In the memoirs of Гейнц Гудериан, standing at the sources of creation of tank troops and belonging to the elite of top military management of nazi Germany, расска...
Attention of readers gets the last book of lieutenant-general А.И. Деникина is "Way of the Russian officer". Immediate death did not give an opportunity of генер...
""Дроздовцы afire" - not remembrances and not history are a living book on living, battle true about what it was been afire, what must be and unavoidable there will be р...
Ким Филби - one of the most famous spies of the XX century, and it is written about him quite a bit. However the investigation of the British writer-historian Ben Макинтайра,.
Character of treading on East front hitlerites on motor cycles with carriages became a reading-book - however motor cycles were successfully used not only in Вермахт...
Completest encyclopaedia of СС, not having equal neither in Russian language, nor abroad! All about "guard detachments" of Hitler, their structure and ideology, command...
The mysterious owners of Лубянки attract our interest. Among them there were figures bright and mediocre, people, in truth determining politics of country, and simple исп...
This book is a recital of writer-historian Gennady Соколова of secrets of famous "scandal of century" - put the British secretary of war John Профьюмо. Then, in 19...
Basic principles that allow to the man to survive on war are presented in this book. Experience of soldiery specialists passing not became a base for recommendations ...