. B. (William B.) Harrison
Wm. E. Wright & Sons Co.
Wm. H. (William Henry Hope) Fitzgerald
Wm. H. (William Henry) Meadowcroft
Woislav M. Petrovitch
Wolcott H. Littlejohn
Woldemar Nürnberger
Wolf Ernst Hugo Emil Baudissin
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Menzel
Wolfram Eberhard
Wolston B. C. W. (Wolston Beaumont Charles Weld) Forester
Wolter Louis Albert Collard
Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
Woman's Press Club of New York City
Woodbine Parish
Woodes Rogers
Woodrow Wilson
Woods Hutchinson
Worrallo Whitney
Worthington George Smith
Worthington Hooker
Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Arizona
Wyman Guin
Wymond Carey
Wyn Roosevelt
Wyndham Lewis
Wyndham Martyn
Wynkyn de Worde
Wythe Williams
Wł. L. (Władysław Ludwik) Anczyc
Władysław Stanisław Reymont
X.-B. (Xavier-Boniface) Saintine
Xavier Bichat
Xavier da Cunha
Xavier de Carvalho
Xavier de Maistre
Xavier Hommaire de Hell
Xavier Paoli
Xi Deng
Xi Yin
Xi Zhu
Xian Guo
Xiang Liu
Xiangchuan Cui
Xianqian Wang
Xianzu Tang
Xie Liu
Xin Fei
Xin Liu
Xingde Nalan
Xingjian Bai
Xingsi Zhou
Xiong Yang
Xiu Ouyang
Xiuxing Li
Xixing Lu
Xu Liu
Xuahua Biao
Xuan Wu
Xueqin Cao
Xun Lu
Xun Su
Y. (Yrjö) Hirn
Yacki Raizizun
Yakov Aleksandrovich Novikov
Yale University. Divinity School
Yamanaka & Company
Yan Feng
Yang Shang
Yangming Wang
Yanwu Gu
Yao Yu Lin
Yat-sen Sun
Yates Stirling
Ye Song
Ye Zhao
Yei Theodora Ozaki
Yellowstone Library and Museum Association
Yi Jia
Yi Qian
Yi Zhao
Ying Han
Yinglin Wang
Yingxing Song
Yingyu Zhang
Yiqing Liu
Yisun Wang
Yitang Wu
Yolanda Murphy
Yoné Noguchi
Yong Liu
Yongbin Wang
Yongchun Zhu
Yonghe Yu
Yoshisaburo Okakura
You Lu
Young Ewing Allison
Yrjö Heilala
Yrjö Jylhä
Yrjö Koskelainen
Yrjö Rauanheimo
Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen
Yrjö Weijola
Ysabel De Teresa
Yu Li
Yu Lu
Yu Yan
Yü-Gwan Chen
Yuanlao Meng
Yuanzhi Yao
Yue Xun
Yuezhi Chao
Yuk Yi
Yukun Shi
Yun Ji
Yung-lun Yüan
Yunsheng Cheng
Yuxiu Li
Yvan Goll
Yves Gallot
Yves Guyot
Yvette Borup Andrews
Yvette Guilbert
Z. F. (Zachariah Frederick) Smith
Z. S. (Zachariah Simpson) Hastings
Z. T. (Zachary Taylor) Sweeney
Zachariah Atwell Mudge
Zacharias L. Papantoniou
Zacharias Topelius
Zachary Taylor
Zai Zhang
Zakarias Nielsen
Zamin Ki Dost
Zane Grey
Zealia B. (Zealia Brown) Bishop
Zebina Forbush
Zebulon Montgomery Pike
Zelia Nuttall
Zena A. Maher
Zénaïde A. (Zénaïde Alexeïevna) Ragozin
Zenas Osborne
Zeph. W. (Zephaniah Walter) Pease
Zephine Humphrey
Zephyrino Brandão
Zhang Liu
Zhen Dai
Zhen Lin
Zhen Yuan
Zhenya Xu
Zhi Cao
Zhiping Qi
Zhitui Yan
Zhiyuan Ma
Zhong Guan
Zhongjing Zhang
Zhongshu Dong
Zhuo Zhang
Zi Ye
Zi'an Wei
Zicheng Hong
Ziqing Zhu
Živojin Perić
Zoé Anderson Norris
Zoë Blade
Zoë Kincaid
Zoe Meyer
Zoeth Skinner Eldredge
Zofia Nałkowska
Zoltán Ambrus
Zoltán Thury
Zona Gale
Zongxi Huang
Zora Neale Hurston
Zorro A. Bradley
Zou Bixian
Zsigmond Bodnár
Zsigmond Justh
Zsigmond Kemény
Zsigmond Móricz
Zsigmond Sebők
Zsolt Beöthy
Zulma Carraud
Zunsi Peng
Zuqian Lü
Zygmunt Krasiński
[pseud.] Braga Jr.
Æneas MacDonell Dawson
Øvre Richter Frich
ʻAli Muhammad Shirazi Bab
Єлісєєва Марія Євгеніївна
Єфімова Римма Миколаївна
Іванов Володимир Борисович
Іванова Анастасія
Абольхасани З., Іванов Володимир Борисович
Аверина Елена Дмитриевна
Авторский коллектив
Агеев Костянтин Вікторович, Ивченко Тарас Вікторович
Агеева Євгенія Володимирівна
Азар Махмуд
Алас-и-Уренья (Кларин) Леопольдо
Алексєєва Марія Євгеніївна
Александрова Ольга Вікторівна
Алигьери Данте
Алмасзаде Джафар
Ан Олександр Вікторович
Андрєєва Наталія
Антонов Михаил Сергеевич
Арбеков Юрий
Арзуманов Степан Джавадович
Архипкина Галина Дмитрівна, Завгородняя Галина Стефанівна
Атонова В. Е., Нахабина М. М., Сафронова М. В., Толстых А. А.
Бабусина Лариса Євгеніївна, Порческу Галина Василівна
Багдасаров Артур Рафаэлович
Бакаева София Андреевна, Долгорукова Надежда Михайловна
Банкери Сальваторе, Леттьери Майкл
Банккери С.
Барсукова Виктория Сергеевна
Баум Френк
Бахурова Євгенія Петрівна
Бедьє Жозеф
Белина Людмила Ігорівна
Беляцкая Тетяна Володимирівна
Берестова Елена Викторовна, Курганова Н. В., Вакуленко Наталья Леонидовна, Безкоровайная Елена Викторовна
Берестова Елена Викторовна, Марченко Ирина Степановна, Вакуленко Наталья Леонидовна, Безкоровайная Елена Викторовна
Берков Валерій Павлович, Беркова А. В., Беркова О. В.
Бернетт Френсіс Еліза Ходжсон
Бессонов Олексій, Рубан Марина
Бессонова Елена Владимировна, Раковская Елена Аликовна
Бласко-Ибаньес Висенте
Богданова Галина Василівна
Богданова Надежда Викторовна
Бонк Наталія Олександрівна
Бонк Наталія Олександрівна, Бонк Ірина Анатоліївна
Бонк Наталія Олександрівна, Бонк Ірина Анатоліївна, Левіна Изадора Іллівна
Борисова Анна Борисовна
Ботвинник М.
Ботвинник Мария
Бронте Шарлота
Бронте Эмили
Брэдбери Рэй Дуглас
Бугакова Олена Юріївна
Бузина Олена Євгеніївна
Буландо Ганна Вадимівна
Буравлева Яна Олексіївна
Буэно Томмазо
Буэно Томмазо, Грушевська Євгенія Геннадьевна
Буэно Томмазо, Илларионова Олександра Львівна
Буэно Томмазо, Шевлякова Дарина Олександрівна
Бьорн Кристина
Ваниллов Вася
Васильєв А. А., Гурьева Анастасія Олександрівна
Ваулина Дарина
Вацковская Ірина Сергіївна
Вебб Холли
Верга Джованни
Верещагина Ірина Миколаївна, Притыкина Тамара Олександрівна
Верещагина Ирина Николаевна, Уварова Наталия Викторовна
Верн Жюль Габриэль
Верчинский Анатолій
Викторовская Світлана Костянтинівна, Викторовский Володимир Георгійович
Виноградова Ганна
Власова Наталія Миколаївна, Колпачкова Олена Миколаївна, Сяоци Ли, Сюэмэй Жэнь, Цзиннин Сюй
Вогнистая Олена Вікторівна
Вогнище Пітер, Кричтон Джонатан
Войцехович Анастасія Олександрівна, Сальників Е. А., Хон М. С.
Воронина Нина Альбертовна
Воропаев Микола Миколайович
Воскресенская Ірина Валеріївна
Вронська Ірина Володимирівна
Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл
Вулф Вірджинія
Габур Анастасія Олександрівна
Гаврилова Тетяна Олексіївна, Артемова Наталія Олександрівна
Гагарін Сергій Миколайович
Галтон Делла
Ганина Наталия Александровна
Гарсиа Лорка Федерико
Гауф Вільгельм
Гацкевич Марина Анатоліївна
Гацкевич Марина Анатольевна, Уильямс Дэвид
Гверрацци Франческо Доменико
Гейман Ніл
Гивенталь Інна Ариловна, Страхів Олексій Сергійович
Гильчёнок Нина Львовна
Гин Анатолий Александрович, Андржеевская Ирина Юрьевна
Голицына Надія Юріївна
Голицынский Юрий Борисович
Голицынский Юрий Борисович, Карасев Андрей Александрович
Голотвина Наталія Володимирівна, Токарева Віра Валеріївна
Гольдони Карло
Гонсалес Роза Альфонсовна, Алимова Рушания Рашитовна
Гончар Степан
Горина Валентина Олександрівна
Горина Валентина Олександрівна, Соколова Алевтина Сергіївна
Госинни Рене
Гофман Ернст Теодор Амадей
Грінченко Борис Дмитрович
Грет Карин
Григорьев Сергей Вячеславович
Гримм Якоб і Вільгельм
Громов Аркадій Петрович
Грушевська Євгенія Геннадьевна
Грэм Кенет
Гузев Виктор Григорьевич, Дениз-Йылмаз Озлем, Махмудов-Хаджиоглу Хюсеин, Ульмезова Лейла Мурадиновна
Гуслякова Алла Вікторівна
д'Аннунцио Габриэле
Давыдова Илона
Даймонд Жаклин
Даньсин Хань
де Аларкон Педро Антонио
де Бальзак Оноре
де Вега Лопе
де Мопассан Ги
де Сент-Экзюпери Антуан
де Унамуно Мигель
Ден Ганна
Державина Вікторія Олександрівна
Дефо Даниэль
Джамиль Яфиа Юсиф
Джанполадян Гоар Георгиевна
Джейкобс Джозеф
Джеймс Генри
Джером Джером Клапка
Диккенс Чарльз
Дмитренко Тетяна Олексіївна
Добрикова Оксана Сергіївна
Догадина Е. Е., Долгова Н. Г.
Дойл Артур Конан
Дочинець Мирослав
Доэрти Брайен
Драгункин Олександр
Драгункина Анастасия Александровна, Драгункин Александр
Драйзер Теодор
Дракулич-Прийма Драгана
Дракулич-Прийма Драгана, Трофимкина Ольга Іванівна
Дубиковская Ірина Гариевна, Войтенко Тетяна Григорівна
Дудорова Элли Семеновна
Дьяконов Олег Викторович
Дядичева Анна Валентиновна
Евтеева Татьяна Анатольевна
Ермак Ирина Альбертовна
Ермола Валерій Йосипович
Жваво Н. Ю.
Жемерова Ганна Георгіївна
Жукова Ніна Іполитівна
Журавлева Елизавета Вольдемаровна
Журлова Ольга Андріївна
Забара Ірина В'ячеславівна
Закарян Іван Ованесович
Захаревский Борис Львович
Зиновкин Александр Юрьевич
Зиятдинова Юлия Надировна, Хамматова Эльмира Айдаровна
Зубів Микита
Ибрагимов Ібрагім Джавпарович
Иванова Анастасия, Лашук Светлана
Иванова Екатерина Николаевна
Иванова Елена Юрьевна, Шанова Зоя Кузьминична, Димитрова Димитринка
Иванченко Ганна Ігорівна
Иванченко Ганна Ігорівна, Іванова Катерина Володимирівна
Иванченко Ганна Ігорівна, Перминова Марія Михайлівна
Ивченко Тарас Вікторович
Ивченко Тарас Викторович, Мазо Ольга Михайловна, Ли Тао
Игнашина Зоя Миколаївна, Попова Євгенія Андріївна
Игнашина Зоя Николаевна
Инглиш Макс
Исенбаева Галина Ивановна
Исигуро Кадзуо
Каган Ольга Е., Низник Марина, Винокурова Ганна, Воронцова Ірина, Черп Ганна
Какзанова Євгенія Михайлівна
Кальмуцкая Сэрап Озмен
Каминская Анелия Іванівна
Канарська М. Е., Ломагина А. В., Остергаарт О.
Капитонова Т. И., Московкин Л. В.
Каплан Ахмет
Карневская Елена Борисовна, Стражева Р. А., Бенедиктович Анжела Викторовна, Федосеева Виолетта Михайловна, Павлович Наталья Александровна
Карпенко-карий Іван
Касаткина Ірина Львівна, Погадаева Анастасія Вікторівна, Сун Чун Ин
Касаткина Ірина Львівна, Погадаева Анастасія Вікторівна, Сун Чун Ин, Хазизова Ксения Володимирівна
Касаткина Ірина Львівна, Сун Чун Ин, Пентюхова Валентина Євгеніївна
Касаткина Ирина Львовна, Сун Чун Ин
Кафка Франц
Кацман Ніна Лазарівна
Кацман Нина Лазаревна, Ульянова Ирина Леонидовна
Качалова Ксения Миколаївна, Израилевич Ерухим Евелевич
Кестнер Эрих
Киён Ли, Чивон Юн
Кизи Кен Элтон
Кинг Стівен
Кирилова Ельміра Вольфрамовна
Кисельов Геннадій Петрович
Кисельов Олександр Валентинович
Киссен Ілля, Рахматуллаев Шавкат
Клевцова Олена Володимирівна
Князькова Вікторія Сергіївна
Кобилянська Ольга
Кобринец Ольга Станіславівна
Когут Людмила
Коллектив авторов
Коллектив авторов, Воробей Ольга Сергіївна, Война Марина Олексіївна, Гончаренко Олександр Миколайович
Коллектив авторов, Леонтьева Татьяна Павловна, Будько Антонина Филипповна, Чепик Ирина Владимировна
Коллинз Сьюзен
Коллинз Уільям Уилки
Колпакова Катерина Сергіївна, Просвирина Ольга Артемівна, Авдюхина Олена Борисівна
команда LinguaTrip
Комнина Ганна Олексіївна
Кондитерів Вадим Віталійович, Селяев Андрій Васильович, Чекунова Світлана Миколаївна
Коншин Макс
Копыл Вадим Олексійович
Корн Ірина
Корнеева Елена Александровна, Дудорова Элли Семеновна
Коровкина Діна Василівна
Королів- Старий Василь
Косоуров Дмитро Олексійович
Костіна Катерина Олександрівна, Кокова Юлія Георгіївна, Рудин Семен Германович
Костромин Георгій Васильович
Коцюбинський Михайло
Кочергина Вероніка Костянтинівна
Крісті Агата
Кравченко Н. В.
Крашакова Ольга Юрьевна
Кржижевский Олексій Михайлович
Крижепольская Марина Викторовна, Тимохина Елена Игоревна
Круглик Олександра Євгеніївна
Кручинина Марія Олександрівна, Заславская Тетяна Геннадьевна
Крянгэ Іон
Кузина Е. А.
Кузнєцова Лариса Петрівна
Кузьмін Олександр Володимирович
Куклина Ірина Петрівна
Кулиш Пантелеймон Александрович
Кульчицкая Ольга Іванівна, Лисенко Олександр Миколайович
Кумлева Тетяна Мойсеївна
Куприна Марина Игоревна, Юдина А. Т.
Кутузов Леонід Федорович
Кутукова Наталія, Ольхова Людмила Миколаївна, Жаркова Е. Х.
Кутумина Ольга Алексеевна
Куцубина Єлизавета В'ячеславівна
Кэрролл Люіс
Лавкрафт Говард Филлипс
Лагоджений Мін, Хан Чуген, Е Сунмин
Лазарєва Олена Іванівна, Нестерова Надія Миколаївна
Ламб Бернард
Лаптева Олена Валеріївна
Лерер Ілля Изевич
Ли Степан
Ли Хуан, Сяоци Ли, Цянь Сюйцзин
Лиличенко Ирина Михайловна
Линг Ян
Листвин Денис Олексійович
Ломакина Гульнара Рашидовна
Лондон Джек
Лоуренс Дэвид Герберт
Луся Ван, Дёмчева Наталья Валентиновна, Селивёрстова Ольга Викторовна
Лысикова Ірина Володимирівна, Бойкова Ірина Борисівна
Льюис Клайв Стейплз
Лядський Володимир Георгійович, Дегтярева Ірина Ігорівна
Мадден Олена
Мазурик Данута
Майдонова Світлана В'ячеславівна
Майн Рід Томас
Макашов Кирилл
Макк Олена
Макмиллан Сайрус
Максимов Максим
Малинська Марія Вікторівна
Маркова Ольга Юрьевна
Мастридер Григорий, Кукуленко Елизавета
Матвєєв Сергій Олександрович
Матвєєв Сергій Олександрович, Державина Вікторія Олександрівна
Маулида Иманова, Богдан Мищенко
Мельников Ілля Валерійович
Мизгулина Мария Натановна
Миловидов Віктор Олександрович
Мокиенко Валерій Михайлович, Архангельська Алла Мстиславовна, Левченко Олена Петрівна
Мокиенко Валерій Михайлович, Гулюшкина Яна
Мокиенко Валерій Михайлович, Гулюшкина Яна, Степанова Людмила Іванівна
Мокиенко Валерій Михайлович, Степанова Людмила Іванівна
Мокрушина Амалия Анатоліївна
Москаленко Марина Владиславівна
Мущинская Вікторія Владиславівна
Мыцик Алексей Павлович
Мюллер Вікторія
Мюллер Владимир Карлович
Нємцова Божена
Надежкина Надія Володимирівна
Надь Чаба Имре, Колпакова Наталія Миколаївна
Надь Чаба Имре, Колпакова Наталія Миколаївна, Доловаи Дороття
Наер Ніна Михайлівна
Найдич Л. Э., Павлова Анна Владимировна
Народна творчість
Народна творчість (Фольклор)
Неизвестный автор
Некрасова Евгения Васильевна
Нестерова Евдокия Антоновна
Нефедова Любов Аркадіївна
Нечуй-Левицкий Іван Семенович
Низник Марина, Винокурова Ганна
Николаенкова Ольга Николаевна
Николич Милица
Ним Сергій Р.
Новак Ян
Новиченко А. Н.
Носенко Ігор Григорович, Катунцева Дарина Львівна
О. Генрі
Оваденко Олег Миколайович
Овчинникова Тамара Евгеньевна
Оганян Нона Гагиковна
Одинцова Диана Павловна
Олесь Олександр
Орвелл Джордж
Остін Джейн
Павленко Олександр Володимирович
Павлова Світлана Миколаївна
Павловская Ольга Анатольевна, Тер-Минасова Светлана Григорьевна, Костюкова Коринна Сергеевна
Павлоцкий Владимир Моисеевич
Панайотти Ольга Петрівна
Панайотти Ольга Петрівна, Гальофре Альберт Кальес
Паремская Диана Андреевна, Паремская Светлана Витальевна
Пенкина Анфіса С.
Первова Ольга Андріївна
Перлова Вікторія Володимирівна
Перро Шарль
Петров Дмитро Юрійович
Петрова Анастасія Володимирівна, Орлова Ірина Олександрівна
Петрова Анна Андреевна
Петрова Людмила Александровна
Пименова Ольга В'ячеславівна
Пименова Ольга В'ячеславівна, Дубанова Марина Володимирівна
По Едгар Аллан
Погадаев Віктор Олександрович
Погадаева Анастасія Вікторівна
Погадаева Анастасія Вікторівна, Сун Чун Ин
Покровская Марина Євгеніївна, Покровская Ольга Сергіївна
Полачек Карел
Политова Л. В., Міллер Л. В.
Положенцева Дарина Вадимівна
Поль Ірина Миколаївна
Полякова Алена
Пояскова Ольга Олегівна, Поясочків Олександр Сергійович
Про Сынын
Прудник Анастасия Александровна
Прус Наталія Олексіївна
Пусенкова Ніна
Путилина Наталія Валеріївна, Демазюр Наташа
Путилина Наталья Валерьевна
Раевская Марина Михайловна, Ковригина Анна Ивановна
Ремарк Эрих Марія
Родимкина Алла Михайлівна, Ландсман Ніл
Ройтберг Наталія Володимирівна
Ростовцев-Попель Олександр Олександрович, Тетрадзе Маку Іванівна
Рот Йозеф
Рубцова Муза Геннадьевна
Рыбакова Юлия Андреевна
Рыжак Елена Александровна
Рыжова Марія Михайлівна
Саакян Аїда Суреновна, Ионина Ганна Альбертівна
Сапцов Сергій Петрович
Сартр Жан-Поль
Свифт Джонатан
Сегюр София де
Селиванова Марина Станіславівна
Семин Павло Вікторович, Чирків Володимир Єгорович
Сервантес Сааведра Мигель де
Сергиенко Олеся Сергіївна, Князькова Вікторія Сергіївна, Матурова Маркету
Сименон Жорж
Ситнікова Катерина Валеріївна
Скотт Вальтер
Смирнова Наталія Вікторівна
Смит Джон М. У.
Соболєв Сергій А.
Соболева Людмила Геннадьевна
Солонцова Людмила Павловна
Сончжон Син
Сорбера Сильвестра
Спенсер Майкл
Стаут Тімоті Г.
Стаут Тимоти Г., Хаконэ Каори
Степанян Дарій
Стефаник Василь
Стивенсон Роберт Люіс
Стокетт Кэтрин
Стороженко Олекса
Стрільців Олексій Олександрович
Стус Василь Семенович
Сыщикова Олександра Миколаївна
Сяопэн Цзин
Сяоци Ли, Сюэмэй Жэнь
Сяоци Ли, Сюэмэй Жэнь, Цзиннин Сюй
Тагиль Иван Петрович
Таранів Андрій Михайлович
Тарасова Ганна Валеріївна
Тарасова Татьяна
Татьянченко Наталія Петрівна
Твен Марк
Теккерей Уільям Мейкпис
Тимофєєва Євгенія Андріївна
Тимофєєва Євгенія Андріївна, Мепсхен Тея
Тичина Павло Григорович
Тома Людвіг
Тонсик Ким
Трофименко Татьяна Георгиевна
Трубицина Ольга Іванівна
Трубицина Ольга Іванівна, Сухова Наталія Олександрівна
Тумановская Марія Петрівна, Ткаченко Наталія Олександрівна
Тучина Наталія Василівна, Жарковська Інна Валеріївна, Меркулова Тетяна Костянтинівна, Красовицька Ладу Євгенівна, Крівчикова Галина Федорівна, Зайцева Ніна Олександрівна, Каминін Ігор Миколайович, Колеснік Марина Володимирівна
Тучина Наталія Василівна, Жарковська Інна Валеріївна, Невська Юлія Володимирівна, Сазонова Ярослава Юріївна
Тучина Наталія Василівна, Меркулова Тетяна Костянтинівна, Красовицька Ладу Євгенівна, Крівчикова Галина Федорівна, Зайцева Ніна Олександрівна, Каминін Ігор Миколайович, Колеснік Марина Володимирівна
Тучина Наталія Василівна, Перлова Вікторія Володимирівна
Тымбай Олексій Олексійович
Тюленева Тетяна Євгеніївна
Тюлькин Ю. С.
Уайльд Оскар
Уайтвик Джейн
Уайтвик Джейн, Багли Хелен
Узорова Ольга Василівна, Нефедова Олена Олексіївна
Ушакова Ольга Дмитрівна
Уэбстер Джин
Уэллс Герберт Джордж
Фаллада Ханс
Фарзалиев Акиф Мамедович
Федченко Валентина Володимирівна
Фейк Ганна
Филиппова Татьяна Валентиновна
Фицджеральд Фрэнсис Скотт Кэй
Флойд Джон М.
Франк Ілля Михайлович
Фурсенко Світлана Василівна
Харди Томас
Харитонова Ірина Вікторівна, Байкина Катерина Вадимівна, Крилов Іван Сергійович, Новікова Катерина Леонідівна, Федорова Софья Володимирівна
Хведелидзе Мзия, Габечава Роза
Хейли Артур
Хисматулина Наталія Володимирівна
Ходжсон Бёрнетт Фрэнсис-Элиза
Хокесворт Селия
Холлингер Шеннон
Хохарина Мария
Хронопуло Лиала Юрьевна
Царегородцев А. А.
Царегородцев Анатолій Анатолійович
Цвейг Стефан
Цзиннин Сюй
Цинь Се
Чапек Карел
Чарчоглян Наира Олександрівна
Черкасова Любов Миколаївна
Чернышов С. И., Чернышова А. В.
Чечина Аліса А.
Чжию Юн
Чжонcун Чо, Наён Пак, Дахе Ку
Чимирис Юлия Вячеславовна
Чинмен Ан, Кена Ли, Хуен Хан
Чинмен Ан, Лагоджений Мін
Чой Ян Сун
Чуприна Олена Сергіївна
Шалаева Галина Петрівна
Шарикова Галина Васильевна
Шаряфетдинов Рамиль Хайдярович
Шафрановская Людмила Игоревна, Пименова Ольга Вячеславовна
Шевелева Светлана Александровна
Шевчук Валерій
Шекспир Уильям
Шетэля Віктор Мечиславович
Шипилова Олена
Ширвани Харун
Ширяєва Ірина Володимирівна
Шишкова Ірина Олексіївна, Вербовская Маргарита Юхимівна
Шишкова Ирина Алексеевна
Шишкова Ирина Алексеевна, Эксмо (новый каталог БЕЗ ПОДПИСКИ) Литагент
Шлопак Татьяна Геннадьевна
Шоу Джордж Бернард
Шпаковский Володимир Францевич, Шпаковская Інна Володимирівна
Штиф Кристині, Штанг Крістіан
Шторм Теодор
Щербацкий Анджей, Котовский Марек
Щетинина Олександра Тариэльевна
Эккерсли Карл Эварт
Эпосы, легенди і оповіді
Юаньмань Лю
Юдина Галина С.
Ягодкин Микола
Ярушкин Олександр Олександрович
Ярушкина Тетяна Семенівна
Яшина Марія Геннадьевна, Буэно Томмазо
‘Ali ibn ‘Usman Hujviri