A "theatre" (1937) is the known novel of Сомерсета Моэма.Thin, caustically-ironical history of brilliant, clever actress, marking the "crisis of middle of life" a novel with...
History of domestic clan of representatives of large bourgeoisie, in whose fates as in a mirror the fate of England was reflected on a critical period end of two centuries....
"Futurist Mafarka. The African Novel" is a full-fledged "slap in the face of public taste" delivered by T. F. Marinetti in 1909, shortly after the Futurist Manifesto...
Early novel of Альбера Камю "Happy death", undoubtedly, will interest a reader, because hides in itself many riddles. Roman was not published in the time of life ав...
"Observer" (1930) written in Berlin - one of the most enigmatic and witty Russians of works of Vladimir Набокова, in that the all basic showed up oh...
"From some trouble a train two hours stood on a whistle stop and came to Moscow only in three with a half.It distressed I Натку Шегалову, because Sevastopol...
A man "lived in-field near the Blue mountains. He worked much, and works not reduced, and he can not leave home in vacation.Finally, when a winter came, he совс...
"I told to him about the first love. After we were long quiet. Finally he began to speak quietly, as if speaking себе:- it Is not, my first love was another. Верне...
An exquisite novel that mixes and intertwines the times of action, and the summer spent by the wealthy Ramsey family on the Isle of Skye turns out to be...
“The year 1647 was amazing, in which various phenomena in heaven and on earth foreshadowed disasters and extraordinary events for the people. The chroniclers of that time say ...